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[Plugin] FolderView

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8 hours ago, Jaycedk said:

Jep after changing that you need to force refresh web page.

ctrl+F5 should do it.


Yep, CTRL-F5 did it for me too. Haven't had to use that ol' trick in a while!


8 hours ago, scolcipitato said:

Ok, got it, this is the old code, that set the color of the border the same as the font.

I had the same issue, when making the last update, I think is a caching problem, what I can say is to wait a bit.
If you want to be sure that the changes are taking effect just type this in the browser console

JSON.parse(await $.get('/plugins/folder.view/server/read.php?type=docker').promise())

and look for a folder setting called preview_border or preview_border_color.

Fantastic work! Thank you, definitely agree the new folder.view is better than the old by far!

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A new version is out: 2023.08.02

  • Renamed the pages to the updated plugin name
  • Added import, export and clear in the settings
  • Folders now remain open when making changes to docker/VM/dashboard, if opened before
  • Fixed debug mode parsing error
  • Now the border setting is visible even when no preview is selected
  • Now the setting reflect the old setting behavior in the docker/Vm pages
  • Like 5
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Many thanks for creating this.

Just had an odd bug. I had all my docker apps setup nicely in folders with FolderView. This was after removing old DockerFolder and a reboot to be safe.

I installed a new docker app (adminer) onto my Unraid server, then added it to an existing folder (Database Services), but its now lost all other folders except the one I just updated. I tested it in multiple browsers and it was the same, just one folder. Added debug if it helps









After the above, I tried to re-create one of the folders that were lost, by clicking Add Folder, then I decided to cancel and postpone till tomorrow instead. After starting and cancelling the process of adding a folder, i've now got all my original folders again, just in reverse chronological order




Edited by FrequencyLost
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2 hours ago, FrequencyLost said:

Many thanks for creating this.

Just had an odd bug. I had all my docker apps setup nicely in folders with FolderView. This was after removing old DockerFolder and a reboot to be safe.

I installed a new docker app (adminer) onto my Unraid server, then added it to an existing folder (Database Services), but its now lost all other folders except the one I just updated. I tested it in multiple browsers and it was the same, just one folder. Added debug if it helps





debug-DOCKER.json 390.74 kB · 1 download




After the above, I tried to re-create one of the folders that were lost, by clicking Add Folder, then I decided to cancel and postpone till tomorrow instead. After starting and cancelling the process of adding a folder, i've now got all my original folders again, just in reverse chronological order




Made an update, try it and see how it works, try with CTRL+F5 if it doesn't work at first.

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6 minutes ago, CorneliousJD said:

Is there a way to convert from the DockerFolder plugin to this? I'd of course like to swap everyting over without re-doing everything.


My gut tells me it's not possible but I'd like to check first ;) 



If you want to do it, you have to do it manually.

Copy the old config in /boot/config/plugins/docker.folder/folders.json to somewhere.

Then uninstall the old plugin, install the new and create the folders, You only need to give them names, then open the new config file (/boot/config/plugins/folder.view/docker.json) and the old config file, and copy the icon from the old to the new, and the children array from the old to the containers on the new.

And voilà you are done, although I think it's just easier to redo all with the WebUI.

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8 hours ago, scolcipitato said:

If you want to do it, you have to do it manually.

Copy the old config in /boot/config/plugins/docker.folder/folders.json to somewhere.

Then uninstall the old plugin, install the new and create the folders, You only need to give them names, then open the new config file (/boot/config/plugins/folder.view/docker.json) and the old config file, and copy the icon from the old to the new, and the children array from the old to the containers on the new.

And voilà you are done, although I think it's just easier to redo all with the WebUI.


Thanks - I did end up trying this but just ended up recreating via webUI, as organizing the orders took the longest here.


My final result below for anyone who was interested in a before/after. I didn't want too much clutter so I opted for icons only since the label only still said if it was started or not, which wasn't necessary for me.

I would like to see an option for label only where it just lists the text of the container that's clickable like the old docker folders plugin, but the icon-only looks sharp too!


One thing I did notice is how going to the Docker page or the Dashboard page first has to load ALL the containers first and then finally it loads the plugin and the folders.

This never used to be the case w/ the old plugin, is there any plans to increase performance so the folders show up right away instead of waiting for them?


Thanks for making this plugin, it's great, and I'm glad to see it actively being developed!




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1 minute ago, CorneliousJD said:

One thing I did notice is how going to the Docker page or the Dashboard page first has to load ALL the containers first and then finally it loads the plugin and the folders.

This never used to be the case w/ the old plugin, is there any plans to increase performance so the folders show up right away instead of waiting for them?

This is because the page is not rendered on the server, so I need to wait for the webUi to make the request for the docker and then create the folder, this is done every time the Ui updates (docker update, start/stop).

5 minutes ago, CorneliousJD said:

I would like to see an option for label only where it just lists the text of the container that's clickable like the old docker folders plugin

I don't plan on doing this, at least not the clickable part, if you take a look at the code you will see that I only mirror the original element, and so I haven't done anything with the docker functions.

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1 hour ago, scolcipitato said:

This is because the page is not rendered on the server, so I need to wait for the webUi to make the request for the docker and then create the folder, this is done every time the Ui updates (docker update, start/stop).


Fair enough, the old plugin got around it somehow it seems, not sure how, or if it just took longer to load the page until it could display properly? Not sure and couldn't fathom a guess, but just wanted to check.


1 hour ago, scolcipitato said:

I don't plan on doing this, at least not the clickable part, if you take a look at the code you will see that I only mirror the original element, and so I haven't done anything with the docker functions.


Understandable, I think a list-only w/ no "running" or "stopped" below it would still be great, you could fit more containers per folder in the preview section that way if you stack them like the old plugin used to, but I actually think I like the icon look the more I'm using it now today.


Once again, thanks for picking this up and making it compatible with 6.12 and hopefully beyond!

Much appreciated.

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hi. awesome work!. loving it so far!!

I do have abit of problem. not sure i'm doing anything wrong.


i dont have much problem on the docket tab side, but on dashboard tab, not sure if its intended.


toggling on/off Expanded on Dashboard tab, doesnt seem to do anything.

also, only a single folder showing at dashboard tab at a time. if i delete this database folder, the next one shows up. but not all at once. pressing it also nothing happens, doesnt expand.


finally getting into making everything clearner

thank you in advance!

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1 hour ago, i1mran92 said:

hi. awesome work!. loving it so far!!

I do have abit of problem. not sure i'm doing anything wrong.


i dont have much problem on the docket tab side, but on dashboard tab, not sure if its intended.


toggling on/off Expanded on Dashboard tab, doesnt seem to do anything.

also, only a single folder showing at dashboard tab at a time. if i delete this database folder, the next one shows up. but not all at once. pressing it also nothing happens, doesnt expand.


finally getting into making everything clearner

thank you in advance!

I need the debug file, go look in the first post for the instructions.

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30 minutes ago, Jaycedk said:

@i1mran92 Try and force refresh the dashboard tab.


that did not work at first.


15 minutes ago, scolcipitato said:

The file is right in this case, but you can enter debug mode also in the dashboard, now, in this case is not important but in the future it might be.
Anyway, I made an update to fix the bug.

but after a quick update by @scolcipitato, and another force refresh. boom, everything works now.


the menu now comes out. and expand/compress worked flawlessly.

thank you very much for the prompt update.


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Thank you for maintaining this wonderful plugin. I really appreciate it. It works great so far.


Just a small ask. Would it be possible to add some indent for containers shown under a folder? Also make the folder name bold and its icon a bit larger, like the below from the old one.


When folders are expanded, I feel it's more obvious to tell the difference between folder vs. container.



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35 minutes ago, scolcipitato said:

A new version is out: 2023.08.07

  • Custom CSS in the settings
  • Added custom classed for the folders
  • Added vertical divider in the folder preview
  • Now folder load faster
  • NEW preview method, the list, it groups container/VM by 2

I made some big changes to the code, so please report any bugs.

Ater this update many of my folders look like this. They get cut off and the spacing is huge on some but not all the folders between the icons. Worked like a charm before the update. If I put them into list view they show up correctly.

Screenshot 2023-08-07 121939.png

Edited by espentruls
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