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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Transmission

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Posting with one other strange thing I noticed.


On the console of the one that works:


root@fede8952ebd5:/# netstat -ntlp | grep LISTEN
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      -
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      -
tcp        0      0 :::52331                :::*                    LISTEN      -

The one that is broken, same command:


root@6d8cbcaaa6aa:/# netstat -ntlp | grep LISTEN
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      -
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      -
tcp        0      0 :::52329                :::*                    LISTEN      -

This seems truly odd.  Within the docker itself, it should still be listening to the same port 52331, right?  The bridge should take care of mapping the external 52329 to the internal 52331.  (Just like this second example has a web UI available at 9092 which works, and the bridge is mapping the external request of 9092 to the internal 9091, which is what it's listening to.)


Again, freely and openly admit that I've never tried running multiple instances of the same docker, but my expectation would have been for these two instances to be listening to the same ports, and the bridge would have been taking care of the mappings.


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For the curious who might have read my last two posts and wondered if there are any updates...


I ended up changing two of the three docker images from Bridge mode to use a fixed new static IP on my network, and allowed them to run on the native docker ports but with unique peerport settings.  I adjusted my port forwarding and the dockers work correctly, allowing inbound client traffic.


My best guess is that the new docker images got confused when they were created, and in bridge mode no longer understand what the base port is that the image wants to listen on.  The result is that inbound connections to the copied dockers fail.


It's possible that if I had blown away all the transmission dockers, taking notes on configuration details, and reinstalled transmission, and then possibly cloning the default configuration, and then adjusting each clone separately, that I could have gotten things working but frankly I wanted a low effort solution.


I am not all that conversant with docker but that's my best guess -- I installed the first docker, made adjustments to it, got it the way I wanted, and then made two copies, and could never get the copies to work right until I switched to using them with a static IP.


Hope this helps someone.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am unable to get the Transmission docker to function properly. I have removed and reinstalled a few times but when I try to access the WebUI, I get a message that my browser cannot connect.


I suspect it has something to do with the PEERPORT, WHITELIST, and HOST_WHITELIST settings, but I'm not positive. I have attempted to delete the contents in the container configuration screen, but the defaults always repopulate when the container restarts, as shown in the attached image.


I have also tried editing these directly (by replacing the contents with "") in the settings.json file, but when the container restarts, the defaults are repopulated.


I'd appreciate any help.


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Those values are not supposed to be `iplist`, but a list of ip addresses or hosts. Not sure if `iplist` is a host, but you can try emptying the values too, those are optional. In order to edit `settings.json` you'll have to stop the container, then edit the file, save it, and then start it again. If you try editing the file while it's running, the container will update the settings file with its own copy in memory.

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WHITELIST is the list of IP addresses that can access the Web UI.  You want to set this to your LAN, plus possibly


PEERPORT is the port that is advertised to the external folks who are attempting to connect to your Transmission.  It's there to allow for funky setups where you might want to advertise port X on your exterior interface and map that internally to a different port when you are port forwarding.  Also useful if using some sort of VPN.  If you have no idea what to set this to, set it to the port that you are using for inbound Transmission traffic


I did not need HOST_WHITELIST which is similar to the WHITELIST above but uses host names, so I clicked REMOVE next to that variable.


Having them blank -- here or in the settings.json -- will not work.


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Thank you for the helpful tips, @rramstad and @cherrybullet. I was indeed trying to modify the settings.json file while the container was running.


22 minutes ago, rramstad said:

WHITELIST is the list of IP addresses that can access the Web UI.  You want to set this to your LAN, plus possibly


I'm trying to set this to my LAN range with, but this isn't working. I can only access the gui when I include only the ip address of my computer. Is there a way to specify a range so I don't have to change this if/when my computer's LAN ip changes?

Edited by hopstah
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After the latest update my Transmission docker stops working everytime it restart.
The error seems caused by a README file in the folders "custom-cont-init.d" and "custom-services.d".
The only way I found to make it start after I get the error is to delete the README files from those two folders and change the docker repository (usually from lscr.io/linuxserver/transmission to lscr.io/linuxserver/transmission:latest and viceversa).
I'm pretty sure deleting the README files does nothing since the docker doesn't start just by deleting them and they get recreated every time, I just do it cuase I did it the first time I managed to make the docker start.
If someone knows how to fix this or what could cause this behavior it would be really helpful.
Thank you very much :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
13 minutes ago, BreakfastPurrito said:

I have set up transmission to use an IP whitelist and with internal IP addresses it works fine; 192.168.x.x etc. However when I connect with a VPN it won't let me access it.  Wireguard gives me a 10.0.x.x address, and if I add that to the whitelist it still blocks me. Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong?


Have you looked into the transmission version that is specifically modified to support VPN?


It has good documentation and should be easier to configure.


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5 minutes ago, BreakfastPurrito said:

Isn't that for if you want transmission to use a VPN? I want to tunnel into my network and just checkup on my downloads.


OK, wasn't clear what you were trying to do. Best guess is you have the syntax wrong for the whitelist, or you have something going on with your firewall.  Does your VPN properly route inbound traffic to other services?  That's going to be a good way to figure out if this is a Transmission configuration problem, or if you have a broader problem.

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On 10/14/2022 at 11:07 PM, rramstad said:


OK, wasn't clear what you were trying to do. Best guess is you have the syntax wrong for the whitelist, or you have something going on with your firewall.  Does your VPN properly route inbound traffic to other services?  That's going to be a good way to figure out if this is a Transmission configuration problem, or if you have a broader problem.

Yeah all my other services work fine, but Transmission returns the message that I'm not on the whitelist, even though the IP is correct.

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4 hours ago, BreakfastPurrito said:



The first 3 work, the last one does not.


Well, given what you've said, my best guess is that your port forwarding isn't set up properly with the VPN.  Either that or the service that is connecting inbound is not connecting to the correct internal IP.


I can almost guarantee that this isn't a Transmission problem, that it has something to do with Wireguard and/or the details of the way the VPN is set up.

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46 minutes ago, rramstad said:


Well, given what you've said, my best guess is that your port forwarding isn't set up properly with the VPN.  Either that or the service that is connecting inbound is not connecting to the correct internal IP.


I can almost guarantee that this isn't a Transmission problem, that it has something to do with Wireguard and/or the details of the way the VPN is set up.

The thing is, I only have this problem with Transmission. Every other service I can connect to through my VPN.

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From my end, the key is that you can connect to Transmission on the LAN but you cannot connect to it through the VPN.


This means -- assuming you have the settings correct -- that the whitelist isn't the problem.


Are you sure that the VPN access appears as if it is from when it is on your network?  That strikes me as slightly unusual.


Are you sure that the VPN is properly forwarding accesses to the correct local IP for Transmission?


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  • 1 month later...
27 minutes ago, mafkees1233 said:



I installed transmission docker container on my unraid server but I can't connect to the gui. I put 192.168.*.* on whitelist but still can't connect. Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thank you.


Are you trying to connect from within the Unraid web UI?  Docker, find the container, right click, Web UI.


Try removing the whitelist for now to see if that helps.


If it isn't working, post the URL that is displayed in the browser tab.

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54 minutes ago, rramstad said:


Are you trying to connect from within the Unraid web UI?  Docker, find the container, right click, Web UI.


Try removing the whitelist for now to see if that helps.


If it isn't working, post the URL that is displayed in the browser tab.

Thank you for your reply.

I'm trying to connect from a computer in the same network.

The url displayed is , which is the correct ip and port for the server.

Other containers (portainer) are working fine

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Hey guys, I was recently getting an error where transmission would stop working. It would work for a few hours, then stop.  When I checked the logs, it was saying "Too many unsuccessful login attempts."


How I fixed this?

When I checked the logs, it  was looking for a /config location.  Except, when you setup transmission, you aren't asked for this location.

I manually set up the path, and now, it works fine again.


I'm using Haugene, but I hope this still helps people

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On 5/3/2022 at 2:17 PM, trurl said:

All these seem like mapping issues.


Post your docker run.


I noticed, in a recent update, it seems transmission expects you to configure the /config file location for the transmission-home folder, and its files.  But, when we originally setup on prior versions, this wasn't necessary.  I moved my transmission-home folder to a setup/transmission-home, then, mapped /config to this location, and no more errors, my log is clean again. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have an issue for the last 2 years or so:

Seeding torrents (100% downloaded) get set to 99.9% at random and get set as Stopped or Error - and I have to restart them manually. The files integrity doesn't seem to be affected. 


I have around 500 seeding torrents, from different trackers, oldest 2 years oldest, newest 1 day old. None of that seem to affect if a torrent get set to 99.9% or not. 

It's been the same for more than a year (perhaps since first use but took me a while to notice), so it's not just a bad version. 

It's the only torrent-client I've used on unraid because Transmission Remote GUI is so wonderful, so I don't know if it's a torrent<->unraid problem, or a Transmission problem. 


1. What is the cause of this? Is it a know issue?
2. Is there a fix? 

3. Is there a workaround, aka making Transmission try to automatically restart all Stopped and Errored torrents once a hour or so?


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