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I'm not sure this is related to this containerized instance but I'm not getting any log entries at all in my debug.log even within the container. I haven't had an entry since 2021-05-12. Could this be I'm throwing no errors or more likely something isn't right. I've tried setting log_level: to INFO, ERROR and DEBUG.


Nothing. I have log_filename: set to log/debug.log


Are others still getting debug.log entries?

Edited by adminmat
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4 hours ago, guy.davis said:

Have you tried out using Unassigned Disks to hold some/all plots, rather than your main Array? 


I started on the array too, but am now using a bunch of externals that appear as Unassigned Devices.  I'm getting sub-second responses from them.  It's possible to extract a disk from the Array and make it Unassigned I believe.


The drawback is that copies to these Unassigned shares can be slow from other plotting systems (~15 minutes) as there is no fast cache to speed the write. 

Thanks @guy.davis I'm new to Unraid but was liking the idea (one big file share with an allocation method setup) of creating an array for farming with no cache or parity, I wonder if what you've found throws a spanner in my works?


If I was just going to use unassigned devices would there be any reason to pay for Unraid?

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3 hours ago, adminmat said:

I'm not sure this is related to this containerized instance but I'm not getting any log entries at all in my debug.log even within the container. I haven't had an entry since 2021-05-12. Could this be I'm throwing no errors or more likely something isn't right. I've tried setting log_level: to INFO, ERROR and DEBUG.


Nothing. I have log_filename: set to log/debug.log


Hi, please ensure that your mainnet/config/config.yaml file has "logging: ->  log_stdout" set to false.  If true, logging goes to the container output which shows up in Unraids Docker tab - Chia Logs view.  I agree it's nicer to have it in the debug.log for grepping etc.  Hope this helps!

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22 hours ago, rthorntn said:

Thanks @guy.davis I'm new to Unraid but was liking the idea (one big file share with an allocation method setup) of creating an array for farming with no cache or parity, I wonder if what you've found throws a spanner in my works? If I was just going to use unassigned devices would there be any reason to pay for Unraid?


Good question.  Speaking for myself, I was a huge fan of Unraid before the Chia craze so I'm keeping it for all the other uses.  A bit of Chia plotting and farming on the side is a fun little experiment for me.  If you're doing anything else besides Chia, Unraid is a very flexible platform with a lot of benefits. 


Your idea for a separate array with cache and parity disabled also sounds like it could work well, just test your speeds once setup.  Unraid offers a nice long trial period so there's time to explore.


However, I wouldn't recommend Unraid as solely a Chia rig.  On the plotting side, a Docker container will likely be a bit slower than plotting directly in Ubuntu for example.  On the farming side, you just want plain JBOD (just-a-bunch-of-disks) to maximize every bit of storage.


EDIT: After further discussion on our Discord, I've 100% come round to the idea of Unraid with a separate array (no cache + no parity) for all the drives holding your plots.  This is a great idea!

Edited by guy.davis
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23 minutes ago, guy.davis said:


Hi, please ensure that your mainnet/config/config.yaml file has "logging: ->  log_stdout" set to false.  If true, logging goes to the container output which shows up in Unraids Docker tab - Chia Logs view.  I agree it's nicer to have it in the debug.log for grepping etc.  Hope this helps!

That was it. Thanks. 

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Thanks @guy.davis I'm planning to use the storage for Plex as well.


I guess my main worry is how to manage a large JBOD, say I have 24 disks, I want to be able to keep an eye on their health, also mounting 24 disks individually and balancing the capacity would probably be a pita.


Hence the JBOD array, 1 mount, good monitoring and the allocator evenly distributing the files across the 24 disks.


Say I caught the Chia bug and went to 48 disks, thats a lot of admin.


So I'm looking for something simple that lets me manage and monitor a heap of disks with minimal work.




Edited by rthorntn
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I want to run a plotter/harvester, but i cannot get it to work.

I have set farmer node to which is my full node farmer, port to 8447 as suggested earlier, and harvester_only to true. Also i set the paths to /plot and /plotter.


The docker simply fails and stops.

The logs only show this:


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Hello, Thank you for this awesome docker template.

I got the harvester only working for a day and it was connecting to the main full node ok (can see passing filter).

My initial setting was:

harvester only = true

farmer_address: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

farmer_port: 8447

I had to put farmer address in here, otherwise docker will fail to start, which should not be necessary.

I believe the value here changes the "full node -> farmer_peer" section, which is not needed according to 


Anyway, the initial setting worked. 



Then, all of a sudden, the docker might have restarted due to a parity disk problem (no change to docker settings).

appdata is on cache disk, which should not be affected. 


How the docker log says: farmer address required. no matter whether I put farmer address and port here, it complaints about not having farmer address.


Chia directory /root/.chia/mainnet
No keys are present in the keychain. Generate them with 'chia keys generate'
/root/.chia/mainnet already exists, no migration action taken
to use your own keys pass them as a text file -v /path/to/keyfile:/path/in/container and -e keys="/path/in/container"
Generating private key
Added private key with public key fingerprint XXXX and mnemonic
maid omit major grace toast sock voice cruel diesel dumb weekend pumpkin asset again feel genius host syrup flower axis near advice later food
WARNING: using a farmer address which we don't have the private keys for. We searched the first 500 addresses. Consider overriding XXXX with XXXX

WARNING: using a pool address which we don't have the private keys for. We searched the first 500 addresses. Consider overriding XXXX with XXXX

Added plot directory "/plots".
A farmer peer address, port, and ca path are required.




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20 minutes ago, jena said:

Hello, Thank you for this awesome docker template.

I got the harvester only working for a day and it was connecting to the main full node ok (can see passing filter).

My initial setting was:

harvester only = true

farmer_address: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

farmer_port: 8447

I had to put farmer address in here, otherwise docker will fail to start, which should not be necessary.

I believe the value here changes the "full node -> farmer_peer" section, which is not needed according to 


Anyway, the initial setting worked. 



Then, all of a sudden, the docker might have restarted due to a parity disk problem (no change to docker settings).

appdata is on cache disk, which should not be affected. 


How the docker log says: farmer address required. no matter whether I put farmer address and port here, it complaints about not having farmer address.




i Get the same error... and then the docker stops.. what changed in this last update?

have been running this chia docker as harvester only for many days... 

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42 minutes ago, LOOPMDS said:

i Get the same error... and then the docker stops.. what changed in this last update?

have been running this chia docker as harvester only for many days... 


Took me an hour and got it working.

I would suggest to put it in the docker template. 


Looking at here https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-docker/blob/main/entrypoint.sh


line 40

echo "A farmer peer address, port, and ca path are required."

The docker needs a variable called ca

So I added a variable for the docker (called Key below) called ca 

to add: press "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device"

Config Type:Variable

Make sure you also put these in (which should not be needed according to config.yaml in the original post "Farming on many machines"

farmer_address: YOUR.FARMER.IP
farmer_port: 8447




Edited by jena
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34 minutes ago, jena said:



Took me an hour and got it working.

I would suggest to put it in the docker template. 


Looking at here https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-docker/blob/main/entrypoint.sh

The docker needs a variable called ca

So I added a variable for the docker (called Key below) called ca 

to add: press "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device"

Config Type:Variable

Make sure you also put these in (which should not be needed according to config.yaml in the original post "Farming on many machines"

farmer_address: YOUR.FARMER.IP
farmer_port: 8447




Thank you, this did it for me.


An observation i made, the chia version this docker is running is not 1.1.6. it is running a dev version 1.1.7.dev0 which should not be used for production.

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34 minutes ago, Struck said:

Thank you, this did it for me.


An observation i made, the chia version this docker is running is not 1.1.6. it is running a dev version 1.1.7.dev0 which should not be used for production.

This could be why it broke my previous settings.

I didn't recall that I updated the docker today (but maybe UNRAID auto updated it).

Mine is also "up to date" version 1.1.7.dev0


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2 minutes ago, Struck said:

How do i run a plotter only?
I have farmer and harvester elsewhere, but need more plotters.

That I don't know. My unraid is under-powered old 4-core i5, not that useful for plotting. 


I ran Mint20 (Ubuntu) and windows as plotter. That way I can use swar plot manager (or plotman).



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Morning all, I am thinking about using this docker to move my Chia farmer over onto my Unraid server. I'm done with plotting for the moment, so it is a harvesting only thing. 


I've been reading over this thread, and I am not clear on one thing. Most people seem to favor putting the chia plots into a seperate array or a number of unallocated devices. Doesn't that klind of defeat the point of Unraid? The point is to avoid single points of failure for disks with parity, but you are putting your Chia plots onto an unprotected array or pile of disks? 


I'm thinking of my chia plots as kind of an investment, both in terms of money (drives bought) and time (spent plotting) that will pay off over time, so doesn't putting them on an unprotected set of disks put that at risk?


Or am I missing something here? Is there a significant penalty in terms of performance or power in putting the plots on a protected array? I guess the response time means that the drives would not be able to spin down...



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13 hours ago, Richard Baguley said:

Morning all, I am thinking about using this docker to move my Chia farmer over onto my Unraid server. I'm done with plotting for the moment, so it is a harvesting only thing. 


I've been reading over this thread, and I am not clear on one thing. Most people seem to favor putting the chia plots into a seperate array or a number of unallocated devices. Doesn't that klind of defeat the point of Unraid? The point is to avoid single points of failure for disks with parity, but you are putting your Chia plots onto an unprotected array or pile of disks? 


I'm thinking of my chia plots as kind of an investment, both in terms of money (drives bought) and time (spent plotting) that will pay off over time, so doesn't putting them on an unprotected set of disks put that at risk?


Or am I missing something here? Is there a significant penalty in terms of performance or power in putting the plots on a protected array? I guess the response time means that the drives would not be able to spin down...



I have them on my array, though if multi-array support comes along I would move into a separate array.


I would note that in this scenario you would want to be plotting outside of the array, and preferably not writing the final destination as the array... I find jobs can backup on the final transfer.

If you are no longer plotting, none of that is of any consequence :)

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Is it possible to add network shares i.e.  sharing a folder on another unraid server using samba or just being able to see the folder on another unraid server where the docker is not running? Or do I just need to have two chia dockers going at the same time ?



Is this app controlled by the chia developers themselves where your wallet key is secure ? I assume you have to enter your wallet key in this app?

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2 hours ago, CSIG1001 said:

Is it possible to add network shares i.e.  sharing a folder on another unraid server using samba or just being able to see the folder on another unraid server where the docker is not running? Or do I just need to have two chia dockers going at the same time ?



Is this app controlled by the chia developers themselves where your wallet key is secure ? I assume you have to enter your wallet key in this app?

This is the official container, @Partition Pixel just made an unraid template for it.
You can confirm by comparing the image name + registry in the template with the official one listed on their github.


I've previously done what your asking, but the other way around, where I had a windows VM that had read only access via SMB to my unraid chia share.

This works great for farming, but I wouldn't plot/harvest over SMB though.


Of course you could just setup a docker on the remote unraid system as a harvester only and point it to your fullnode on the local unraid machine, but this is a little more effort to setup, but would be much more efficient when getting to larger farm sizes.

Efficiency is good on larger farms, you don't want to miss out on challenges!

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I see there's a new docker version, digging into the change history it looks like there are two great QOL changes specific to docker:

  • TZ environmental var is now supported, logs can now be show with local timestamps!
    I'm 99% sure Unraid adds this already based on your Unraid settings, so no action should be needed to get this to work :)
  • /chia-blockchain/venv/bin/ added to PATH environment, this should mean you can use "chia" instead of "venv/bin/chia"
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justinengland released this 4 hours ago


1.1.7 Chia Blockchain 2021-06-05


Batch process weight proof epochs in groups of 900 to fit below May 2020 sqlite limit (999 for Python 3.7 on Windows).

Fixes sqlite3.OperationalError: too many SQL variables error and resulting issues with syncing wallets on Windows.




nice to see fixes flowing quickly!

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2 hours ago, Trinity said:

Did anyone here ever "won" anything?

Hopefully a few have in here! Overall, however, I think that ship sailed for small/midsize farmers a long time ago. Since I started following this thread, the chia network has grown from I think under 5,000 PiB to over 23,000. . .


That's just in the past 6-7 weeks. I've had fun setting this up and getting up to 216 plots, but the network growth made it pretty much impossible to increase my win chances as I was barely keeping pace plotting 24/7. I stopped plotting over a week ago (used up my available free space), and my time to win already went from 6 months to 7.5 months. Basically never going to happen.


Pools are the way to get a steady drip of income outside of the big solo farmers. Chia is a neat concept, and I did have fun setting this up and building out, but I think in my case it was too little too late to ever get anything out of it on my own. Looked into hpool last weekend, but for now I'm letting it sit.


Best thing that's come out of this is I finally had the motivation to clean out some bloated file shares to reduce my backup size by a few TB's, lol.

Edited by super56k
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Hmm, okay. I am at ~190 Plots and will max out at ~360 Plots when I fill my whole free space. While plotting I am working actively on killing the SSD... If the chances to farm any coin are so unlikely, what's the point in continuing. As far as I know, pools require to throw away all plots and start over again to kill another SSD...

Funny how "Independant currency for everybody" turned into "Rich become leveraged Richer"

Edited by Trinity
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~500 plots (0 XCH), stopping for now as I wait for more storage and I'll probably wait on pools.

Hopefully the incremental rewards from pools will offer financial incentive to keep growing, as I do enjoy the setup, management and optimization aspects of chia farming.

Edited by tjb_altf4
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