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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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I have the unplugged SAB plugin installed at the moment and I am very pleased with it. I went through 3 different SABNZB installs, first the umenu package, then the plugin(not unplugged), and now the unplugged plugin. Because of all this everything is a bit "messy". In the syslog I see pyhon installed then deleted and replaced by newer versions. This goes for other packages too. openssl, zip etc. In a first attempt to clean things up a bit I want to do a complete reinstall of SAB unplugged but without loosing my current SABNZB setup and settings.


SABNZB is intalled to the cache disk right now in mnt/cache/.sabnzb.


Is it suffice to delete the plugin from the flash and reinstall the plugin or do other packages need to be deleted too?


When I point the plugin to mnt/cache/.sabnzb will my setup and settings be intact? Or is it better to backup the sabnzb folder? Never hurts I guess to backup.

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If other versions are installed something is telling them to install. If you previously used unmenu to install Sab there will be packages and auto-install .conf files for those packages in boot/packages. Those should be removed. You don't need to uninstall the plugin.


If they were installed by other plugins the plugin that is installing the older version needs to be updated to use the newer packages

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If other versions are installed something is telling them to install. If you previously used unmenu to install Sab there will be packages and auto-install .conf files for those packages in boot/packages. Those should be removed. You don't need to uninstall the plugin.


If they were installed by other plugins the plugin that is installing the older version needs to be updated to use the newer packages


I might start with a fresh install of unraid to completely get rid of leftovers from previous installs and deleted packages but when I reinstall the SAB plugin and I point the plugin to mnt/cache/.sabnzb will my setup and settings be intact? Or is it better to backup the sabnzb folder? Never hurts I guess to backup.

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I might start with a fresh install of unraid to completely get rid of leftovers from previous installs and deleted packages but when I reinstall the SAB plugin and I point the plugin to mnt/cache/.sabnzb will my setup and settings be intact? Or is it better to backup the sabnzb folder? Never hurts I guess to backup.


Honestly, you can just delete all the files in:





and delete all the files and directories in:




And lastly, check:




and make sure nothing got added to it.


Then reboot, and you will have a "Base" unraid install without having to worry about the actual configuration of unraid.  That's what I would do anyway.

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Influencer,  first of all I wanted to give thanks for your work, very impressive and helpful for many. I cannot wait to try some of the other packages than the Sab/SB/CPv2 that you support, but I wanted to get advice on how to proceed so I get things right the first time.


I am coming from UnRaid 4.7 (literally few hours ago) to 5.0rc8 and in 4.7 I had Sab/SB/CP installed manually (in cache folder) and launch with go script (http://pastebin.com/mFcdX1Kt).  They are installed to /mnt/cache/.custom folder and each one has its own subdir inside the .custom folder. I wanted to get your opinion on the best process to conserve my existing settings, ports and all that if at all possible and the right sequence of events.  This is the order I was thinking of doing:


1. Sabnzbd - How can I conserve my existing settings or do I have to launch both simultaneously and copy over manually?

2. Sickbeard - How can I keep my settings and db when installing your plugin?

3. Couchpotato v2 - From my understanding settings have to be copied over so perhaps launch both and how to import library from old to new.


How would you go about doing that.  The folders are intact in /mnt/cache/.custom and plan on backing up before trying anything, if you recommend a different sequence or how to load simultaneous versions to copy over data and then shut down and re-set to my original ports please let me know just so I avoid any unncessary problems if possible.

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Is anyone else getting errors with CP2 when it moves files from the Downloads directory to the Movies Folders?


My version seems to be creating folders which it then seems to not have accesss to. I don't know what the issue is. I'm running RC8, latest plug-in, latest version of CP2. I run as "nobody." All my directory permissions are:

    chmod -R go-rwx,u-x,g+u,ug+X *

    chown -R nobody:users *

[well that is until CP creates these new folders which it can't read.]


Here is the errors I'm getting:

[tato.core.plugins.renamer] Renaming "/mnt/user/Downloads/Complete/Movies/Legally Downloaded Content 720p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi cp(tt######)/Legally.Downloaded.Content.2011.720p.bluray.x264.dts-wiki.mkv" to "/mnt/user/Movies/Other Movies/Legally Downloaded Content (2011)/Legally Downloaded Content (2011).mkv"12-21 22:53:09 ERROR [tato.core.plugins.renamer] Couldn't move file "/mnt/user/Downloads/Complete/Movies/Legally Downloaded Content 2011 720p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi cp(######)/Legally.Downloaded.Content.2011.720p.bluray.x264.dts-wiki.mkv" to "/mnt/user/Movies/Other Movies/Legally Downloaded Content (2011)/Legally Downloaded Content (2011).mkv": Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/local/couchpotato_v2/couchpotato/core/plugins/renamer/main.py", line 446, in moveFile

    shutil.move(old, dest)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/shutil.py", line 260, in move

    copy2(src, real_dst)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/shutil.py", line 95, in copy2

    copyfile(src, dst)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/shutil.py", line 51, in copyfile

    with open(dst, 'wb') as fdst:

IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/mnt/user/Movies/Other Movies/Legally Downloaded Content (2011)/Legally Downloaded Content (2011).mkv'


When the new folders are created by CP2, they have the permissions of:

dr----x--t 1 nobody users


When I set it up in CP, I set the file and folder permissions to 777, so I don't know what is going wrong...

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Hey influencer total Linux noob here and im having problems with your Transmission plugin. Everything seems to have installed correctly as I can connect to it from web interface and the remote GUI interface on my laptop, but when I download a torrent it gets to 0.1% and throws a permission error at me. I have 5.0-rc8a Pro installed with a cache drive and my folder structure is set out as you suggested ie mnt/cache/apps/transmission. In the transmission folder I created the directory "downloads" using mc to put completed downloads in and configured the plugin via web UI to use this directory. I'm at a loss on how to solve this tried changing the permissions of the "downloads" folder with chown and advanced chown through mc but am still getting permission errors. I'm running Transmission as nobody, I'm sure it's just a configuration issue as many seem to have it working and this is a fresh install with with only simple features and the clean powerdown package installed. So there shouldn't be any conflicts any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance ePro.Dark.Angel


EDIT - Fixed had my file paths set up as a share directory and not as the actual paths on the server.

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I am not sure if this is a bug, but after installing and everything running on CouchpotatoV2 on the Unraid GUI I see: "Update available to version: d4da206f93d24bb3082b650faa468dd9e801f463 "  and I have hit the update button multiple times and it downloads, and restarts, yet it still shows the update is available, not sure if this is a known problem or what I need to do with that alert.



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Is anyone else getting errors with CP2 when it moves files from the Downloads directory to the Movies Folders?


My version seems to be creating folders which it then seems to not have accesss to. I don't know what the issue is. I'm running RC8, latest plug-in, latest version of CP2. I run as "nobody." All my directory permissions are:

    chmod -R go-rwx,u-x,g+u,ug+X *

    chown -R nobody:users *

[well that is until CP creates these new folders which it can't read.]


Here is the errors I'm getting:

[tato.core.plugins.renamer] Renaming "/mnt/user/Downloads/Complete/Movies/Legally Downloaded Content 720p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi cp(tt######)/Legally.Downloaded.Content.2011.720p.bluray.x264.dts-wiki.mkv" to "/mnt/user/Movies/Other Movies/Legally Downloaded Content (2011)/Legally Downloaded Content (2011).mkv"12-21 22:53:09 ERROR [tato.core.plugins.renamer] Couldn't move file "/mnt/user/Downloads/Complete/Movies/Legally Downloaded Content 2011 720p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi cp(######)/Legally.Downloaded.Content.2011.720p.bluray.x264.dts-wiki.mkv" to "/mnt/user/Movies/Other Movies/Legally Downloaded Content (2011)/Legally Downloaded Content (2011).mkv": Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/local/couchpotato_v2/couchpotato/core/plugins/renamer/main.py", line 446, in moveFile

    shutil.move(old, dest)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/shutil.py", line 260, in move

    copy2(src, real_dst)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/shutil.py", line 95, in copy2

    copyfile(src, dst)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/shutil.py", line 51, in copyfile

    with open(dst, 'wb') as fdst:

IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/mnt/user/Movies/Other Movies/Legally Downloaded Content (2011)/Legally Downloaded Content (2011).mkv'


When the new folders are created by CP2, they have the permissions of:

dr----x--t 1 nobody users


When I set it up in CP, I set the file and folder permissions to 777, so I don't know what is going wrong...


???Nobody is having similar problems???

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Nope, this works for me, how have you setup Couch to set the directories ?


Under setting - general - advanced (first click the "show advanced settings") there are two options that control this:


"Folder CHMOD" and "File CHMOD". I have both as 0770


I have them all set to 777, which - as far as I know - gives full access to the entire universe....

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Nope, this works for me, how have you setup Couch to set the directories ?


Under setting - general - advanced (first click the "show advanced settings") there are two options that control this:


"Folder CHMOD" and "File CHMOD". I have both as 0770


Yep, that fixed the problem. Strangely I had run for months and months with 777 without problem. Something changed in the last few releases..

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is there a simple way to change the branch for sickbeard? ive looked but couldnt find an answer. i tried changing the cfg file and restarted but it didnt work. i really want to try a new branch that adds 1080p webdl since it is screwing with my downloads and who knows how long it will take to be merged into the master branch.

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is there a simple way to change the branch for sickbeard? ive looked but couldnt find an answer. i tried changing the cfg file and restarted but it didnt work. i really want to try a new branch that adds 1080p webdl since it is screwing with my downloads and who knows how long it will take to be merged into the master branch.


you should be able to set an other branch in the config file. (this is currently not in the webgui). to force the reinstallation, you can run "/etc/rc.d/rc.sickbeard update". this will delete the current installation and reinstall the selected branch... (only do this, if you have separate install and data directories)

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is there a simple way to change the branch for sickbeard? ive looked but couldnt find an answer. i tried changing the cfg file and restarted but it didnt work. i really want to try a new branch that adds 1080p webdl since it is screwing with my downloads and who knows how long it will take to be merged into the master branch.


what specific shows are u trying to download??


only asking, cuz i was trying to fetch the BSG: Blood and chrome as well as H+ but neither one of them would work until i set the quality to "ANY" then it was downloading them just fine as well...

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So I know this is going to be a dumb user error, but why can't I see what is on my Cache disk from another computer? I currently have it mapped (Win 7) but the only folder that is showing is




where I should be seeing






basically, there are a few times where I want to jump cut/paste via my Windows machine out of my cache drive without having to use PuTTy to move it into my array then cut/paste....I am 100% I am taking extra steps.


Thanks for your help... and go easy on me. haha

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is there a simple way to change the branch for sickbeard? ive looked but couldnt find an answer. i tried changing the cfg file and restarted but it didnt work. i really want to try a new branch that adds 1080p webdl since it is screwing with my downloads and who knows how long it will take to be merged into the master branch.


you should be able to set an other branch in the config file. (this is currently not in the webgui). to force the reinstallation, you can run "/etc/rc.d/rc.sickbeard update". this will delete the current installation and reinstall the selected branch... (only do this, if you have separate install and data directories)


Actually it is, but its only visible if sickbeard is not installed. This is possible by either deleting the installation files(easiest if install and data directories are separate) or by disabling the plug-in, then changing the install directory in the plug-in to a different path and apply. Then you will be able to see a button to "Show Advanced Configuration".


Its not really user intuitive, should probably revisit this.

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So I know this is going to be a dumb user error, but why can't I see what is on my Cache disk from another computer? I currently have it mapped (Win 7) but the only folder that is showing is




where I should be seeing






basically, there are a few times where I want to jump cut/paste via my Windows machine out of my cache drive without having to use PuTTy to move it into my array then cut/paste....I am 100% I am taking extra steps.


Thanks for your help... and go easy on me. haha


There should be a share for the cache drive. Check under Network > Tower(or whatever your server is named). Should be a cache share. If there isn't click on "Cache" under the main screen of unRAID and make sure the share is exported.

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