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Everything posted by tjb_altf4

  1. https://riser.maxcloudon.com/en/bifurcated-risers/22-bifurcated-riser-x16-to-4x4-set.html https://riser.maxcloudon.com/en/bifurcated-risers/25-bifurcated-riser-x16-to-2x8-set.html I have the 4x4 set at home ready to test
  2. The expand icon (highlighted below) seem to no longer do anything, the previous functionality was that it would show an expanded list of mappings (where applicable). I haven't used it for a while, so not sure how new this issue is. Applies to both Port Mapping, and Volume Mapping columns, in both advanced and basic views. Haven't tested in safe mode yet, so it's always possible there is a plugin impacting this functionality.
  3. You need to left click on the vm's icon for the context menu with that option.
  4. "user " is now a reserved share name in 6.9+, that's the likely reason its not showing up.
  5. if a run command fails due after editing, you can actually go back with the browser controls and you can fix your mistake and resubmit
  6. Needs to allow a whitelist if implemented, there will always be use cases that will require access to non-local addresses... particularly for troubleshooting and recovery.
  7. This might help you out. https://www.spxlabs.com/blog/2020/12/30/workaround-for-dns-rebinding-protection-on-the-udm-pro-and-unraid-ssl-provisioning
  8. Start, then restart VM Restart VM again Open Disk Manager (diskmgmt.msc) Select your Windows partition, and extend into unallocated
  9. Patch panel itself doesn't do anything, but at the same time it won't hinder a PoE switch or PoE injector's operation either.
  10. Have a look at patch panels with keystones, rather than punchdown, this might suit your usage better. For PoE, either your switch will pass through the PoE current, or I suppose you could use PoE injectors with your patch panel.
  11. Mine worked without it also, but I believe this setting is needed for routing traffic from other containers though this one.
  12. Refer to instructions at A.23 there is a toggle for unraid users. You will also need to add --sysctl="net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1" as per A.23
  13. I set up a separate PrivoxyVPN container for all my searcher apps, that way they shouldn't be impacted by heavy loads (or my own maintenance) in the delugevpn container. PIA is pretty generous and gives you 10 simultaneous connections.
  14. Last week I setup a new Windows Server 2019 (1809) VM and took a while to get SMB up and running, thought this would be applicable for Win10 installs also. Most of these tips are on here so I won't go into great detail about how to do them, but I thought I'd post my summary of "from scratch" changes that got me from fresh install to connected to unraid via SMB. - Needed for guest access GPO: Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Network\Lanman Workstation > “Enable insecure guest logons" = Enabled - Needed for secure/private access... guest access to same server will block secure/private server access As my username was different to SMB configured usernames, I added the record into Credential Manager (Windows) - Needed to 'find' server Networking: Ensure Network profile is Private Turn on network discovery, if setting won't save ensure these services are running (in services.msc) · DNS Client · Function Discovery Resource Publication · SSDP Discovery · UPnP Device Host Not sure if it matters, but my VM was also configured on br0 rather than virtbr0
  15. Try and upgrade the plugin prior to updating Unraid, worst case scenario is it will fail to install after reboot in new Unraid version and you will need to reinstall the plugin. I upgraded prior to the plugin update being ready, so I had to do the latter.
  16. Reinstalled the updated Nvidia plugin (as well as DVB, iSCSI & Mellanox), and all are back up and running in 6.9.1 Thanks!
  17. Something I noticed, when I temporarily lost some driver plugins. When I have iSCSI/Nvidia/Mellanox/DVB plugins (and associated drivers) installed, I only have 1 CPU @ 100%... as soon as they are uninstalled I have 2 CPUs @ 100%
  18. BTW, great to see an update already, great work team
  19. Can this change also be applied to the VNC password field in VMs as per this existing feature request?
  20. @ich777 will need to update his driver plugins for the new kernel, users that rely on Nvidia, iSCSI, DVB, Mellanox (and maybe more) plugins should keep that in mind before updating
  21. From memory, it will also pop up with a press any key to boot from CD/DVD prompt... but often is too quick (damn SSDs!) and has already dropped to shell by the time VNC is established.
  22. Might need to change the bus type for the install media, USB or SATA should work, pretty sure the default (IDE) always results in the screen above for me.
  23. I'm guessing you missed adding --runtime=nvidia to extra parameters, as mentioned in the video around 10:00
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