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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Sonarr

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Hi All...


Ok, new to Docker and I have just today installed Sonarr and sabnzbd and can not see to get past....


"Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /config/Downloads/complete/TV/The.Middle.S07E09.HDTV.x264-LOL-Obfuscated"


Attached are screen grabs of the paths.  Looking for some help. The directories are 777.


I have no idea where /config/ is coming from vs what is  actually set.


Thank all.



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Hi All...


Ok, new to Docker and I have just today installed Sonarr and sabnzbd and can not see to get past....


"Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /config/Downloads/complete/TV/The.Middle.S07E09.HDTV.x264-LOL-Obfuscated"


Attached are screen grabs of the paths.  Looking for some help. The directories are 777.


I have no idea where /config/ is coming from vs what is  actually set.


Thank all.

In the UI for SAB, you have to set it to move the completed download to /downloads.  Right now, you probably have it set to Downloads which is a relative folder off of /config.  Also note the capitalization difference.


See here for some more info http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=42468.msg403951#msg403951 (although the discussion in the link is about docker.img filling up, but the same error was made)

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Thank you kindly for the reply.  I am sorry to say I am kind of, well not "kind of" more like "am", confused on the paths and how they would need to be set.


Here are two more screenshots of the two areas. One that you mentioned and the other from the post link provided.


I really am not sure what to change where I am sorry to say.  The TV shows did end up in the right folder after it was downloaded. (Well, at least to where I expected it would go when all done.)  I also did see it go into incomplete and then when done move to complete so I know all that is working. 


I am not sure why I am so lost with this or why it would be so weird.  A path is a path...but it then does not seem to be so. :)


Thank you.



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Thank you kindly for the reply.  I am sorry to say I am kind of, well not "kind of" more like "am", confused on the paths and how they would need to be set.


Here are two more screenshots of the two areas. One that you mentioned and the other from the post link provided.


I really am not sure what to change where I am sorry to say.  The TV shows did end up in the right folder after it was downloaded. (Well, at least to where I expected it would go when all done.)  I also did see it go into incomplete and then when done move to complete so I know all that is working. 


I am not sure why I am so lost with this or why it would be so weird.  A path is a path...but it then does not seem to be so. :)


Thank you.

Everything is in the first screen shot.


Firstly, linux (unlike windows) for better or for worse is case sensitive.  IE: a folder called Downloads is not the same as a folder called downloads.  But that's not the reason you're having problems.


You've got the Completed Download Folder set to Downloads/complete, with a default base folder of /config.  If you hit browse and then browse to /downloads then you'll see that it will change to /downloads.  The leading / tells sab that the folder you want to put everything into is NOT relative (ie: not contained within) /config



The reason I pointed out the capitalization is that if you set the completed downloads to be stored in /Downloads it would wind up actually storing the completed items within the docker.img since you passed through /downloads and linux is case sensitive.


Folder mapping is confusing at first, (everyone -> myself included has problems with it at first)

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Thank you kindly for the reply.  I am sorry to say I am kind of, well not "kind of" more like "am", confused on the paths and how they would need to be set.


Here are two more screenshots of the two areas. One that you mentioned and the other from the post link provided.


I really am not sure what to change where I am sorry to say.  The TV shows did end up in the right folder after it was downloaded. (Well, at least to where I expected it would go when all done.)  I also did see it go into incomplete and then when done move to complete so I know all that is working. 


I am not sure why I am so lost with this or why it would be so weird.  A path is a path...but it then does not seem to be so. :)


Thank you.

To explain a little bit further, when sab finishes a download, it passes the path of where the completed show is.  In this case, because of the relative folder, it tells sonarr that the show is in /config/Downloads/complete....


Sonarr looks at that path and tries to find the show.  And it can't.  Because sonarr's /config is stored in a different place than Sab's  (sonarr winds up looking for the file in /mnt/appdata/Sonarr/Downloads...  Switching it to an absolute path of /downloads will solve the issue because then sab will store the file in /downloads.... and sonarr will look for the file in /downloads...


By the way, you also have to set the appdata share to be cache only (if you have a cache drive) otherwise mover will mess everything up at 3am.

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"Switching it to an absolute path of /downloads will solve the issue"


Where?  Where should I set that?  Do I need to rename the actual directory or something?  Or where should the change be made?  I can not seem to get away from the /config thing.


Thank you for your continued help. :)

Click Browse and make sure you select /downloads (or type it in)... Sorry I stopped using Sab along time ago (switched to NZBGet), so can't really tell you what the screen will actually look like
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"Switching it to an absolute path of /downloads will solve the issue"


Where?  Where should I set that?  Do I need to rename the actual directory or something?  Or where should the change be made?  I can not seem to get away from the /config thing.


Thank you for your continued help. :)

Click Browse and make sure you select /downloads (or type it in)... Sorry I stopped using Sab along time ago (switched to NZBGet), so can't really tell you what the screen will actually look like








huh ?


has unraid forums blocked imgur ?



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Ok, did not know you were not using it....So telling me to put in  /downloads and not knowing where kind of makes it hard. ;) After all, for all I know you mean I need to change it in the docker config.


I did the change here and it did not have any affect. Same error.  (YA, I know, I must seem like a nut ball not to be able to do it. I would not think this would be such an issue.)


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Ok, did not know you were not using it....So telling me to put in  /downloads and not knowing where kind of makes it hard. ;) After all, for all I know you mean I need to change it in the docker config.


I did the change here and it did not have any affect. Same error.  (YA, I know, I must seem like a nut ball not to be able to do it. I would not think this would be such an issue.)

If you did it correctly, then the category settings will state that folders are relative to /downloads.  Also, you may have to kill everything in the queue for the changes to take effect.
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The only place I can see to change the /config is in the "Volume Mappings" for "Container volume:" inside the docker file itself.  Right now, from what I understand, /config is remapped to /mnt/user/appdata/SABnzbd/ .


So do I need to change the docker settings?  For I can not find anywhere inside SABnzbd to change /config to something else.


(I have nothing in the queue.)


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That is awful nice of you. Thanks. (I would have reinstalled all at this point, but we live full time in a motor coach, http://outsideourbubble.com, and where we are our Verizon is .50 Mbps down as they are having issues.  So it takes, well, a very long time for downloads to install.) 


In other words, I hope I can fix this install.


(Note...I know of the software I have have used a windows setup of these for a very long time.  Just want to use the server for it more or less just sites there.  So started to play around.)

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That is awful nice of you. Thanks. (I would have reinstalled all at this point, but we live full time in a motor coach, http://outsideourbubble.com, and where we are our Verizon is .50 Mbps down as they are having issues.  So it takes, well, a very long time for downloads to install.) 


In other words, I hope I can fix this install.


(Note...I know of the software I have have used a windows setup of these for a very long time.  Just want to use the server for it more or less just sites there.  So started to play around.)

What I've told you is correct (although as far as I can tell, the browse button actually does nothing on my system).  Sonarr however is still reporting that same stupid error, but it IS properly moving the files from the completed downloads folder to my array.  (And as it does it, the files are disappearing from completed downloads)


Is it the exact same error as before?  Or is it now saying /downloads/......


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Same error all the time.  No matter what I change inside the Folders page of SABnzbd, I get the same...


Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /config/Downloads/complete/TV/The.Middle.S07E09.HDTV.x264-LOL-Obfuscated


Nothing is moving even with the error and Sonarr still listed it in the activity tab. (As it is not done.)


It really makes no sense. Thanks for trying. I am surprised that no one else has chimed in.  I would have to think others are using the current install from Linuxserver.

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Sure did.  And when I go back to the tab it shows what I had set.


And I even restarted both.


Even shut both down and restarted.


It makes no sense at all unless the docker file was changed and is messed up or something. (I know nothing about Docker mind you.  I just clicked to install them and wanted over a hour each based on the issue with Verizon.) 


I am going to have to blow it all away tomorrow, including killing Docker off and rebuilding.


But the directory /config reference does not show up anywhere but in the setting for docker and it does not seem to be remapping.

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Is it correct to assume that you have a file sitting in /mnt/user/appdata/SABnzbd/complete/TV , placed there by SAB?


Are you getting anything useful in your Sonarr logs?

System -> Logs (tab) -> Files (left hand table of contents)


The Linuxserver.io Sonarr Docker shouldn't be looking for downloads in /config, it should be looking for them in /downloads.  I'm afraid you may have to delete and reinstall the container :(.

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Is it correct to assume that you have a file sitting in /mnt/user/appdata/SABnzbd/complete/TV , placed there by SAB?


Are you getting anything useful in your Sonarr logs?

System -> Logs (tab) -> Files (left hand table of contents)


The Linuxserver.io Sonarr Docker shouldn't be looking for downloads in /config, it should be looking for them in /downloads.  I'm afraid you may have to delete and reinstall the container :(.




Their is a completed file sitting in " /mnt/user/appdata/SABnzbd/Downloads/complete/"  and it was put there by SABnzbd.


He mapping for SABnzdb is...


/config ---> /mnt/user/appdata/SABnzbd/

/downloads ---> /mnt/user/appdata/SABnzbd/Downloads/complete/

/incomplete-downloads --->  /mnt/user/appdata/SABnzbd/Downloads/incomplete/



And according to this...Sonarr should already know where the downloads are...


/config --->  /mnt/user/appdata/Sonarr/

/tv  ---> /mnt/user/TV/

/downloads --->  /mnt/user/appdata/SABnzbd/Downloads/complete/


However it seems that Sonarr pings SABnzbd and it hands the directory it should look in.  So guess that last line is for something else.


So then assuming Sonarr is working...as it seems to be...I will need to start over with SABnzbd.



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I wonder if there is just a single activity "stuck" in Sonarr because you started off with different mappings, got a download, and then changed the mappings?  If you do a new search and cause Sab to do a new download, does the problem still occur?  I realize that's a painful experiment given your bandwidth.

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Ok...I renamed the directory to be downloads vs Downloads (Though that should make no difference.)


Then I just did redo SABnzbd by deleting the container and running it again without downloading the files.


So I also did Sonarr, did not delete the container, but just changed the path for /downloads to make the "D" in downloads to be "d".


I will now try to download a file. (It will be some time but I am not hopeful at all.  I think download is not right or something and does not use the right path. AS also mentioned, I also think it is looking at /config when it should be looking at /downloads when it gives Sonorr the info. This is something I think whoever made the package, or whatever it is called, need to look at. Is anyone using these Linuxserver version?)

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I wonder if there is just a single activity "stuck" in Sonarr because you started off with different mappings, got a download, and then changed the mappings?  If you do a new search and cause Sab to do a new download, does the problem still occur?  I realize that's a painful experiment given your bandwidth.

Another possibility is that its because of the overlapping mappings.  /downloads is overlapping with /config within sab.  Try switching /downloads to be a completely separate share.
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I'll try and explain this the best i can, given that i'm not a natural teacher, lol.


ordinarily these apps would be run on the same host machine and you would use /downloads , or whatever for both apps.


in the docker world, inside the container, as long as you point both apps to /downloads in their webui's etc for downloads, it makes zero difference (other than disk copying times across volumes etc) where the external folders are mapped to.


the apps themselves will just see the path as being /downloads

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