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Everything posted by tjb_altf4

  1. Try these DNS addresses: https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/helpdesk/kb/articles/next-generation-dns-custom-configuration
  2. Running Mellanox ConnectX-3 (dual sfp+ ethernet) on my Unraid server (not specifically that motherboard though), with the same on my win10 workstation, direct connection. Never had any issues, good performance, easy to setup etc.
  3. @ich777 so this would also mean we could have iSCSI support in stock Unraid with the right modules loaded and plugin (that you are working on). I'm excited if that's the case! (and I'm already super excited about 6.9)
  4. Sounds like a networking issue. You might need to clear the ARP cache, its probably still associating the Unraid IP address with the MAC address of your old motherboard. Alternatively you can power cycle your network gear and should give the same result. Some of the more network savvy guys on here might be able to provide more guidance
  5. If the GPU and monitor support it, it should work. Could be a driver issue? 4K works with my passed thru 1060
  6. This issue is still happening, logs show this on repeat (wireguard connection) 2020-11-09 10:59:03,623 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: 0 2020-11-09 11:00:38,903 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [info] Successfully assigned and bound incoming port '41561' 2020-11-09 11:15:39,838 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [info] Successfully assigned and bound incoming port '41561' 2020-11-09 11:29:30,654 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: 0 2020-11-09 11:29:34,772 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [warn] Incoming port site 'https://portchecker.co/' failed to web scrape, marking as failed I can connect to UI and STRICT_PORT_FORWARD is enabled, so there is an established vpn connection (based on previous experience), but nothing actually connects. Restart the container and everything starts to connect again. Other than that its working quite well.
  7. Not using ZFS, but this is a nice solution as it collects smart data so you can get historic data. Works for all drive devices, not just array/cache
  8. Most trackers I'm on have a banned list that you cannot use, and an approved list that is supported/preferred, leaving a grey area for certain clients and/or versions of those clients. I would do some research on your tracker's forums etc to see if there is a grey area that allows use of these version of deluge.
  9. Created to facilitate Host access to custom networks functionality you have enabled in Docker
  10. Try the 6.9 beta, it has a newer kernel which I believe should have this driver as it landed in the kernel just after the intel/realtek 2.5G drivers (which are in the 6.9 beta).
  11. Seeing an issue from time to time where vpn connection is active, but nothing downloads or uploads. I actually saw it in the last few days of using legacy + deluge 1.3, and assumed the old servers were cactus. The only fix is to restart the container then everything comes to life again. Is this something others are seeing? Maybe something happening in the PIA network?
  12. What version of unraid are you on? 6.8 or later is required for Wireguard
  13. Do you have privileged enabled in the template? Make sure you've set it as per Binhex's updated documentation for wireguard https://hub.docker.com/r/binhex/arch-delugevpn On my setup I haven't needed to use sysctl="net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1" arg, I'm not sure what conditions this is needed? @binhex
  14. Agree with the feature request, but I don't think it will impact many users, yet. Rate limit kicks in at 100 pulls in a 6 hour period, however I could see a future where they would require all users to authenticate to pull images. If anyone hits this in the meantime, should be easy to setup a docker login script to run on array start.
  15. Try this XML edit as well setting Q35-2.6
  16. The next step is usually where it uses the name server, so I would check what values you have set for NAME_SERVERS (DNS) For DNS, I use PIA's new (internal network), Google & Cloudflare,,,,,
  17. What time does your mover run? Mine runs at runs at 330am daily when the array is not active (faster moving) and the impact of the mover is unlikely to impact me.
  18. Have you updated your delugevpn image to latest and used the next-gen OpenVPN files?
  19. Logs are telling you exactly what is happening. PIA endpoint 'spain.privacy.network' is not in the list of endpoints that support port forwarding. Please consider switching to one of the endpoints shown e.g. spain.privateinternetaccess.com
  20. "Yes" setting works with both next-gen openvpn and wireguard
  21. Yeah not sure, like I said I still had a connection to the endpoint (Spain), but the endpoint was not connecting externally. That said, happy with getting this task done a week before PIA have said legacy is scheduled to be cut off.
  22. OK seems that I needed to add the DNSWatch IPs from the newer template config to get everything working again. Finally migrated from my crusty v1 setup, v2 feels very snappy! Anyone have a good replacement for the seedtime plugin that works with v2 ? EDIT: Found a fork that has been updated for v2 compatibility, happy days vanossj/deluge-seedtime
  23. Up and running with wireguard version inside of 5min on my testing instance, good work @binhex for making this so easy
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