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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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I've been following this thread and reading/absorbing all the hints and tips, but I have one question.


I know people are installing on a Cache drive, but as I only have the basic version of UnRaid, I was hoping to have an extra drive for apps using SNAP.


Is there still an issue with delay in SNAP starting a drive before the plugins are called??  Only going to use Sabnz and Sickbeard at the mo.  Want to check Couchpotatoe out later.


And @Influence:  Damn glad you enjoy the codeing and keep fixing the plugins.  Keep up the good work!

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Hi everybody,


I've been using your plugins for quite some time and they've been working excellent!

However, since a month or so I got a problem with Sickbeard:


500 Internal Server Error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/sickbeard/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 660, in respond
    response.body = self.handler()
  File "/usr/local/sickbeard/cherrypy/lib/encoding.py", line 193, in __call__
    self.body = self.oldhandler(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/sickbeard/cherrypy/_cpdispatch.py", line 25, in __call__
    return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/sickbeard/sickbeard/webserve.py", line 2006, in index
    return _munge(t)
  File "/usr/local/sickbeard/sickbeard/webserve.py", line 119, in _munge
    return unicode(string).encode('utf-8', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Cheetah/Template.py", line 1010, in __unicode__
    return getattr(self, mainMethName)()
  File "_usr_local_sickbeard_data_interfaces_default_home_tmpl.py", line 107, in respond
  File "/usr/local/sickbeard/sickbeard/db.py", line 95, in select
    sqlResults = self.action(query, args).fetchall()
  File "/usr/local/sickbeard/sickbeard/db.py", line 71, in action
    sqlResult = self.connection.execute(query)
OperationalError: no such table: tv_episodes
Powered by CherryPy 3.2.0rc1


Just happened over night as far as I know... I may have updated to a newer version.

When I restart from the config screen I loose all my config settings and need to redo everything -> result, just a few hours later I get the same error again.


Now since a week or so I got another error, now with Headphones:


500 Internal Server Error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/headphones/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 656, in respond
    response.body = self.handler()
  File "/usr/local/headphones/cherrypy/lib/encoding.py", line 188, in __call__
    self.body = self.oldhandler(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/headphones/cherrypy/_cpdispatch.py", line 34, in __call__
    return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/headphones/headphones/webserve.py", line 56, in home
    artists = myDB.select('SELECT * from artists order by ArtistSortName COLLATE NOCASE')
  File "/usr/local/headphones/headphones/db.py", line 81, in select
    sqlResults = self.action(query, args).fetchall()
  File "/usr/local/headphones/headphones/db.py", line 59, in action
    sqlResult = self.connection.execute(query)
OperationalError: no such table: artists
Powered by CherryPy 3.2.2


Same problem here: restart -> loose settings -> same problem afterwards


I both instances I've also deleted and reinstalled everything.


Since yesterday I even got an error in SABnzbd, which I haven't been able to reproduce. I also lost all of my settings.


Can anybody help me??

What is the correct way to reinstall everything? where should I look for files that need to be deleted?


I'm still a beginner with unRaid so please be gentle :)


Thx, LoLig


Edit: Some extra info of my setup



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I noticed that Headphones doesn't automatically come after a reboot, it doesn't even get installed. Is this simple to fix just like for CP v2?


Yes, source just needs to be added. I meant to do it and forgot. Will do tonight. Also will look at precompiled sab


Thanks, looking forward to the precompiled SAB.

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I noticed that Headphones doesn't automatically come after a reboot, it doesn't even get installed. Is this simple to fix just like for CP v2?


Yes, source just needs to be added. I meant to do it and forgot. Will do tonight. Also will look at precompiled sab


Thanks, looking forward to the precompiled SAB.


From the research I did it doesn't seem that adding the precompile/optimize option will benefit us a lot, but I went ahead and added it.


When you start sab, the plug-in will check to see if the optimized bytecode exists, if not, it will optimize the code. If the optimized bytecode does exist, it will drop the -OO from the command to just start the plug-in.

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LoLig, please do me a favor, check your /mnt/user/ directory for a directory named _apps or sickbeard


Also, check the health of your cache drive.


When you say you are losing your config when restarting, do you mean the page that you show in your screenshot? If so, you might want to run a checkdisk on your flash drive.

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Influencer, great work.


We like your bug-squashing and thorough monitoring of the thread, that is what makes these plugins so universal.


I too keep an eye out for this thread and as Influencer has added me to his GitHub please let me know as well if i can make some basic changes/help in any way.


Keep up the good work :)

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LoLig, please do me a favor, check your /mnt/user/ directory for a directory named _apps or sickbeard


Also, check the health of your cache drive.


When you say you are losing your config when restarting, do you mean the page that you show in your screenshot? If so, you might want to run a checkdisk on your flash drive.


Hey Influencer, thx for the reply!


After i get the error and I restart the plugin from the settings page (in the picture) the config is indeed gone.

I did the checkdisk: no errors.

Cache drive health status: OK


I do indeed have a a folder in /mnt/user -> _apps/sickbeard, _apps/couchpotato_v2, _apps/sabnzbd and _apps/headphones


I have the unraid-mover-exclude-underscore script installed and enabled

(Description: Normally, unRAID will exclude any directory that begins with a "." from being moved to the protected array by the mover script from the cache drive.

This package will modify the mover script so that it excludes directories whose name begins with an underscore character in addition to directories that begin with a period.

The intent is to make it easier for unRAID users whose file browsers do not display directories with leading period characters.)


However the copies of these folders in /mnt/cache/_apps have significantly less files in them.... I don't know if that is how it should be, I'll show you :)


Thx, LoLig



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I noticed that Headphones doesn't automatically come after a reboot, it doesn't even get installed. Is this simple to fix just like for CP v2?


Yes, source just needs to be added. I meant to do it and forgot. Will do tonight. Also will look at precompiled sab


Thanks, looking forward to the precompiled SAB.


From the research I did it doesn't seem that adding the precompile/optimize option will benefit us a lot, but I went ahead and added it.


When you start sab, the plug-in will check to see if the optimized bytecode exists, if not, it will optimize the code. If the optimized bytecode does exist, it will drop the -OO from the command to just start the plug-in.


Can I just update to the latest plugin from within unraid?

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LoLig, please do me a favor, check your /mnt/user/ directory for a directory named _apps or sickbeard


Also, check the health of your cache drive.


When you say you are losing your config when restarting, do you mean the page that you show in your screenshot? If so, you might want to run a checkdisk on your flash drive.


Hey Influencer, thx for the reply!


After i get the error and I restart the plugin from the settings page (in the picture) the config is indeed gone.

I did the checkdisk: no errors.

Cache drive health status: OK


I do indeed have a a folder in /mnt/user -> _apps/sickbeard, _apps/couchpotato_v2, _apps/sabnzbd and _apps/headphones


I have the unraid-mover-exclude-underscore script installed and enabled

(Description: Normally, unRAID will exclude any directory that begins with a "." from being moved to the protected array by the mover script from the cache drive.

This package will modify the mover script so that it excludes directories whose name begins with an underscore character in addition to directories that begin with a period.

The intent is to make it easier for unRAID users whose file browsers do not display directories with leading period characters.)


However the copies of these folders in /mnt/cache/_apps have significantly less files in them.... I don't know if that is how it should be, I'll show you :)


Thx, LoLig


check your SHARES settings in unRAID. If you see the _apps share there, make sure it is set to "Use Cache Drive - ONLY".

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Dikkiedirk, yes you can.


Lolig, something isn't working right with that add-on if there are shares on the array that mirror what's in the cache drive.


I believe what's happening is the mover is moving your app configs to the array so the apps cannot find their settings. Also, since the database is gone, your getting those errors

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