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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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you need to configure the plugin. you can let the install directory on it's default value. but you should set the data directory to a location, where sabnzbd can save its data. (best on a cache drive, or an other drive. you can also use your array, eg. /mnt/disk1/apps/....) don't use your flash drive as data-directory!


also, you have to enable the plugin (set enable to yes).

after clicking apply, sabnzbd should install and start. otherwise, there are buttons to install it manually.

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i got a question

my install directory is /usr/local/sickbeard as is suggested

Someone made a custom.py file, which i need to overwrite the original one with

Can i do this? As the install is on the ram?

Wont it be lost?

How do i over write it, as i cant see the /usr/local on windows (i can use putty though)

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if you need to replace a file in the install directory, you would need to install the app to a location other than the ramdrive. otherwise you would have to replace the file after every reboot again.


to replace the file at /usr/local/ you would use putty. just load the file to one of your shares and use either the cp or the mv command.

make sure, that the file has the correct owner and permissions afterwards.

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/etc/rc.d./rc.sickbeard install


no such file or directory


root@Unraid:/etc/rc.d# rc.sickbeard install

Installing latest version of SickBeard...

fatal: repository 'no' does not exist

cp: cannot stat `/tmp/Sick-Beard/*': No such file or directory

./rc.sickbeard: line 175: cd: /tmp/Sick-Beard/: No such file or directory

fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

... OK


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then somehow your config did get messed up... (had something similar a few days ago with an other plugin, don't know yet, why it happend)

best to check the other settings as well (the other settings should be ok, since you've set them via the webgui. those two are the only ones, we haven't yet included in the gui)


edit: make sure to run the latest version of the plugin (hit update plg on the gui)

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there seems to be a small issue with couch potato plugin.  it tells me there is an update available, and I click the update button, then i can see it doing it's stuff along the bottom of the window, but when it's done, it continues to tell me there is an update available, and the current version isn't being updated


not a big deal, just thought I should report it, in case you get bored and want something to 'fix' :)


thanks again for all your hard work on these plugins!


 Status: RUNNING with version: 32fe3796e41c20b68a8bdea59bd2fb4eba220397

Installed from master branch of https://github.com/RuudBurger/CouchPotatoServer site

Storage memory usage: install directory: 30M, data directory: 18M

Your data will persist after a reboot

Plug-in Version: 2.3.1

Update available to version: 3ecc826629b157ccd062579126426a9edf68b985 

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Has anyone had any problems with other plugins causing Sabnzbd to not work correctly? This happened a few times a month ago so I stopped using some other plugins. I installed a bunch more yesterday and once again, Sabnzbd started to fail.


What happens is my downloads slow down to a crawl. I also can't stop or restart Sabnzbd. It just hangs when trying to stop. I have had to shutdown the system to correct the problem but it causes it not to shutdown correctly.


The plugs that are installed before the problem were APC, Sickbeard, Sabnzbd, Maraschino, and Plex. Everything was fine.


I then installed  simplefeatures and a few of it's add ons, Snap, Java, and some Smart plugin, I cant get to the machine right now to look at the name.


I know I can go through one by one to figure out which one is causing the problem but I thought I would ask if anyone else as run into this first.


I am running the latest beta.



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I am trying to install the SABNzb plugin for the first time. I am using the latest unRaid  (5.0 rc8)


I get this error when trying to install:


root@BitpartNas:/boot/config/plugins# installplg /boot/config/plugins/sabnzbd_mo


installing plugin: sabnzbd_mod


Warning: simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/b

oot/config/plugins/sabnzbd_mod.plg" in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13

xml parse error


Thanks in advance!

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I am trying to install the SABNzb plugin for the first time. I am using the latest unRaid  (5.0 rc8)


I get this error when trying to install:


root@BitpartNas:/boot/config/plugins# installplg /boot/config/plugins/sabnzbd_mo


installing plugin: sabnzbd_mod


Warning: simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/b

oot/config/plugins/sabnzbd_mod.plg" in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13

xml parse error


Thanks in advance!


you didn't download the plugin correctly. use this link: https://github.com/Influencer/UNplugged/raw/master/sabnzbd_unplugged.plg (rightclick->save as)


@influencer: maybe we should create one simple plugin-manager, which will help with all this failed downloads etc... (at least, until the official plugin manager is ready)

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Has anyone had any problems with other plugins causing Sabnzbd to not work correctly? This happened a few times a month ago so I stopped using some other plugins. I installed a bunch more yesterday and once again, Sabnzbd started to fail.


What happens is my downloads slow down to a crawl. I also can't stop or restart Sabnzbd. It just hangs when trying to stop. I have had to shutdown the system to correct the problem but it causes it not to shutdown correctly.


The plugs that are installed before the problem were APC, Sickbeard, Sabnzbd, Maraschino, and Plex. Everything was fine.


I then installed  simplefeatures and a few of it's add ons, Snap, Java, and some Smart plugin, I cant get to the machine right now to look at the name.


I know I can go through one by one to figure out which one is causing the problem but I thought I would ask if anyone else as run into this first.


I am running the latest beta.




i would guess, that one of the other plugins installs an old version of a library used by sabnzbd...

simplefeatures and its addons should be fine... i'm not sure about the rest... if you can give us a list (with download-links), we can check it out...


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I have installed sabnzbd and sickbeard.  i have followed the setup faq by Influencer.  I am trying to figure out, once a download is complete, how is a file automatically moved.


I setup the data directory for sabnzdb to be as suggested






I have a TV share like this:



I want the download to complete.  Be renamed and automatically end up in the mnt/user/TV directory.


I am not sure if I missed a step.  This is what i followed



Things I was not sure of

Adding a show in sickbeard Location looks like this /mnt/user/TV/Grimm


edit the autoProcessTV.cfg.  i was not sure how to properly input the port.  My sickbeard is running on port 8082.  here is what the line currently looks like:


port = config.get(sickbeard, "8082")

Did I edit this line correctly?


Can you share in the configuration where I tell either sabnzbd (sorry i am new at these programs and linux) or sickbeard to move the file once is is named properly?


Thanks for the help


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the autoProcessTV.cfg should look like this:


if you've set some username/password inside sickbeard, you would have to add those, too.


you need to set sabnzbd to use the sabToSickBeard.py script for postprocessing. easiest way is to set this as the default script for your tv category inside sabznbd.

disable sorting for tv shows in your sabnzbd config (since sickbeard will take care of this)



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You edited the port correctly  the port that sickbeard run on goes there.

I used the same gude in setting up my SB. There are instructions on how to move the autoprocesstv to the scripts folder of your sabnzbd install. In my case there was no scripts folder and I had to create the folder to run the move command successfully.


Within the autoprocesstv folder. You find autorocess.tv.cfg.sample. That has to be edited to autoprocesstv.cfg or it wont work. One problem I had was windows did not display the full file name. I had go go into folder options and uncheck hide extensions of known file types. You wont see the full file name if yu dont change this option.


You then go into Sabnzbd and click on confg......folders and find the section for scripts and browse to the location of your autoprocessTv.cfg.


Lastly go in to config....categories make a new one that matches the one in SB. tv is default and you should be able to select the sabtosickbeard.py and save.



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In my case there was no scripts folder and I had to create the folder to run the move command successfully.


I had the same issue.  I had to use mc to create the folder. 


Within the autoprocesstv folder. You find autorocess.tv.cfg.sample. That has to be edited to autoprocesstv.cfg or it wont work.


i had to make this change.  I see sabnzbd downloading but I don't see anything moved into the tv share.  how long does tha process take?  Is there a way to check to see if the files are being renamed and moving??


Thanks for the quick responses

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