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Everything posted by tjb_altf4

  1. Yep, I've had this setup for a few years now, works easily with both API and black hole methods.
  2. Site performance seems to be back to normal BTW
  3. Under Account Settings for those looking Also enjoying the Fluid width setting! (under the customizer toggle)
  4. For number 2, you remove the LSIO plugin and install the Nvidia-Driver plugin. The Nvidia-Driver installs the driver and the Nvidia docker framework for GPU acceleration in dockers... and it does it in a way that you don't need a custom kernel like the old plugin. I haven't gotten around to the realignment, but you can choose XFS or BTRFS for a single disk, but BTRFS is still the only choice for a pool of disks.
  5. Not sure if typical for all setups, but certainly for me even with no dockers running and no processes utilising a GPU, it would hard lock the server if I tried to start a VM with the GPU passed (with drivers loaded). Binding GPU to VFIO driver avoided this situation. With 1 GPU bound to VFIO it can be used for VMs... Another GPU remains for host(GUI) and docker.
  6. A little slower, but it's clearly going through some sort of migration at the moment, given the theme has changed etc. Give it a day IMO
  7. The new position alignments for SSDs would have been beneficial, but there should be a good chunk of performance improving when we go to a newer kernel as the current kernel has a BTRFS performance regression bug.
  8. Try resetting the minimum free space (set to 0KB), that is the only difference I can see to my own config that works as you would expect.
  9. Set per pool now by the look of it, if you go Main > Cache (or whatever the pool name is), the Minimum free space option is there.
  10. Can you screenshot your (Photography) share settings
  11. You probably created it yourself, if you omit a name it generates one for you https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/master/pkg/namesgenerator/names-generator.go
  12. I tested it quite a bit before posting to double check it worked as intended. Only thing I can think you should try is creating the symlink on disk 1, to ensure its the first disk it tries to write to. Mine was created on disk2, which was the first disk that participated in the share (for writing)
  13. A couple things to try: make sure your user access is setup correctly for the new share, i.e. can you create a folder in the other parts of the share try deleting the symlink and recreating See if that fixes things
  14. The keystrokes you need to do are hold Ctrl, press X, release Ctrl, press S Holding Ctrl for X+S is a symlink edit shortcut, hence the error. You should also remove the Processing folder on disk6 You will get a symlink already exists error, as it the content will already be present. Remember the cache folder you created will exist in the user share as unraid still looks at the cache, its only the mover and initial file creation for the share that is ignoring that folder. In MC, just delete the symlink (not the real folder!). You can then do a move to the array if needed, or simply change you cache preferences and let mover take care of it
  15. Dockers will be started up sequentially (but effectively at the same time), in the order on the docker page. On the docker page, in advanced view, you can specify a start delay between specific dockers being started if needed.
  16. For docker, It still needs a (display) driver installed on the host. if it worked with XBMC, you could try installing the DVB plugin and installing the LibreELEC driver pack, a good chance the driver is included there already.
  17. This is how I would approach it: Create Photography share with cache settings set to "No", Manually create a folder on the cache i.e. /mnt/cache/Photography/Processing/ Symlink the cache folder to a folder on one of the array disks, in the Photography folder. New files added to Processing will land on the cache, everything else will land on array. Please test this thoroughly, however it works as intended for me. in 6.9 onwards you can utilise multiple cache pools to create the Processing folder on a different cache pool for the same effect, while retaining the primary cache for the rest of the photocraphy share... not tested that method but should work also. Also note also you can easily create symlinks in MC using the ctrl+x + s combo while highlighting the folder you want symlink created for, and the other panel with destination.
  18. I installed Solidworks 2018 in a VM no issue (mid 2019), it was an EDU license and activated just fine. There was nothing special about my config, just the default win10 template. As that's probably of no use to you, I would look at approaches to mask virtualization, like needed by some for nvidia gpus
  19. OK lots of movement in the last few days. 12U rack build and rails attached to rack + cases Unraid server migrated over to RSV-L4500 case CPU cooler changed to the previously mentioned U9 to fit in the 4U form factor... its comically smaller than the U14S, but seems to keep up for now. With only 8 of 15 bays populated, I can already see the advantages of a backplane loi... maybe the next project. Have some more additions for the server coming, but for today I wanted to stay at the same baseline as much as possible in case I needed to troubleshoot problems.
  20. Would have happened around the time I upgraded from RC1 to RC2, but don't recall any issues on first boot... but may have appeared in subsequent reboots. FYI Nvidia plugin had no issues
  21. A third tab appeared in the Plugins page called Plugins with Errors, or something to that effect. May have been like that since the last reboot, not sure. These were already installed plugins without issue at the time of install and I happened across them in this error state by chance, a delete and reinstall fixed up the issue.
  22. Yes RC2. I've got about a week uptime, so not after a restart... I have however updated my BIOS in the day or so prior to last reboot. Only thing of note happening on the system in the last 24 hrs was a scheduled monthly parity check. No pfsense or pihole (running a Unifi USG as edge router).
  23. Not sure if something screwy with my system, CA changes or something else, but the ISCSI, Mellanox & DVB plugins all went into an error state and I had to delete and reinstall to restore.
  24. Pretty happy with my UPS purchase, power has been a little choppy this year with brownouts or blackouts at least once a month. I picked up a Cyberpower PR2200ELCDSL to support multiple systems and I then control it in the Unraid UPS panel (apcupsd) and it has worked a treat.
  25. I made the move when it hit RC, and it's been solid. You can always roll back if you hit any immediate issues.
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