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[Support] Machinaris - Chia cryptocurrency farming + Plotman plotting + Unraid WebUI

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1 hour ago, cjizzle said:

I have appx 900 plots using pool contract address and 400 old school...been replotting. The old school plots are on a Windows machine and pool plots on Unraid server using Machinaris to farm. Found out my windows machine was taking over a minute to verify proofs so it was pointless.  Anyways I set up Machinaris to access the windows shares, it recognized them fine and still less than a second access time. 

When I got the daily summary though it still showed only the pool plots even though in the Summary tab it shows all plots being scanned. Does this mean Machinaris will only do pools OR solo, not both?


Hi, I think the issue is that Machinaris needs to know about all the various directories which hold your plots (regardless of type).  Please verify that your "plots_dir" variable is set to a colon-separated list of all your in-container paths.  Double-check there is not a duplicate variable by toggling Advanced View and clicking 'Show more settings."  Details here.



Also found my first XFX proof since the above change but no XFX coin was "delivered". Not like its worth anything right now but still...


Interesting, maybe your Flax blockchain or wallet are not fully synced?  I've gotten a few XFX so far and they did eventually show up.  You could check their Github and report an Issue.  Hope this helps!

Edited by guy.davis
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2 hours ago, guy.davis said:


Hi, I think the issue is that Machinaris needs to know about all the various directories which hold your plots (regardless of type).  Please verify that your "plots_dir" variable is set to a colon-separated list of all your in-container paths.  Double-check there is not a duplicate variable by toggling Advanced View and clicking 'Show more settings."  Details here.




Yes everything is set correctly per your instructions (I believe lol) and no duplicate variable.

plots_dir is a variable 



All the smb shares are mapped in the container settings with the network location


In the config.yaml

  - /plotspool
  - /plots
  - /plots1
  - /plots2
  - /plots3
  - /plots4


Right now I see Plots Passed Filter as 7/1251   .77290 seconds
Appx 400 of those plots are on the Windows machine, the rest on the Unraid server itself.

Last Summary reported 836 plots


Also the XFX proof was found appx 10 hours ago.


I did check and all wallets and blockchains are synced.


Just realized I didn't port forward 6888 for flax, so maybe I went past the 30 second limit. 2 proofs missed looking back. Guess we will see if that fixes the flax issue.


Edited by cjizzle
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Hi, try the following to investigate the issue of plot count, run via the Docker Console for the Machinaris container on Unraid:


env | grep -i plots_dir
chia plots show
chia farm summary


If the "plots show" includes some folders you're not expecting, they can be removed with:

chia plots remove -d /some/container/directory


If all above is correct and you're still seeing incorrect Plot Count on both Summary and Farming page, then please consult the logs looking for errors.

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so my problem doesn't go

I have 2 pools on my windows pc it show both pools the docker only the newer one


i delet the database and resync it tooks 5 days... 


But nothing changed, my Windows pc connect to both right to the pool, but the unraid docker container not.


I don't know what must I do that unraid docker connect to my both pools that I made

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3 hours ago, stubennatter said:

I have 2 pools on my windows pc it show both pools the docker only the newer one

But nothing changed, my Windows pc connect to both right to the pool, but the unraid docker container not.

I don't know what must I do that unraid docker connect to my both pools that I made


Good day, your mnemonic seed phrase is the private key that points to your wallet and plotnft on the blockchain.  Please ensure you are using the same seed phrase on both your Windows and Unraid systems.  See: https://github.com/guydavis/machinaris/wiki/Keys#import-key-mnemonic  


Once fully synced, check your Settings | Pools page (or enter "chia plotnft show") at the Docker console for Machinaris.  Hope this helps!

Edited by guy.davis
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Suddenly I’m encountering a lot of ‘Seeking plots took too long’ issues and I really can’t pinpoint where they are coming from. CPU/RAM is not an issue as neither are anywhere close to maxed out. I shut off everything else (VM/dockers) and still have the same issue. Restarted the container. Drive read speeds don’t appear problematic. Logs don’t give much info except simply ‘plots took too long’. Any suggestions on where to look next?


EDIT: OK I have found my issue. I plot with madmax in ram/nvme but phase 5:0 was holding me up. I am using an SSD cache on my Chiaplot share to speed up the process. However, I can only copy from my cache to the main array at approx 20mb/s, which is slower than I plot. Over time my cache fills up. If I disable cache completely, I get 50mb/s from my nvme direct to array.


I solved this by allowing a 2nd plot to start at phase 5 but I wonder what is causing this behavior. I thought it was due to the container polling the plots on the cache drive but this speed persists even with the docker container shut down.

Edited by rik3k
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Hey Guys, i would like to Forward a Message sent in Discord at SpacePool:
"Hey guys, I tried to join your SpacePool today. I use a Docker container machinaris for this. If I click on the suggested link on the right to copy, then I get the following result: https://eu1.pool.space/ I entered this link in machinaris and Log tells me: "Exception from 'wallet' Error connecting to pool https://eu1.pool.space/: Response from https://eu1.pool.space/ not OK: 404" It killed my 100 mojos When I tried to use https://eu1.pool.space/, machinaris correctly said: "Will create a plot NFT and join pool: https: //eu1.pool.space.Error creating plot NFT: {'error': 'Not enough balance in main wallet to create a managed plotting pool. ',' success': False} " How can you please help me? Kind regards, Peter"


Some Guys said, to join tho Pool takes only 1 Mojo, but all my 100 mojos are gone. Where ist the Mistake?




Edited by DaPedda
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6 hours ago, DaPedda said:

Hello community, how does machinaris decide where to write the next plot to? I have entered two directories, let's call them plot6 and plot7. Machinaris mostly only wants to write to plot7. plot7 has more data than plot6.
Greetings Peter

Machy is just an new gui over some popular systems for chia. what realy does the plotting is plotman. my guess its puts new plots in the lowes line folder. You might want so read up on Archiving here




Edited by Malixk
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If anyone can help me with getting pool plots to work I'd greatly appreciate it.


As far as I know I'm connected to flex pool.io pool.  I've been mining pool plots for close to two weeks.  yet I am seeing nothing back and when I go to check on my address on their website (using the wallet found after Payout instructions (pool will pay to this address)) it says "Specified address was not found in our system. Try waiting some time if you are already mining."


I figure some of you must be using Machinaris to mine to flex pool so greatly appreciate any help getting this working.  I've spent a huge amount of money on chia with literally NOTHING to show for it after months of farming and I'm extremely frustrated.


My info:


# chia plotnft show
Wallet height: 665859
Sync status: Synced
Wallet id 2: 
Current state: FARMING_TO_POOL
Current state from block height: 567495
Launcher ID: 8e700e562052fbe7daeaaedb9238f343c63053036f8d2aaf154ec2fcc78c91eb
Target address (not for plotting): xch1d00purr0n5ae8hz706rcwge90m09w00wa4v78d9fpawgdhs6p0fsjt6rd8
Owner public key: 84017b3c91752f9a53313cc716b29fe9b45f922610cfca2065f5a9e10f30bbdc4a96d6b8e5d99341e175b1db902a0220
P2 singleton address (pool contract address for plotting): xch1dkcnya3m22la6q5625xu0ra0r7wwnj9aeqffay24xa26yktg89xqkgsgrc
Current pool URL: https://xch-us-east.flexpool.io
Current difficulty: 1
Points balance: 9999
Relative lock height: 100 blocks
Payout instructions (pool will pay to this address): xch1z4xzuuea0yakj8wudayzh9t3kny4pxhkk3at7z7m7073wuxungqsczhkqv

Wallet id 3: 
Current state: FARMING_TO_POOL
Current state from block height: 567420
Launcher ID: f2b4ae1b6f1dcdcd8d0e4046447ae576f4a5b85fa8f0f12ceae270bb02b6bd1b
Target address (not for plotting): xch1d00purr0n5ae8hz706rcwge90m09w00wa4v78d9fpawgdhs6p0fsjt6rd8
Owner public key: a3f36abcba4f297329890129b8996fc5491f69362c1719dd3a6ceed9a3ec656cbdd1c2664bac1e6335dce187c03a948a
P2 singleton address (pool contract address for plotting): xch1lhzxecj0x29qr8gmzjklqe00z8za0nfhyhpmj8xekkf365qectjqz5q3xa
Current pool URL: https://xch-us-east.flexpool.io
Current difficulty: 1
Points balance: 9999
Relative lock height: 100 blocks
Payout instructions (pool will pay to this address): xch13d9s8vv96h9px2wczjuxqxl88uvgqg3qzc7609pqnqsyyxyveeqqheks2s

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On 8/4/2021 at 2:47 AM, Ystebad said:

P2 singleton address (pool contract address for plotting): xch1dkcnya3m22la6q5625xu0ra0r7wwnj9aeqffay24xa26yktg89xqkgsgrc


Hey, do you have enabled the  pool_contract_address: under plotting in the plotman.yaml?

looks like "pool_contract_address: xch1dkcnya3m22la6q5625xu0ra0r7wwnj9aeqffay24xa26yktg89xqkgsgrc"

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Hello, I am having a hard time finding why my wallet is taking a long time to sync up. I am using the regular chia app at the moment to farm on another machined and it is working well. Node and wallet both synced up but in Machinaris the node is synced but the wallet seems to have stalled on me. I have port forwarding set up to port 8444 and the machinaris server. Can someone help me get this fixed up please. I was wondering if running the chia app on the network was stopping the wallet in Machinaris from syncing up?

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23 hours ago, DCcrypto said:

Hello, I am having a hard time finding why my wallet is taking a long time to sync up. I am using the regular chia app at the moment to farm on another machined and it is working well. Node and wallet both synced up but in Machinaris the node is synced but the wallet seems to have stalled on me. I have port forwarding set up to port 8444 and the machinaris server. Can someone help me get this fixed up please. I was wondering if running the chia app on the network was stopping the wallet in Machinaris from syncing up?

you can copy over the DB folder from the windows too machy. you can also add the windows node to machy via ip on the windows machine

Edited by Malixk
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On 8/6/2021 at 11:22 AM, DaPedda said:


Hey, do you have enabled the  pool_contract_address: under plotting in the plotman.yaml?

looks like "pool_contract_address: xch1dkcnya3m22la6q5625xu0ra0r7wwnj9aeqffay24xa26yktg89xqkgsgrc"

@DaPeddaYes I had done that already:


 pool_contract_address: xch1z4xzuuea0yakj8wudayzh9t3kny4pxhkk3at7z7m7073wuxungqsczhkqv


Edited by Ystebad
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I guess I'm giving up on this and installing a windows VM and running the actual chia client.  I've spent weeks trying to get this to work have almost 1000 plots and not a single dime of chia to show for it.  Pool won't support me as they say machinaris in unsupported client so as much as I hate windows, I'm going that way.  Hope this continues, maybe someday I'll try again.

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20 hours ago, Ystebad said:

I guess I'm giving up on this and installing a windows VM and running the actual chia client.  I've spent weeks trying to get this to work have almost 1000 plots and not a single dime of chia to show for it.  Pool won't support me as they say machinaris in unsupported client so as much as I hate windows, I'm going that way.  Hope this continues, maybe someday I'll try again.


Sorry to hear that.  Machinaris is simply a WebUI in front of the standard Chia binaries, bundled in the Docker image.  I've been on a week's vacation, so I missed this post.   If you decide to try Machinaris again, please try dropping into the Discord server for more interactive assistance.

Edited by guy.davis
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7 hours ago, SohailS said:

what happens when the share which i store my plots on are full?  do i just stop and farm? or will it continue to plot and overwrite? 


Currently, plotman be paused on the last plot creation, likely in an error state.  You can just Kill the last plot job which will remove the stale temp files.  At that point, you can continue to farm without further plotting.  Hope this helps!

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17 hours ago, guy.davis said:


Currently, plotman be paused on the last plot creation, likely in an error state.  You can just Kill the last plot job which will remove the stale temp files.  At that point, you can continue to farm without further plotting.  Hope this helps!

Yes thanks get it.  suppose i only farm or get more storage for plotting

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Hey, good work on this docker/app.  


I have a strange issue that I've never seen before and maybe you can help.  Basically, I can browse the webgui on 1 system of mine (the one I originally set everything up) and that's it.  All the other systems (mobile (desktop requested), other full desktops, etc.) show what is essentially a poorly formatted mobile version.  It doesn't matter which browser I use - all behave the same way:




Any suggestions on how I could debug this?

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52 minutes ago, Einsteinjr said:

Hey, good work on this docker/app.  


I have a strange issue that I've never seen before and maybe you can help.  Basically, I can browse the webgui on 1 system of mine (the one I originally set everything up) and that's it.  All the other systems (mobile (desktop requested), other full desktops, etc.) show what is essentially a poorly formatted mobile version.  It doesn't matter which browser I use - all behave the same way:




Any suggestions on how I could debug this?

Hi, not sure I understand. Please provide some more details.  Also take a look at setting up a single Machinaris Controller (fullnode) and multiple Machinaris Workers (harvesters,plotters or both):  https://github.com/guydavis/machinaris/wiki/Workers

Edited by guy.davis
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