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unRAID 6 NerdPack - CLI tools (iftop, iotop, screen, kbd, etc.)


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Yes. Same response on hitting Apply to reinstall.
ps. forgot to mention Speed Test works fine even though nerd tools complains python is missing.

I think I fixed it. Check also if you have any python packages in /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/6.4/
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Installed update but nerd tools still shows update available for python-2.7.13-x86_64-1.txz. I looked at both nerd tools and speed test plug-in folders and they each have their own copy of Python.


\\tower\flash\config\plugins\NerdPack\packages\6.4 = python-2.7.13a-x86_64-2.txz (7/4/17 14043 KB))


\\tower\flash\config\plugins\speedtest = python-2.7.13-x86_64-1.txz (7/6/17 14338 KB)


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2 hours ago, dmacias said:

I think I fixed it. Check also if you have any python packages in /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/6.4/

I uninstalled both plugins (nerd & speedtest), deleted their config folders and reinstalled in this order:


1. nerdpack

2. then turned on python 2x in nerdpack (it automagically added untempter for preclear when applied)

3. speed test (watched install popup and it installs Python in its own folder, maybe it should check?)


No longer shows an update available in nerdpack. Probably got wires crossed over time as I have had these installed since you offered them.

Edited by interwebtech
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I uninstalled both plugins (nerd & speedtest), deleted their config folders and reinstalled in this order:
1. nerdpack
2. then turned on python 2x in nerdpack (it automagically added untempter for preclear when applied)
3. speed test (watched install popup and it installs Python in its own folder, maybe it should check?)
No longer shows an update available in nerdpack. Probably got wires crossed over time as I have had these installed since you offered them.

If you're on 6.4, python should be 2.7.13 for both speedtest and NerdPack. There was a problem with 6.3 prior to them upgrading ncurses. Python 2.7.13 required ncurses 6 and unRAID had 5.9, so I had to amend the 6.3 version to 2.7.13a and ncurses 5.9.
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On 08/07/2017 at 4:57 PM, dmacias said:

Looks like you have some carriage returns. Should look like this

<!-- 16x16 icone -->
<FILE Name="&emhttp;/icons/&name;.png" Type="base64">

Thank You for Your reactivity.

I tryed without carriage returns without success.

I copy Your .png over mines and align my directory rights to Yours : This solved the problem.


for my files I will add Mode="0644" (and regenerate correct 16x16 and 48x48 png files)

<!-- 16x16 icone -->
<FILE Name="&emhttp;/icons/&name;.png" Type="base64" Mode="0644">

for icons and images directories : is it a way to Mode="0755" the directories &emhttp;/icons  and &emhttp;/images or shall I do this in the install-update.sh with a chmod 0755 command ? 

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Thank You for Your reactivity.
I tryed without carriage returns without success.
I copy Your .png over mines and align my directory rights to Yours : This solved the problem.
for my files I will add Mode="0644" (and regenerate correct 16x16 and 48x48 png files)
<!-- 16x16 icone --><FILE Name="&emhttp;/icons/&name;.png" Type="base64" Mode="0644"><INLINE>

for icons and images directories : is it a way to Mode="0755" the directories &emhttp;/icons  and &emhttp;/images or shall I do this in the install-update.sh with a chmod 0755 command ? 

I don't really use encoded icons and images. I actually create a slackware package (plugin-2017.07.10-x86_64-1.txz) that contains all the files for the plugin. Within this package is a special "install" directory with a doinst.sh. When a slackware package is installed it executes this script. NerdPack's doinst script looks like this.
#!/bin/shln -sf /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/NerdPack/scripts/packagemanager /usr/sbin/packagemanagerchmod +0755 /usr/sbin/packagemanager

If you look at my NerdPack repo, in the readme I explain how I create the slackware package on my linux laptop. You can also do this on unRAID itself. I use a script I modified from gfjardim. Much like a slack.build script.

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Didn't they [Linux Kernel Developers] officially kill off AUFS entirely in the kernel? I know one of the systems was totally gutted from being overly complex and causing too many issues in the kernel.

I'm not sure but that may be moot since I don't have the time to figure out compiling this. I looked at this a bit and there's no info since slackware 12. And I could only find one script for aufs4 that would need to be heavily modified. Then if it's cut out of the kernel...
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  • 2 weeks later...

does the server need to be restarted after installing these? I am trying to figure out how to invoke a telnet session that allows me to do copy/move operations in the background, persistently, even if I shut down the machine that invoked it, and was told that that is what "screen" can do...but after installing these tools and telnet'ing into my unRAID server, then using the -a command to try to invoke screen as per the instructions here, i get a "-a: command not found" error...or do I need to cd into a subdirectory first, before invoking screen?

I'm a nerd but not a terminal jockey, to say the least, as you can probably see. ;)

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ummm, ok, I should have added "screen" before the "-a", of course...I just did that and while it doesn't look like any other old telnet session now, I assume it is now behaving differently? I invoked "rsync -avPX /mnt/disk12/ /mnt/disk11/", so will this be enough to make this session persistent in the background, until it is finished, even if I close this telnet session?

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