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[Support] binhex - Crafty

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There’s also been some movement on the Crafty version they released with info in their Discord. I’ll copy paste. 



Greetings @everyone!

It's been sometime since we have pulled back the curtain and given an exhaustive update on prerelease, and you must be curious about what we've been working on with *Crafty 4.0*.

During the pandemic we have taken patron feedback while working hard to add features and squash bugs for the upcoming A2 release. So much so that we skipped over A2 completely and have merged our changes straight into **Alpha 3**! 

This update is available to all patrons who have been subscribed for two billing cycles, at any Patreon tier. If you would like to support development of future releases, and get access to 4.0 before the public release, you can subscribe here: https://www.patreon.com/craftycontroller





We have been very excited to share these changes with you. Here is a comprehensive list of some of the many things that have changed between A1 and A3:

**Changelog *Alpha 2*  -> *Alpha 3***

__**UI Design & Improvements 🖼️ :**__
> - A pretty `README.md` has been added to repo.
> - Cleaner Dashboard Design on fresh install .
> - Public Server Status page at route `/status`.
> - `Kill` process button added to server list.
> - Server versions ordered in *Descending*.
> - Terminal text highlighting for PaperMC servers.

__**Codebase Features & Improvements ⚙️ :**__
> - DB Schema version migration.
> - `STDIN/OUT` instead of reading server log files.
> - Subprocess spawning overhaul (Stability & Windows support).
> - Server Zip- Upload, Unzip & Import.
> - Added port/internet connection checks (See if your crafty & mc servers are visible to the world).
> -  Overhauled codebase to implement an MVC framework (Model–view–controller)
> - 'Standalone/Portable' Windows package builds now available

__**Docker Support <:docker:802963259786264657> :**__
> - Initial 4.0 Docker Support 🎉
> - Improvements from original 3.x `Dockerfile`.
> - Pre-built multi-arch (`amd64` & `arm64`) images now available.
> - - Ci Pipelines in place so your always up to date with `Master` & `Dev`.
> - - Single file `compose` deployments are here. (No more pulling the full repo and building yourself!).

__**Bugs Squashed! 🐛 :**__
> - Fixed handling of `KeyboardInterrupt` in prompt (non-daemon) mode.
> - Fixed sort of server types & versions.
> - Fixed `SIGTERM` handling.
> - Escape *logfile*output (Fixes weird formatting and remote code execution vulnerability)
> - Fixed HTTP handler function logging.
> - Fixed users not logging out when visiting a page on the public handler.
> - Removed unnecessary debug logger entries.
> - Fixed Crafty version string.
> - Fixed cache for language file.
> - Fixed cursor visibility on all file tree items in fs.
> - Fixed bug where non-super user could not edit server configs.
> - Fixed bug where if a user created a server they would not initially have access to that server.
> - Added a backups thread so the page doesn't lock up on manual backups. 
> - Added a check to see if a backup is already happening..
> - Added error screen a server start failure so user knows it failed/why. (Fixes bug where crafty does not handle when Java is not installed)
> - Fixed bug where absolute path would be joined to server path on zip import.
> - Fixed bug where if zip file has no `server.properties` an error would be thrown. 
> - Fixed bug where `server-port` and `server-ip` were flipped in config page.
> - Added prompt for files being deleted when deleting a server.
> - Removed legacy backup code that archived *file-by-file* and replaced with `make_archive` from `shutil` to just zip the whole directory.
> - Fixed various errors in models.
> - Fixed numerous role sanity issues.
> - Fixed upload indicator `max-body-size`.
> - Fixed upload window closing after first upload is complete and not waiting for all uploads to complete.
> - Fixed translations for files page (uploads/zips).
> - Added download options for files in file tree (not for dirs).
> - Fixed error where server creation ends before server download is finished.
> - Fixed docker unraid exec issue
> - Added multiple Gitlab CI pipeline improvements
> - Fixed `notify.html` to properly check for superuser
> - Various fixes to models and roles
> - Fixed translation on start error messages
> - Fixed bugs on the add user/edit user pages
> - Improve indentation on startup banner
*Credit to <@!139560843753947137> for the release notes.*




Hey everybody!

As we're just coming off of the fresh release of a new 4.0 Alpha phase, some of you are probably wondering what the status of 3.x is.

While there is not a new release of 3.x yet, we have finally put out the official Windows release for 3.3! You can find it on the release page for v3.3.0 on GitLab at https://gitlab.com/crafty-controller/crafty-web/-/releases/v3.3.0 - just download the Windows build and copy your `crafty.sqlite` into `app/config` when you extract that zip archive.

As always, if you need any additional help, you can find us in <#643153422970781735> answering any questions or issues you may have!


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2 hours ago, binhex said:

In preparation for Minecraft 1.18 I have bumped up the version of Java from 16 to 17 in the latest image. My understanding is that the current release 1.17 should work fine with Java 17, if you find this is not the case then please let me know

My 1.17 server seemed to launch, but my 1.16.5 server as well as my servers with older versions of minecraft seemed to not launch.

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16 hours ago, REV3RSE said:

My 1.17 server seemed to launch, but my 1.16.5 server as well as my servers with older versions of minecraft seemed to not launch.

this is expected, if you want to run a minecraft server less than version 1.17 then you need to specify JAVA_VERSION 8.

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4 hours ago, binhex said:

this is expected, if you want to run a minecraft server less than version 1.17 then you need to specify JAVA_VERSION 8.

Got it. I assumed that the older minecraft versions would work on the latest version of java, that does not seem to be the case. All of my servers were working on the default java version before I updated the docker container.

I was unaware multiple versions of java were installed in the container as well. I set the java path of my 1.16.5 server to /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/bin/java and it loaded up properly!

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My 1.17.1 and 1.16.5 were all using


but now none of them will start (logs show that doesn't exist anymore).


I've changed the path to /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/java, but i'm getting java not found errors. 

What's the path for the new java 17?


crafty.log shows:

2021-11-22 20:59:27,503 - [Crafty] - CRITICAL - app.classes.minecraft_server - Minecraft server Java path does not exist...


Edited by jj_uk
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3 minutes ago, jj_uk said:

My 1.17.1 and 1.16.5 were all using


but now none of them will start (logs show that doesn't exist anymore).


I've changed the path to /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/java, but i'm getting java not found errors. 

What's the path for the new java 17?

that is the correct path, just created container from latest:-


looks good to me.

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I had to restart the container after changing the MC server java paths in crafty. My 1.16.5 is now running on java 8, and my fabric 1.17.1 server is running on java 17.


but my PaperMC server won't start on java 17, although their discord says it should, so i need to update PaperMC or one of the plugins etc that its using.


In the mean-time, is there an easy way for me to get java 16 again so I can at least get it running for now?

Edited by jj_uk
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15 minutes ago, jj_uk said:

but my PaperMC server won't start on java 17, although their discord says it should, so i need to update PaperMC or one of the plugins etc that its using.

there is java 11 available too, worth a shot


16 minutes ago, jj_uk said:

In the mean-time, is there an easy way for me to get java 16 again so I can at least get it running for now?

this is more difficult than you might think, as the base os is a rolling distro it makes rolling back to previous versions quite tricky, i will do some digging but it wont be a quick fix.

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I think i've got it running now on v17. I can't test the external xbox -> crafty connections. I guess i'll find out tomorrow when the kids try to log on!


Removing the version of java I was using was not cool ;)🤣 haha... Thanks for all your hard work :)


Edited by jj_uk
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1 minute ago, jj_uk said:

Removing the version of java I was using was not cool

sorry dude, but im between a rock and a hard place here, i have to be prepared for v1.18, which people will be no doubt going mad for when its released, and that requires java 17, so there ya go, shit happens eh.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I recently updated minecraft client to 1.18 and now it says that I can not play since the server is for 1.17.

Any idea for when this will be fixed?

I tried to replace the server.jar file in the docker but that did not help.


Being a total newb on this I do not wanna try something here and ruin everything but would appreciate an feedback for when an update will be released since my kids are getting a bit frustrated here.


Thanks for any update!

Edited by mrvilla
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@mrvilla You need to run 1.17 Minecraft client in your launcher.

First, try to hit the drop down to the left of the big green PLAY button. If 1.17 isn't listed in there, then at the TOP of the launcher hit the "Installations" tab. Hit New Installation. Drop down to a version 1.17 and install that. Then you can launch Minecraft client 1.17 and play your un-upgraded world.

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On 12/4/2021 at 9:53 AM, mrvilla said:


I recently updated minecraft client to 1.18 and now it says that I can not play since the server is for 1.17.

Any idea for when this will be fixed?

I tried to replace the server.jar file in the docker but that did not help.


Being a total newb on this I do not wanna try something here and ruin everything but would appreciate an feedback for when an update will be released since my kids are getting a bit frustrated here.


Thanks for any update!


Are you asking how can a 1.17.1 server be upgraded to a 18.1 server?  I'd also be interested in this.

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@jj_uk did you try googling it yet? <wink>
the broad strokes are: download the 1.18 Minecraft jar (I think either paper version or official vanilla), I like to rename that jar to xxxx-1.18.jar, update the server settings to the new server jar file name, restart the server. As the logs are flipping by, you’ll see 1.18 server. Once it’s started, the status will show 1.18. 

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My server upgraded fine to papermc 1.18 since yesterday.
I even deleted the unused chunks of my world to regenerate with the new engine with the big caves etc.

Worked like a charm.

Worldedit and few other plugs for 1.18 are out too.


I hate that the new paper API doesn't support autoupdate calls any more though. :(
(wish for a workaround... because the same result can come from two API calls... one to return the latest version and another to download that specific version)


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1 hour ago, NLS said:

I hate that the new paper API doesn't support autoupdate calls any more though. :(
(wish for a workaround... because the same result can come from two API calls... one to return the latest version and another to download that specific version)



I asked why they decided to do that on their discord a while ago. Their reply was- to stop people blindly updating and breaking their server, then flooding the support forums.

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8 hours ago, jj_uk said:


I asked why they decided to do that on their discord a while ago. Their reply was- to stop people blindly updating and breaking their server, then flooding the support forums.


Yeah, stupid choice.

You see:


1) Some people want to blindly do that and is not that hard to revert to previous version if one fails.


2) Do they know they shouldn't introduce "production braking" code within a single version minor build update?



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I need some help. Every day, between 12-noon and 12:05, all three of my MC servers crash. They fail with similar errors that seem to indicate that the server can't keep up.




[12:02:00] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: --- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH  - git-Paper-769 (MC: 1.16.5) ---
[12:02:00] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: The server has not responded for 0 seconds! Creating thread dump
[12:02:00] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------
[12:02:00] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to Paper!):
[12:02:00] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 14567ms or 291 ticks behind
[12:02:00] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------




[12:00:58] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: --- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH  - git-Paper-388 (MC: 1.17.1) ---
[12:00:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 11406ms or 228 ticks behind
[12:00:58] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: The server has not responded for -1 seconds! Creating thread dump




[12:00:27] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 2078ms or 41 ticks behind
[12:00:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 11400ms or 228 ticks behind
[12:02:00] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 28937ms or 578 ticks behind
[12:05:03] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 149832ms or 2996 ticks behind
[12:05:03] [Server Watchdog/FATAL]: A single server tick took 60.00 seconds (should be max 0.05)
[12:05:03] [Server Watchdog/FATAL]: Considering it to be crashed, server will forcibly shutdown.



I've looked in the unraid logs, and the only thing there is a ssdtrim on the cache, that happens every hour. 

I've looked at all my containers; I can't tell if one of them is doing anything that will swamp the server at that time.


I'm not sure how to proceed in debugging this?  Is there a way to get a global CPU usage graph in unraid?

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On 12/5/2021 at 5:07 PM, dkerlee said:

@mrvilla You need to run 1.17 Minecraft client in your launcher.

First, try to hit the drop down to the left of the big green PLAY button. If 1.17 isn't listed in there, then at the TOP of the launcher hit the "Installations" tab. Hit New Installation. Drop down to a version 1.17 and install that. Then you can launch Minecraft client 1.17 and play your un-upgraded world.

When i started my minecraft launcher is autoupdated to 1.18 and it requires the server to be upgraded as well. The server is 1.17 but my launcher does not accept it.


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On 12/5/2021 at 6:30 PM, dkerlee said:

@jj_uk did you try googling it yet? <wink>
the broad strokes are: download the 1.18 Minecraft jar (I think either paper version or official vanilla), I like to rename that jar to xxxx-1.18.jar, update the server settings to the new server jar file name, restart the server. As the logs are flipping by, you’ll see 1.18 server. Once it’s started, the status will show 1.18. 

I tried that but it did not work. 

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We are already in 1.18.1.

Since 1.18 means old seeds create totally different worlds, do some research before moving up.
I am successfully using 1.18.1 on crafty server (and clients), way sooner than I expected.


I deleted a huge part of my existing world (with mca selector) to regenerate with the new engine.
It was done pretty nicely, WAY better than older versions. Now the system tries to "mix" at the edge, not "cut through".

I am using papermc which is better than vanilla.


Also, make sure that any plug-ins you use support 1.18(.1). Worldedit already has a beta for it.

Really guys it is simple, as long as you know what you are doing.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello! I'm running into a small issue with the crafty container and was hoping someone might be able to help. The image size has bloated to over 27GB while pregenerating the world.

I understand that means something is writing to the image instead of a mapped share, but I don't know what is writing out or exactly how to track it down. Based on the size, it feels like the entire server files are writing out, but that doesn't make sense to me as those are all saving to the /appdata/crafty share mapped to /config.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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