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[support] pducharme's Dockers support thread

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Count me as another Ubituiti products fan.  Recently installed a UniFi AP in the house and love the range as well as the incredible manageability and feature set.  Looking to replace my Asus router with an EdgeMax EdgeLite router soon.


And running the UniFi controller in a docker just makes it all that much better.

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The EdgeMax router is an incredible piece of hardware. It has a superb performance (I am getting 720 Mbps from it) and it has lots of possibilities too, but it is a prosumer product. It requires more network knowledge than other consumer products to configure it.


The UBNT development team is very active and their latest version really is a nice improvement. Certainly recommended.


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Yes, I've heard nothing but good things about the EdgeMax router.  Thank you for mentioning that the EdgeMax router is a prosumer product, as anyone considering purchasing one needs to understand it requires a good bit more technical knowledge than your average point-and-click consumer router.  Luckily, I work in IT for a living and spent roughly 8 years specifically in Network Engineering/Administration at a previous employer (so I'll be fine), but most people without a solid understanding of networking and command line configuration should probably steer clear.


Now if only I could get that kind of high-speed connection (I'm assuming you have gigabit fiber) here in the broadband-backwards USA!


Any insights into the good stuff that was improved in the latest version?

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The new Packet Analysis is very nice!  looks a bit like the one in Asus Routers.  They also finally implement a basic QoS GUI (always find that it was lacking).  Really like my router.  Too bad I had to reboot it for the update, it was running since the day I put 1.6 version :P

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A few questions if I may.


How do I know which fork of Plexconnect I'm running?


Why can I not access the Plexconnect WebGUI? When I select the WebGUI by clicking the Plexconnect icon within Docker I get a webpage with "Error 404" on it. The IP address appears to be that of my Unraid server on port 80?


Finally, when running Openvpn, Plexconnect appears to stop working, or at least I get "trailers is not available" displayed on my ATV3.


I'm running Unraid Ver 6 Pro latest 64bit. It's the fully paid up version.


Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For the life of me, I cannot get the Unifi page to load.


I setup the docker in both host and bridge mode and neither works. The docker logs are empty and when I login to the Unifi docker instance, I do see it running Java:


root@unRAID:/var/lib/unifi# ps -eaf


root        1    0  5 08:49 ?        00:00:04 /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/java -Xmx1024M -jar /usr/lib/unifi/lib/ace.jar start

root      155    0  0 08:50 ?        00:00:00 bash

root      170  155  0 08:50 ?        00:00:00 ps -eaf


I'm still very new to docker. How can I debug this? I'd love to have my unRAID server be my Unifi controller.


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I installed UniFi docker today (first time). With Network type: Host, WebUI won't open. I changed Network type to Bridge and changed Host ports. WebUI is now accessible but when I go through Wizard, I am stuck on step 5 (Finish). When I press Finish, nothing happens. I tried to change settings, but nothing works.


If I load/restore configuration (from UniFi Controller for Windows, version 4.6.6) and restart docker, I get WebUI logon page. When I enter username/password I get error, that server is not responding. With multiple docker restarts I can login and get errors that APs are disconnected and I can't find any APs.


Ports in Bride mode:

Container port ... Host port

8081 ... 42018

8080 ... 42019

8443 ... 42020

8843 ... 42021

8880 ... 42022




What am I doing wrong? Please, advise. Thanks.


Edit: Figure it. It seems (I am no 100% sure) that port 8080 in needed for communication with APs. On port 8080 I had unMENU and I got error, when I tried to use 8080 with UniFi docker.

I freed 8080 and changed Network type to Host, restored config from Windows Controller and now everything is working ok.


I have one question. What are ports 8081, 8843 and 8880 used for? Presumably 8080 is used for communication with APs and 8443 is for WebUI. What are others for?


Edit2: WebUI is working, but I get Connection Dropped error every few minutes.

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I did some more digging. I setup a host directory to persist data, etc... and I noticed logs/server.log. Looking there, I see:

[2015-08-10 22:36:58,183] <db-server> ERROR system - [exec] error, rc=14, output=all output going to: /usr/lib/unifi/logs/mongod.log
[2015-08-10 22:36:58,184] <db-server> INFO  db     - DbServer stopped


From there, I logged into the UniFi docker and looked at the mongo log file


Mon Aug 10 22:41:04.091 [initandlisten] LogFile::synchronousAppend failed with 8192 bytes unwritten out of 8192 bytes;  b=0x35d4000 errno:22 Invalid argument
Mon Aug 10 22:41:04.091 [initandlisten]   Fatal Assertion 13515
0x981b16 0x945c1d 0x962a3f 0x6da3e2 0x6da6eb 0x6dd5c5 0x6d4bd5 0x589a84 0x58b2af 0x56ad05 0x2b070d8b5ec5 0x58210c
mongod(_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo+0x26) [0x981b16]
mongod(_ZN5mongo13fassertFailedEi+0x4d) [0x945c1d]
mongod(_ZN5mongo7LogFile17synchronousAppendEPKvm+0x17f) [0x962a3f]
mongod(_ZN5mongo3dur20_preallocateIsFasterEv+0xc2) [0x6da3e2]
mongod(_ZN5mongo3dur19preallocateIsFasterEv+0x1b) [0x6da6eb]
mongod(_ZN5mongo3dur16preallocateFilesEv+0x105) [0x6dd5c5]
mongod(_ZN5mongo3dur7startupEv+0x35) [0x6d4bd5]
mongod(_ZN5mongo14_initAndListenEi+0x894) [0x589a84]
mongod(_ZN5mongo13initAndListenEi+0xf) [0x58b2af]
mongod(main+0x2d5) [0x56ad05]


Thinking maybe the problem had something to do with the host filesystem, I removed the link, restarted the docker and lo and behold, I got the UniFi admin page!


Question ... How do I set things up so I can actually point to the host filesystem so I can retain state, etc? Is it a problem with permissions?

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I am still getting "Connection Dropped" error every few minutes. Same thing if I restore config from Windows Controller or if I do "fresh install".

Docker config: Network type: Host; ports 8081, 8080, 8443, 8843, 8880 are not used by any other docker.

unRAID version: 6.0.1


An interesting thing that I noticed: When I was doing fresh install, I got to step 5, where I confirmed settings and when I pressed "Finish" nothing happened. I need to repeat and restart docker 3-4 times to complete setup.

Did any one else had similar problem?



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I am still getting "Connection Dropped" error every few minutes. Same thing if I restore config from Windows Controller or if I do "fresh install".

Docker config: Network type: Host; ports 8081, 8080, 8443, 8843, 8880 are not used by any other docker.

unRAID version: 6.0.1


An interesting thing that I noticed: When I was doing fresh install, I got to step 5, where I confirmed settings and when I pressed "Finish" nothing happened. I need to repeat and restart docker 3-4 times to complete setup.

Did any one else had similar problem?


I had a similar experience, ended up just rolling it as an ubuntu VM on my esxi box instead.  They've really improved their install process, just need to add their repo and apt-get takes care of the rest.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Awesome work! I have your Unifi Controller up and running but I'm having issues with Unifi Video. I can configure it and access the Web UI where it will ask for the username and password but I can't set it to default. When I edit the system.properties file with Dolphin Konsole and restart the docker, I can no longer load the Web UI. Here is my edited file:


# unifi-video v3.1.1

#Tue Sep 01 22:41:38 EDT 2015


# app.http.port=7080

# app.https.port = 7443

# ems.liveflv.port = 6666

# ems.livews.port = 7445

# ems.livewss.port = 7446

# ems.rtmp.port = 1935

# ems.rtsp.port = 7447


Am I missing something?

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I figured it out. I'm an idiot. I don't use Linix much so I wasn't sure the best way to edit the system.properties file as it has special permissions. I reset the permissions so that I could edit the file with nano but I think that kept the controller from being able to open the file when I restarted it. I started over and used Telnet to cd to the directory and edited with nano there. All set now! Thanks again for the awesome Dockers. I love my Unifi gear!

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  • 2 weeks later...

for some reason if I reboot the unraid server and reload the docker; all of my Unraid cameras say disconnected... when I login to them they all say their camera server is something on the 172.17.0.x network which isn't even one of my subnets...  I can manually overwrite this and save it; the camera comes back.  Works until I reboot again...  Any words of wisdom?

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not sure I follow, what are you asking me to look at?


The unifi video server shows the right stuff, saves all the cameras etc, they just show disconnected.... then when I login to them they think the server is on some other subnet... almost like when the docker starts up for unifi video; the app thinks its ip is some ip that it isn't and tells the cameras its new IP.

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for some reason if I reboot the unraid server and reload the docker; all of my Unraid cameras say disconnected... when I login to them they all say their camera server is something on the 172.17.0.x network which isn't even one of my subnets...  I can manually overwrite this and save it; the camera comes back.  Works until I reboot again...  Any words of wisdom?

Well, the docker container internal network is 172.17.0.x, so apparently it's broadcasting the container's IP to the cameras. Which, if things were  normal, would be fine, but inside the docker NAT, not so fine. Don't know how to fix it though.
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Hi Guys - just set up the Unifi controller and after a lot of messing around I have got the GUI coming up and have been able to successfully adopt one of my APs. I had to do alot of messing about including SSH into the AP about 30 times but hey its working so I'm happy.


However, my other AP I cannot get to adopt for the life of me. Here's what I'm doing -

First thing was to forget the AP from Windows install of Unifi and then kill that service from Windows machine.

SSH to AP and set-default

Do a set-inform on the AP with unraid IP:PORT/inform

Log into Unifi on Unraid, hit ADOPT and wait......until the AP goes to 'disconnected' status and cant be adopted.


I've done this a few times but doesn't want to connect.


I'm reluctant to change the settings in the Unifi container or edit my system.properties as its working perfectly for the first AP. Here's the log - can anyone suggest what to try?






EDIT - I have resolved this in the crudest and possibly least believable fashion. I was watching the AP status via ssh as I tried the adoption. I'd do set-inform to get the AP to show up in the controller, it would appear and then I'd start adopting. I ran the info command and it showed Status: connected Ran the info command again, it showed status: server reject and went to Disconnected. SO next time I smashed the set-inform command about 15 times repeatedly during the adoption and my AP is now connected. Ridiculous!





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