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[Support] Partition Pixel - Chia

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I have been using UnRaid for at least 5 years and i love it. Also thank you for getting this is the docker hub. i was curious which way i was going to go, either setting up and total separate system for chia farming or expand my UnRaid system. i have read all the  green paper and documentation on the blockchain and find it interesting.


I was hoping it would make it to UnRaid cause i read the xfs and btrfs filesystems are actually best for chia on read and write speeds for harvesting.


i do have a question and concern though on running it in a docker though.


1. you can use consumer ssd and nvme but will wear out rather quickly for plotting and recommends enterprise ssd's do to the overall lifetime writes of 1 PDW and up. i could see this problematic for the cache pools UnRaid uses for the average users who can't afford enterprise ssd's.

so im curious if its possible to create a totally different cache pool designated specifically for chia. this would be one solution of replacing cache pools which most house our dockers and stuff.  other wise and VM in UnRaid would still be need to pass-through the HDDs to VM unless you feel like stubbing them out in the docker of chia itself.


thank you for creating this docker i think chia is gonna take off because it is solving a case and real world use at least on the mining side IMO.


Oh And if this community was to create a pool i total in and long as the rewards can get divided up evenly. i just order 8 18tb seagate's enterprise HDD's and i got 6 Intel 480 SSD's ready give it a shot.


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14 minutes ago, boosting1bar said:


One last dumb question.  I initially ran your command to start plotting as verbatim above and it was working fine.  It looked like it was plotting onto a slow array drive instead of my ssd cache drive where I'd intended it to go.  I stopped the running command and redid the command above as

venv/bin/chia plots create -b 5000 -r 2 -n 1 -t /mnt/chiaminer/plotting -d /mnt/user/chia/plots

where /mnt/chiaminer is my SSD cache pool set up specifically for this and /mnt/user/chia is the spinny drives in the array where they would settle after plotting.  When I do that I get this error immediately after starting computing "Only wrote 384 of 1048572 bytes at offset 100662912 to "/mnt/chiaminer/plotting/plot-k32-2021-05-08-17-55-938e7086435dc79126efd7780afcf675878038a71141ee6eb2bb80c766687c3d.plot.p1.t1.sort_bucket_054.tmp"with length 100663296. Error 1. Retrying in five minutes."  I also get a popup error of "Alert [servername] - Docker image disk utilization of 100%
Docker utilization of image file /mnt/user/system/docker/docker.img" Do I need to just leave the plotting command verbatim?


(I think the answer is verbatim, because the set up of the docker container specifies those directories and the console command doesn't need changed)


Your folder paths are wrong. You are writing inside of the docker itself this way, that is why you have a warning of 100% docker disk image utilisation !


What you need to do :


  1. Setup your variables this way : image.thumb.png.d77485ad8207b2b07e6e5b3c23b26967.png
  2. When you create plots, use this command instead (note the paths I'm using) :
    venv/bin/chia plots create -b 5000 -r 2 -n 1 -t /plotting -d /plots


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you get disregard my question. i should have did a little more research in the unraid gui. looks like you can stop the array and add another pool and just use that pool for cache plotting. then it would just be the case of assigning the drive ID or new created cache pool to the docker. my bad still learning. lol


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21 minutes ago, Superman said:

I have been using UnRaid for at least 5 years and i love it. Also thank you for getting this is the docker hub. i was curious which way i was going to go, either setting up and total separate system for chia farming or expand my UnRaid system. i have read all the  green paper and documentation on the blockchain and find it interesting.


I was hoping it would make it to UnRaid cause i read the xfs and btrfs filesystems are actually best for chia on read and write speeds for harvesting.


i do have a question and concern though on running it in a docker though.


1. you can use consumer ssd and nvme but will wear out rather quickly for plotting and recommends enterprise ssd's do to the overall lifetime writes of 1 PDW and up. i could see this problematic for the cache pools UnRaid uses for the average users who can't afford enterprise ssd's.

so im curious if its possible to create a totally different cache pool designated specifically for chia. this would be one solution of replacing cache pools which most house our dockers and stuff.  other wise and VM in UnRaid would still be need to pass-through the HDDs to VM unless you feel like stubbing them out in the docker of chia itself.


thank you for creating this docker i think chia is gonna take off because it is solving a case and real world use at least on the mining side IMO.


Oh And if this community was to create a pool i total in and long as the rewards can get divided up evenly. i just order 8 18tb seagate's enterprise HDD's and i got 6 Intel 480 SSD's ready give it a shot.



It's my pleasure ! It was really nothing to create a template as the docker itself was already made. Plus my way of finally giving back to this awesome community (I have much to give back to spaceinvaderone 😆)


I share your concern for consumer SSDs. All my SSDs are consumer grade, relatively new and they have a somewhat okay tbw, so for now I'm plotting on them, but this is indeed not viable in the long run.

For your question, there is an already existing solution. With Unraid 6.9, we can now create many cache pools. What I plan on doing is buying a few enterprise SSD and create a cache pool name something like 'Plotting Pool' with btrfs. I plan on keeping my other ssds in separate cache pools, for VM and for Cache stuff (docker, appdate etc...). Once I have this new cache, I simply plan on changing my plotting share cache to 'Plotting Cache'.


I also believe in chia and I'm sure it will take off (I mean it's already well priced atm but we'll see).


Personally I'd only be down for a pool if it's a real one (if it uses the new pool protocol which is coming soon). I don't have the knowledge on how to make one, but if the community made a real one I would participate for sure !

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44 minutes ago, Partition Pixel said:


I didn't realise this, thanks for bringing it to my attention. I 'm gonna update my first post to reflect this and I also think I'm going to be able to add more variables in the template !


EDIT: Note that In the case of Unraid you can map this to a share that is included in many HDDs instead of creating a share for each HDD


Yes that is true but I have some unassigned HDDs.

Also is very common for people to use external HDDs for farming.

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6 minutes ago, Superman said:

you get disregard my question. i should have did a little more research in the unraid gui. looks like you can stop the array and add another pool and just use that pool for cache plotting. then it would just be the case of assigning the drive ID or new created cache pool to the docker. my bad still learning. lol



Yeah sorry I was still typing 😆, no worries this is new stuff.


One problem I'm having is that I already used all my nvme and sata ports on my motherboard. I know some adapters exist that do sata -> pcie, are you planing on using that for your 6 Intel 480 SSD's ?

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9 minutes ago, Partition Pixel said:


Yeah sorry I was still typing 😆, no worries this is new stuff.


One problem I'm having is that I already used all my nvme and sata ports on my motherboard. I know some adapters exist that do sata -> pcie, are you planing on using that for your 6 Intel 480 SSD's ?

yes, i current have a adaptec 71506 in my system with 8 disk array and a 6 in 1 icy dock cage for ssd.  i bought another  2 16 port raid card and a 16 bay icy dock cage for plotting only. and 3 5 in 1 hdd cage for drives. i found 2 adapter 71506 cards on ebay for 100 each with battery and breakout cables. my mobo is a asus x99 ws with 7 pic-e lots with a e-2697 v3 cpu 14c 28 threads. so i got plenty of slots to add raid cards and since unraid and chia both prefer to run as JBOD it seems like a win win. lol


now that i think about this i might just build another system, buy another copy of unraid and scale it out for chia only. lmfao!

Edited by Superman
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So heres an idea, cause i don't believe i see a thread on here about running a unraid pool. if you want since you seem to have created the template for chia. and i don't want to derail your thread with not supported replies to your docker. if you want to start a thread to advocate the starting up a fair running pool of chia and get the Devs and senior members of unraid onboard to govern and start the pool, i think skys the limit and a ton of ppl here would join up. just make it a private pool for unraid members only. this could be one way we can give back to the creators of unraid as well as the devs who have built this awesome community + plus everyone can hopefully make some $$ as the same time. id rather join a pool with a software and community i trust then some random on the net. thats Just IMO

Edited by Superman
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1 hour ago, jollymonsa said:

Does this startup line look right for a server with 2tb ssd in plotting, 14tb in plots, 12 free threads, 16 free gigs ram?


venv/bin/chia plots create -b 5000 -r 2 -n 6 -t /plotting/plot1 -d /plots


Also thanks for the awesome container, such easy.

Looks ok to me :)

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4 hours ago, Tulip said:

Lets say i have set up plotting cue, like 10 plotts or whatever. How does it work when i restart the docker or unraid? can i easy resume from where i left? Same command? hmm :)

No resume at the moment, so make sure your jobs have finished before you restart/update the container.


note: this is a problem on all platforms, not docker specific

Edited by tjb_altf4
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Hi there,
I fiddled around with the same stuff, the last days and just don't get it to work. I get kind of impatient, because I want at least get a few coins... Right now I tried creating a windows vm to run the gui, which doesn't feel right. It also failed on creating a plot from there. So I need to run this on docker, even tho I would love to have some unraid plugin to bring that gui into it :D
But well, docker and shell is fine. But it just doesn't work. The whole key thing drives me crazy.

I followed a guide on reddit, put my mnemonics.txt and tried to create a container. It startet but nothing worked. No keys found. So I deleted it completely. Now with your docker template, I just entered the two paths for plotting and plots. Straight forward and simple. It installed and runs.... Then I went into the docker container via bash and peeked into the mnemonics.txt and it was there. It included new words. My other wallet is empty anyway.

Seems to sync, but when I try to plot python throws a RuntimeError:

RuntimeError: No keys, please run 'chia keys add', 'chia keys generate' or provide a public key with -f

I was there already. I don't get what the issue is. Do you guys have any idea?
Thank you in advance!

Edited by Trinity
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I just want to use my unraid server as a plotter. Also, I've had success plotting directly on a disk drive. Sure, it takes a lot longer, but it doesn't ruin an SSD. Anyway, am I correct that I need an unassigned disk drive if I wanted to do this? All my current drives are on the array and I assume that massive writes to any array drive would be very slow (slower than a HDDs normal write bottleneck because of parity writes). Is my assumption correct?


Thanks for making this docker BTW. Great addition to the community.

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7 hours ago, Superman said:

yes, i current have a adaptec 71506 in my system with 8 disk array and a 6 in 1 icy dock cage for ssd.  i bought another  2 16 port raid card and a 16 bay icy dock cage for plotting only. and 3 5 in 1 hdd cage for drives. i found 2 adapter 71506 cards on ebay for 100 each with battery and breakout cables. my mobo is a asus x99 ws with 7 pic-e lots with a e-2697 v3 cpu 14c 28 threads. so i got plenty of slots to add raid cards and since unraid and chia both prefer to run as JBOD it seems like a win win. lol


now that i think about this i might just build another system, buy another copy of unraid and scale it out for chia only. lmfao!


Haha right 😆I'm almost tempted myself. Very nice, thanks for the infos I'm gonna look more into this for sure, I wanna be ready to do massive plotting by the time we have to replot for pools.


6 hours ago, Superman said:

So heres an idea, cause i don't believe i see a thread on here about running a unraid pool. if you want since you seem to have created the template for chia. and i don't want to derail your thread with not supported replies to your docker. if you want to start a thread to advocate the starting up a fair running pool of chia and get the Devs and senior members of unraid onboard to govern and start the pool, i think skys the limit and a ton of ppl here would join up. just make it a private pool for unraid members only. this could be one way we can give back to the creators of unraid as well as the devs who have built this awesome community + plus everyone can hopefully make some $$ as the same time. id rather join a pool with a software and community i trust then some random on the net. thats Just IMO


That's a pretty cool idea. I agree that maybe it would not be the best in this thread, but if you want to start another thread go for it it's your idea and I would definitely support it. I think I'd rather join a pool from unraid as well, definitely would trust them more 😛


3 hours ago, jollymonsa said:

Does this startup line look right for a server with 2tb ssd in plotting, 14tb in plots, 12 free threads, 16 free gigs ram?


venv/bin/chia plots create -b 5000 -r 2 -n 6 -t /plotting/plot1 -d /plots


Also thanks for the awesome container, such easy.


Yes this is okay, also keep in mind that doing it this way will queue the 6 plots (they will run one after the other), they wont run in parallel. If you want to do plotting in parallel, you have to open multiple terminal and type a create command in each


2 hours ago, Tulip said:

How many plots a day do you guys do?


I just started today and it looks like i do about 1.2 plot every hour. Good or bad? 👀


That's quite good I would say. I manage to do around 12 a day so it's more like 1 plot every 2 hours for me. I'm still trying to perfect the art tho 😉


17 minutes ago, joker_927 said:

I just want to use my unraid server as a plotter. Also, I've had success plotting directly on a disk drive. Sure, it takes a lot longer, but it doesn't ruin an SSD. Anyway, am I correct that I need an unassigned disk drive if I wanted to do this? All my current drives are on the array and I assume that massive writes to any array drive would be very slow (slower than a HDDs normal write bottleneck because of parity writes). Is my assumption correct?


Thanks for making this docker BTW. Great addition to the community.


I didnt test this, but I would assume this is indeed correct. Generally speaking it takes a bit longer to write to drives when the parity is involved.


Thank you ! I must point out that I did not make a docker (I dont wanna get credit for something I did not do haha), I simply made an unraid template that allows us to easily download and use the official Chia-Docker

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Putting the mnemonic pass phrase in a plain text file seems really risky...


I just want to plot, so my situation might be a rare, but for anyone like me you can get your farmer and pool keys using this command:


chia keys show


And then you can plot using the following command:


chia plots create [other plot options] -f <farmer key> -p <pool key>

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44 minutes ago, joker_927 said:

Putting the mnemonic pass phrase in a plain text file seems really risky...


I just want to plot, so my situation might be a rare, but for anyone like me you can get your farmer and pool keys using this command:


chia keys show


And then you can plot using the following command:


chia plots create [other plot options] -f <farmer key> -p <pool key>


Agreed. I don't like it either, it's just not secure. I'm, hoping a better way to authenticate is in the works. At least for me, right now, I have no chia to loose lol.

I didnt know about this for plotting only, thanks for bringing it up I'll put it in the original post so that those who want to harvest only can have a more secure experience !

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HI guys, tks for the docker... Just installed yesterday.. I´m still a big noob with all linux based tech, but I think its working...  just wondering if any GUI for the docker it´s the "new feature´s" list.. 


BTW I did the Htop thing and my top processes are:



best regards

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This is how I monitor my farm.

If you guys install the nerd pack from community applications, then navigate to nerd pack under settings, install tmux.


Now launch the unraid terminal & run tmux, then you can have multiple (tabbed) terminal windows in one window. I have 1 tab per plot & can jump around them as needed.


Also you can close the terminal window & relaunch your session by running tmux again from the terminal. Also works across different devices or applications, so you can ssh in from your phone or putty etc & just run tmux again & you will be able to see those other terminal windows.


Hope this helps.

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18 hours ago, Partition Pixel said:




what is the difference from plots and plotting?? i use the ssd share for plots and use the hhd for plotting. am i doing right?


other question, this docker dont have gui, where can i see my earnings?

Edited by luixmod
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what is the difference from plots and plotting?? i use the ssd share for plots and use the hhd for plotting. am i doing right?
other question, this docker dont have gui, where can i see my earnings?
Needs to be the other way round. Plotting is your temporary storage, which should be your ssd & your plots are where the final files are stored, this is for your HDD.

This command will show you your wallet.

docker exec -it chia venv/bin/chia wallet show

Sent from my GM1913 using Tapatalk

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it is asking for a file, what is the path for the file?
Can you post the output please?

Also from memory, I think that the wallet needs to be fully synced with the chia network before it displays anything.

Sent from my GM1913 using Tapatalk

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