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[Support] binhex - Syncthing

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On 11/23/2022 at 9:46 AM, Kilrah said:

Yep totally.

Cool! Im so confused about the container folder mapppings :) (i know this is basic know)

I have a /media folder on my array i want to just create a new folder called "Sync/Daniel" so it syncs my photo and video from my phone to this folder. What should the folders be in the container? :) Thanks!

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On 6/15/2021 at 10:42 PM, salotz said:

Nothing wrong with your container but if you use the default path in syncthing itself for adding folders to it will be at '~' AKA '/home/nobody' and will save the data into the container image and fill up the docker.img really quickly. I suggest changing the defaults such that the default path's line up with the mount to the host FS (whether that is making the default be `/home/nobody` instead of `/media` or changing the syncthing config). I in the end not a big deal to someone who knows what they are doing, but did take me some time to figure out as I was hoping defaults would have sane behavior and I wouldn't have to fiddle.

Thanks for making this :)

For newbs that are trying to get this to work, run the docker with default settings then change this in syncthing and make sure if you manually specify patsh you use something that starts with `/media`.



This is 100% my issue. the home/nobody shouldn't even be a thing with /media set up properly in the docker config. I had my host set to user/syncthing and left /media alone for docker path. then my docker image file ballooned to 100% in 10 minutes. Thank you for posting this. this is with Binhex-Syncthing as of 2/16/23.

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  • 4 months later...



Unfortunately, I have a problem with the access rights to individual folders. Some folders are created and edited under the user sshd. With this folder I get the error message "permission denied". The container gets the PUID GUID from the user nobody i.e. 99:100. So I thought to work around the problem I add the group of sshd to the user nobody. The folders have read and write permissions for members of the group (rwxrwx---). If I try to create or delete a file in the corresponding folder via the UnRaid cli with, for example, "runuser -u nobody -- touch file1.txt", it also works, but it doesn't seem to work in the container. Is there any other reason why this error can appear? If I start the container with PUID:GUID 0:0, it can access everything as expected... However, this is not a good idea, as we know. Does anyone have a tip for me?

Thanks in advance.

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Unfortunately, I have a problem with the access rights to individual folders. Some folders are created and edited under the user sshd. With this folder I get the error message "permission denied". The container gets the PUID GUID from the user nobody i.e. 99:100. So I thought to work around the problem I add the group of sshd to the user nobody. The folders have read and write permissions for members of the group (rwxrwx---). If I try to create or delete a file in the corresponding folder via the UnRaid cli with, for example, "runuser -u nobody -- touch file1.txt", it also works, but it doesn't seem to work in the container. Is there any other reason why this error can appear? If I start the container with PUID:GUID 0:0, it can access everything as expected... However, this is not a good idea, as we know. Does anyone have a tip for me?
Thanks in advance.
Which folders are we talking about here? Give the full path

Sent from my 22021211RG using Tapatalk

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24 minutes ago, Orkopaede said:

It's the Nextcloud Data Share located here:


and i assume you have a NextCloud docker container right?, if so it will be that container that is generating files/folders with user/group sshd not syncthing.

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1 hour ago, binhex said:

and i assume you have a NextCloud docker container right?, if so it will be that container that is generating files/folders with user/group sshd not syncthing.

Yes that is correct, and i want Syncthing to take these files/folders and put them on my other syncthing machine. The folders are setup as "send only". And it's on the sending machine which i have the permission problem.

Edited by Orkopaede
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3 minutes ago, Orkopaede said:

Yes that is correct, and i want Syncthing to take these files/folders and put them on my other syncthing machine. The folders are setup as "send only". And it's on the sending machine which i have the permission problem.

ok then you either need to set the nextcloud docker container to run as user 'nobody' group 'users', or switch this container to run as the same user and group as defined for your nextcloud container (sshd), you need to set consistent permissions for both containers if you need to access files/folders created by either.

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25 minutes ago, binhex said:

ok then you either need to set the nextcloud docker container to run as user 'nobody' group 'users', or switch this container to run as the same user and group as defined for your nextcloud container (sshd), you need to set consistent permissions for both containers if you need to access files/folders created by either.

Ok, I'll try that. I really hoped that if I gave the user nobody the group sshd he would be able to access it too. I also just saw that the Nextcloud folder belongs to the user group. However, the user nobody also has the group user.

Is there an easy answer why it's not working like that? I mean that's the hole point why it shouldn't run with root account. Right?


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20 minutes ago, Orkopaede said:

Ok, I'll try that. I really hoped that if I gave the user nobody the group sshd he would be able to access it too. I also just saw that the Nextcloud folder belongs to the user group. However, the user nobody also has the group user.

Is there an easy answer why it's not working like that? I mean that's the hole point why it shouldn't run with root account. Right?


I did a short test again to check if I understood the topic of access rights correctly. I took the sshd group away from nobody and then tested the following and it works as expected.


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Okay, I found it... I looked at the group membership of nobody in the cli of the Syncthing container, which of course did not have group 33 (sshd/http). Where should he get that from......  I think the easiest thing would probably have been to assign the folders to the 100 users group. But well, I've learned something again. In any case, thanks a lot for your help.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm having some issues starting the container. It seems that either there are some permissions problems with the start script, because if I set the PUID to 0 (root) the container starts correctly or I need to configure the user for this container differently.image.thumb.png.59071bf0b778152e1278a265cc4e1f36.png


This is the user info: image.png.47e69e059a8210d121ff1175f30b8516.png


The rest of the container config is all the defaults. Though I did add a mappings to subfolders of



The user has read/write access to the relevant foldersimage.png.ca044c5cb891135df801c79918164018.png


and the appdata share as well.


I'm a bit stumped on what could be the problem.



Edited by DarkInspiration
typos and grammar
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19 hours ago, DarkInspiration said:

The user has read/write access to the relevant foldersimage.png.ca044c5cb891135df801c79918164018.png


These permissions only apply to network access, not local.

You need to check the permissions of the actual folders/files on the filesystem.


There isn't much reason to make a user if it's not going to do network accesses and it'd be simpler to run as the default nobody:users (99:100).

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  • 2 months later...

I've been trying to figure out an issue with my install of this image. When Syncthing updated to go from basic authentication to the login, I can no longer login from my local DNS managed by PiHole/Nginx Proxy Manager. I can log in fine if I navigate directly to the IP/Port. I've tried different combinations of HTTP/S and messed with GUI address settings a bit. I noticed the image has the GUI address CLI parameter set but I'm not really sure if that's the issue. I've spent some time searching for others with this issue but haven't really gotten anywhere.

Any suggestions on how I can use the domain name? It's not really a dealbreaker but it is easier to remember.

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  • 2 months later...
On 12/30/2022 at 11:14 PM, Tbtf said:

HI @binhex,


I have the docker settings for 

UMASK=000, PUID=99, PGID=100


However when synchthing syncs the files from my seedbox to unraid the folders are created with the following permissions


drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users 


I cannot modify the files in the folder when i access from a SMB share because of the permissions. If I SSH to my server and run a 

chmod -R 0777 foldername


I will then be able to modify the files in the folder that were synced by the docker container.


Would you be able to help?


Did you find a solution to this problem?

I'm exactly in the same boat as you I don't know how to solve i.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After reinstalling the Syncthing container (which was necessary because the Docker image was broken), the Syncthing container no longer works. I receive a warning message:

"2024-03-20 17:56:08,284 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[start] 2024/03/20 17:56:08 WARNING: Error opening database: read /config/syncthing/data/index-v0.14.0.db/000037.log: input/output error (is another instance of Syncthing running ?)"
Before it was running smoothly. I haven't changed anything. How can I solve the problem?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Any info on using the homepage widget Synthing Relay Server alongside this container?


Docs for homepage don't explain much and reference a port I am not familiar with

  type: strelaysrv
  url: http://syncthing.host.or.ip:22070


Looks like we need to set up another container for this specifically, docker compose below from here

    image: syncthing/relaysrv:latest
    network_mode: "host"
    entrypoint: ["/bin/entrypoint.sh", "/bin/strelaysrv", "-listen=", "-ext-address=syncthing.librelabucm.org:22067", "-status-srv=syncthing.librelabucm.org:22070"]
      - ./volumes/strelaysrv:/var/strelaysrv
      - 22067:22067
      - 22070:22070


Can anyone help get this working with Unraid?

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

hi i have been trying to fix this permission issue with syncthing not being able to change the default folder at all, and freely create folders as well, i was wondering if you know any tips or advice that could help me resolve with this issue, that would be appreciated, 


syncthing logs.txt


ps i have left the container settings as default for now

Screenshot (4).png

Edited by mr_syd20
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Posted (edited)

Syncthing has stopped working for me. I'm trying to add a folder path: `/media/Backup/test_me`


Syncthing creates a test_me folder in my Backup share



But then it apparently can't create `.stfolder` because I immediately get the Folder Marker Missing error.


Here's my config:


Edited by RichardU
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  • 2 months later...

I have changed from user shares to disk shares, as accessing the unraid user shares from a mac is to slow, once you have 60 or more files in a folder and not matter the samba settings used.


So i was successfully using your Syncthing docker with user shares with   /media/name of the user share.


Once i have created the disk shares will i be able to use the same path      /media/name of the folder in the disk share.


As i noticed that the top level folders in the disk shares are added to the user share list.


So can you use the same file path ?

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