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[Support] Machinaris - Chia cryptocurrency farming + Plotman plotting + Unraid WebUI

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7 minutes ago, Pducharme said:

@guy.davis Hi! Just couple of newbie questions.  For the Plotting SSD, would you use SATA SSD, NVMe on a PCI-e card or NVMe on Mobo ?  I guess SATA SSD cheapest, but slower of the lot?   For the final Farming, would you all put that outside of the array using Unassigned devices or for the farming part, using the Free space of the array is good enough?


Good question.  I learned the hard-way over the past month that Unraid can work with Chia, but does require some tweaking.  I do have some plots on my main array, but I prefer the Unassigned Devices plugin for additional drives as I don't really need any parity/redundancy.  For temp plotting, NVMe is fastest.  However, my old server doesn't have it so I am using some high-endurance SATA SSDs, combined in cache pool with BRTFS RAID-0 for better speed.  Lot's of other ways to do it though.  Let me know if you have other questions.



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1 hour ago, CMASSE said:

Yes it works - you add additional path parameters on the docker container + modify the plotting settings to look something like this (note I have 2 additional temp locations beyond the default one):

                - /plotting
                - /plotting2
                - /plotting3


I didn't try with the final directories but I assume it would be the same.


Just wanted to thank the guy.davis for this container - awesome work, very well done.  It's stable and highly configurable.  A lot less jank than dealing with the plotter on Windows. The new update which allows the pausing / killing of plotting from the UI is also freaking awesome.

Thanks! That's great news!


Now the big question: What are the chances that one instance of Machinaris can control/monitor the plotting on multiple machines? Probably a pipe-dream, but thought I'd throw it out there :)

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I just wanted to give you a shout out for this! I do have a quick question though.


I am trying to route this container through a Binhex VPN container, and cannot seem to get the webpage to ever come up.


VPN Container and Machinaris config below:


Screen Shot 2021-05-21 at 3.23.01 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-05-21 at 3.23.56 PM.png

Edited by pr85
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1 hour ago, DoeBoye said:

Now the big question: What are the chances that one instance of Machinaris can control/monitor the plotting on multiple machines? Probably a pipe-dream, but thought I'd throw it out there :)


Sorry, not yet.  There is an open issue for such a distributed setup all reporting via central Machinaris WebUI though.  Please vote it up and add your thoughts.

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49 minutes ago, flyize said:

Apologies for the newbness here. I'm currently plotting on a Windows machine. How can I move all my plots to Unraid to be harvested (I think that's the correct term), so that I can convert my Windows machine over to Linux?


Just copy them over to your unraid plot folder. I use windows to do some plotting and just copy them over when done. Can even specify final destination as your unraid share. 

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2 hours ago, pr85 said:

I am trying to route this container through a Binhex VPN container, and cannot seem to get the webpage to ever come up.


That's a tricky one.  I'm using Binhex's Deluge VPN and can access the Deluge WebUI via Organizr+Swag.  I had to set up a custom network I called 'swag'.  I'm not doing this for Machinaris though, just letting it access Internet directly.  The behavior should be similar for a web app routed through a VPN though.  You probably want to search for tutotials on Unraid + Swag.  Good luck!


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1 hour ago, flyize said:

Apologies for the newbness here. I'm currently plotting on a Windows machine. How can I move all my plots to Unraid to be harvested (I think that's the correct term), so that I can convert my Windows machine over to Linux?


Sure, basically you want to mount your Unraid array as a share on your Windows box.  Copy the plot files over, then point Machinaris to use the Unraid folder they landed in for '/plots'.  Once you've copied them off the Windows machine, along with anything else you want to keep, you can wipe the Windows box and install Linux.

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Hey, first of all I want to thank you for doing this hard work! Keep it up!

One question though: I tried to copy the data from an existing installation, as you described:


cp -r /mnt/user/appdata/chia /mnt/user/appdata/machinaris


But then, you end up with this: 


root@localserver:/mnt/user/appdata/machinaris# ls
chia/  machinaris/  mainnet/  plotman/


in the chia directory there is all the information, including mainnet. Shouldn't be the content of chia in the root folder of machinaris?


As of my very limited knowledge of Linux, shouldn't it look like this?


cp -r /mnt/user/appdata/chia/. /mnt/user/appdata/machinaris



/Edit: yes, it worked. Missing the '.' 


Looks good so far! More questions to come, for sure. One thing would make this perfect: Integration with chiadog! It has already a docker integration as well. My knowledge is super limited and I'm not confident enough to mess with a docker image via CLI on unraid. But, if you say, no prob - I'll give it a shot with some guidance, there is even a howto if chia is residing in a docker as well:




docker volume create chia-home
docker run --name <container-name> -d artjacobson/chiadog-docker:latest -v chia-home:/root/.chia:ro
docker run --name <container-name> -d ghcr.io/chia-network/chia:latest -v chia-home:/root/.chia <additional args for keys and plots>


Edited by localh0rst
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9 hours ago, suyac said:

First of all, because this is my first comment, nice work ! I really like what you did here.


And the question: is there a safe way at this time to update / restart the container without losing in progress plots?


Thanks!  Unfortunately, no.  A Docker container is a lot like a small virtual machine, so restarting the container is like rebooting the VM.  However, if you are plotting, first stop Plotman on the Plotting page.  This will prevent new plotting jobs from launching, but will allow existing jobs to complete. Then later, when your plotting jobs are done, you can restart the Machinaris container and/or update the Docker image without impacting plotting.  Details in the FAQ.

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First of all, thanks for this!

Having an issue with an imported mnemonic.  Summary shows "Unknown" for Total Chia and Wallet shows:


No online backup file found, Press S to skip restore from backup Press F to use your own backup file: Exception from 'wallet' EOF when reading a line

But the Settings/Keys tab shows the correct Fingerprint, Public Keys, and First Wallet Address that I have on one of my Windows PC's running the Windows Chia client with the same mnemonic/wallet.  Any idea on how I can fix?


Edited by jedimstr
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This is cracking stuff, Guy.


I'm struggling a little with the logic for the plotting scheduling parameters, and looking for some advice. If I always want plotman to wait before starting another plot on a temp drive that already has a phase 1 plot, will this do the job?


# Plotting scheduling parameters
        # Run a job on a particular temp dir only if the number of existing jobs
        # before tmpdir_stagger_phase_major tmpdir_stagger_phase_minor
        # is less than tmpdir_stagger_phase_limit.
        # Phase major corresponds to the plot phase, phase minor corresponds to
        # the table or table pair in sequence, phase limit corresponds to
        # the number of plots allowed before [phase major, phase minor]
        tmpdir_stagger_phase_major: 2
        tmpdir_stagger_phase_minor: 1
        # Optional: default is 1
        tmpdir_stagger_phase_limit: 1


Any help great appreciated.

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3 hours ago, jedimstr said:

First of all, thanks for this!

Having an issue with an imported mnemonic.  Summary shows "Unknown" for Total Chia and Wallet shows:

But the Settings/Keys tab shows the correct Fingerprint, Public Keys, and First Wallet Address that I have on one of my Windows PC's running the Windows Chia client with the same mnemonic/wallet.  Any idea on how I can fix?


You need to connect by ssh, or open the web console for this container.
Then type:

venv/bin/chia wallet show

Then you can press S to skip. The wallet will by synced after some hours.

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@guy.davis Thanks a lot for your work. I installed two times, one for farming, one for plotting. Works great for now and i can start playing around with plotman. :)
I miss just 2 things before i can shutdown the unneeded windows vm.
"Estimated Time to Win" and
"Last Attempted Proof"
I know, both are not realy necessary, just nice to watch.

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Nice docker to try.. I read the profitability of Chia is not to great at the moment but you never know :-)  Fun to try !


I have installed the docker and it is plotting along. I created an extra cache pool of 350G with two old SSD's and set a share in "prefer" on there. Then the main folder for the finished plots on the array.  Is that about what everyone is doing ?


Its creating two plots at the moment, will plotman start making new ones when these are moved to the main folder ?

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19 hours ago, tigger2k said:

@guy.davis Thanks a lot for your work. I installed two times, one for farming, one for plotting. Works great for now and i can start playing around with plotman. :)
I miss just 2 things before i can shutdown the unneeded windows vm.
"Estimated Time to Win" and
"Last Attempted Proof"
I know, both are not realy necessary, just nice to watch.


Thanks.  Glad you find it useful.  Regarding features, 'Estimated Time to Win' display is on the Farming page in the current test version. To test it out, change your Repository in Unraid Docker tab | Machinaris Edit | Repository field to ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris:test.  If you wait, it will be released to mainline this coming week.


Regarding "Last Attempted Proof", there is a feature request.  Please add your suggestions to the Github issue.  Thanks for the feedback.

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3 hours ago, Helmonder said:

Nice docker to try.. I read the profitability of Chia is not to great at the moment but you never know 🙂 Fun to try !


I have installed the docker and it is plotting along. I created an extra cache pool of 350G with two old SSD's and set a share in "prefer" on there. Then the main folder for the finished plots on the array.  Is that about what everyone is doing ?


Its creating two plots at the moment, will plotman start making new ones when these are moved to the main folder ?

Yup, that sounds good.  With a 350 GB sized cache pool, you'll probably get one plot at a time, so you may need to decrease the default plotman.yaml settings.  You'll know if the temp cache drive hits 100% and your plotting gets hung. 

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