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The Power Supply Thread


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;D ;D ;D


When i read about you having that type from Brennenstuhl i checked the test on hardware info again.


just check that line with ''Desktop PC soft-uit'' , you see that it measures 31,46 watts


I also know that Brennenstuhl is a very good and reliable brand with normally accurate equipment.

but this specific model has only problems with lower wattages. Higher wattages are pretty good.


The Kijkshop Cresta is a €10 piece of toy with way too small digits and definitily would not buy normally , until i read about the multiple good reviews for it's low price.

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Any thoughts on this power supply http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817153028? I've got it from a previous build so the price is right but I'd like to build a low power unraid server and don't want to run into issues.




This has 2 12v rails. One has 14A and the other 15A. Assuming the 14A rail powers the drives plan according to the first post. 4 green drives maximum to be safe.

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Any thoughts on this power supply http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817153028? I've got it from a previous build so the price is right but I'd like to build a low power unraid server and don't want to run into issues.




If you already got this powersupply and wanna re-use it that would be great and a cost saver for your UnRaid build

When you are planning to go all the way from start and connect directly 10 to 15 or more drives , please buy another one.

The power supply we talked about in this topic is the Corsair CX430. This one has 28 A on a single rail. You can hook up savely 10 maybe 11/12 green drives.

14 A =  like ''joeshmoe1'' said: 4 green drives, maybe 5 would be a safe maximum for that power supply

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Almost afraid to ask! Anybody care to comment on this supply?






Single rail of 54 Amps and 80 Plus Bronze !! 69 Dollar and free-shipping : Not bad.

You're planning a +- 20 drive build ?


Maybe you could also consider the TX650 V2 from Corsair , after the rebate only a 10 dollar price difference with the Rosewill







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Newegg emailed me a coupon code for 20% off Rosewill power supplies for 48 hours, that's what got me thinking. Don't  know if I should trust my system to a Rosewill? I know I would trust a Corsair it's only amp less on the 12v rail and I like the variable speed fan. Looking at medium size 7200 rpm drive build. How is the lead length? I am using a tower with a bottom mounted p/s at the moment.



    warranty: 5 years for Corsair and 2 years for the Rosewill

Guess I got some more thinking to do.

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Awesome thread, i have been looking at the recommended power supplies to get my next one but have a few options.


I currently have 12 Green drives and 1 7200rpm drive, and am looking to expand (over time, years) up to 24 green drives.


I looked at the power supply i currently have (was re-used) and baulked when i saw the 550W had two 12v lines (14A & 15A), so figured it best to run out and grab a new one.


I have the following options:

Corsair TX-650 V2 ($119)

CoolerMaster GX 750W ($119)


Given they're the same price, was wondering whether the 750W would be overkill for now and later and i should just go with 650w, or would it be better to keep that extra up my sleeve?


Its going into a norco 4224, with amd cpu and m/b.



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I have the following options:

Corsair TX-650 V2 ($119)

CoolerMaster GX 750W ($119)


I would suggest the Corsair 650W as being better matched for your server.  It has 8 molex connections as opposed to 3 on the CoolerMaster, so you shouldn't have to use any power splitters when providing power to your 4224's backplanes.  Low quality power splitters are abundant, and a common cause of intermittent problems and troubleshooting woes.  In my mind, avoiding them when possible is always worthwhile.  In this case, you'll even save money by doing so.  Ultimately you are faced with an easy decision when viewed in this context.  And yes, the 650W will provide ample power for your 24 green drives (plus your single 7200 rpm drive if you keep it in the array).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I bought this power supply a while ago.  I'm going to add

another drive so I thought I'd look into my PS to see if it could handle it.  I've got 4 rails @ 20A each..  but how do I know which cables go to which rails?  Attached is the PS ratings.


I currently have 8 drives and I want to go up to 12..  but for now I'm testing

#9 and it doesn't seem to be choking..




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I bought this power supply a while ago.  I'm going to add

another drive so I thought I'd look into my PS to see if it could handle it.  I've got 4 rails @ 20A each..  but how do I know which cables go to which rails?  Attached is the PS ratings.


I currently have 8 drives and I want to go up to 12..  but for now I'm testing

#9 and it doesn't seem to be choking..



Are these all green drives?


If those rails are truly split at 20Amps each then you are going to have problems when you add 12 drives, even green ones.


My suggestion is to get a new single rail PSU like the corsair, seasonic, etc listed.


You have no way to balance the drives on the rails, just can't happen.

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well..  maybe if I get bored I'll open up the PS and see if I can see what goes where!  ;D


Looks like I'll have to start scouring the good deals for power supplies in the next year or so..  


I'm probably good for 10 drives since most (if not all) are green...  but I only have 9 for now...



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