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is there a way to specify additional download parameters, such as:



the output template is great, but doesn't quite let me do that^, thanks.

the description contains the links to the artists/songs, etc. and this would help greatly 🙏

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10 hours ago, Construc_ said:

is there a way to specify additional download parameters, such as:



the output template is great, but doesn't quite let me do that^, thanks.

the description contains the links to the artists/songs, etc. and this would help greatly 🙏


All the available options are described here : https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/blob/master/yt_dlp/YoutubeDL.py#L183


There is indeed this option:



writedescription:       Write the video description to a .description file


The format to use in the docker container template would be to add the following in the "options" field (i.e.: the "Container Variable: YTDL_OPTIONS" variable):


"writedescription": true


Edited by Opawesome
Fix wrong link to available options
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3 hours ago, Opawesome said:


All the available options are described here : https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp?tab=readme-ov-file#usage-and-options


There is indeed this option:



The format to use in the docker container template would be to add the following in the "options" field (i.e.: the "Container Variable: YTDL_OPTIONS" variable):


"writedescription": true


image.png.43a3f8e10bcb206ea7718dae3d3d77a1.pngi have no idea what im doing but i dont think im doing it correctly? im not entirely sure what you meant by `in the "options" field (i.e.: the "Container Variable: YTDL_OPTIONS" variable`, sorry.
i added a variable to the docker container, set its key to `YTDL_OPTIONS`, and tried both `"writedescription": true` and `--write-description` in the value field, to no effect.

where would i go to see what kinds of variables the docker container has? if thats where i should be looking for answers, thanks 🙏



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You are in the right place 😀. I just think your syntax is wrong. You should probably set the value to:


{"writedescription": true}


to respect the JSON format requirement (I assumed you had already some options set up with the right format). See https://github.com/alexta69/metube?tab=readme-ov-file#configuration-via-environment-variables for the details.


It says:



YTDL_OPTIONS: Additional options to pass to youtube-dl, in JSON format. See available options here. They roughly correspond to command-line options, though some do not have exact equivalents here, for example --recode-video has to be specified via postprocessors. Also note that dashes are replaced with underscores. [...]


The following example value for YTDL_OPTIONS embeds English subtitles and chapter markers (for videos that have them), and also changes the permissions on the downloaded video and sets the file modification timestamp to the date of when it was downloaded:

environment: - 'YTDL_OPTIONS={"writesubtitles":true,"subtitleslangs":["en","-live_chat"],"updatetime":false,"postprocessors":[{"key":"Exec","exec_cmd":"chmod 0664","when":"after_move"},{"key":"FFmpegEmbedSubtitle","already_have_subtitle":false},{"key":"FFmpegMetadata","add_chapters":true}]}'




Edited by Opawesome
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/23/2023 at 2:50 PM, Other Animal said:

Anyone feel like helping someone who has thoroughly confused themselves figure out how to get cookies to work?


I just got cookies going after a fair bit of trial and error.


I added two entries, one a path for the cookies folder, and the other is an environment variable to specify the YTDL_OPTIONS.



Host Path: /mnt/user/appdata/MeTube/cookies


Environment Variable:



Value: {"cookiefile":"/cookies/cookies.txt"}


Exported my cookie file from my browser, put it into the correct folder on my server, restarted MeTube and it works.



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This youtube link does not work with mp3 download, but it works with online youtube-to-mp3 conversion. Could you please take a look. I'm running latest metube version. Thanks.

Update: I found the cause of error: the filename is too long. I don't know how to solve it because I can't set a customs filename with meTube. Any workaround solution?
Update2: I have changed the "Output Template" parameters from:




but meTube still can't convert it successfully. It still reported filename is too long, even the output filename is now less than 100 characters (94 to be exact including spaces). The status bar has some progress and then terminated. I did check the yt-dlp version, it is the latest one, 2024.03.10

I also tried converting it with yt-dlp.exe, same version, on my Win 11 terminal and it converted successfully

PS C:\Users\axath> D:/yt-dlp.exe  -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" https://youtu.be/z6clhiZ4w4E?si=-y_Foai1Qh2KmTYp
[youtube] Extracting URL: https://youtu.be/z6clhiZ4w4E?si=-y_Foai1Qh2KmTYp
[youtube] z6clhiZ4w4E: Downloading webpage
[youtube] z6clhiZ4w4E: Downloading ios player API JSON
[youtube] z6clhiZ4w4E: Downloading android player API JSON
[youtube] z6clhiZ4w4E: Downloading m3u8 information
[info] z6clhiZ4w4E: Downloading 1 format(s): 22
[download] Destination: ไข่มุก เพ็ญสินี เพลง เอาความขมขื่นไปทิ้งแม่โขง | รอบ โจทย์เพลงทัศนาจร จากรายการเพลงเอกซีซั่น 3.mp4
[download] 100% of   27.54MiB in 00:00:01 at 23.78MiB/s
PS C:\Users\axath> d:/yt-dlp.exe --version


Edited by bthoven
provide more updates
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On 11/1/2021 at 3:51 PM, alexta69 said:


Glad you're enjoying it!

There's actually a PR being worked on right now (https://github.com/alexta69/metube/pull/73) that adds MP3 support. So hopefully that will be in the master version soon enough. Other features are not planned at the moment from my side, but contributions are welcome, if you want to take a stab at it :)

Regarding YTDL_OPTIONS, it's specified that it's expected to be in JSON format, so it doesn't look to me that there's any information missing there.



has something happened to this docker? the download part works but when you want to edit them into or with another video there is no video this just started happening been using metube for 2 years now worked fine up to about 3 months ago so its not good unless you just want to watch it then its fine but if you want to use it in a video don't work you have to download the video then watch and screen rec it im mean i can just screen rec it from YouTube right from the get go no need to metube but if you have any info on what is going on thanks 

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  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Soooo, lets say someone 😐 entered a YT channel, and now the whole channel is downloading. Stopping/Restarting the container is not cancelling the download. How do I do that does someone cancel the process now?


(Edit) I loove its simplicity, and clean layout, but really why isn't there a stop button?

Edited by JustOverride
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I am having trouble understanding how to download the video description and comments.  How and where do I put these variables?  I've read the above posts but am still confused.


Also, is there a multi-threaded option whereby multiple videos can be downloaded at the same time?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, JustOverride said:

I think this project has been abandoned. 

Hi, author of MeTube here - the MeTube project (https://github.com/alexta69/metube) does not see active development from me (because it's feature-complete as far as I'm concerned), but the version of yt-dlp that it comes with is upgraded automatically every time there's a new release, and once in a while I'm upgrading other dependencies too (including new versions of Angular). It's also open to contributions from anyone, for fixes or new features -- whenever there's an MR, it's discussed and merged.

As to the Unraid template, I'm not the author of that (since I'm not an Unraid user), so I'm not sure whether anyone is maintaining it or not.

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/11/2024 at 8:43 PM, mattekure said:

Recently started showing this error in the syslog.


Jan 11 14:02:16 Tower root: MeTube: Could not download icon https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alexta69/metube/master/favicon/android-chrome-384x384.png


the icon assets appear to have moved to https://github.com/alexta69/metube/tree/master/ui/src/assets/icons


You can change the Logo-URL by yourself to see one and get rid of the error-message.


Update Container -> Change to "Advanced View" in the upper right corner -> Change the URL in the field "Icon URL:" to the follwoing one:



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On 7/31/2024 at 11:24 AM, alexta69 said:

As to the Unraid template, I'm not the author of that (since I'm not an Unraid user), so I'm not sure whether anyone is maintaining it or not.



Right, it's https://github.com/KatyPurry/unraid who created the template I believe.

Although he seems to be still active (on GitHub at least), he didn't notice that you suddenly deleted https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alexta69/metube/master/favicon/android-chrome-384x384.png 

Or he does not care. Maybe it would be easier to ask you to put it back ?


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