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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Plex Media Server

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Long-time, stable linuxserver/plex:latest user.  Never a problem.


I saw in PMS that an upgrade was available.  I make a habit on all my docker containers of running an upgrade script like so:

- docker stop plex

- docker rm plex

- docker pull linuxserver/plex:latest

- docker create plex (-e version=latest, which will have been just pulled)

- docker start plex 

- docker logs -f plex


Process works like a champ across the dozen+ linuxserver.io containers I use (and contribute to -- yes, I love you guys and contributed $; feel free to look me up) 


Ran this script today and I got thousands of lines of "Starting Plex Media Server." repeating.  Last entry from the PMS logs is
 ERROR - Error: Unable to set up server: bind: Cannot assign requested address (N5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_19error_info_injectorINS_6system12system_errorEEEEE)


I downgraded to a lower version by changing my docker process script and adding this to the docker create.  

-e VERSION=no plex version numbers allowed


It seemed to work, downgrading the installation. though it did throw an error in there (/var/lib/dpkg/info/plexmediaserver.prerm: stop: not found).  This was the output before the repeating "Starting Plex Media Server." lines...


block removed due to included version numbers


Any recommendations on what to try?  I'm dead in the water and sadly don't have a recent ZFS snapshot of plex configs.  Thank you!  TC

Edited by trurl
Remove plex version numbers
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10 minutes ago, CHBMB said:

Please don't post here if you're not using Unraid.  Not fair to LimeTech. ;-)


But try this here.


My bad and my apologies to unRAID (and let me tell you, after the cluster**** of another file server software's 2nd attempt at version 10, I need to learn more about unRAID).   


That worked -- thank you very much, CHBMB.  And I was also able to return to linux server/plex:latest after that fix.  All is happy now.   I will make it a point to find the proper forum, though I was pointed here by something on a linuxserver page...

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4 minutes ago, tc60045 said:


My bad and my apologies to unRAID (and let me tell you, after the cluster**** of another file server software's 2nd attempt at version 10, I need to learn more about unRAID).   


That worked -- thank you very much, CHBMB.  And I was also able to return to linux server/plex:latest after that fix.  All is happy now.   I will make it a point to find the proper forum, though I was pointed here by something on a linuxserver page...


No worries mate.  Just think it's fairer to LT, you should give Unraid a go, a lot of ls.io are Unraid users and this is where we all met!   Yep, I know what other server software you're referring to, it wasn't a great release was it... O.o


If you want help with stuff, github, IRC ( freenode #linuxserver) or our own forums are your options. 

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1 minute ago, CHBMB said:


"you should give Unraid a go, a lot of ls.io are Unraid users and this is where we all met!"  


I will definitely give it a look!  Running ZFS on Ubuntu is 5x the tech administrivia that I can handle!


"Yep, I know what other server software you're referring to, it wasn't a great release was it... O.o

It was a case study in hubris to take on so many moving pieces without properly doing research spikes in advance to see if the underlying technologies (like 9pfs) were stable enough for enterprise use.  And for this to happen on their 2nd attempt at that 10th version.  

1 minute ago, CHBMB said:




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So my inlaws who have been away since January just got back and my mother in law has been looking forward to catching up on shows from my plex server. They have a new LG 65' tv that I installed plex on back in the fall when they got it and before they went away it was working fine, even if my internet connection was being used to download while she was watching stuff off plex. Now since she got back, she's had issues with the app on the tv freezing and it behaving really slow. They have a 1GB internet connection so I doubt its their end, however plex has had several updates since then. I have also upgraded my server by adding two new CPU's but I can't see that causing this problem?


I do have these custom settings for CPU cores, are they wrong, or could they be causing problems?



I wonder if I should uninstall and reinstall the app on their tv? Thoughts?

Edited by ashman70
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45 minutes ago, ashman70 said:

Thanks, I still can't figure out how to rollback though.

I can't figure out what you can't figure out. I gave you a link on how to set the VERSION and I gave you a link on how to find other version numbers to set. What are you missing?

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