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dedicate sub-forum to huge docker-threads

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When a thread reaches some threshold of posts, it gets a dedicated Forum section. 
spaceinvader macinabox is



it’s a post, under topic/84601



”Docker containers” that is forum/47, and that contains topics. 



so I suggest for let’s say Nextcloud Docker, gets it’s own forum address like forum/67-Nextcloud and that forum contains topics. 

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2 minutes ago, dkerlee said:

so I suggest for let’s say Nextcloud Docker, gets it’s own forum address like forum/67-Nextcloud and that forum contains topics. 

And what, everyone with a question or problem starts a new topic in that forum instead of looking at the information already in the support thread? And the people who support that docker should monitor every new thread that gets created there?

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Just like we already look for existing help (hopefully), we continue to. 

But specific issues with one Docker, like an update to 7.16 can have its own thread.


vs some usability issue of themes not working, sure, someone starts another thread inside that forum.


it would be a support forum, instead of a support thread. 

Edited by dkerlee
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To be honest, I doubt anyone is looking for the answer they need at the 200+ pages of some threads.

But will people be served better with a multitude of individual threads ?


I am not sure, the experience from Unraid's General sub-forum shows a lot the same questions being asked again and again, sometimes in a short time.

That said, maybe people find the answer they were looking for, thus never ask a question and we are not aware of it.


I think it is just a question of being able to search for what you need. Is a single thread better than multiple threads in a subforum for the forum search function or regular search engines ?


In the end though, we should ask the people behind those large threads.

What do they think about that ? Can it help them or require more time and ressource to assist ?

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7 hours ago, ChatNoir said:

Unraid's General sub-forum shows a lot the same questions being asked again

On the other hand, if people are following the no-hijack rule, at least the thread starter should be the only one getting responses to their specific problem. Whereas in one of the large support threads lots of people are all asking and maybe getting responses. Sometimes the response they are waiting for winds up on a later page after a lot of intervening posts.

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Realistically, the problem with this forum and containers is that a ton of the questions aren't even relevant.


Any question related to the container itself (why doesn't it install? What do I change on the template?) belongs here.


Questions related to bugs, questions regarding the app itself belong on the app's own forum (ie: Project pages).  Since these are possibly the majority of the support problems, CA and the dashboard / docker tabs now list (6.10+) Project first followed by Discord, and then Support on all the dropdowns.

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  • 8 months later...
On 10/28/2021 at 3:56 PM, JonathanM said:

How would you recommend subdividing them?


Each issue/question should get its own thread. Yes, this might result in duplicates but as a user/consumer, duplicate information is a lot better than weeding through 200+ comments to find what I need.


The question is, do we want to make it easier for Unraid forum admins, or Unraid users. :/


Alternatively, if folks are putting their container images in GitHub then we can direct folks to use that -- cause then they can create a new issue for each question.

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