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Beta tester checking in, I may have seen this once as well, but as I was messing around a lot at the time with my server I assumed, perhaps incorrectly, that I was the cause not CA.  Apologies trurl and Squid...

I think you're right....  It is all your fault  :P
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I clicked on my App tab and was presented with this after I clicked the "Yeah I know I don't have any dockers"


Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to unix:///var/run/docker.sock (No such file or directory) in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 490 Couldn't create socket: [2] No such file or directory


nothing appears in my logs.

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I clicked on my App tab and was presented with this after I clicked the "Yeah I know I don't have any dockers"


Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to unix:///var/run/docker.sock (No such file or directory) in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 490 Couldn't create socket: [2] No such file or directory


nothing appears in my logs.

Yeah I saw that too on a system without docker running.  It still works however.  Was going to wait until the next update to suppress the error.  I'll let chbmb off the hook for this one and take the blame

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Seeing as I always have a ton of containers installed for testing as well as my own use I'm not willing to take the blame for that one....

I think we're going to have to amend our contract stipulating that:


a:  You must uninstall all plugins and docker apps.

b:  You must completely delete all of your appdata

c:  You must take responsibility for all of my mistakes (and character flaws)


Once this is done, then I can be a happy camper again...  ;D

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Well honestly I find it sometimes annoying since I know I don't have any dockers installed, but maybe a one time click or an option to say ignore future notifications? Maybe an option that says something of the manner.


"Docker storage is required for the dockers included here" Click to ignore future notifications.


Its not a super big deal since I'm used to saying "go away", but just an idea either way.

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Well honestly I find it sometimes annoying since I know I don't have any dockers installed, but maybe a one time click or an option to say ignore future notifications? Maybe an option that says something of the manner.


"Docker storage is required for the dockers included here" Click to ignore future notifications.


Its not a super big deal since I'm used to saying "go away", but just an idea either way.

kk.. Next update...  I'm actually rather pleased that someone is using CA without docker installed...  Wasn't too sure if anyone would take the bait.
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Updated to 2016.02.03


Fixed: Suppress docker error messages if docker service is not available

Added: Ability to dismiss warning if docker not running

Added: Displaying full information for an application now displays total downloads*

Added: Sort By Downloads

Added: Favourite repository logo's (if the repository author supplies one)

Enhancement: Selecting Sort By Downloads or Sort By Date now will automatically switch to direction Descending (I was forever always clicking descending in conjunction with date



Plugins will not display a total download count

Downloads are based on the docker community as a whole, not just unRaid

A few docker applications will not display a download count - This does not mean that there have been zero downloads


If anyone has any good ideas of what else to incorporate into CA, the floor is now open to the peanut gallery...



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I noticed that the new/updated apps only list the apps that were never installed.


It might not be that crucial to see the newly updated apps that one currently has installed, since they manually update it, but for apps that were once installed and later removed, it would be great to see the new updates to them. Sometimes I might decide to reinstall it due to a new feature

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I noticed that the new/updated apps only list the apps that were never installed.


It might not be that crucial to see the newly updated apps that one currently has installed, since they manually update it, but for apps that were once installed and later removed, it would be great to see the new updates to them. Sometimes I might decide to reinstall it due to a new feature

New / Updated (or for that matter anything under Available Apps) lists apps which are not installed (Not never installed)  (I think that's what you meant, and just typed it wrong)


But, I can see you point - New & Updated should actually show everything regardless if its installed or not.


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updated how's that for service?


The new/updated section now operates the same way as before, and will list all apps regardless of whether they are installed or not.


The previous apps section displays apps which are NOT currently installed but have been earlier.


Within the Previous Apps section, you can still hit the blue i to see the change logs, and the yellow star to see the date it was last updated (according to the author)


BUT, the previously installed section only displays that information if the docker app in question has the same docker repository and name as what appears within your repository.


IE: If you've got an app showing in previous apps that was loaded from DigiKam, but you renamed it as "DigiKam-Test" when you installed it, then the extra information associated with "DigiKam Test" (changelogs, date updated, etc) will not appear because dockerMan itself doesn't support the extra tags, so those aren't present in templates-user/my-digikam-test.xml


On the other hand, if you installed DigiKam over a year ago (and didn't change the name when installing it) decided that you didn't like it and uninstalled it then the previous apps section will show all of the updated information for Digikam because that name is present under your current repository.


Does that make sense?


Basically, if you don't change the name of the template when installing it (and you generally only would so that you can run multiple copies at the same time) you'll see everything.




EDIT:  I'm getting lost trying to understand what I even wrote... lol...

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Haha yeah that makes sense. I thought before the new/updated didn't include the apps that were uninstalled at some point because I didn't see a couple of those I had removed on the list, but perhaps they didn't meet the cut off for the recent date, I'm not sure.


The name part also makes sense. In fact, the only time I ever changed the name was because I wanted to run a second instance of a container so I had to rename the second one. I'd be curious about whether people change the names regularly.


EDIT: just updated and it works great. Thanks so much

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Haha yeah that makes sense. I thought before the new/updated didn't include the apps that were uninstalled at some point because I didn't see a couple of those I had removed on the list, but perhaps they didn't meet the cut off for the recent date, I'm not sure.

Cut off time is selectable in settings up to I think 3 months


The name part also makes sense. In fact, the only time I ever changed the name was because I wanted to run a second instance of a container so I had to rename the second one. I'd be curious about whether people change the names regularly.

I personally have zero need to run multiple instances, but CHBMB insisted that it had to work and work right.  (The debugging of that part took quite a while as my normal method debugging routine of yelling and swearing at the computer when it didn't work right wasn't doing the trick)
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I am getting this error? Any ideas?


Warning: require_once(/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/dockerClient.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.repositories/include/exec.php on line 2 Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/dockerClient.php' (include_path='.:') in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.repositories/include/exec.php on line 2

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I am getting this error? Any ideas?


Warning: require_once(/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/dockerClient.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.repositories/include/exec.php on line 2 Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/dockerClient.php' (include_path='.:') in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.repositories/include/exec.php on line 2

What version of unRaid.  What is the date of the CA plugin?  Looks like you're running an ancient version of CA, but recently updated unRaid.  Upgrade CA to the latest version
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I notice that if you want CA to search dockerHub you have to both enable that option in the Settings, and also press a button from the initial search results.  Is there a reason that it is a two stage process or is it historical?  The reason I was asking was that earlier today I could not initially determine why my brother could not see the official ownCloud docker on his unRAID system whereas I had no problem seeing it.  Perhaps the Settings option which makes the button appear to search dockerHub appear is now superfluous?

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