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[Support] Goobaroo - Modded Minecraft Java Servers

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Can you send me a long listing of your directory with the docker data?  If you open a terminal on your server you can run this and send it back.  Just trying to understand the state of things.

ls -lah /mnt/user/appdata/skyfactoryone 


@RedRobo It is indeed an unraid thing.  You should be able to open the file in a terminal on your server as you'll be logged in as root.  When you browse to the appdata share in windows, the permissions are probably set to read-only.

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Hi Goobaroo, 


Thank you for creating these. I've got enigmatica 6 up and running and everything's smooth as butter so far. I just have a quick question regarding safely shutting down the server/container. In the past when I've had minecraft running on a windows VM anytime windows would restart or shutdown the minecraft server would not be stopped gracefully resulting in world corruption. To mitigate this I would manually run /stop from the console before rebooting for maintenance. Is this at all a concern with the container? I cannot find a way to run commands through the console, so just wanted to make sure I'm doing this correctly. 

Thanks again for all your effort creating and maintaining these! It's very much appreciated. 

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Hi Goobaroo,


love how much work you put into these simple to user docker containers. Im currently setting up one server for my little brothers and as they usually are they want something that isnt available...

They want to play "All the mods 7 - To the sky". Seems to me like a Skyblock version of ATM7. But just switching out the mods in the mod folder doesnt do the trick and even switching out the curseforge installation doesnt help.

Is it possible to "mod" the current ATM7 container to be the "To the Sky" version? Or is it that different that is has to be a different and new container?

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The Failure looks like a permission issue but the permissions look all right to me:

ls: cannot access 'forge-*.jar': No such file or directory
+ java -server -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -Dfml.queryResult=confirm -Xms4096m -Xmx4096m -jar nogui
Error: Unable to access jarfile nogui

** Press ANY KEY to close this window ** 
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 219 Sep 12 08:39 vaulthunters/

 intrestingly enoght skyfactory 4 works vaulthunter doesn't


Edited by Lyraik
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@Lyraik Seems like the install didn't happen.  Can you delete everything in the vault hunters directory except the world directory and start the container up, it should reinstall.


@BrainlessDude It has to be a different container.  Each of the modpacks have their own issues to work through to get working.  The core of the docker container is to download and install the version of the mod that is tagged as the version in the docker container.  Swapping out files may work, but it's not 100%.  I'm also playing ATM7 To the Skies, I'll look into it.

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I was having the same issue as @Lyraik where the server isn't downloading and installing the .jar file - got round it by essentially downloading the server files onto a windows VM and copied a downloaded version of the forge jar install from the official forge website in. Once that was in the folder I started the server up to install all the files required before copying them into the docker container folder. Bit of a chew on but at least the server is up and running for now.

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Im running the FTBOcenBlock and im quite happy about it, but im missing the forestry mod and wanted to add it, i tried downloading it from this location: Forestry - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge and added it under mods. but it doesn't seem to show up? 

anybody have an idea about what to do  here? :)

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If  you want to add a mod separately, you'll need the version on both the server and your client.  It sounds like you installed the client one already.


If you browse into the `appdata/ftboceanblock` share, you can add the mod to the mods directory and it should get loaded on next start.


Keep in mind an upgrade may reset the mods directory so that the modpack install is complete.  

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On 10/3/2022 at 2:10 PM, Goobaroo said:

If  you want to add a mod separately, you'll need the version on both the server and your client.  It sounds like you installed the client one already.


If you browse into the `appdata/ftboceanblock` share, you can add the mod to the mods directory and it should get loaded on next start.


Keep in mind an upgrade may reset the mods directory so that the modpack install is complete.  

okay, when i wrote this, i already had it installed in the /mods directory, the problem showed itself after i uploaded the mod to the client. it said something about that foreste is not supported in that version of forge? 

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13 hours ago, rzumbado said:

Hi there! good stuff.

Can you please share either your image creation source code (github maybe?) for pixelmon?

or at least share the environment vars/volumnes we can use when creating the docker container?

That information is all part of the container, you can view the layers on DockerHub.  All the containers kick off by running /launch.sh, you can view the file in any running container.

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11 minutes ago, Playerz said:

okay, when i wrote this, i already had it installed in the /mods directory, the problem showed itself after i uploaded the mod to the client. it said something about that foreste is not supported in that version of forge? 

Sounds like you downloaded the wrong version of the mod for the version of the server that you are running.  Make sure you're matching forge and Minecraft versions from the download page to go with the modpack you are trying to add mods to.

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4 hours ago, Goobaroo said:

Sounds like you downloaded the wrong version of the mod for the version of the server that you are running.  Make sure you're matching forge and Minecraft versions from the download page to go with the modpack you are trying to add mods to.

Okay, so i just came back. 

i can see foresty fits 1.16 and the FTB oceanblock is 1.15. Could you update the container to the newest version if possible? Feed The Beast (feed-the-beast.com)

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My FTB ocean block container has 1.15 and 1.15.1 that recently came out.


You can see the versions on docker hub.  https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/goobaroo/ftboceanblock


If you want to change the version you can change the settings for the container and add the version to the image.


Right now it should simply be goobaroo/ftboceanblock this will grab the latest tag.  But if you wanted 1.15.0, you could put goobaroo/ftboceanblock:1.15.0 and docker would download that version.

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  • 2 weeks later...
16 hours ago, stripeyhorse said:

is there anyway to make this more generic. Eg. Just provide it a link to the server file and it does its thing. I would love AllTheMods7-To The Sky (and Stoneblock 3 which will come out soon)


Not really, that is not the design pattern of docker.  Dockers are meant to be stand alone versions for a particular piece of software.  Portable and re-usable regardless of the host system kind of like a VM image but much more compact. 


Docker containers are built on layers one of those layers in this case being the Java version being used.  So you'd have to know ahead of time what version of java you needed.  Then you'd need to know what the command is to start up the server for the particular mod pack you are running.  None of them are the same, similar, but no the same.  Except for maybe FTB, but even then it has its quirks and bugs in various releases that have to be worked around.  Server packs aren't even always consistent between releases as to their startup parameters and config based on changes to Forge and the mods.


All that being said, I can look into ATM7 to they sky.  I am currently playing that pack.

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