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[VM] Owncloud Appliance VM - Based on Debian <--- Deprecated as of May 2014


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I didn't use this prerolled VM in the end and went with a virgin install of wheezy via url install in xencenter.


what i did find easier for the connection to unraid samba share was to install smbclient as well as cifs-utils and then (after adding the external storage app in own cloud, took me an age to figure that one out) add the share as smb/cifs instead of local and enter my credentials in the web gui.


like thus:-


The external app is already enabled in my VM image. Glad you're having fun!

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I didn't use this prerolled VM in the end and went with a virgin install of wheezy via url install in xencenter.


what i did find easier for the connection to unraid samba share was to install smbclient as well as cifs-utils and then (after adding the external storage app in own cloud, took me an age to figure that one out) add the share as smb/cifs instead of local and enter my credentials in the web gui.


like thus:-


The external app is already enabled in my VM image. Glad you're having fun!


It is a very nice webgui interface, i got it running in 256mb with one vcpu and it's reasonably fast. I'm gonna tweak the mysql config file for such low memory as mysqltuner is having a fit about it using over 200 % of available memory, or i might see if it works better if  i move the database to the mysql install on my nzedb server (got my XBMC mysql DB on there and it works FAST !!!)

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I didn't use this prerolled VM in the end and went with a virgin install of wheezy via url install in xencenter.


what i did find easier for the connection to unraid samba share was to install smbclient as well as cifs-utils and then (after adding the external storage app in own cloud, took me an age to figure that one out) add the share as smb/cifs instead of local and enter my credentials in the web gui.


like thus:-


Should add that doing it this way you don't need to edit fstab at all and the indicator goes to a green circle if the settings are ok and a red square if they aren't.

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BTW.  I really like the server dashboard.  Nice way to see what's going on with the VM without using the xen console.


I installed Logitech Media Server, configured fstab to mount some unRAID shares and all is well.  I did add several items to the fstab table that were suggested to help with the mounting issues: _netdav,noatime


5GB image seems to be more than adequate for my needs.


I generated a unique mac address.  I would suggest that you generate a random mac address for yourself and not use the mac address configured in the package.


Here's a perl script to generate a random mac address:

perl -e 'printf "00:16:3E:%02X:%02X:%02X\n", rand 0xFF, rand 0xFF, rand 0xFF'


I also added these switches to the .conf to control the VM operation in certain situations:

on_poweroff = "destroy"

on_crash = "restart"

on_xend_stop = "shutdown"


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Is ownCloud in Ironicbadgers VM running with mySQL as well?


If so I could easily import my data through the sql file that I saved.

Anybody who knows? The server dashboard is saying, that mySQL is not installed which will impact the performance if you have a larger amount of data.


Is there a way to restart the initial mySQL setup? With that I would be able to influence the db that ownCloud is using as well as the data path.


Thank you.


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Thanks Ironicbadger. I habe found this owncloud redo initial setup. On the other hand .... it might even be easier to entirely remove ownCloud and reinstall ist again so that the initial setup screen is coming up again (...where I can select the database via the initial setup)




Just remove config.php and owncloud will present you with a setup screen as if you've installed from scratch.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I followed the instructions as per the first page with my own edits, but I'm unable to start the VM.

I'm getting error when I try and run

xl create debcloud.cfg

name = "debcloud"

bootloader = "pygrub"

memory = 512

vcpus = '2'

disk = ['file:/mnt/system/owncloud/owncloud/debian.img,xvda,w']

vif = [ 'mac=00:16:3e:a1:bc:a4,bridge=br0' ]


root@Tower:/mnt/system/owncloud/owncloud# xl create debcloud.cfg

Parsing config from debcloud.cfg

libxl: error: libxl_exec.c:118:libxl_report_child_exitstatus: /etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge online [2233] exited with error status 1

libxl: error: libxl_device.c:1021:device_hotplug_child_death_cb: script: Could not find bridge device br0

libxl: error: libxl_create.c:1115:domcreate_attach_vtpms: unable to add nic devices

libxl: error: libxl_exec.c:118:libxl_report_child_exitstatus: /etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge offline [2269] exited with error status 1

libxl: error: libxl_device.c:1021:device_hotplug_child_death_cb: script: Could not find bridge device br0



/mnt/system/ is located on a mounted hard drive that is not part of the array.


I realize that this issue is related to the absence of a bridged network adapter, and I have looked in the xen/scripts folder at the vif-bridge script.

But I still have no idea how to bridge the adapter.

Help would be appreciated.

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Another question, so I installed the cifs-utils, and added both cifs and nfs mount commands in fstab.

I've tried them both and I get an error on nfs when I attempt to mount.

CIFS works fine but NFS doesn't .

To note I made the edits to the NFS share in Unraid setting it to private and adding the parameters.        /mnt/storage    nfs     rw,rsize=4096,wsize=4096,hard,intr,async,nodev,nosuid 0 0



root@debcloud:/mnt# mount -a

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on,

      missing codepage or helper program, or other error

      (for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might

      need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program)

      In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try

      dmesg | tail  or so



Also could we make the [GUIDE]s all sticky on the front page? Not sure if it already is.

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  • 1 month later...


So is anyone using this on the web?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk




How is it working for you? Are you using it like google drive and/or Dropbox ?


Or like a cloud back up?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I generated a self signed certificate for security and I'm using ownCloud on Android phones to collect pictures from workers in the field, carddav for contacts and caldav to synchronize calendars on Android phones and email clients.  Works like a champ.


I also synchronize files from my office PC.


I expanded the VM to 20GB to handle the data.

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I installed it, big thank you to ironicbadger for putting it together,  not sure what to do with it since it's seems like a lot of work to put on the interwebs. I'm lazy., I do have some web space at a host and see that it can deploy it that way. However before I do that I will tinker with this one.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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using the apt-get update inside the VM, get the following error on Owncloud

W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: http://download.opensuse.org  Release: The following signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 1397815516


W: Failed to fetch http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:/ownCloud:/community/Debian_7.0/Release


W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

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  • 2 weeks later...


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