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[Plugin] Docker Compose Manager

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I think there is a bug when activating the help on compose settings, here:




If you keep this activated and moves around the GUI all tooltips are activated and if you turn it off one of these they are still active returning to the same page. You have to turn off "?" on compose settings to bring it back to normal GUI behaviour.



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In the recent update, orphaned image is now automatically removed. Thank you.


Is it possible to also update the local sha256 hash in this file /var/lib/docker/unraid-update-status.json? Since local sha256 is different from remote sha256 there, dockerman keeps showing update ready until I manually update the local sha256 hash.


"library/traefik:latest": {
    "local": "sha256:2e53e47b59bc9a799b6c7b0d6d65f529de478094781751f1e061516ce9ca7c68",
    "remote": "sha256:ac1480ce3203541705b01d6dce40ef4bf563cdb29d5b00db88cc396fa9fa9cd5",
    "status": "true"
Edited by sjtuross
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Apologies if this is already asked, but the default Docker system always shows the containers as having an available update. This causes Fix Common Problems to have a hissy fit. I can ignore those warnings if I have to, but is there any way for the Compose Up//Update Stack processes to tell Unraid's Docker implementation that they've done an update?


If not, is there a way (in your opinion) that the problem could be addressed from the Unraid side?




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On 11/17/2022 at 2:15 AM, alexbn71 said:

I think there is a bug when activating the help on compose settings, here:


If you keep this activated and moves around the GUI all tooltips are activated and if you turn it off one of these they are still active returning to the same page. You have to turn off "?" on compose settings to bring it back to normal GUI behaviour.


The help icon switches the global help on in unraid. You should be able to turn it off by unclicking the help icon in the side bar.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a way to run the "compose up" button that executes the command with the option --remove-orphans?

There are times I comment a container in the config and the orphan errors keep appearing in the command execution.

What I do at the moment is go to the CLI and nacigate to /boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/apps.

While inside that directory I then execute:

docker compose up -d --remove-orphans


It works great in that manual way. Any other update (not including commenting a container) works as expected with the "compose up" button.

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On 11/18/2022 at 8:23 AM, sjtuross said:


Is it possible to also update the local sha256 hash in this file /var/lib/docker/unraid-update-status.json? Since local sha256 is different from remote sha256 there, dockerman keeps showing update ready until I manually update the local sha256 hash.


"library/traefik:latest": {
    "local": "sha256:2e53e47b59bc9a799b6c7b0d6d65f529de478094781751f1e061516ce9ca7c68",
    "remote": "sha256:ac1480ce3203541705b01d6dce40ef4bf563cdb29d5b00db88cc396fa9fa9cd5",
    "status": "true"

Very much this. Is this an accepted feature request?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/3/2022 at 3:09 AM, djismgaming said:

Is there a way to run the "compose up" button that executes the command with the option --remove-orphans?

There are times I comment a container in the config and the orphan errors keep appearing in the command execution.

What I do at the moment is go to the CLI and nacigate to /boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/apps.

While inside that directory I then execute:

docker compose up -d --remove-orphans


It works great in that manual way. Any other update (not including commenting a container) works as expected with the "compose up" button.

Not sure if this helps but I have a script which executes my arguments so I don't need to cd to the directory everytime. Only problem is I don't know how to set container icons within a docker-compose.yml.


(cd /mnt/user/path/to-thing;docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f extensions/extension/extension.yml up) 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello here :)
I'm fresh new unraid user but I already used this must have plugin :)

But I can see that some intégration with unraid is not perfect, can I suggest or ask if these points are plan/possible :
- add labels for 
registry in order to have registry webgui text "clickable"

- make some tweaks to give ability to unraid for check and perform update

thanks already ;)

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3 hours ago, Cyrilphoenix said:

- add labels for registry in order to have registry webgui text "clickable"

This would be a feature request for the unRAID webui rather than this plugin. Currently in dockerman only the icon, webui link, and console selection can be specified by docker label.


3 hours ago, Cyrilphoenix said:

- make some tweaks to give ability to unraid for check and perform update

thanks already ;)

At this time no further integration with the Dockerman update functionality is planned sorry.

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21 hours ago, Cyrilphoenix said:

Hello again, another question please.
Is it possible to use env_file feature ? I'd like to specify a global env_file in my compose who is store in a parent folder not in the same directory of compose file stack.

You can use the 'env_file' option in your compose file to specify an env file anywhere you like. The compose manager ui however will only allow you to edit the env file in stack directory.

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