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FileBot containers

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FYI, my /input is /mnt/user/NCmisc/txdownloads/complete/

/output is /mnt/user/media/

This is the key right there ^^^


Those are two different mount points (NCmisc, and media), so any OS (not just unRaid) has to do a read, write, delete process to move the file, and ~50MB/s writing to a user share is about right (depending upon useCache settings, etc)


(Note that I don't actually use FileBot, but from what your saying, the above is correct)

I read you cannot do hardlinks on /mnt/user/ setups.

You can on 6.2RC3+


Alright. I'm going to make an input folder on /mnt/user/media/



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FYI, my /input is /mnt/user/NCmisc/txdownloads/complete/

/output is /mnt/user/media/

This is the key right there ^^^


Those are two different mount points (NCmisc, and media), so any OS (not just unRaid) has to do a read, write, delete process to move the file, and ~50MB/s writing to a user share is about right (depending upon useCache settings, etc)


(Note that I don't actually use FileBot, but from what your saying, the above is correct)

I read you cannot do hardlinks on /mnt/user/ setups.

You can on 6.2RC3+


So, given that mount point issue, why is it so fast in winSCP?

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dunno.  If you're still using the same two paths, you would think it would be slower since you're going over the network and it still has to read, write, delete.


But, if you had the paths in winscp to use the same mount points, then its damn near instantaneous since all it has to do is a rename.

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  • 1 month later...

Changed my mappings and still having the read > write > delete issue for "move" within filebot. Trying to make it just "move" the file as-in re-writing the location of the data rather than physically reading, writing, removing.




Me too, file are moved to Output, but input files are not removed.  I have to manual delete.

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Thanks!  I'm still seeing the notice when I open that there is a new update for 4.7.2 though.  I'm not sure what version it is running though.


Oops. Sorry. I was referring to the CLI version. I've now bumped the UI version too.


Also, I mapped /nobody/.java/.userPrefs/net/filebot to /mnt/cache/applications/filebot/config/ and it remembers my formats.


Thanks for this! I've updated the container so that you can map /config to /mnt/cache/applications/filebot/config/, which is hopefully easier for folks.

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Me too, file are moved to Output, but input files are not removed.  I have to manual delete.


That's a filebot issue, I guess. If you updated your filebot.sh to have "--action move" and it's still not working, you could try deleting the "--action move" entirely. The default action is to move.


You could also throw in an "echo 'blah'" to make sure your version of the script is being run.

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I'm running into the same issue would love to know if there is a fix or a way around it.  I noticed that filebot goes resource crazy with this setup it's destroys my cpu given it's renaming and copying the file to a new location vs renaming and moving.


Googling a bit, I see others complaining about the CPU usage too: https://www.filebot.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3438


You might explore whether there's a way to run the docker container "nice" so that even if there's 100% CPU, it will give it up to any other process that needs it.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Thank you for this docker. I just heard about Filebot and I was glad to see this docker which made it easy to try it out.


I just wanted to make a suggestion about the documentation you have at https://hub.docker.com/r/coppit/filebot/


Under "Configuration" you have this sentence:


After you gain confidence in how the container is running, you may want to change the action from "copy" to "rename". 


When I read that I thought I was supposed to change --action copy to --action rename (which did not work). After reading through this thread, I gather that I can either use --action move, or take out the --action clause because move is the default action. 


In the quoted text, if you could change the word "rename" to "move" I think it would be clearer.


Best regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Me too, file are moved to Output, but input files are not removed.  I have to manual delete.


That's a filebot issue, I guess. If you updated your filebot.sh to have "--action move" and it's still not working, you could try deleting the "--action move" entirely. The default action is to move.


You could also throw in an "echo 'blah'" to make sure your version of the script is being run.


I am having the same issue. When I look over the logs it is performing a copy instead of a move. I haven't touched the .sh file other than to change my output format. Where would I place the "--action move"?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the great docker been working well. I have one issue where subtitles won't download. I can login to open subtitles no problem and I have double and triple checked the config, my username and password are correct. Any ideas?


Get [English] subtitles for 1 files

Looking up subtitles by hash via OpenSubtitles

Lookup by hash failed: 401 Unauthorized

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I was able to set my username and pass but I am still getting unauthorized. I even logged into the docker and manually logged into it using "filebot -script dev:configure" and was able to login sucessfully but the docker still will fail to login and get subtitles in the logs. Any ideas? I tried using " around my user and pass and not using " in the config. Neither worked.



[Dec 04 22:12:14] Configuring for OpenSubtitles user "usernameHERE"

[Dec 04 22:12:14] User "user_99_100" already exists. Skipping creation of user and group...

[Dec 04 22:12:14] Running command as user "user_99_100"...

401 Unauthorized

redstone.xmlrpc.XmlRpcFault: 401 Unauthorized

at net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.checkResponse(OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.java:402)

at net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.invoke(OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.java:346)

at net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesClient$OpenSubtitlesXmlRpcWithRetryAndFloodLimit.invoke(OpenSubtitlesClient.java:552)

at net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.login(OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.java:65)

at net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesClient.login(OpenSubtitlesClient.java:403)

at net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesClient$login.call(Unknown Source)

at Script1.run(Script1.groovy:12)

at net.filebot.cli.ScriptShell.evaluate(ScriptShell.java:62)

at net.filebot.cli.ScriptShell.runScript(ScriptShell.java:72)

at net.filebot.cli.ArgumentProcessor.runScript(ArgumentProcessor.java:113)

at net.filebot.cli.ArgumentProcessor.run(ArgumentProcessor.java:28)

at net.filebot.Main.main(Main.java:124)

Enter OpenSubtitles username: Enter OpenSubtitles password: Testing OpenSubtitles... Failure (?_?)

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  • 1 month later...

Howdy, all.


For some reason my filebot (non-UI) will not automatically pickup on changes to the input directory. If I restart the docker container, it will pick up the new stuff, but anything added after it has started does not get noticed or processed.


Here are my config files.


# If we don't see any events for $SETTLE_DURATION time, assume that it's safe to run FileBot. Format is HH:MM:SS,
# with HH and MM optional.

# However, if we see a stream of changes for longer than $MAX_WAIT_TIME with no break of $SETTLE_DURATION or more, then
# go ahead and run FileBot. Otherwise we might be waiting forever for the directory to stop changing. Format is
# HH:MM:SS, with HH and MM optional.

# After running FileBot, wait at least this long before running it again, even if $SETTLE_DURATION time has passed
# after change. This controls the maximum frequency of FileBot.

# Set this to 1 to log all events, for debugging purposes. WARNING! This creates copious amounts of confusing logging!

# Create an account at http://www.opensubtitles.org/ if you want to download subtitles

# Set this to a language code if you want to download subtitles. e.g. Use "en" for english



# This script by default uses "Automated Media Center" (AMC). See the final filebot call below. For more docs on AMC,
# visit: http://www.filebot.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=215


# Specify the URLs of any scripts that you need. They will be downloaded into /config/scripts
# Example:
# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/filebot/scripts/devel/cleaner.groovy


QUOTE_FIXER='replaceAll(/[\`\u00b4\u2018\u2019\u02bb]/, "'"'"'").replaceAll(/[\u201c\u201d]/, '"'"'""'"'"')'

# Customize the renaming format here. For info on formatting: https://www.filebot.net/naming.html

# Music/Eric Clapton/From the Cradle/05 - It Hurts Me Too.mp3
MUSIC_FORMAT="music/{n.$QUOTE_FIXER}/{album.$QUOTE_FIXER}/{media.TrackPosition.pad(2)} - {t.$QUOTE_FIXER}"

# Movies/Fight Club.mkv
MOVIE_FORMAT="movies/{n.$QUOTE_FIXER} ({y}) {' CD'+pi}"

# TV Shows/Game of Thrones/Season 05/Game of Thrones - S05E08 - Hardhome.mp4
# TV Shows/Game of Thrones/Special/Game of Thrones - S00E11 - A Day in the Life.mp4
SERIES_FORMAT="tv/{n}/{episode.special ? 'Special' : 'Season '+s.pad(2)}/{n} {episode.special ? 'S00E'+special.pad(2) : s00e00}"

. /config/filebot.conf

if [ "$SUBTITLE_LANG" == "" ];then


# Used to detect old versions of this script

# Download scripts and such.
#. /config/pre-run.sh

# See http://www.filebot.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=215 for details on amc
filebot -script fn:amc -no-xattr --output /output --log-file /config/amc.log --action copy --conflict auto \
  -non-strict --def ut_dir=/input ut_kind=multi music=y deleteAfterExtract=n clean=y \
  excludeList=/config/amc-exclude-list.txt $SUBTITLE_OPTION \
  movieFormat="$MOVIE_FORMAT" musicFormat="$MUSIC_FORMAT" seriesFormat="$SERIES_FORMAT"

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Howdy, all.


For some reason my filebot (non-UI) will not automatically pickup on changes to the input directory. If I restart the docker container, it will pick up the new stuff, but anything added after it has started does not get noticed or processed.


Here are my config files.


# If we don't see any events for $SETTLE_DURATION time, assume that it's safe to run FileBot. Format is HH:MM:SS,
# with HH and MM optional.

# However, if we see a stream of changes for longer than $MAX_WAIT_TIME with no break of $SETTLE_DURATION or more, then
# go ahead and run FileBot. Otherwise we might be waiting forever for the directory to stop changing. Format is
# HH:MM:SS, with HH and MM optional.

# After running FileBot, wait at least this long before running it again, even if $SETTLE_DURATION time has passed
# after change. This controls the maximum frequency of FileBot.

# Set this to 1 to log all events, for debugging purposes. WARNING! This creates copious amounts of confusing logging!

# Create an account at http://www.opensubtitles.org/ if you want to download subtitles

# Set this to a language code if you want to download subtitles. e.g. Use "en" for english



# This script by default uses "Automated Media Center" (AMC). See the final filebot call below. For more docs on AMC,
# visit: http://www.filebot.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=215


# Specify the URLs of any scripts that you need. They will be downloaded into /config/scripts
# Example:
# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/filebot/scripts/devel/cleaner.groovy


QUOTE_FIXER='replaceAll(/[\`\u00b4\u2018\u2019\u02bb]/, "'"'"'").replaceAll(/[\u201c\u201d]/, '"'"'""'"'"')'

# Customize the renaming format here. For info on formatting: https://www.filebot.net/naming.html

# Music/Eric Clapton/From the Cradle/05 - It Hurts Me Too.mp3
MUSIC_FORMAT="music/{n.$QUOTE_FIXER}/{album.$QUOTE_FIXER}/{media.TrackPosition.pad(2)} - {t.$QUOTE_FIXER}"

# Movies/Fight Club.mkv
MOVIE_FORMAT="movies/{n.$QUOTE_FIXER} ({y}) {' CD'+pi}"

# TV Shows/Game of Thrones/Season 05/Game of Thrones - S05E08 - Hardhome.mp4
# TV Shows/Game of Thrones/Special/Game of Thrones - S00E11 - A Day in the Life.mp4
SERIES_FORMAT="tv/{n}/{episode.special ? 'Special' : 'Season '+s.pad(2)}/{n} {episode.special ? 'S00E'+special.pad(2) : s00e00}"

. /config/filebot.conf

if [ "$SUBTITLE_LANG" == "" ];then


# Used to detect old versions of this script

# Download scripts and such.
#. /config/pre-run.sh

# See http://www.filebot.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=215 for details on amc
filebot -script fn:amc -no-xattr --output /output --log-file /config/amc.log --action copy --conflict auto \
  -non-strict --def ut_dir=/input ut_kind=multi music=y deleteAfterExtract=n clean=y \
  excludeList=/config/amc-exclude-list.txt $SUBTITLE_OPTION \
  movieFormat="$MOVIE_FORMAT" musicFormat="$MUSIC_FORMAT" seriesFormat="$SERIES_FORMAT"


Im having the same issue. Did you manage to fix it?

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Changing the input folder fixed for me.


Change from /mnt/user/Media/Downloads/completed/ to /mnt/cache/Media/Downloads/completed/


My input folder isn't always on the same disk, as it seed from it for long periods, so I let the mover move it to the array.


Can anyone confirm that this is the problem?

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The --action move is too slow / disk intensive, but works as expected.  I'd like to use --action rename for quicker response.

It was that every time a file was moved, it would first copy the file to the /output directory, then delete the one from /input.


My docker settings:

/input = /mnt/user/Downloads/complete/Movies/
/output = /mnt/user/Downloads/complete/ACDStaging/


If I use --action rename, it renames the file in place inside the /input folder, then adds the new file name to the amc-exclude-list.txt file. Very odd IMHO.

However, my log reads this:

[RENAME] Rename [/input/Movie.mkv] to [/output/_1_Movies/CorrectlyNamedMovie.mkv]
Processed 1 files

Even more odd.  The log thinks everything went into the output directory just fine. 

The log even reads the same when I use debug=1


I've even checked out the AMC scripts:



I'm at the end of what I can do here.  I could use some assistance.


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What does this command means: $Quote_Fixer






If you look above that line, you'll see the code:

QUOTE_FIXER='replaceAll(/[\`\u00b4\u2018\u2019\u02bb]/, "'"'"'").replaceAll(/[\u201c\u201d]/, '"'"'""'"'"')'

What it does is basically take out all the bad characters from a file name that most file systems can't handle, such as a slash or colon.

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Hi All Need some assistance with FileBot.


I have filebot Docker running in Unaid and it looks like it is running on files before they are finished being moved to that directory. this is occurring with Zip files. it extracts before all rar files are present in the folder. The input location is set up with syncthing so rar files can take some time to populate in the folder  . How can i maybe schedual or hold filebot from running until all rar files are present? Post below mentions using extractor=SevenZipExecutable. how do i go about doing this? Any help would be appreciated.


other user having same issue below.



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Under "Configuration" you have this sentence:


After you gain confidence in how the container is running, you may want to change the action from "copy" to "rename". 


In the quoted text, if you could change the word "rename" to "move" I think it would be clearer.


Done. New release soon. Looks like a couple of other people tried "move", and it didn't work. Thanks for finding the issue.

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