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[Support] Goobaroo - Modded Minecraft Java Servers

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Hey again @Goobaroo. I downloaded and am trying to run your StoneBlock3 Docker.  I got it configured and all works well. The only issue I am having, is the same one I had before with OceanBlock I believe.  I have configured my port in the docker settings, and also in server.properties and saved it. but every time I start the server it still defaults back to 25565, and also changes the "motd" back to the default.


Is there something in the config or another file that is resetting those fields in server.properties? I have tried another StoneBlock3 docker and it doesn't have the issues, and none of the others do either. I know I'm a niche case (most people aren't running a dozen minecraft servers on their own lol). But I have to run 2 different servers and have different ports for them as one is my buddy's and my test world, and the other is going to be our streaming/recording world, so can't use the default port. 


Any idea what is happening?

Edited by DarthLlama
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On 11/30/2022 at 4:16 PM, Goobaroo said:

@DarthLlama TLDR; Changing the server properties port will break the container and is not necessary to access it on another port.


See here for a longer explanation: 





@Goobaroo Thank you for the explanation. That did fix it.  First time I have had to do it that way, but hey as long as it works, I don't care what I had to do lol. 


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When docker stops a container it does send a shutdown signal to the process. After 10 seconds it will send a kill. 

I can take a look at improving that within docker, but it shouldn’t matter that much. 

Are you running into an issue? You can stop the server in game if you have added yourself to the OPS variable in the server config in Unraid. Then just run /stop in game. 

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Seems to be working now, don't know what changed. I'll let you know if the issue happens again. 


Edit: Was working fine for about 30 minutes then it died with the same error.


# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00001537c6d2f846, pid=14, tid=47
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment ( (build
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (, mixed mode, sharing, tiered, compressed oops, compressed class ptrs, g1 gc, linux-amd64)
# Problematic frame:
# V  [libjvm.so+0x71e846]  G1ParScanThreadState::trim_queue_to_threshold(unsigned int)+0x3386
# No core dump will be written. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /data/hs_err_pid14.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
#   https://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/crash.jsp




Edited by Siggz
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21 hours ago, NoirSoldats said:

Is there going to be an update to the Vault Hunters 3rd Edition docker container for 0.0.2 that was released over a week ago?


Vault hunter 0.0.2 was a client side update only, there was no server for that release.  They don't always release a new server for each version.

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Hey @Goobaroo looks like FTB Direwolf20 1.19 has been released, and it comes with updated versions of a lot of the plugins to fix bugs such as the FTBBackups2 memory leak issue causing servers to crash. (How fun it has been diagnosing that bug... 3000+ Ticks behind after a few days of running the server and I have 600G of ram available. lol)


I see that there is a way to force the latest version, but I am unsure where to place the -latest in the configuration page of the container. Any assistance is appreciated :)

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On 12/10/2022 at 8:38 AM, Goobaroo said:


It's beginning to sound like you may have some bad RAM and this container is hitting it with your current running config.

Yup, it looks like it was RAM setting in the BIOS, cleared CMOS and it started working properly.


Though there is a weird issue of 1.10.3 of direwolf 1.18 not installing on the server side, despite it saying it's 1.10.3, it's actually 1.10.2.

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I noticed Stoneblock3 was updated to 1.4.3 but the container only mentions tags unto 1.4.2. I just wanted to confirm whether 1.4.3 is available.


Also, when upgrading from 1.3.0 to a newer version, are there any steps needed other than just changing the tag? I tried upgrading but the server still appeared to the client as 1.3.0.

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Can it be that the container "all the mods 8" is defective.
After updating it just does not start?!
Have tested everything several times always the same.

Version 1.0.5 works without problems, the container also starts.
But with version 1.0.6 nothing works.

I have attached the log.

++ echo Server-files-1.0.6b.zip
++ sed s/.zip//
+ [[ -d Server-files-1.0.6b ]]
++ ls 'forge-*-installer.jar'
ls: cannot access 'forge-*-installer.jar': No such file or directory
+ java -jar --installServer
Unrecognized option: --installServer
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
+ [[ -n -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m ]]
+ sed -i '/-Xm[s,x]/d' user_jvm_args.txt
+ for j in ${JVM_OPTS}
+ sed -i '$a\-Xms2048m' user_jvm_args.txt
+ for j in ${JVM_OPTS}
+ sed -i '$a\-Xmx4096m' user_jvm_args.txt
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo
+ awk -v RS=, '{print}'
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ sed -i 's/server-port.*/server-port=25565/g' server.properties
+ chmod 755 run.sh
+ ./run.sh
Error: could not open `libraries/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.19.2-43.1.55/unix_args.txt'
   creating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/
   creating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/
   creating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/buttons/
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/buttons/akliz.json  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/buttons/discord.json  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/buttons/github.json  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/buttons/mods.json  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/buttons/multiplayer.json  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/buttons/options.json  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/buttons/patreon.json  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/buttons/quit.json  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/buttons/reddit.json  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/buttons/singleplayer.json  
   creating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/lang/
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/lang/en_us.json  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/lang/zh_cn.json  
   creating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/akliz.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/background.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/discord.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/github.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/logo.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/mods.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/multiplayer.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/patreon.png  
   creating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/questpics/
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/questpics/allthepower.png  
   creating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/questpics/ars/
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/questpics/ars/enchanting_app.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/questpics/ars/imbuement.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/questpics/ars/spellbook.png  
   creating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/questpics/bees/
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/questpics/bees/bottler.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/questpics/bees/productive_bees.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/questpics/bounty.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/questpics/creative.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/questpics/food_and_farming.png  
   creating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/questpics/mek/
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/questpics/mek/mekanism_flowchart.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/questpics/mek/thermalplant.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/questpics/mekanism_easy_setup.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/questpics/tips_and_tricks.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/quit.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/reddit.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/settings.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/atm/textures/singleplayer.png  
   creating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/minecraft/
   creating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/minecraft/textures/
   creating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/minecraft/textures/gui/
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/minecraft/textures/gui/accessibility.png  
   creating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/packmenu/
   creating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/packmenu/lang/
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/packmenu/lang/en_us.json  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/packmenu/lang/zh_cn.json  
   creating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/packmenu/textures/
   creating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/packmenu/textures/gui/
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/packmenu/textures/gui/background.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/packmenu/textures/gui/logo.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/packmenu/textures/gui/reload.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/assets/packmenu/textures/gui/widgets.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/pack.mcmeta  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/packmenu/resources/pack.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/server-icon.png  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/server.properties  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/user_jvm_args.txt  
  inflating: /data/Server-files-1.0.6/mods/IntegratedDynamics-1.19.2-1.14.1.jar  



Edited by Taiwendo
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@Taiwendo I've fixed it.  You need to do 3 things

  1. In your docker menu click the advanced in the top right.  And then click the force update for the ATM8 application.
  2. Delete the Server-files-1.0.6b.zip file in /mnt/user/appdata/allthemods8
  3. start the server, it will update.

@CleverError Templates that contain those lists don't always update automatically.  This is a long fight in the application development community for Unraid.  If ever in doubt, look at the docker hub. https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/goobaroo/stoneblock3


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Vault Hunters update 4 is out when you have a chance to update the docker. Thanks for doing this!


It does appear that the plan for the modpack is to release a new update every week on Sundays for a while. It also appears that even if they don't have a server pack included, there are still changes needed for the server to have it running. I know 0.0.2 didn't have one and you had mentioned that here, but there were still changes needed to be made to the server to have it updated. That info was provided on the discord, but not on curseforge. I've been handling these updates manually myself, but would love to just be able to update the docker to pull them.


If there is anything we can do to help with the updates, I'd be more than happy to try and help, just let me know :)

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@xstefanx thanks for letting me know.  This is all automated on my end.  I built pipelines that call the Curseforge APIs to help build out the server containers.  So if it's not on CurseForge or FTB, then the system doesn't know about it and it doesn't get updated.


Vault Hunters 3rd edition is in alpha, not even beta, so as they work through their issues things will stabilize with time. I don't have the time beyond maintaining the automated workflow.  Hunting down individual packs that require manual changes simply isn't an option.


I'm sure when they get closer to release they will have a more stable release and server updates.  


I hope that helps.

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@Goobaroo Good to know! Glad it's something you can automate like that, certainly makes it easier.


That said, update 4 server files went up Sunday and it doesn't appear anything has been updated yet. Wondering if the version naming scheme changed mess with your automation or something. No longer using the 0.0.# scheme and they're now calling it Update #.



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