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Everything posted by Michael_P

  1. Anecdotally, I had my security DVR in my attic, where it'd EASILY hit 130F and up here in FL, and the hard disk couldn't care less recording 24/7 all day in the 50's. Ran up there for 4 years before lightning took out the dvr mobo. The hard disk was still fine. YMMV. If it's under 60, don't stress too much as it's more likely something else is gonna break the drive or cause data loss, or you'll just upgrade for capacity. Just keep good backups.
  2. Boost clock speed is nearly a ghz higher on the 11900, that's nothing to sneeze at and will beat the brakes off of an 11700, but probably not worth the cost if you don't need the extra horsepower
  3. Since it does not enable the error light when it's unplugged after boot, probably not driven by a sensing circuit
  4. V/C=R 12 / .08 = 150 V*C=W (resistor needs to be able to handle this wattage) 12 * 0.8 = .96 so it needs to be rated for at least 1w
  5. Probably end up heating the drives UP instead of cooling them down, considering the water temp could end up averaging ~40C or more
  6. Jason had problems with his EVGA 1KW PSU too - warranty it if you can
  7. I 3D printed a custom shroud to hold 3 120mm fans to keep my drives happy in the Florida heat
  8. Love a cheap build (my daily driver desktop is still an i7-2600), but that's a lot of ask for that CPU, and note you won't be able to pass any hardware to your VM without VT-d support
  9. In general, any reallocated sectors indicates problems with the disk. Your level of risk tolerance is the only deciding factor, personally for me - 1 is enough to RMA.
  10. Dunno about Snapraid, but Wendell got ZFS going on Unraid, if you're hell bent on serving the bit rot bogeyman https://forum.level1techs.com/t/zfs-on-unraid-lets-do-it-bonus-shadowcopy-setup-guide-project/148764
  11. You don't "own" Unraid, you own a non-transferrable license to use Unraid according to the terms you agreed to when you purchased your license.
  12. Second vote for bulk rename utitlity, it has so many options
  13. Could be, but the OP mentioned assigning it to a Plex container, I was curious as to why - I have a few of those 1030s laying around so if there's a good reason to use them, I'm all ears
  14. I'm curious, the 1030 doesn't have NVENC so why bother?
  15. Your drives are pretty warm, do you have enough airflow for the HBA?
  16. Use something like UrBackup to make incremental backups regularly to the array
  17. Video in top slot HBA in the second NIC in the third
  18. Here's the nVidia GPU matrix, it shows the capabilities and limitations for their cards https://developer.nvidia.com/video-encode-and-decode-gpu-support-matrix-new
  19. All day, every day - especially for 4k. You're just limited by the number of streams locked on the card, as you already know
  20. Does the E5-2640 V2 even have an integrated GPU? The P1000 should run circles around it.
  21. Battery probably isn't really 100% - with a load on the UPS, trip the breaker, if the UPS shuts down then it's most likely the battery.
  22. This is a Bad Idea™️ UnRaid should not be exposed to the internet, only individual services/dockers/VMs should. Direct outside access should only be made available through a VPN.
  23. Opening 22 to the WAN is a Bad Idea™️ - better option would be to use a VPN
  24. If you're checking to see if it's open on the WAN side, doesn't matter what machine runs the check it'll still hit the WAN IP. If you see a response, it's open to the WAN.
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