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Everything posted by tjb_altf4

  1. Alternative option: If you don't use Emby and the gaming server simultaneously, you could set Emby up in a VM so you can utilize the GPU for hardware transcoding when not gaming. Or even setup emby server on your gaming VM.
  2. Found this plugin recently, would have saved my bacon many times over if I had of found it years ago.
  3. I've found windows to be pretty gracious in handling the iscsi disks coming online and offline, which often happens as I'm doing maintenance on the array.
  4. You can, but for a given PWM header, you can either let BIOS control it, or override it in the plugin. For instance, on my mobo the CPU fan controller is accessible in the plugin, I can override it, but I let bios manage it and it ramps up and down with usage/temp as you would expect. Perhaps you just need to split out your fans to different headers to get the balance of control you need?
  5. Moved back to latest today, latest build seems to be all good!
  6. Don't forget to replace all the cables, even if they seem compatible with the new PSU, they may be wired differently... or simply one of them might have been a contributing factor to the PSU failure
  7. I think there have been some solid efficiencies introduced in the new chia plotter, my CPU is barely trying with 10 parallel plots. It used to be at +80% usage, lets see how 14 jobs in parallel go haha
  8. Currently waiting on EKWB support to provide replacement hardware. When I dialed the mounting hardware in to the correct spec the mounting hardware turned to cheese, EK don't seem to provide spares with their blocks anymore (even their crazy priced ones). I'm pretty sure I'm stuck waiting a few weeks before the build can progress. I've done a test run at low mounting pressure and there is potential for some decent performance there, can't wait until I can mount it properly and use it anger! Currently the RGB colour puke is linked to CPU temp thresholds, but might have to switch to orange for the final iteration...
  9. I'll be super bummed if multi array isn't in the 6.10 release, I really want to isolate my chia adventures from my other data. Unraid itself has solved so many issues others have struggled to resolve without using 3rd party tools. FYI, you can mount drives into a folder, instead of as drive letter to get around the windows drive letter limitations.
  10. Had lots of problems with IO sending farm response times through the roof when I had my final directory on the array. Ended up creating a RAID0 array of 2x HDD as a faster "final" directory, then transferring to array with rsync + ionice. I am now running 4 plot transfers at a time with zero impacts to response times As long as all dirs are mapped to the chia app (and added in its config), there is never any plot downtime
  11. I did a test plot yesterday and it was at least 30% faster
  12. According to docs it is: chia plotnft create -u https://poolnamehere.com I think the -s pool is not needed as it is indicated by the pool parameter, but it shouldn't hurt to leave it there.
  13. This is a quick start guide for users migrating from previous version (solo plots), but more info is available here in the official pooling guide: https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/wiki/Pooling-User-Guide New plots on this release require creation of a single NFT, this is the mechanism that is used to direct which pool you want to join for new plots (including self pooling). NFT creation requires mojo (tiny amount of XCH currency), if you haven't already, go over to official Chia faucet and follow the prompts to add mojo for free to your wallet. https://faucet.chia.net/ For those that are waiting for their pool of choice to become available, you can create a self-pool NFT using the following command from Unraid terminal: docker exec -it chia chia plotnft create -s local You will be asked to confirm, if agreed you will get a transaction ID. Process is slightly different if joining a pool immediately, please consult the official guide linked above. You can now retrieve your NFT address, pooling state and other details with this command on the Unraid terminal: docker exec -it chia chia plotnft show Read the addresses descriptions carefully, the NFT (singleton) is very clearly marked as being an address for plotting. Use this address when creating plots. When creating a new plot, the new -c switch followed by the NFT (singleton) address is used. Reading the help documentation, it seems the -p switch no longer required when using -c switch -c, --pool_contract_address TEXT Address of where the pool reward will be sent to. Only used if alt_fingerprint and pool public key are None -f, --farmer_public_key TEXT Hex farmer public key -p, --pool_public_key TEXT Hex public key of pool WARNING: if self pooling, you need to manually claim rewards, if you forget and you join a pool, the pool can claim those rewards you have forgotten to claim.
  14. Chia 1.2.0 aka release for portable plots (pooling) is out!
  15. I think you are looking at CPU clock, not RAM clock.
  16. Part 3. Last year I felt it was time to upgrade my workstation/gaming-rig... well covid and its supply chain shocks ruined that. Things are better now, and I've recently picked up a 5950X and a 3090, which I will be watercooling with some nice EKWB bits and some more 3D printed parts I've designed. This will be replacing my aging 7700K build in my second RSV-L4500, while the Titan X(p) in there currently will be rehomed to the server, hopefully for use as a "daily" development VM. At this stage, the workstation/game-rig build will be a Unraid build, centered around virtualisation and some supporting dockers, with only a minimum storage footprint, with "fortytwo" remaining the primary NAS and appserver. As I've been sending walls of text, here's a pic of the (slow) progress
  17. Part 2. At this point my RSV-L4500 is max capacity, but I still have drives I want to add (mutil-array when??). I dusted off my 3D printer from my recent house move, jumped into CAD and designed a simple prototype to gauge how I could expand capacity, while maximising airflow to drives. At this point I should be able to jump from 15 HDDs to 24, being conservative with airflow gaps... with room in the case to expand to 36 Hoping to finalize that design this weekend, do some testing and get that into the server pending getting the cables I need
  18. Part 1. For about 5 years I've had a 2TB WD Blue (xfs) that has been hammered with torrents all day every day,. About 6 months ago I had a random disconnect from it, but came good after a restart. Well its happened again, twice in the last few days in fact, so I took that as a warning of impending doom! I had been putting off migrating my downloads from an unassigned device to its own pool (now that 6.9 has unleashed multi-pools upon us). I put it off as I knew this would mean remapping about 10 dockers and a bunch of data migration... I guess no time like when the missus is on night shift and the kiddies are sleeping So the solution you ask? Well I upgraded my array from 4TB drives to 10TB drives this time last year and not really found a use so far, so I've grabbed 2 of those 4TB Reds in RAID0 btrfs pool. This pool will be a scratch pool that will be a dumping ground for all sorts of in progress stuff that is highly replaceable: downloads, video conversion jobs, temp folders etc.
  19. I reckon you could probably drop that further by selling off the cpu/mobo and setting it up as a DAS. Would just need an expander per 1U, and HBA to control it all. @sota you would probably be able to get more drives in too, you'd have awesome drive density with 12-16 HDD per U 😁
  20. The cost is in USD, no regional pricing as far as I'm aware. A basic license (6 devices) which is USD$59 would be around $75-80 Australian dollars depending on currency rates and fees etc.
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