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My New Dockers - Apache-PHP and Enhanced Calibre Server

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Ignore the rw/slave stuff. Upon further reading it looks like it's only for the Unnasigned devices plugin.


Reading the "Real docker FAQ" it's recommended to not put it via the user mount point apparently. All my dockers use the user mount point and never has had any issues...


I am honestly blank if changing permissions doesn't do anything on that path. I know there are some other MineOS docker containers out there. It may be worth trying one of them and see if it changes anything.

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hmmmm....i using winscp to try and set permissions again, im trying to change group and owner to root0, currently they show as group: users [100] and owner: nobody [99], when i type in root0 i get this error...


"current session allows changing ownership by UID only. It was not possible to resolve UID from account name "root0". Specify UID explicitly instead"


As they stand originally i can see they are set to 0777, not really sure what im doing here.



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Oh well, permissions set but the servers are not surviving a reboot of unraid :(


EDIT: I think i was setting permissions to server folder only DOH! now doing it on /minecrasftos folder, im performing this remotely over VPN, think it might be a while ...maybe i should do it locally when i can get there

Edited by loady
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16 minutes ago, SelfSD said:

Could you share a screenshot of the MineOS docker config page? Click on "Show more settings ..." as well and I'll take a look to see if I can notice something else that may be an issue.


As i mentioned, im doing this remotely, my estranged wife has switch off the server, i will do this tomorrow and post up, thanks for your help thus far.

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11 hours ago, SelfSD said:

Could you share a screenshot of the MineOS docker config page? Click on "Show more settings ..." as well and I'll take a look to see if I can notice something else that may be an issue.


not sure where to find  "show more settings".


setting owner and group to to root seemed to complete and upon refreshing properties they show as root and 0777 permission, but alas upon unraid reboot the have gone again and server properties/permissions are back to group: users [100] and owner: nobody [99],

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have updated unraid, i rechecked permissions again and they are set to 0777 now but still showing as group: users [100] and owner: nobody [99], albeit 0777, im also performing it again and see what happens.


EDIT: Ok, tried again and again its gone back to group: users [100] and owner: nobody [99] but permissions for that are now 0777, its weird, for every server i created they appear in server folder and have files inside them

Edited by loady
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On 5/22/2018 at 9:11 PM, SelfSD said:

Ignore the rw/slave stuff. Upon further reading it looks like it's only for the Unnasigned devices plugin.


Reading the "Real docker FAQ" it's recommended to not put it via the user mount point apparently. All my dockers use the user mount point and never has had any issues...


I am honestly blank if changing permissions doesn't do anything on that path. I know there are some other MineOS docker containers out there. It may be worth trying one of them and see if it changes anything.

 Missed this reply. I looked for other minecraft dockers but only found pocket edition and nodes. would i need to add a different repository 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/23/2018 at 10:45 PM, loady said:

 Missed this reply. I looked for other minecraft dockers but only found pocket edition and nodes. would i need to add a different repository 


Note to self: Check the lime tech forums more often...


I was running the docker by Hexparrot, the creator of MineOS. It always told me it couldn't find a new update with an error but never gave me any problems.

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On 6/3/2018 at 5:43 PM, SelfSD said:


Note to self: Check the lime tech forums more often...


I was running the docker by Hexparrot, the creator of MineOS. It always told me it couldn't find a new update with an error but never gave me any problems.


i shall give that one a try, i did try the mcmyadmin docker which seemed to work as far as the docker is concerned, i could create a server and it was running but i couldnt connect to it with MC, i am using a modded MC, hacked, if you prefer, and when i was using minecraftOS i had to set online mode to false to be able to connect to it, i cant see that option on mcmyadmin and i got mo help from mcmyadmin forum as they said they dont support piracy, i tried to explain i have paid for it on most platforms and wasnt forking out for PC version unless i knew it worked. 

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Then it may be time to ask Lime Tech about persistent permissions if the group and owner keeps resetting.
I think you'd need some good reproduceable evidence that Unraid is changing owner and group, because I can't say I've ever seen any reports of that.
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1 minute ago, CHBMB said:

I think you'd need some good reproduceable evidence that Unraid is changing owner and group, because I can't say I've ever seen any reports of that.


I can't remember experiencing this either but then again, I never rebooted my server unless there was an update available. I don't know much about dockers either to help diagnose  Loady's issue if it's a problem with the container.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok I seem to have been able to login and get a generic test server up and running. (minecraft/minecraft FYI) 

I have a world backedup that I would like to install for my kid(s) but, admittedly, I don't know too much about MC.

The world he exported is in a folder with a bunch of files. I'm not sure how to get this imported and up and running in this docker though. Any help would be appreciated.




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On 7/12/2018 at 2:20 AM, jpotrz said:

Ok I seem to have been able to login and get a generic test server up and running. (minecraft/minecraft FYI) 

I have a world backedup that I would like to install for my kid(s) but, admittedly, I don't know too much about MC.

The world he exported is in a folder with a bunch of files. I'm not sure how to get this imported and up and running in this docker though. Any help would be appreciated.





The quickest way would be to only transfer the world over to the existing server.


If you don't have a network share to the appdata folder, set it up and give yourself read and write access.


First stop the server from the web interface if it's running.


Go to 'appdata > minecraft > servers > NameOfServer > world' and delete the files and folders in there.


Then open your existing server world folder and copy (Do not move the files! Always keep a copy in case something goes wrong) the files and folders into the new location.


Now you can start the server and log in to it and your kids old world should be there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In case anyone is looking for a short term fix, you can simply download the 1.13 server.jar from here then do an scp on the command line:

scp /Your-Download-Folder/server.jar root@tower:/mnt/user/appdata/mineos/profiles/1.13/minecraft_server.1.13.jar

Also make sure the 1.13 folder has been created first, and of course if your mineos install is somewhere else you'll need to modify the path.

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