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How do I delete a user share

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If the share is empty then you're supposed to be able to delete the name to get rid of it. The most foolproof is to go to each disk share and delete any share directories that exist. Then go to the flash drive under config\shares to delete the config file. Then stop and start the array and the share will be permanently and completely gone.


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When the share is empty there is a Delete checkbox next to the 'Apply' button on the share's edit page.  When you check this box the Apply button label changes to Delete.


To empty the share, navigate to it under Windows Network (or OS X Finder) and delete all the files/directories.


There is a bug in 6.0.0/6.0.1 where certain files may not show up via network access.  These are files which, on the server side, start with a dot (this is how files are "hidden" in *nix O.S.'s).  Normally you never have these kinds of files, but depending on which Apps (ie, docker containers) might access your shares it's possible some of this junk is left behind and the share will not appear "empty".

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Well, I thought I had it, I deleted the flac directory entirely, and under shares I still have the same problem, it not accepting a blank name.


This is not happening

When the share is empty there is a Delete checkbox next to the 'Apply' button on the share's edit page.  When you check this box the Apply button label changes to Delete.


I know what you are talking about as I saw this on the edit share page when I was creating the shares, but is no where to be seen now.


So, I use the other method, I remove flac from /config/share, rm -f flac.cfg, stop/started array, its still there, reboot unRAID its still there, I'm now confused.



root@rutland:/boot/config# grep -iR flac *






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root@rutland:~# ls -la /mnt/user/flac

total 0

drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 104 Aug  1 17:26 ./

drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  35 Aug  1 09:33 ../

drwxrwxrwx 1 brock  1003  70 Aug  1 16:56 Kruder\ And\ Dorfmeister/

drwxrwxrwx 1 brock  1003 116 Aug  1 16:57 Massive\ Attack/

drwxrwxrwx 1 brock  1003 222 Aug  1 16:57 Muse/

drwxrwxrwx 1 brock  1003  31 Aug  1 16:58 Radiohead/

drwxrwxrwx 1 brock  1003 191 Aug  1 16:58 Talk\ Talk/



Ok, that does explain it a bit, I copied the flac directory to a backup share on disk3 (set to manual allocation) before deleting the flac directory on Disk 4 (which is set to manual allocation). So, do I have to completely delete all occurrences of the flac directory system wide? Or is a rename sufficient?


Or delete the flac directory /mnt/user/flac?

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Deleted all the file under flac, selected the flac share vi webGUI and I still did not have the option to remove/delete share. Waited a few more minutes, still no joy.


So, decided to stop the array, and in the status message at the bottom it says 'attempting to unmount...' it stays like this for about 10 minutes and seems stuck in a loop.


I reboot, and the share flac share is now gone.  Parity check in progress, so fixed for now.

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deleting the .cfg file will not help since unRAID will automatically create a user share for any folder at the top level of cache or array data disk.



The share will be gone if you delete the share directory on EVERY disk - both array and cache. Obviously, someone had selective reading not following the first part of my instructions.


rm -r /mnt/disk1/flac

rm -r /mnt/disk2/flac

rm -r /mnt/disk3/flac



Actually, if you do the above you really don't need to delete the cfg file but might as well delete it to get rid of the lingering file that no longer has any use.


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It reads like you copied the flac directory from disk4 to a flac directory on disk3. If you did, then that directory also automatically becomes part of the same flac share. But then, maybe you copied the flac directory from disk4 into a different directory on disk3. That would be fine because that other user share would not contain the contents of  the flac directory. I really don't know what you did because  what you wrote really wasn't clear.


The rule is that any top level directory on any of the disks with the same name is part of the user share of the same name. It doesn't matter how you setup the share, even if you use include and exclude disks it doesn't change the way all same name directories are combined into user shares.

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  • 6 years later...
15 hours ago, trurl said:

Did you read any of this 6 year old thread you posted to? It isn't very long.

I got a little frustrated when I tried to delete all the files in the share, and apparently I don't have permission to delete a bunch of stuff. On my own server. *sigh* I was hoping that after 7 years, an app that automates this or something might be available.

Edit: Oh, and before you yell at me again, the share is set to Public. So should be wide open for changes.

Edited by Ruckus42
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Samba has permissions, but the filesystem has others. If you or some service you've been running on that share that wasn't configured right created files with permissions that don't match the samba share user's ones that will happen.


You can use the file browser in the unraid GUI (after installing the Dynamix File Manager plugin) to navigate to the share, select all and delete, or to change owner/permissions before deleting from the network. The GUI browser may be easier since deleting from your OS's file explorer might leave hidden files. 

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4 minutes ago, Kilrah said:

Samba has permissions, but the filesystem has others. If you or some service you've been running on that share that wasn't configured right created files with permissions that don't match the samba share user's ones that will happen.


You can use the file browser in the unraid GUI (after installing the Dynamix File Manager plugin) to navigate to the share, select all and delete, or to change owner/permissions before deleting from the network. The GUI browser may be easier since deleting from your OS's file explorer might leave hidden files. 

Heeeeey, now that's what I'm talkin about! Thanks hun!

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@Ruckus42,  Google 'Linux rm command' 


BUT be very, very. very careful!!!!  This command is very powerful and does exactly what it is suppose to do (with the parameters and command line options you supplied) without any warnings!!!  When you hit the enter key, it does its thing and it is finished when the command prompt returns.

Edited by Frank1940
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  • 5 months later...

I am in deep trouble.  I got tired of trying to edit in Krusader and I made appdata a share.   I don't understand why there is not an option to just remove the share and leave the files intact.  Almost every other system seems to allow this.  Attempting to remove everything is not going well and I am not sure I can recover.   If there is a way to recover from my mistake, I would be very appreciative to hear it.   Thanks

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All top level folders on array and pools are user shares. User Shares are nothing but the combined top level folders. 


You can control whether and how a Share can be accessed by clicking on the share to get to its page. 


appdata is normally a share.


Makes me wonder though what else may not be configured ideally on your server. 


If you want more advice about that 


Attach Diagnostics to your NEXT post in this thread. 


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