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Want to downgrade from 6.10.3 to 6.9.2 but its not an option in Update OS

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Hi All,


I want to downgrade from 6.10.3 to 6.9.2 but its not an option in the "Update OS" section ?


It only lists 6.10.3 and 6.10.2.


Is there an easy way for me to downgrade to 6.9.2 ?


I'm having loads of malformed db issues across my containers across different drives and i never had this issue for years on 6.9.2


Can someone help ?





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@ OP, i've had to do this too. 6.10.3 'felt' unstable to me from the get-go but i could not prove anything was wrong.


While don't use plex i was getting various problems on firefox, delugevpn and handbrake dockers alongside disk data corruption.


Against my usual, better, judgement of only installing stable releases i jumped on 6.11.rc3 which took the instability to a whole new level. Of course by this point the only roll-back option was 6.10.3 which is what i had tried to get away from.


The instructions linked above are correct but are missing where you get the install files from...you can find them here: https://unraid.net/download


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4 hours ago, BigDanT said:

I'm having loads of malformed db issues across my containers across different drives and i never had this issue for years on 6.9.2

If that happens to be sonarr/radarr/lidarr, that is an issue relating to failed database schema updates that many have faced regardless of OS or running docker/baremetal.


Only instability I've seen in 6.10 was that it seemed to change/reset the default docker network to macvlan, which I promptly changed back to ipvlan.

DBs can also corrupt if you temporarily run out of space on the drive it is on.

Edited by tjb_altf4
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Thanks all.


Yeah I’m getting regular db corruption across Plex, sonarr, radarr, etc.


I’ve tried a slew of fixes from across Reddit and here and nothing seems to fix the issue. (Sonarr and co are on the cache with loads of spare space and the plex

db is on a separate unassigned disk) which means it must be an OS issue.


I do think im somewhat unique in this issue as I haven’t seen that many others with this problem I my last resort fox is going back to 6.9.2.


I’ll let you know how I go, ill

need a stiff drink before starting this process as it’s a bit nerve racking not having a restore button and having to mess with the usb files directly.


Wish me luck 

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1 hour ago, unBurstium said:

The instructions linked above are correct but are missing where you get the install files from...you can find them here: https://unraid.net/download

It does say

"The last few Stable releases will have the download link on the Download page on the Unraid web site" which should be easy enough to work out :)  It also tells you what to do if you want a beta/rc release.

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1 minute ago, itimpi said:

It does say

"The last few Stable releases will have the download link on the Download page on the Unraid web site" which should be easy enough to work out :)  It also tells you what to do if you want a beta/rc release.


If you have to work it out then it doesn't fit the category of 'instruction'. Some people's method of working it out is to ask where the download link is and they get referred to threads here as well as 'googling'.


I make my living as an interface between Developers and Users (Agile Product Owner)...i know what constitutes good instructions and the great 'tell' for this is how many follow-up questions the 'instructions' cause. Whether someone ends up 'googling' or asking on this forum where to download is a follow-up question. Without the link included, the instructions are incomplete. 

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31 minutes ago, Squid said:

If you're doing it over the network, then your user doesn't have permission to write files to the flash drive (Main, Boot Device, click Boot, SMB settings)


If you're doing it directly on a Windows system, then your flash drive is kaput

Might be cause it’s a work PC and I’m not the administrator user ….. I think 

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1 hour ago, BigDanT said:

I do think im somewhat unique in this issue as I haven’t seen that many others with this problem I my last resort fox is going back to 6.9.2.


This is how i felt too due to there being no threads/posts demonstrating the same issues. I could immediately tell when i moved to 6.10.3 that something wasn't right but no amount of hardware checks or diagnostics pointed to something being amiss so i just soldiered on.

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This morning I had to roll back my Plex db, I added a bit of new content and my db has corrupted again. Can’t continue with it being this unstable (and checked with Plex devs and they said it’s defo not them) so I’ll have to figure out a way to roll back. Looks like ill Need to buy a new usb (not convinced my current usb is buggered though !)

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It's less difficult than you might think and fear of the unknown amplifies anxiety on things you've never done before.


I found a thread on here where one of the posters giving information had gone to the trouble of attaching images of what to copy from the unraid  install file and paste (overwrite) to your existing unraid flash....i'll see if i can find it.


When i can't trust the stability of my unraid box i do any amending of files on the flash drive after a clean shutdown and the flash physically plugged in to my desktop...it may appear irrational as it can be done via unraid but it feels safer to me and i've done it many times this way and been fine (hopefully not just jinxed myself).

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39 minutes ago, unBurstium said:

Here it is:


Cheers ears !


still got a permissions issue on the USB so bought a new one……


guess I’m going to have to transfer  my license and current setup to that USB then Follow the steps above !


thanks again

Edited by BigDanT
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Bugger me that was traumatic !!!


Right, I think I've cracked it !


Soooo got a new USB (Exactly the same as the old one) and very long story but I had to do the whole thing on a VM as my work locks down the use of USB's on their laptops (who knew)


So after allowing the VM USB controller access I could then do the whole copy on the VM.


I followed the above instructions, first using the windows create usb key with a back-up. and then overwriting the files with the 6.9.2 files from the downloaded zip and it appears to have worked.


I had to move my license key to the new USB drive (Which was also traumatic as my array wouldn't start, and now my original USB stick is dead to unriad)


So now im back up and running, i had to reset some settings in my VMs after the downgrade. but other than that looks like im good.


Thanks again for all your help.



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On 8/25/2022 at 11:31 AM, unBurstium said:

found a thread on here where one of the posters giving information had gone to the trouble of attaching images of what to copy from the unraid  install file and paste (overwrite) to your existing unraid flash


The specific list of files has changed over the years, but you are probably safe just following the simpler instruction

On 8/25/2022 at 5:54 AM, JorgeB said:

unzip all bz* files to the flash drive.


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17 hours ago, trurl said:


The specific list of files has changed over the years, but you are probably safe just following the simpler instruction



No, just no.


Specific, targeted instructions are always safer and more useful to less skilled or less confident users than the generic, catch-all ones.  The post from SimonF was an actual answer to the OP's question (read the thread title) and all others are alluding to an answer but not actually giving it. The SimonF post included the changes.txt file (which is in the unraid manual) where just copying the *bz files doesn't.


Had the OP asked about downgrades in general then the 'unzip all bz* files to the flash drive.' would have been closer to an answer but even then open to more questions and a less concise 'path to resolution'.

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Just now, unBurstium said:

No, just no.

My point was the posted instructions can't be assumed to work for every version of Unraid, but the simple instructions have worked for every version. And the simpler instructions are simpler. What can be said against something that works and is simple? Lots of people will find this thread from google or somewhere regardless of the specific versions.

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Either way, it’s currently working ……


and more importantly no DB issues so far, so fingers crossed that’s fixed my issues…..


my only concern now is am I stuck on 6.9.2 forever now as my issues have only really been raised by a handful of people so isn’t something the unraid team will look to fix in a future release im

assuming ? :(

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3 hours ago, trurl said:

My point was the posted instructions can't be assumed to work for every version of Unraid, but the simple instructions have worked for every version. And the simpler instructions are simpler. What can be said against something that works and is simple? Lots of people will find this thread from google or somewhere regardless of the specific versions.


There are a few points in there.


The instructions in this very thread where the user is asking a specific question don't need to work for every version...just the task at hand. It is muddying the waters to try to give a generic answer to a hypothetical situation while the user who has a problem to solve still hasn't solved it and is looking for targeted help. If you had wanted to point out that the specific info given doesn't work in all cases and that's all you should have said...maybe even given a link to the unraid manual section to be helpful.


I agree many people will find this thread from google and many people will still not know what to do from 'just copy the *bz files' if they've never had to do it before or it's not been more roundly demonstrated/explained. A lot of this sort of stuff is scary to people.


'Simple' is a relative term. It may have a specific dictionary definition(s) but it still means different things to different people in a given situation and this is predominantly down to experience first and education second. Your level of both is very likely to be higher than the majority of the people you service on this forum (relating to unraid) and that's why 'simpler instructions' may not actually be simpler to the majority of people who come here for help. For a path to resolution your instructions may have had less words but they certainly weren't simpler from a less experienced users' point of view. If that's who is doing the execution their POV is all that matters.


I'll see your 'simple' and raise you with 'cryptic'.

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Maybe this will be useful information that can alleviate the "fear factor". The only thing you need to worry about on the flash drive is the config folder. It has your configuration, everything else on flash can be downloaded. You must always have a current backup of flash, or at least the config folder from flash.

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Slightly longer form of the cryptic instructions:


Download whichever version you want from the Download page linked at top right of forum.

Unzip download, sort files by name, select all files beginning with bz, copy them to your flash drive, overwriting files already there.

When you boot, you will be on the version you downloaded.


No list of files to work through and worry if you have gotten them all.

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