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Everything posted by chris_netsmart

  1. I have been looking around to see if there is a way to get Telegraf to collect information from qnap and Corsair PSU. so far all I have found are instructions for Linux to install the two resources, but I haven't found anything for Unraid. does anyone know of a good source that I can go and read up on ?
  2. has anything try this and I am trying to find some useful information that will help me in setting up my Grafana dashboard to monitor my QNAPS I have found like lot of information, that would be useful if I was running my Grafana environment on a Linux box, I am able to monitor my unraid / Plex and VMs with no issues but I would also like to extend this to monitor my QNAP.
  3. I hope that all helps. it is not as clean as spaceinvaderone videos but I think I have basics covered
  4. NOTE: I have taking information from 3rd Party websites and joined them together I have place the links and sites within his post. First we will set up Grafana and get it to monitor the Unraid environment requirements · running Docker service on your unRAID machine · Community Applications installed on your system · SSH access to your unRAID machine (alternatively, a file management application like Krusader or direct share access to your appdata folder) Used Software · InfluxDB - Database solution for storing all of our metrics. · Telegraf - Plugin-based metrics gathering software that will feed our metrics into InfluxDB for storage · Grafana - Metrics visualization software that will draw our dashboard Installation Part One: InfluxDB We'll be using InfluxDB as our database solution to save all the precious gathered metrics. 1. Go to your Apps section and search for "InfluxDB". 2. Install the InfluxDB Docker image by atribe. You don't have to make any changes to the settings except if you previously assigned port 8083 or 8086. If you have allocated ports 8083 or 8086 before, change those ports and make note of the change. Part Two: Telegraf We're using Telegraf to actually collect the metrics and send them to InfluxDB for storage. 1. Go to your Apps section and search for "Telegraf". 2. Install the Telegraf Docker image by atribe. We'll be using Telegraf, NOT unTelegraf (which does not use a configuration file but lets you change settings only by setting variables in the docker container configuration itself). Please remove the variable "HOST_MOUNT_PREFIX" in the installation overview. 3. After the installation go to your Docker section and stop the Telegraf docker. Download the telegraf.conf configuration file to your computer and open it with a text editor of your choice. 4. Navigate to the "Output Plugins" section in said config file and change the "urls" value under [[outputs.influxdb]] to your unRAID server's IP and port 8086 (or your chosen port number if you changed the InfluxDB settings). 5. In the same section, change the "database" name to "telegraf". 6. Navigate to the "Input Plugins" section. After "[[inputs.system]]", add "[[inputs.net]]" in a new line. This will enable network monitoring for all network interfaces. 7. If you want to monitor your docker containers, remove the # in front of [[inputs.docker]]. 8. If you would like to, you can change how often metrics are gathered in line 28 of the file under the section "Configuration for telegraf agent". The more frequently you gather metrics, the more CPU heavy Telegraf gets. I'd recommend 30 seconds. 9. Save the config file on one of your unRAID servers shares. Be careful to name it "telegraf.conf". Connect to your machine via SSH and move the "telegraf.conf" file from your user share to /mnt/user/appdata/telegraf. If a telegraf.conf file already exists, delete it and replace it with your file. 10. Restart Telegraf. From now on it should be feeding metrics into your running InfluxDB database. Part Three: Grafana Grafana will be our front-end, the piece of software you'll be observing all the metrics with. And since nobody likes staring at database tables to see CPU usage, we'll teach Grafana to draw some nice graphs with your collected metrics. 1. Go to your Apps section and search for "Grafana". 2. Install the Grafana Docker image by atribe. Set the GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL to your servers IP address (put http:// in front of it) and change GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD to a password of your liking. 3. After the installation go to Grafana's web UI (http://yourserverip:3000). Log in with the user name "admin" and your chosen password. You'll be greeted by your Home Dashboard. 4. Click on "Create your first data source". Give it a name, select InfluxDB as the type, enter http://YourServerIP:8086 for URL, set access to direct. Under InfluxDB Details set the database to telegraf. Save and test it. Grafana should now be connected to your InfluxDB database. Technical Ramblings screen shoots Download Unraid System Dashboard Next import the dashboard by hovering over the + icon and selecting Import local your Unraid System Dashboard click Load Give it a name and UID, select the database in the drop down and click Import. And now you should have a basic dashboard that is showing some information If not then click on one of the titles, and choose edit, And then choose change $telegrafdatasoruce to InfluxDB Servers So now well done you have Grafane working. Now for the Plex monitoring. Install the Tautulli docker and link it to your Plex Then install Varken Go to www.maxmind.com and create an account And follow the steps MaxMind (Required when using the Tautulli module): 1. Sign up for a MaxMind account. Make sure to verify the account. 2. Go to your Account, then Services > My License Key in the side menu, then click "Generate New License Key". 3. Enter a License key description, and select "No" for "Will this key be used for GeoIP Update?", then click "Confirm". 4. Copy the License Key and fill in the Varken config. For TautullI API go to the TautullI docker webGUI, click on Settings, then Web Interface and at the bottom, copy the API and copy it onto the Varken.ini file Go navigate to appdata\Varken folder And open the varken.example.ini You will need to modify the following https://github.com/Boerderij/Varken/wiki/Configuration change the numbers to false as we will not be using them copy your maxmind Licence Key Enter in your Unraid IP Address [global] sonarr_server_ids = false radarr_server_ids = false lidarr_server_ids = false tautulli_server_ids = 1 ombi_server_ids = false sickchill_server_ids = false unifi_server_ids = false maxmind_license_key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [influxdb] url = CHANGE THIS TO YOUR UNRAID SERVER IP port = 8086 ssl = false verify_ssl = false username = root password = root [tautulli-1] url = CHANGE THIS TO YOUR UNRAID SERVER IP:8181 fallback_ip = apikey = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ssl = false verify_ssl = false get_activity = true get_activity_run_seconds = 30 get_stats = true get_stats_run_seconds = 3600 restart Varken Test open your plex server and start streaming something open an explorer and type in http://YOUUNRAIDIPADDRESS:8181/api/v2?apikey=YOURTAUTULLIKEY&cmd=get_activity this should give you a page of information, Set up a new data source pointing to the varken database then Download this https://alexsguardian.net/2019/02/21/monitoring-your-media-server-with-varken/ and inport and lastly all you need to do is go through and change the data source in the new dashboard to point to varken. Referance Websites https://www.reddit.com/r/unRAID/comments/7c2l2w/howto_monitor_unraid_with_grafana_influxdb_and/ https://technicalramblings.com/blog/how-to-setup-grafana-influxdb-and-telegraf-to-monitor-your-unraid-system/ https://technicalramblings.com/blog/how-to-setup-grafana-influxdb-and-telegraf-to-monitor-your-unraid-system Plex Referance https://wiki.cajun.pro/books/varken/page/breakdown https://github.com/Boerderij/Varken/wiki/Configuration
  5. @ashman70 if you are still looking on how to do the plex monitoring then I have resolve the issue. and got mine working. I will write up my notes and post them here before the weekend, if you are still interested
  6. what a great little Docker, now I can house keep my dockers 🙂
  7. thanks @axipher for your help, I am now able to populate my dashboard with data 🙂 I am not looking at getting a basic Plex dashboard installed and looking around it looks like I need to install Varken, so I went to the App Store and installed it, but at the moment it is a stop statics and I can't get it to start. so I have look around and I have a funny feeling that it is like telegraf that I need to set up a config file, but I can't find any useful information on how to do this. so is there a usful website that walks you through the steps ?
  8. at last I have got my dockers link up, but now I am getting no data. is there a way to test the influxDB to see if there is any data being collected. ?
  9. this has been posted in the General Support fourm by mistake. Grafana Raw Data question I am having a bit of a problem is getting raw data into my Grafana. I have followed the attached URL to install and set up my Config File I then want and tried to add a data source but I am informed the following Network Error: Bad Gateway and I can't see were I have gone wrong. I have attached a copy of my Config file and also a screenshot of my Data Set in the hope that someone can see my mistake Update: my problem was a typo in he URL telegraf.conf
  10. I tried this also and i still got the same error message. @johnnie.black. I will repost to support page
  11. I am having a bit of a problem is getting raw data into my Grafana. I have followed the attached URL to install and set up my Config File I then want and tried to add a data source but I am informed the following Network Error: Bad Gateway and I can't see were I have gone wrong. I have attached a copy of my Config file and also a screenshot of my Data Set in the hope that someone can see my mistake telegraf.conf
  12. I found this site to add your plex monitoring. https://github.com/barrycarey/Plex-Data-Collector-For-InfluxDB
  13. I have just go through the fourm chat and I found the above steps, and it looks like it resolve the SQL DB Issue.
  14. thanks for the great plugin, works straight of the bat. time to play around with it and get it into a nice graph.
  15. Good News I have found the issue: the issue was a power supply issue that for some reason it kept on tripping out, this was discovered after going through all the hardware tests for Memory - CPU and Hard Discs if anyone else if having issues here is a quick work through of my testing. removed all external connections ' GPU, HD's Raid Controllers get a ubuntu boot USB and boot into test mode. from here I ran the Commands to test the HD's smartcrt -l and and also I found a online website to test the CPU, GPU. then I started to add things like the Raid Controller PCI board , at which point I start to have issues so I through RAID Control so I replace this with a spare and still have issues. I even updated my Bios to the latest version. so this only leaves Motherboard and PSU, so I loan a PSU from a friend and retested. and so far it has been stable for 2 days. as all my HDs are running. so I have go out and order a new PSU which I will install into my Unraid. and for fun I am also going to add a few more fans to help with the cooding as at the moment it is stilling around 40c thanks to all who posted in here.
  16. thanks for the information @goinsnoopin but sadly I still get the same error message
  17. here is a up today SysLog File, the server was running for for a few hours and it just crashed. syslog Crashed 16-06-2020
  18. @johnnie.black I just changed my RAM to 2667 as advise.
  19. no the syslog was running and saving to the flash drive. as it set it to Mirror to Flash
  20. please don't say that as it is going to be very hard to fine. here is my syslog which I hope will help to troubleshoot the issue syslog
  21. If this is true then woundn't this happened early and not 6 months down the line. And when i monitor my temp the cpu and motherboard are both between 45c and i have good air flow. But i will look into this @johnnie.black Update: just checked my motherboard and CPU and both are bouncing around 49c to 53c
  22. thanks for your advice, at the moment my server has now moved on to power shutdown as and when it feels like it, so I have changed my P{persistent logs to Mirror to Flash and hopefully this will catch something. Update: the server has been running for about 10 mins and then it auto shutdown. I then gone to the USB to see if I can copy the log files but all I can I see are old files. @tee-tee jorge I don'r understand why this has just started as it has been stable for about 6 months with no issues and, only the past few days has it started to play up I will do as you advice and lower my RAM speed to see if this helps, and I will report back my findings Update: Last night after about 4 hours the server again shut down, then only thing that was running was my MontionEye Docker. so this morning, I have created a new Unraid USB Pen Drive and booted off this. I have have connect my RAID to the new OS I will see how long this last before it turns off. if it does then it will indicated that it is a hardware issue and not OS
  23. Thanks for the reply. It was only an ideal. sady my problem still persists with shinobipro.
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