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[CONTAINER] CrashPlan & CrashPlan-Desktop

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jumperalex, I use my crashplan as a backup destination for friends and family.  It is very easy.  You do not need a static IP.  I have a crashplan central account but "friend backup" is available for free to everyone.


You just go in the friends tab in the desktop client and invite a friend or copy the backup code and give them that.


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My appdata folder is on the array and it's worked fine for me for several months now. A friend of mine set up an unRAID box and we Crashplan back and forth to each other. Works great and free offsite backup!


Barakthecat, how is this still working out for you. I'm interested in setting this up with a buddy but wanted to get more details. Basically just how hard was it? Any tips / tricks? I'm assuming you need static IPs? or does crashplan.com facilitate that even in the free version?  Thanks in advance.


I'm the other half of Barakthecat's CP setup. Working fine (aside from my messing up his backup disk by changing the way I mounted it, but that's fixed). No static IP needed. I didn't even have to open any ports on my router's firewall.

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@Gog and @ tigerdoc


That is great news!  Thanks so much for answering, that's very helpful. Now I just need to convince my full unraid friend to do it :) I think I'll be able to


EDIT: which makes me thinks, maybe we should start a matching service for people to agree to share storage backups :)

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I'll second what TigerDoc said, both about it working fine and about him messing up my backup disk ;-) (8.9 days and counting to backup again . . .). It was a fair amount of work to get it going, but since then it's mostly painless. I would recommend seeding the drive so you don't need to do a full over the internet backup.

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Has anyone had issues with this docker filling up your docker.img file?  I've found that if I have this docker enabled I eventually fill my docker.img and things start going bad.


I've run this docker for a long time, but just recently starting having this issue.  It took me a bit to track it down to this docker.



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Has anyone had issues with this docker filling up your docker.img file?  I've found that if I have this docker enabled I eventually fill my docker.img and things start going bad.


I've run this docker for a long time, but just recently starting having this issue.  It took me a bit to track it down to this docker.


No, no issues that I know of.  What makes you think it is the Crashplan docker that is filling up your docker.img file?


You mentioned that you've been running this Docker for a long time, have you changed any settings recently?


In the Crashplan GUI, take a look at the History tab.  Do you see any issues in the log that might explain what is going on?


What folders do you have mapped to the Crashplan docker? 


Have you defined a local folder as a backup destination?  If so, what is the path to that folder?

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Here is the thread:



Basically if I have the crashplan docker enabled my docker.img file eventually fills up to 100%.  If I have it disabled the size never changes.




Has anyone had issues with this docker filling up your docker.img file?  I've found that if I have this docker enabled I eventually fill my docker.img and things start going bad.


I've run this docker for a long time, but just recently starting having this issue.  It took me a bit to track it down to this docker.


No, no issues that I know of.  What makes you think it is the Crashplan docker that is filling up your docker.img file?


You mentioned that you've been running this Docker for a long time, have you changed any settings recently?


In the Crashplan GUI, take a look at the History tab.  Do you see any issues in the log that might explain what is going on?


What folders do you have mapped to the Crashplan docker? 


Have you defined a local folder as a backup destination?  If so, what is the path to that folder?

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I am REALLY feeling dumb to have to ask this in a forum topic that already has 24 pages of posts, but I STILL can't get Crashplan to work with Unraid in docker..  My UNRAID is pretty generic, with IP address of and the command I used to install is:


docker run -d -h --name="CrashPlan" -v /mnt/user/Docker:/config -v /mnt/user:/data -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -p 4242:4242 -p 4243:4243 gfjardim/crashplan


I set the /config directory to a place I could get to via Windows Explorer to be able to look at logs and stuff, and the docker does create the directory structure where I expect it..  Then, I go to my Windows workstation, and edit my "C:\Program Files (x86)\CrashPlan\conf\ui.properties" file to show:




(all other lines remarked)


I can watch in Wireshark that my workstation communicates with the server on tcp/4243, exchanging about 18 packets, and then stopping.  The GUI on my workstation never gets past the splash screen.


In Unraid's docker config, I see what's in the attached capture.jpg, which doesn't seem to be right.


What am I missing?

Why are there 2 ports (4242 and 4243?)


Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!


Thanks in advance!


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Are you using putty to create a tunnel to crashplan or did you modify the crashplan server settings to grant access to unsecured connections?


Hmm..  I have TRIED to do the tunnel, but my intention is to have the client talk straight to the server..  That being said, I've never seen anything about this "access to unsecured connections" setting..  I'll search for that, but if you see this and can explain, that would be great..


ALSO, for clarification, I just re-checked what I THOUGHT was my crashplan config, which I thought should be in the /mnt/user/crashplan directory, and what I found was that everything was in the /mnt/user/Docker structure, as shown in the attached picture, which makes sense based on my install command afterall..  I changed it to point /config to /mnt/user/crashplan just to prove to myself it was working, and it did recreate all those config files. 


I still feel like I should be able to edit the docker container, and I'm not sure why it seems "half" installed..


There's no reason to install the config UI side on my Unraid if I intend to manage it from my windows box, right?



Thanks for the help!


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  if you want to use the UI without ssh you need to modifiy my.service.xml  in your appdata\crashplan\conf  change it from to




OK..  I found this elsewhere in this thread, and have verified that it is set this way on my UnRaid.  The whole section is like this: 

    <autoLoginPasswordHash nil="true"/>
    <locale nil="true"/>

Is there anything else in there that needs changed?

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I am REALLY feeling dumb to have to ask this in a forum topic that already has 24 pages of posts, but I STILL can't get Crashplan to work with Unraid in docker..  My UNRAID is pretty generic, with IP address of and the command I used to install is:


I'm in the same boat as you.


I reinstalled Crashplan afresh on the server. Network type set to bridge. The config folder is set to my apps folder on the cache drive. I have added 4243 as well as 4242 as the ports. The ui properties file has the following lines




Everything else is remarked. I left this as it is.



From my Windows PC, the instance of Crashplan configured as crashplan server has the following lines in ui properties -




where is the ip address of my unraid tower.


my.service xml on the server also has the following lines




When I start the crashplan-server instance from the windows pc, it just gets stuck on the splash screen. :(

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Here is my setup and there are three things to do to get the CrashPlan app on the PC to talk to the server:


Modify the "ui.properties" file on your client machine:

#Fri Dec 09 09:50:22 CST 2005
serviceHost=	<----- unRAID IP

Modify the "my.service.xml" file on your host machine:

    <serviceHost></serviceHost>	<-----
    <servicePort>4243</servicePort>	<-----

[code]The .identity file on the server and the desktop PC needs to be the same
Copy the .identity file from the CrashPlan folder /id foler on your server
to your desktop PC to folder ProgramData/CrashPlan

Note the .identity file is a hidden file

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The .identity file on the server and the desktop PC needs to be the same
Copy the .identity file from the CrashPlan folder /id foler on your server
to your desktop PC to folder ProgramData/CrashPlan

Note the .identity file is a hidden file


That is most certainly a problem..  I haven't seen anything about a .identity file..  I will have to fix that and give it a shot - Probably not until late tonight unless I get a lull at work today..


One other related question, especially given "EXTREMEAUDIO"'s post above, is regarding HOW I was supposed to install the container in the first place (hopefully "container" is the right docker terminology??)  - I can go to the docker tab in Unraid, and click "Add container" but I couldn't find any way to install the crashplan container this way, so I went and did it through SSH and the "docker run" command I detailed above, but then the container doesn't seem to want to let me view/edit the configuration from the web GUI..  Am I doing something fundamentally wrong here?  I'm a long time UnRaid user, but painfully new at docker!





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The .identity file on the server and the desktop PC needs to be the same
Copy the .identity file from the CrashPlan folder /id foler on your server
to your desktop PC to folder ProgramData/CrashPlan

Note the .identity file is a hidden file


That is most certainly a problem..  I haven't seen anything about a .identity file..  I will have to fix that and give it a shot - Probably not until late tonight unless I get a lull at work today..


One other related question, especially given "EXTREMEAUDIO"'s post above, is regarding HOW I was supposed to install the container in the first place (hopefully "container" is the right docker terminology??)  - I can go to the docker tab in Unraid, and click "Add container" but I couldn't find any way to install the crashplan container this way, so I went and did it through SSH and the "docker run" command I detailed above, but then the container doesn't seem to want to let me view/edit the configuration from the web GUI..  Am I doing something fundamentally wrong here?  I'm a long time UnRaid user, but painfully new at docker!



Understand your feeling… been there done that!


Firstly are we talking about the CrashPlan Docker (this is the “server”) or is it the CrashPlan-Desktop Docker (this is only the “client” GUI)? I can do some screen dumps later for you if you like?



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Understand your feeling… been there done that!


Firstly are we talking about the CrashPlan Docker (this is the “server”) or is it the CrashPlan-Desktop Docker (this is only the “client” GUI)? I can do some screen dumps later for you if you like?


I'm just talking about the crashplan server docker..  I haven't quite got my head around how the "desktop" side is supposed to work on a Linux machine without a GUI, so I'm trying to rely on my Windows machine for the GUI control of it before I open that can of worms..

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Understand your feeling… been there done that!


Firstly are we talking about the CrashPlan Docker (this is the “server”) or is it the CrashPlan-Desktop Docker (this is only the “client” GUI)? I can do some screen dumps later for you if you like?


I'm just talking about the crashplan server docker..  I haven't quite got my head around how the "desktop" side is supposed to work on a Linux machine without a GUI, so I'm trying to rely on my Windows machine for the GUI control of it before I open that can of worms..

Ok, will get back later... ::)

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@extremeaudio, @172pilot -- I have put together a doc called "A tutorial on how to setup CrashPlan on unRAID6". It got a lot bigger than expected so you need to download it from my Dropbox.




This doc is based on my experiences on how to get it working and with some luck it might help others as well.

Feel free to comment!


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@extremeaudio, @172pilot -- I have put together a doc called "A tutorial on how to setup CrashPlan on unRAID6


That doc is great, but the beginning leaves me a bit confused still..  In the actual CREATION of the container, my options are completely different than your screenshot, and I can't get it to create through the GUI..  If I click add a container, I get what you see in the attached screenshot (Capture.JPG)..  Nowhere to specify what type of container I want to create, except for the pull-down, which only includes sync and Plex as options (templates.jpg).


I assume now based on your screenshot that I should have this in my pull-down?  I added "https://github.com/gfjardim/docker-containers/tree/master/crashplan" to my template repositories..  is that not correct?



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@extremeaudio, @172pilot -- I have put together a doc called "A tutorial on how to setup CrashPlan on unRAID6


That doc is great, but the beginning leaves me a bit confused still..  In the actual CREATION of the container, my options are completely different than your screenshot, and I can't get it to create through the GUI..  If I click add a container, I get what you see in the attached screenshot (Capture.JPG)..  Nowhere to specify what type of container I want to create, except for the pull-down, which only includes sync and Plex as options (templates.jpg).


I assume now based on your screenshot that I should have this in my pull-down?  I added "https://github.com/gfjardim/docker-containers/tree/master/crashplan" to my template repositories..  is that not correct?

I believe that’s correct, just try it.  I believe that I mentioned in the doc that you could install the Community Applications plugin, then you just select the Docker from the list of Dockers there and start the installation without the need to figure out where to download the Docker from…  ::)

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