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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for creating this docker. I understand that this is very helpful when using headphones. I am NOT a user of headphones. Is there still a use case for this docker? Does this pull a complete local image of the database? How often does this get updated for changes / new additions? Could one use case be that this will allow a much faster use of Picard when adding a very large number of albums?

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3 hours ago, steve1977 said:

Thanks for creating this docker. I understand that this is very helpful when using headphones. I am NOT a user of headphones. Is there still a use case for this docker? Does this pull a complete local image of the database? How often does this get updated for changes / new additions? Could one use case be that this will allow a much faster use of Picard when adding a very large number of albums?

yes, you can use the local database rather than musicbrainz.org for picard.  It's also useful for the beets docker which is faster and more controllable than picard, and has a lot more functionality.  If you use picard, you should give beets a go



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How often does this get updated for changes / new additions?

You have the choice: a ) Download data dumps from ftp://ftp.musicbrainz.org/pub/musicbrainz/data/fullexport/ and import it manually or b ) Subscribe (free for private use) to the Live data Feed: https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Live_Data_Feed (you need an access token to get the hourly produced replication packets with all the data changes from the last hour(s).

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thanks. sounds very good. i’ll give it a shot to install the docker. trying to understand what gets people excited about dockers.

after the initial pull from mbz, how much bandwidth does the hourly live pull require? want to make sure that bandwidth use is reasonable.

better to put the pulled image on the cache disk or inside the array?

I’ve been looking for an alternative to picard before as it feel development is stalling and some bugs not being ironed out. never heard of beets and will definitely look into it. i have three a bit more unusual requirements for music tagging, which picard can do. do you know whether beets can

* select a specific release from mbz. i don’t want an auto-select and i don’t like to use anything else than mbz. i really like this part of picard

* can i manually add albumart for albums that don’t have anything on mbz?

* anything about artist art (picard doesn’t have this either)

* support for artists and albumartists tags (pls note the “s”)

* what about user scripts (e.g., i have a script changing the albumartist to “soundtrack” for album of release type soundtrack

looking forward to replies

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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12 minutes ago, steve1977 said:

after the initial pull from mbz, how much bandwidth does the hourly live pull require? want to make sure that bandwidth use is reasonable.

It depends on how much editor work was done. If MB is in the middle of "classical clean up" phase, the replication packets can be much bigger then usual. With "usual" I would say about some hundred kB. This replication packets include only text, no covers or other pictures. Covers remains always on coverartarchive.org

Edited by ContainerN00b
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I am giving it a try with the Docker.

As it says in the OP, the install looks "stuck". I continue to let it run over-night, but a few things make me suspicious that this is not working.


* The initial setup screen did not include \import. I manually added it as third host in the docker setup. Also changed the default for \config


* Image pull does not appear to complete: "IMAGE ID [cad5fcb02685]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 11% of 113 MB" over several hours


* Some weird looking and potentially related messages in the log:

Nov 18 18:28:06 Tower nginx: 2017/11/18 18:28:06 [error] 8216#8216: *180725 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /Apps/AddContainer?xmlTemplate=default:/tmp/community.applications/tempFiles/templates-community-apps/79.xml HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "", referrer: ""
Nov 18 19:58:09 Tower sshd[24712]: Accepted none for root from port 53477 ssh2

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On 10/7/2017 at 7:38 PM, DZMM said:

grr I removed my pfsense VM last week and went back to my ISPs router, so this is why I can't connect anymore.  It works in a VPN so it's definitely my router - will contact my ISP.



Good news - finally working.  I'm adding what I did in case anyone else has this problem. 


I've turned my pfSense VM back on and I can now install the Musicbrainz docker.  My pfSense firewall https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/61401-useful-pfsense-links/ is pretty locked down in terms of what ports are open, so initially the docker still couldn't connect to update because after looking at my logs it uses a hell of a lot of 'non-standard' ports.  


There were too many to manually add to my port allow rules, so in the end I added the docker to my Guest VLAN which has unfettered access to the internet and normally no access to my local subnet, including my unRAID server (and the appdata share...). So, I added an IP to the docker and in my firewall allowed just this IP access to my subnet, so that it could still function as a docker.


I think the BT router problem was something different as that should have had all ports out opened.  I think what was happening there, was my IP was getting backlisted by MB for having too many failed attempts.



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Not sure what I did differently, but I succeeded to create the docker. However, it went quite quickly, so there is no way that the 5GB has been downloaded yet. The good news though is that the docker itself is installed and completed. A few things that may be the root cause:


* Do I need to add "/import" as path. The standard setting page only asks for input for "/config" and "/data". The openeing post refers to two paths and not clear which ones it means


* Is the 18/05/2017 update (remove config and data) also required for newly created dockers? I haven't done this yet


* Also haven't changed the IP (edit 04/03/2017) yet, but assume this should also come after creating the docker?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I keep on playing around, but still not successful. Have followed the guide. When accessing the GUI, I receive the following error message. Please see below as well as detailed additional info on pastebin. Much appreciate your help!


Caught exception in MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::Root->begin "Replication info missing on a slave server at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Controller



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On 12/11/2015 at 7:39 AM, linuxserver.io said:

EDIT: 04/03/2017

AFTER iniatilisation is complete you will need to edit the line sub WEB_SERVER { "localhost:5000" } in file /config/DBDefs.pm changing localhost to the ip of your host, this is to allow css to display properly.

EDIT: 18/05/2017
With the update to schema24, please remove the contents of your /config and /data folders, pull the latest image and reinitialise the database.


I am still struggling to get things work. Maybe one of these two edits give me an indication.


re 1 - what is "initiatilisation"? Let the docker run or stop it and make this change after the docker is downloaded? When is the initialisation process complete?


re 2 - also required for fresh install? At what point do I need to do so?

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7 hours ago, steve1977 said:


I am still struggling to get things work. Maybe one of these two edits give me an indication.


re 1 - what is "initiatilisation"? Let the docker run or stop it and make this change after the docker is downloaded? When is the initialisation process complete?


re 2 - also required for fresh install? At what point do I need to do so?

stop and remove the container and image

clear your existing appdata for this container (make sure just this container's appdata)

add again from CA and WAIT..............

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would still love to see this working. Tried many times, but somehow don't get this to work. Can someone help me with a step by step what I'd need to do here. There are some work-arounds mentioned (deleting folders, adding IP, etc.) that are not clear to me when I need to do it. Also, not fully clear whether I still need to map the import folder and how exactly to map the config folder (as default in docker template or change?). Thanks for your help and merry xmas :-)

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Got it runninig, kinda.  Getting this:




Internal Server Error

Oops, something went wrong!

Error message: (No details about this error are available)

Time: 2017-12-28 06:19:40 UTC

Host: dc042147f7df


Request data:

$VAR1 = {
          'query_parameters' => {},
          'body_parameters' => {}


We're terribly sorry for this problem. Please wait a few minutes and repeat your request — the problem may go away.

If the problem persists, please report a bug and include any error message that is shown above.


Edited by tucansam
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Not sure this counts as getting it to run ;-)


Can anyone confirm that this still works as of now with a fresh install? Maybe it just works for those who have set it up a few months ago, but something got changed within MBZ?


I am trying for a month now, but fail to set it up. I tried all kind of settings left and right, but there appears to be some issue or I am still doing something wrong.

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I just tried again here and it's working. I don't know why it's not working for you guys, but you don't really give us anything for us to help you.

You only need to do what it says in the from 04/03/2017 and be sure to use either /mnt/cache or /mnt/diskX for you mappings.

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Thanks for your reply and great to see this is still working. So, it must be me doing something wrong. Let me ask my questions one by one, so it will be easier for trouble-shooting:


1) Do I need to map the /import folder? The screenshot in the second post indicates that there is the need, but this is not mentioned elsewhere.


2) Do I need to map config to a dedicated config folder as shown in the screenshot of the second post (i.e., /mnt/cache/mbz/config). The default mapping in the docker template doesn't do it, so I would change this?


3) When doing a fresh install, do I still need to remove the content from /config and /data as indicated in the 18/05/2017 edit? Or is this just for legacy users?


4) When is the point of "after initialization" defined when I am supposed to add the local IP? Is this right after the docker is installed and up and running? Or is this after downloading the image (i.e., many hours later)?



Once I hear back, I'll go ahead with another try and follow clearly the logic above. I will then post back any error message I may still have. Thanks!

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39 minutes ago, steve1977 said:

Thanks for your reply and great to see this is still working. So, it must be me doing something wrong. Let me ask my questions one by one, so it will be easier for trouble-shooting:


1) Do I need to map the /import folder? The screenshot in the second post indicates that there is the need, but this is not mentioned elsewhere.


2) Do I need to map config to a dedicated config folder as shown in the screenshot of the second post (i.e., /mnt/cache/mbz/config). The default mapping in the docker template doesn't do it, so I would change this?


3) When doing a fresh install, do I still need to remove the content from /config and /data as indicated in the 18/05/2017 edit? Or is this just for legacy users?


4) When is the point of "after initialization" defined when I am supposed to add the local IP? Is this right after the docker is installed and up and running? Or is this after downloading the image (i.e., many hours later)?



Once I hear back, I'll go ahead with another try and follow clearly the logic above. I will then post back any error message I may still have. Thanks!


1. Just fill in the missing parts of the template when you install it. There are no /import in the template.

2. There is already a config path added according to what you choose as your default appdata path in Docker settings. You should check that it uses /mnt/cache/bla/bla or /mnt/diskX/bla/bla. You have to click the show more settings text to see the appdata config path. 

3. Of course you do not need to remove it. I already told you that the only thing you needed to do was the edit above that.

4. You have to wait until the log says the below. How long it takes depends on your internet speed. 

[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.


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Thanks. So, my mistake may have been either (2) or (4). I had changed the default config folder from /mnt/cache/bla/bla to /mnt/cache/bla/bla/config. So, let me not do this and I'll wait after setting it up and watch the log. Only once I see "done" in the log, I will change the IP. Wish me luck :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried to more time and let it run each for 24 hours to be on the safe side. I have a suspicion though what is not working out. Let me recap what I have done and appreciate your help on trouble-shooting:


1) Template: added Metabrainz key, set /mnt/cache/Docker/musicbrainz/data, set /mnt/cache/Docker/musicbrainz; apply, download successsfuly, docker runs


2) I see in the "log" that something is happening. After some patient wait (24  hours or so), the log turns "empty". I.e., I only see blank log page besides the header:



3) I have a suspicion what is going wrong. Either my docker image or my cache disk may be full? Actually, I can tell from the Unraid GUI that I still have 10GB free space on my cache disk, but maybe there is some minimum requirement? Or does Musicbrainz save the image inside the docker image? It should also have 4GB free, but you never know how this is allocated and what are requirements to be empty?



Any thoughts whether this could be related to this? Or any other idea?



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12 minutes ago, steve1977 said:

I tried to more time and let it run each for 24 hours to be on the safe side. I have a suspicion though what is not working out. Let me recap what I have done and appreciate your help on trouble-shooting:


1) Template: added Metabrainz key, set /mnt/cache/Docker/musicbrainz/data, set /mnt/cache/Docker/musicbrainz; apply, download successsfuly, docker runs


2) I see in the "log" that something is happening. After some patient wait (24  hours or so), the log turns "empty". I.e., I only see blank log page besides the header:



3) I have a suspicion what is going wrong. Either my docker image or my cache disk may be full? Actually, I can tell from the Unraid GUI that I still have 10GB free space on my cache disk, but maybe there is some minimum requirement? Or does Musicbrainz save the image inside the docker image? It should also have 4GB free, but you never know how this is allocated and what are requirements to be empty?



Any thoughts whether this could be related to this? Or any other idea?




1. Please use different folders for each volume mount. Don't use a folder inside the config folder for the /data mapping. Set that one to a completely different folder. Use the array for the data mount.


2. Is this your unraid syslog or the containers log? Looks like you are looking in unraids syslog.


3. Space might be an issue. As I said in point 1. use your array for the data.


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Thanks, will give it a try. Not sure what logs exist. The one I am looking at is the one that I can access in Unraid UI in the dockers tab. Next to each docker on the right end, there is an icon that allows me to access a log file. While it is running (before it turns blank), it looks as below:



[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: executing...

_ _ _
| |___| (_) ___
| / __| | |/ _ \
| \__ \ | | (_) |
|_|___/ |_|\___/

Brought to you by linuxserver.io
We gratefully accept donations at:

User uid: 99
User gid: 100

[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 20-brainzcode: executing...
[cont-init.d] 20-brainzcode: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 30-initialise-database: executing...
fetching latest dump from musicbrainz, if this section fails try again later as musicbrainz dump may not be fully uploaded
to their site
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed

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2 hours ago, steve1977 said:

Thanks, will give it a try. Not sure what logs exist. The one I am looking at is the one that I can access in Unraid UI in the dockers tab. Next to each docker on the right end, there is an icon that allows me to access a log file. While it is running (before it turns blank), it looks as below:



[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: executing...

_ _ _
| |___| (_) ___
| / __| | |/ _ \
| \__ \ | | (_) |
|_|___/ |_|\___/

Brought to you by linuxserver.io
We gratefully accept donations at:

User uid: 99
User gid: 100

[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 20-brainzcode: executing...
[cont-init.d] 20-brainzcode: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 30-initialise-database: executing...
fetching latest dump from musicbrainz, if this section fails try again later as musicbrainz dump may not be fully uploaded
to their site
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed


So far it looks good. Now you just have to wait a couple of hours or more.

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