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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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it's not the installplg, that's the problem. it's the autostart of sabnzbd, when the array starts

(if anything in the installplg would fail, the install process of the plugin would be canceled.)


in your case, the plugin was installed correctly. then the array starts and at this time, the plugin tries to start sabnzbd. since it's not installed, the latest version is downloaded and installed. something at this point didn't work on your machine.


one test: log into your server and run

/etc/rc.d/rc.sabnzbd install


you should see quite a lot of output. please post it here, so we can narrow down the error and where to put additional checks...

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I had the same issue with my gui hanging last night.


Restarted server and array hung on start. Sab not installing was the cause. Updated to latest plugin because I saw that Influencer updated the wget path to Sourceforge five days ago.

Still wouldn't Install through GUI. Would just sit there at "Installing latest version."


Then found that Sourceforge was down for maintenance or something. Even after the web site came back up at about 3am still no luck so that part may have still been broken with them so I went to bed.


I just installed fine through command line at 8:30am using:


/etc/rc.d/rc.sabnzbd install


Unknown if it would still install fine from GUI but I can't see why it wouldn't considering it wasn't installing last night on reboot and now it is through cmd which is the same.


Believe it was just issues with Sourceforge although it did still tell me there was an update to 7.6 through the GUI even though it had already installed it from cmd.



I neglected to actually try to start sab before originally posting this. When I tried it wouldn't start. Reboot of server solved this issue although I did have to change my port again for some reason as it had been set back to default.


root@Leviathan:~# /etc/rc.d/rc.sabnzbd install

+ echo 'Installing latest version of SABnzbd...'

Installing latest version of SABnzbd...

+ '[' '!' -e /usr/local/sabnzbd ']'

+ '[' '!' -e /mnt/user/System/sabnzbd ']'

+ '[' '!' -e /mnt/user/System/sabnzbd/sabnzbd.ini ']'

+ [[ no = '' ]]

+ [[ no = \n\o ]]

+ stable=($(wget -q -O - http://sabnzbdplus.sourceforge.net/version/latest | awk                          '/0/{gsub(/\015/,"");print}'))

++ wget -q -O - http://sabnzbdplus.sourceforge.net/version/latest

++ awk '/0/{gsub(/\015/,"");print}'

+ echo 'installing latest Version (0.7.6)'

installing latest Version (0.7.6)

+ cd /tmp

+ wget -q http://sourceforge.net/projects/sabnzbdplus/files/sabnzbdplus/0.7.6/SA                          Bnzbd-0.7.6-src.tar.gz

+ tar -xf /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6-src.tar.gz

+ cp -Rf /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/ABOUT.txt /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/CHANGELOG.txt /tmp/SABn                          zbd-0.7.6/COPYRIGHT.txt /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/GPL2.txt /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/GPL3.txt                          /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/INSTALL.txt /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/ISSUES.txt /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/                          PKG-INFO /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/README.txt /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/SABHelper.py /tmp/SABn                          zbd-0.7.6/SABnzbd.py /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/Sample-PostProc.cmd /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/S                          ample-PostProc.sh /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/cherrypy /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/email /tmp/SABn                          zbd-0.7.6/gntp /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/icons /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/interfaces /tmp/SABnz                          bd-0.7.6/licenses /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/locale /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/po /tmp/SABnzbd-0                          .7.6/sabnzbd /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/tools /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6/util /usr/local/sabnzbd

+ chown -R nobody:users /usr/local/sabnzbd

+ rm -Rf /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6 /tmp/SABnzbd-0.7.6-src.tar.gz

+ chown -R nobody:users /usr/local/sabnzbd /mnt/user/System/sabnzbd

+ sleep 3

+ echo '... OK'

... OK

+ sleep 1


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Hi, hoping someone can help. I have been running Sickbeard & Sabnzbd on my unraid for a while now and everything has been working fine. I recently installed Couchpotato though and I can't seem to get it working.


Everything appears to be correct in the settings and it snatches movies and sends them to Sabnzbd fine.

These download correctly on Sabnzbd.

A directory is created under /mnt/user/Movies correctly.

But when I view the new directory in Windows Explorer it shows no files.

The movie is not adding itself to my XBMC either.

But if I view the folder via //tower in my browser and going to shares and finding the folder then I can see all the movie files there.


Does anyone know why I wouldn't be seeing these files in windows explorer or why xbmc can't see them?


Log attached and using version 5.0-beta12a






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it looks like you have trouble downloading the latest release (at least that would be my first guess).

i just checked the link and it worked. maybe sourceforge had some trouble earlier... (please try again now)

if you still have trouble installling sabnzbd, we will do some more checking... (i'm currently at work, so i can't check myself)


I rebooted and now it all started normal and installed it , im running 0.7.6

All back good :)

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@riot504: the installation seems fine. did you update to the latest plg? (hit the update PLG button.) we changed some things about the update notice.



Yeah it's all good. Mainly wanted to give everyone heads up about Sourceforge being down.

Included the rest just in case.

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I actually was looking at owncloud the other day since I've seen a couple requests, I had never heard of it. Out of pure interest I'm gonna see if I can get it to run on unraid.


No promises, especially the next couple weeks its full on family mode, and work mode!


Ah, maybe they switched to that page.


They did use(and its still up) http://sabnzbdplus.sourceforge.net/version/latest

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I actually was looking at owncloud the other day since I've seen a couple requests, I had never heard of it. Out of pure interest I'm gonna see if I can get it to run on unraid.


No promises, especially the next couple weeks its full on family mode, and work mode!


Ah, maybe they switched to that page.


They did use(and its still up) http://sabnzbdplus.sourceforge.net/version/latest


Owncloud works, just that the webdav connectivity doesn't. So the sync clients won't work.

Web interface works just fine, though...


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I actually was looking at owncloud the other day since I've seen a couple requests, I had never heard of it. Out of pure interest I'm gonna see if I can get it to run on unraid.


No promises, especially the next couple weeks its full on family mode, and work mode!


Ah, maybe they switched to that page.


They did use(and its still up) http://sabnzbdplus.sourceforge.net/version/latest


Awesome! Thanks for taking a peek at least :)

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I actually was looking at owncloud the other day since I've seen a couple requests, I had never heard of it. Out of pure interest I'm gonna see if I can get it to run on unraid.


No promises, especially the next couple weeks its full on family mode, and work mode!


Ah, maybe they switched to that page.


They did use(and its still up) http://sabnzbdplus.sourceforge.net/version/latest


Owncloud works, just that the webdav connectivity doesn't. So the sync clients won't work.

Web interface works just fine, though...


Do you know how to get WebDAV working? :)

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@chrishorton7: all i can see in your log, are a lot of duplicated files. look through your disks and remove the duplicates...


Thanks. I have removed the duplicates, but still having the same issue. Everything downloads ok and is on my server, but I am unable to access the files from windows explorer or xbmc.


Attached are some screenshots to hopefully explain. I thought this might be a permissions issue, but I have run the permissions script on unraid and tested and I am still getting the same issue.




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