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[Support] binhex - Plex

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Thanks for all the dockers you make, sent you some beer money.  If you get a chance maybe you could see if you could make this into a docker



Thank you for the donation, it's really appreciated, can I ask you to post your request on the binhex general thread, that's where I'm trying to record all requests so I can track what to look at next ????

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, that was another oddity about it.  Perhaps this is the cause?  I had to completely rebuild my Plex server last week because I lost my Cache drive.  So I reinstalled a new SSD, created a new Docker and installed the App again.  Everything was working, except I've started to see this behavior.  On several other Docker apps too.  They "stop" themselves for some reason.  I looked through the Log, but didn't see anything of note...  (attached).


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Unless you named it compassionate_snousi, then its actually an orphaned image hence why version not available


But, I'm a little bit surprised if it is an orphan why its actually running.


Based on this do you think I should reinstall Plex?  By the way, I never named the docker, not sure where that came from...

docker has a sense of humour in how it names containers (https://github.com/docker/docker/blob/master/pkg/namesgenerator/names-generator.go that don't have a name specified (I was originally incorrect -> it's not an orphan, but rather an unnamed container).  TBH, since the container should have a name in the template, I'd have to assume that something got really messed up somewhere along the lines.  I'd go ahead and reinstall it (use CA previous apps or the my* templates -> just make sure that there is a name in the template that appears and no funky punctuation or anything)


sidebar:  The naming routine also contains this little bit of code:

	if name == "boring_wozniak" /* Steve Wozniak is not boring */ {
	goto begin



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LOL - I bet the Woz would like to start over ("goto begin")...  Although I'm sure his millions have softened the blow a bit...


A couple questions on the Reinstall:

1. Should I just reinstall the docker.  Or do I have to uninstall and reinstall

2. How do I backup the plex database in that process?


Thanks again for the life rope!  ;)

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LOL - I bet the Woz would like to start over ("goto begin")...  Although I'm sure his millions have softened the blow a bit...


A couple questions on the Reinstall:

1. Should I just reinstall the docker.  Or do I have to uninstall and reinstall

2. How do I backup the plex database in that process?


Thanks again for the life rope!  ;)

So long as you've stored the database outside the docker.img (within appdata) you don't need to worry about it.  If its stored within the docker.img then no real easy solution.


Since they're going to be named differently, just stop the compassionate one, then reinstall.  If everything goes fine then you can delete the first.

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So best practice would be to setup the Plex database to be /mnt/user/appdata/plexmediaserver?  or something like that?

Exactly like that.  (although always use /mnt/cache/appdata/... and not /mnt/user/appdata...

Or conversely, couldn't I just use a script to copy the entire /mnt/cache/appdata directory to a directory on a share?  That would seem to make sense since the cache would have better performance...?

not quite sure what you mean here since appdata is a share
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Sorry, I should have been clearer.  Appdata is a share, but its NOT in the array, so no parity and no protection.  So my poorly worded point was I would need a script to periodically move the cache drive appdata directory and docker.img file to the array for backup?


Right?  Do you do it this way?  Got a script to share?

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Sorry, I should have been clearer.  Appdata is a share, but its NOT in the array, so no parity and no protection.  So my poorly worded point was I would need a script to periodically move the cache drive appdata directory and docker.img file to the array for backup?


Right?  Do you do it this way?  Got a script to share?

TBH, I haven't been doing it (and only have a single cache drive to boot).


But I do see the need for it, and am (in between the wife watching movies) been working on integration into CA with a full GUI, cron settings, etc.  Would have been ready this weekend, but I underestimated the actual amount of time that she actually spends in front of the TV, and I can't test during that as docker must be stopped to properly backup the appdata.  So net result is that I'm a couple of days behind schedule.


The script that I'm using will not work standalone, so there's very little point in giving it to you.


In the meantime however on a quick glance, any of the scripts within the backup appdata thread should work fine for you.


docker.img, I think is completely pointless  to backup, as all that's needed to recreate it in the exact same state is to re-add all of your apps via CA's previous apps or the my* templates.  After the downloads are completed, you're right back in business without even having to rethink about your setup, paths, etc.

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Hey, I'm a patient man - and fully get the "time" issue.  Sounds like what you are developing is what I want...since this is no emergency, I'll wait and be your first guinea pig!  Just post back or pm if you want me to give it a try...sounds like a great tool...  Editing and managing scripts can be painful, be great if we 'noobs' could just access a GUI based tool that would do the heavy lifting for us based on a functional basis (i.e. backup cache drive, etc...)


Let me know when you're done and I'll buy you a beer!  ;)

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So long as you've stored the database outside the docker.img (within appdata) you don't need to worry about it.  If its stored within the docker.img then no real easy solution.


Since they're going to be named differently, just stop the compassionate one, then reinstall.  If everything goes fine then you can delete the first.


If I install a new one, I should use the same parameters for the various directories?  appdata, config, etc?  If I use a different set of directories, then I'd lose all my updates to the plex database?  (i.e. descriptions, backgrounds, etc...?)


Can I just copy the plex database from the appropriate directory?

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You can point it at all the exact same folders.  As long as it is the only one running it will work fine


Ok, I installed the LimeTech version of Plex and its running, but, even though I used the same volume mappings, it had to rebuild all the libraries?  So it appears I've lost all my modifications...  Is there some trick to getting it to reuse the existing Plex database?



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You can point it at all the exact same folders.  As long as it is the only one running it will work fine


Ok, I installed the LimeTech version of Plex and its running, but, even though I used the same volume mappings, it had to rebuild all the libraries?  So it appears I've lost all my modifications...  Is there some trick to getting it to reuse the existing Plex database?




i would double check the folder structure, there maybe additional root folders created by the limetech/binhex version that stops this from working, i personally start the limetech docker, point it at a new /config folder, let it create its foldfer structure then shut it down. then look at the binhex one, find the common root folder and then simply copy over to the limetech one, then start it and see what you get.


obviously if your still having issues then your best bet is to post in the limetech support thread :-).

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The Plex front end gui at https://plex.tv/web has stopped recognizing the outdated Plex Pass build in this image.


Any plans to update this image with the latest Plex Pass build?  Or are there instructions I can use to update it myself using the RPMs available on Plex's site?

You could always try an force update to see if it helps (advanced view -> force update).

Binhex is on vacation now, but will be back in 3-4 days I think, if the image has to be updated.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry if I missed it but is there a way to update this via the web gui or do we wait for you to update the docker?  It says version is out and to install it manually.  That leads to an *.rpm download on my windows machine which I don't think I can apply to the docker myself.  Thanks.

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I wanted to add something else.  Two different forum posts have found issues with the latest version.  One said AC3 was broken on Chromecast and another stated something like anything lower than Roku4 had audio issues I believe.  Is it possible to add something to specify which version to install?  I think other threads have made mention of this or the ability to roll back.  Thanks again.

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