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Everything posted by tjb_altf4

  1. Take a look at docker folder plugin, this can group the icons under a "folder", which you can select an icon and even add context menu entries for custom commands such as docker compose i.e. compose up/down. It's a little bit more work than setting up an unraid template, but it beats reinventing the wheel with complex compose deployments.
  2. Caveat: I still need to confirm this 100% as a pool rebuild is taking time so I can't examine the disk. So in the process of adding more storage to one of my pools, I accidentally added an unassigned disk ('storage') I normally use as a separate pool (not converted it to pool yet). I didn't notice my mistake initially, but needed to restart to reconfigure some drives... no array start has occurred yet. On next reboot, still no array start array since reconfig, I noticed my mistake and unallocated that drive from the pool. At this point the 'storage' disk is not part of the pool, all allocations are correct, array has just started. Currently one of my pools is rebuilding (taking a while as its a large disk), however the unassigned disk ('storage') is not mounting, and logs show Oct 9 17:13:01 fortytwo unassigned.devices: Adding disk '/dev/sdi1'... Oct 9 17:13:01 fortytwo unassigned.devices: Mounting partition '/dev/sdi1' at mountpoint '/mnt/disks/storage'... Oct 9 17:13:01 fortytwo unassigned.devices: No filesystem detected on '/dev/sdi1'. Oct 9 17:13:01 fortytwo unassigned.devices: Partition 'WDC_WD40EZRZ-xxxxCB0_WD-WCCxxxxxxxx' cannot be mounted. following this one Oct 9 17:12:17 fortytwo root: Device /dev/sdi1 is not a valid LUKS device. Oct 9 17:12:17 fortytwo emhttpd: shcmd (369): exit status: 1 Oct 9 17:12:17 fortytwo emhttpd: shcmd (370): /sbin/wipefs -a /dev/sdi1 Oct 9 17:12:17 fortytwo root: /dev/sdi1: 4 bytes were erased at offset 0x00000000 (xfs): 58 46 53 42 At this point I don't know if its being held back from mounting for the btrfs operation, or whether its actually gone, but the wipe command does not look promising. note: the BTRFS operation looks like it has another 1.5 - 2 days before it completes. fortytwo-diagnostics-20211010-0952.zip
  3. Added another H310 HBA via M.2 adaptor, so now I have another 8 drives hooked up... thinking about moving all this to another case (JBOD build), wiring is getting out of control and hard to manage nicely. Also concerned on temp management as we're going into summer and I do like to lean on the 1950x from time to time... something for me to monitor over time. Anyway, this is good enough for now, I've got the expansion I wanted, next stop is making some custom power cables to help fix up cable management.
  4. Click on the VM name next to icon (blue text)
  5. You should know if you are running syslog server, as you didn't know, it's probably been turned on accidentally, so you should disabled it in settings. If you did mean to have syslog running, then enable log rotation as the log file has reached the maximum supported size.
  6. Settings > Syslog Server You should know if you are running syslog server, but sounds like you may have accidentally enabled syslog as @trurl was leading I can see in your logs that rsyslog is starting Oct 6 02:22:43 Tower rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.2002.0" x-pid="1899" x-info="https://www.rsyslog.com"] start
  7. The licence is tied to the usb guid, this is also enforced for the trial, hence no bootable ISO. During the trial it will also need internet access to validate the trial period. Also note that virtualized Unraid is not officially supported, but this forum is here for those that choose to do it anyway. Virtualbox can certainly support usb passthough, so there is no physical blockers to running a trial in Virtualbox, as long as you have a physical usb key with unraid installed.
  8. USB Manager might fit your needs, instead of passing an entire controller through.
  9. Going to take a guess that you have a limited amount of PCIe lanes, and one of your m.2s is using the lanes from the PCIe slot you want to use. I'd recommend consulting the motherboard manual and see if you can move around PCIe slots and/or M.2 slots so all are active.
  10. If you use the docker folder plugin you can already add your compose commands to the parent folder i.e. compose up, compose down. as context menu items like the native Unraid UI. With the label support coming in 6.10, it should start to integrate nicely with the UI.
  11. It's because your containers are using another container for networking i.e. delugevpn When that main container gets updated the ID changes so it breaks subsequent updates of the others. There was supposed to be a possible workaround coming in Unraid, but you could also try the rebuild-dndc container.
  12. Well... first reboot in 2 months, and I now see the incompatibility warning banner! Funny thing is I've used 6.9.2 and this version of preclear a few times in the last few months and its worked just fine. I think this might be something driven from CA that @gfjardim needs to make a (hopefully) small update for.
  13. So I needed a good base to move forward with, so I've got my existing drives moved into the new caddy system... success! Post fitment, there are definitely a number of things to fix in a v2 design, but my god it is so much quieter... and I've got 13 extra bays to work with! WIN-WIN. For all headaches, this has been a great upgrade so far. Spaghetti test run:
  14. BTRFS in the array are individual files systems, which even that article (that pulls no punches) says is fine.
  15. After a long wait for some components, and a few hiccups with my 3d printer, v1 disk caddy is nearly ready. To recap, this will take me from a 15 drive capacity, to 28 drives, with only slightly more space usage. This new design should also be quieter than the standard rosewill setup, as I am moving from 120mm to 140mm fans, which while running slower can produce more pressure and airflow... lets see how that goes! I ended up making a few design compromises for simplicities sake as I was crushed for time (and have storage to deploy!), but will address these shortcomings in a v2 design.
  16. I'm on 6.9.2 also and same preclear version and I'm not seeing that warning.
  17. On Windows, RDP does this out of the box, click "More..." and you'll find options that should cover what you need. For a tablet, I'd dig into settings and see if something similar exists, but on my Android phone using (Microsoft) RD client I can attach phone storage to the session.
  18. Try installing Dynamix System Temp, and make sure your fans are detected in the settings. I've always had the Airflow panel, but only started using Autofan recently.
  19. The plugin was probably installed before the dashboard was implemented in Unraid, I know that's the case for me as I thought Airflow was a core metric up until now.
  20. Just wanted to update I've been able to successfully get nested virtualisation running on my AMD 1950x after a few fails over the previous years. Use case for needing this is to use Docker Desktop as part of my integrated development toolset. So what did I need to do? I set the following via a script (SpaceInvader's from memory) modprobe -r kvm_amd modprobe kvm_amd nested=1 After creating a backup of my vdisk in case the changes bricked my VM, I installed docker desktop, which then required WSL2 installed (WSL2 is basically a mini hyper-v vm). So installed WSL2, rebooted... the reboot never recovered oh crap... force stop. Started VM one more time to see if it would recover... woohoo everything is working now These are the same steps I had tried on previous attempts, so a newer kernel/qemu and/or windows has made this possible.
  21. 1.2.6 is out with bug fixes for excessive memory usage. It is highly recommended to upgrade to this release, as the excessive memory usage conditions may return in coming weeks if you haven't upgraded. Full detail here: https://www.chia.net/2021/09/10/important-version-1.2.6-information.en.html
  22. here in the Prometheus targets: The old GT 710 doesn't export a lot of metrics, but I've had other "good" cards that don't export 100% of metrics and return N/As, so I thought it was worth raising... but otherwise feel free to ignore
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