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Midnight Commander (file manager)


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The limetech Administrator posted the method on the topic Feature Request: Simple GUI type interface for basic file movement

You can experiment with Midnight Commander as follows:


1. Download libslang.so.2 and mc-4.6.1_20070309-i486-2.tgz and copy them to the root of your unRAID Flash.


2. From the console or telnet session, type these lines:


cp /boot/libslang.so.2 /usr/lib

installpkg /boot/mc-4.6.1_20070309-i486-2.tgz


Now you can type the command 'mc' from the console or telnet to start Midnight Commander.


If you want to have this installed automatically each time you boot, add the two lines from step 2 to your 'go' script.


Disclaimer: I have only briefly experimented with this - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.  Let me know if an operation complains about a missing library and I'll post it.


Please post with your experiences using this - if it proves useful, we'll include in the next release.


I'm very happy to have a file manager on unraid, I 'm awaited since I installed unraid on my server. It's indispensable for me.

Thanks a lot !


my experiences :

my ps/2 mouse doesn't work in Midnight_Commander on the server computer.


my guest computer have windows xp.


the function key and the mouse in Midnight_Commander don't work with telnet by ms-dos command and hyperterminal.


with putty Midnight_Commander works fine with mouse.




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  • 4 weeks later...



I have just installed the MC utility and it seems as a great little application for unRAID. Thanks :D


Now, how do I go about extracting RAR-files within MC (so I don't need to go through my Windows machine, hence not overloading my WLAN)? When i try to open an .rar-file I get the error line 27: rar: command not found.


I'm thinking I need to place an RAR-utility on the USB key and within MC, point MC to this location?


Am I totally off? Need some help pleace :)








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Now, how do I go about extracting RAR-files within MC (so I don't need to go through my Windows machine, hence not overloading my WLAN)? When i try to open an .rar-file I get the error line 27: rar: command not found.


Anyone who knows if this is even possiable? I have googled it, but haven't found anything usable.




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the best thing is that it brings back memories from when the sun was always shining. The days of Norton Commander !!


-Anyone knows if it is possible to have it running in a telnet session, break the session, open a new session and see the progress ?

-alternatively, if the telnet session breaks, then what happens to the MC and the current fileoperations ?


I believe that the webbased file manager is already a noted request.


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  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Sorry to bump an old thread.  I noticed that the version of Midnight Commander built into Unraid is quite old (from 2007).  Is there a way to update to the latest stable version?  It seems only source code is posted on the MC commander site.  Would anyone be able to help me with instructions on compilation?  Downloading and installing the .TGZ file I'm comfortable with but can get no further :-)





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Thanks very much it works perfectly!


I wrote a small Unmenu package to re-install it upon reboot.  Unfortunately, the version number in that compile is reporting as "unknown" but otherwise it works fine.


Thanks again,




PACKAGE_NAME mc (Midnight Commander file manager)
PACKAGE_DESCR The <b>Midnight Commander</b> is a Norton Commander clone, a program that
PACKAGE_DESCR manipulates and manages files and directories.  Useful, fast, and has
PACKAGE_DESCR color displays on the Linux console.  Mouse support is provided
PACKAGE_DESCR through the gpm mouse server.  This is a lightweight compilation of
PACKAGE_DESCR mc for use on the text console or in an xterm.
PACKAGE_DESCR mc was written by Miguel de Icaza and Mauricio Plaza.
PACKAGE_URL http://slackware.mirrors.tds.net/pub/slackware/slackware-current/slackware/ap/mc-20100206_git-i486-1.txz
PACKAGE_FILE mc-20100206_git-i486-1.txz
PACKAGE_MD5 499d36e5d85fbec7c5613391095e1bec
PACKAGE_INSTALLATION installpkg mc-20100206_git-i486-1.txz
PACKAGE_VERSION_TEST mc -V 2>&1 | grep version | awk '{print $3}'


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Thanks very much it works perfectly!


I wrote a small Unmenu package to re-install it upon reboot.  Unfortunately, the version number in that compile is reporting as "unknown" but otherwise it works fine.


I took your script and modified it a little bit so that some of the warnings and stuff went away.  I have attached the "fixed" version to a post in the unmenu 1.3 thread so that it can be included in the unmenu download list.


Thanks for making the package in the first place.  I have it installed on my test server and it is much better than the older version that was installed on there before.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I noticed there is a slightly newer version in the Slackware distribution now:


PACKAGE_NAME mc (Midnight Commander file manager - version 2010-05-09 )
PACKAGE_DESCR The <b>Midnight Commander</b> is a Norton Commander clone, a program that
PACKAGE_DESCR manipulates and manages files and directories.  Useful, fast, and has
PACKAGE_DESCR color displays on the Linux console.  Mouse support is provided
PACKAGE_DESCR through the gpm mouse server.  This is a lightweight compilation of
PACKAGE_DESCR mc for use on the text console or in an xterm.
PACKAGE_DESCR <br><br>mc was written by Miguel de Icaza and Mauricio Plaza.
PACKAGE_DESCR <br><font color=blue><b>NOTE:<b> This package will only install on version 4.5 or above of unRAID!</font>
PACKAGE_URL http://mirrors.usc.edu/pub/linux/distributions/slackware/slackware-current/slackware/ap/mc-20100509_git-i486-1.txz
PACKAGE_FILE mc-20100509_git-i486-1.txz
PACKAGE_MD5 b3a93b9ca3bac161ee8448182d018c5f
PACKAGE_INSTALLATION which xz >/dev/null || echo "Unable to install mc-20100509_git-i486-1.txz package.  xz decompressor not installed."
PACKAGE_INSTALLATION which xz >/dev/null || exit
PACKAGE_INSTALLATION installpkg mc-20100509_git-i486-1.txz
PACKAGE_VERSION_TEST mc -V 2>&1 | grep GNU | sed "s/unknown/2010-05-09/" | awk '{print $4}'





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  • 1 year later...

There is a slightly newer version (from April 2011) on the slackware server now:-


PACKAGE_NAME mc (Midnight Commander file manager - version )
PACKAGE_DESCR The <b>Midnight Commander</b> is a Norton Commander clone, a program that
PACKAGE_DESCR manipulates and manages files and directories.  Useful, fast, and has
PACKAGE_DESCR color displays on the Linux console.  Mouse support is provided
PACKAGE_DESCR through the gpm mouse server.  This is a lightweight compilation of
PACKAGE_DESCR mc for use on the text console or in an xterm.
PACKAGE_DESCR <br><br>mc was written by Miguel de Icaza and Mauricio Plaza.
PACKAGE_DESCR <br><font color=blue><b>NOTE:<b> This package will only install on version 4.5 or above of unRAID!</font>
PACKAGE_URL http://mirrors.usc.edu/pub/linux/distributions/slackware/slackware-current/slackware/ap/mc-
PACKAGE_MD5 e48004f86f49647a4a313695fb4fccdc
PACKAGE_INSTALLATION which xz >/dev/null || echo "Unable to install mc- package.  xz decompressor not installed."
PACKAGE_INSTALLATION which xz >/dev/null || exit
PACKAGE_VERSION_TEST mc -V 2>&1 | grep GNU | sed "s/unknown/" | awk '{print $4}'






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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...


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