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Upgrading unRaid-5 to unRaid-6

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After I close the windows / Web GUI, I can see that the light on the disks keeps on or blinking, which I assume that the process is running. However when I open a new Web GUI, all the lights go off so the process is stopped, right? Then how do I check the process status and know that it is completed if I am unable to open a web gui?

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7 hours ago, vanilla said:

After I close the windows / Web GUI, I can see that the light on the disks keeps on or blinking, which I assume that the process is running. However when I open a new Web GUI, all the lights go off so the process is stopped, right? Then how do I check the process status and know that it is completed if I am unable to open a web gui?

Please understand about this about the New Permission script.  It is a very simple maintenance-type script that has to modify every file and directory on every disk in your Unraid server expect for the Flash Drive!  It was only intended to be run once on any single server.  It does not take long to complete its task when you have only a couple of thousand files.  If you have tens of thousands of files (as I would expect you have from your description) , it is going to take a long, long time.  You should only have to do this once! Just leave the window open until it finishes.  

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If there are a lot of files it might be worth running it one drive at a time and let it complete for that drive before moving onto the next one.


Also you probably do not want to run it on the cache drive as it may mess up permissions required by docker containers.    If you have the ‘Fix Common Problems’ plugin installed then you will find you also have a ‘Docker Safe New Permissions’ tool that can be run against the cache drive without the risk of messing up docker container permissions.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, I had unRAID 5.0.5 and been very delinquent in upgrading. I did the following steps:


1 - Remove usb stick from NAS, insert into my main PC

2 - made a copy of the usb stick (pat on the head)

3 - Placed plexupdater.plg that I downloaded from the first post in this thread into the plugins folder

4 - Plugged it back into my NAS and booted it up

My NAS booted into the standard 5.0.5 GUI screen, and then I clicked reboot. It rebooted the NAS, but hasn't done anything since. Any thoughts?


USB stick is 8GB, so tons of space. Also I have minimal plugins (just plexmediaserver, unraidserver and powerdown).


It's been about 15 minutes...is this expected to take a long time?


I have not yet purchased a v6 license...thought I would do that from the new GUI but not sure if that makes a difference.

Edited by viperdiver
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First things


The unRAIDServer.plg (assuming you typoed when you said Plexupdate) that you place into /config/plugins on your flash drive should be the absolutely ONLY .plg within there  Delete any all all other .plgs which are present.


Any and all files within /extra or /packages on the flash drive should be deleted


Your "go" file should be reverted to be stock.  Did you read the upgrading to v6 Notes that were linked in the OP?

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4 minutes ago, Squid said:

First things


The unRAIDServer.plg (assuming you typoed when you said Plexupdate) that you place into /config/plugins on your flash drive should be the absolutely ONLY .plg within there  Delete any all all other .plgs which are present.


Any and all files within /extra or /packages on the flash drive should be deleted


Your "go" file should be reverted to be stock.  Did you read the upgrading to v6 Notes that were linked in the OP?

Thanks for the quick response!


Seems to have been the go file...thanks!



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  • 3 months later...

Just tried method 1 (upgrading from 5.0.6 to 6.8.3, or apparently a half-step to 6.5.3?), and unRAIDServer.plg saved fine.


I ran installplg unRAIDServer.plg, and:


*successfully wrote INLINE file contents

*downloaded infozip-6.0-i486-1.txz

*verified infozip-6.0-i486-1.txz

*installed infozip-6.0-i486-1.txz


But then, the plugin tries to download unRAIDServer-6.5.3-x86_64.zip from s3.amazonaws.com.


First it tells me s3.amazonaws.com's certificate cannot be verified (unable to locally verify the issuer's authority), and when the HTTP request was sent, the response was 403 Forbidden.


With the steps that the Method 1 upgrade plugin, should I just download the 6.8.3 zip from Limetech's site and move the bz* files into the root of my existing flash drive?


If I do, can I do that through SMB file transfer and a reboot, or do I need to turn off the server, remove the flash drive, and do anything manually to it that the plugin didn't get around to doing?


If my fix is a simple addition of bz* files at this point, are there any other things the upgrade plugin would have taken care of automatically after the 6.5.3 zip was downloded that I now need to take care of manually before trying to boot into 6.8.3?


I'm running pure vanilla unRAID at 5.0.6 and have no expectations of adding any dockers/plugins to this box in the future, if that makes a difference.


Thanks in advance for any guidance / next steps! I'll go ahead and leave the box on until I hear back here in case staying online after taking the first few steps of unRAIDServer.plg has put me in a position where a reboot would be screwy now.

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You should be able to straight to 6.8.3 bypassing 6.5.3.    You can copy the bz* files over SMB.


the main things to check are:   

  • you do not have any 32-bit packages being installed via the ‘extras’ folder
  • revert your go file to the version from the zip
  • remove any plugins you used with v5.
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Thanks a ton, itimpi - took those steps, rebooted fine, GUI loaded fine, array started fine!


One thing seems weird: on the dashboard, my parity drive's now showing a reallocated sector count of 3. I'd *just* run an errorless parity check right after installing IT-flashed LSI cards (to replace Marvell ones) before attempting to upgrade from 5.0.6 to 6.8.3, and my instinct is to run another parity check right now, to make sure it remains constant at 3, but is there anything that could have happened during the upgrade (nothing touched inside the box) to lead to the reallocated sector counts I should be cautious about before running that parity check?

Edited by wheel
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5 hours ago, wheel said:

Thanks a ton, itimpi - took those steps, rebooted fine, GUI loaded fine, array started fine!


One thing seems weird: on the dashboard, my parity drive's now showing a reallocated sector count of 3. I'd *just* run an errorless parity check right after installing IT-flashed LSI cards (to replace Marvell ones) before attempting to upgrade from 5.0.6 to 6.8.3, and my instinct is to run another parity check right now, to make sure it remains constant at 3, but is there anything that could have happened during the upgrade (nothing touched inside the box) to lead to the reallocated sector counts I should be cautious about before running that parity check?


Diagnostics attached:

tower2-diagnostics-20200418-1441.zip 136.95 kB · 0 downloads

Nothing I can think of.    Are you sure it was zero before you started the upgrade?    Unraid v6 is rather better at informing you about monitored SMART values changing so you would get a warning about the reallocated sectors being non-zero.   You can acknowledge the current warning by clicking on the orange icon against the drive on the dashboard, and you will then only get told again if the value changes.  

since technically reallocated sectors are a perfectly valid thing to have on a drive there is no reason the parity check should have failed because of them.    You certainly do not want them, however, to be continually increasing as that is a sign of impending trouble with a drive.   Doing another parity check to make sure the value does not change is not a bad idea, if only for your peace of mind.   Make it a non-correcting check as that is always the best variant to use unless you are expecting there to be parity errors that need correcting (e.g. after an unclean shutdown) as it minimises the chances of corrupting a perfectly good parity if an array data drive is acting up.

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  • 2 months later...

Hoping to upgrade to the latest Unraid and have tried to follow Method 1, but the script stops when trying to access a file in the AWS server.  Indicates 403 error, access forbidden.  I am currently running 5.0.6 Plus. Any help would be appreciated. 

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  • 1 year later...

I am finally ready to upgrade to v6 from 5.0.6.


However, reading through the pages of this topic indicates it's not so straight forward and I can expect difficulty. Also, the upgrade wiki link (https://wiki.unraid.net/Upgrading_to_UnRAID_v6) no longer works.


After 6 years from the OP, what is the best tried and true method to perform this upgrade?


I am running a box stock version (no plugins) of 5.0.6 Plus.



Edited by The_Keymaker
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Print out screenshots of all your server settings and the disk assignments.


Make a backup of the contents of the boot drive.


Follow the instructions for installing the latest version on your old boot drive using this site:




Copy your .key file from the backup to the config directory on the boot drive.   Insert the newly prepared boot drive and boot up your  server.  Assign the disks and make the settings to make your new server 'look' like the old one.



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  • 10 months later...

i try to upgrade from 5.06 to 6
by command line i had error not able to connect to https
i download the plugin file. change extention .txt to plg and put it on flash/config/plugins
boot 3 times i'm always in 5.06 and now my lms service don't start.....
lms.pid not created for some reason... OK
copy backup on my usb stick but lms dont start.

can some help me please?
best regards

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 Have you read this thread?





((( EDIT:  It looks like many of the links are now dead.  Probably because of lack of interest to keep them completely current.) 



If all else fails.  Make sure that you have a backup of your .key file!   Basically, you will be not using any thing else from your version 5 setup except your data drive, parity drive and boot drive.  None of your current version 5 plugins will work with version6!


Make sure you have printouts of your network settings (especially, if you use a fixed IP address and your server name) and the drive assignments by their serial numbers.   You should not lose any data.


One note of caution.  The most recent releases have disabled SMBv1.  So any really old media players may have issues with this.  (SMBv1 has major security issues that primary impact home users!)


I looked back and found this set of very basic instructions for doing the upgrade.  It should still work today.    UPS support is now built in so section 9 is not a required step....)

Upgrading from Version 5 to Version 6 of unRAID-rev2.pdf

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