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[Support] activ - TransmissionVPN

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Hi Hope someone can point me in the right direction. I have transmissionVPN and sonarr installed, set up and working with airvpn. I tell sonarr to grap an episode of something. It does and I can see it in transmission downloading. But I check in the downloads folder and there are no files. From what I have read it may be a Volume Mappings problem. It was working fine when I was using Transmission as oposed to TransmissionVPN.


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3 hours ago, demon1 said:

From what I have read it may be a Volume Mappings problem.

Yep. Pick either /data or /downloads and change them all to be the same. Since you are changing the app side you will need to hit the edit button on the mapping to change it. After you change the mapping, be sure to change the app itself to look in the correct folder.

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Hi jonathanm, thanks for the response. I have done as you said above and changed all the container path's to  /data and host path's to /mnt/user/Downloads/temp creating a temp file in Downloads. Still no sign of any download files in the new directory.



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Just verifying, what is your "download-dir" path in your settings.json file?


If its "download-dir": "/downloads" then use "/downloads" as your Host Path.


If your downloads folder is on your cache drive, ex. "/mnt/cache/Downloads" , try using "cache" in the path vs "user"


We'll get this figured out!

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If this is any help, from what I can remember I did this to setup:



"download-dir": "/downloads/complete",
"download-queue-enabled": true,


"incomplete-dir": "/downloads/incomplete",
"incomplete-dir-enabled": true,


"umask": 2,


In /mnt/cache/Downloads/ I let Transmission create the "complete" and "incomplete" (torrent.part files) folders.



/downloads --> /mnt/cache/Downloads/



/downloads --> /mnt/user/Downloads/

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Hi Andy,

Thanks for your help

the path listing in settings.json was "user/nobody/downloads" or something like that, I have changed it to


 "download-dir": "/downloads/complete",
 "download-queue-enabled": true,
  "incomplete-dir": "/downloads/incomplete",
  "incomplete-dir-enabled": true,


In sonarr and Trasmission I have tried


/data --> /mnt/user/downloads/

/downloads --> /mnt/user/downloads/



I can see in the unraid gui under share's a new share called "downloads", but I cannot see it in windows explorer. I have changed the container path from "data" to "downloads" to no avail. I am not using the cache for this folder, . Its quite frustrating as I know its close to working.

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I'm really sorry, I mistyped above with this statement about your JSON file:

If its "download-dir": "/downloads" then use "/downloads" as your Host Path.


I meant "/downloads" should be your Container path, not Host Path!  My bad.


Anyways, if you're using this in Transmission now:

"download-dir": "/downloads/complete",
"download-queue-enabled": true,


"incomplete-dir": "/downloads/incomplete",
"incomplete-dir-enabled": true,


Its looking for a folder "downloads" (with a lower case "d") in the docker container:


/downloads --> /mnt/user/downloads/


If you already have a downloads share created named "Downloads" with a capital "D", then use this for Transmission (you should also have "Downloads" referenced in Sonarr):


/downloads --> /mnt/user/Downloads/


When you set it as this:

/downloads --> /mnt/user/downloads/


It created the share "downloads" with a lower case "d"


Make the changes above to reference "Downloads" with a capital "D" and then delete the "downloads" share with the lower case "d"


If you're using Windows to find the share on the network, I don't think it can distinguish between "Downloads" and "downloads".


I think that should do it!

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Hi Again,


            So its now downloading and I can see the file in the incomplete & complete folders. However it is creating an extra folder so my download path looks like data/ _2X68Q~7/complete. All is fine except it breaks the mover service in sonarr which is looking for data/complete/filename for which the automation is half the point!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have never tested with ipv6, so I wouldn't be surprised if that doesn't work. A.f.a.i.k. all the firewalling etc that is done is only done for ipv4 so I imagine quite a bit would have to be done to get ipv6 working. b.t.w. All the vpn stuff is taken from a binhex image.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, I'm clearly missing something here. I have the app installed and I can download torrents, so it's working properly. Trouble is I can't find anything once it's downloaded. If I leave the default /data path, I can't find it. If I change the path to a location I can find, I get "Error: Permission denied...". I feel like I'm missing something extremely simple and stupid, but I cannot figure it out. 

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Did you map the /data path to something outside the container? If you did that and then get the Permission denied error you probably need to set the userid and groupid in the parameters for te container (or you used the example ones but they don't match for you).

Check out this information: https://medium.com/@mccode/understanding-how-uid-and-gid-work-in-docker-containers-c37a01d01cf


Hope it helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am trying to setup TransmissionVPN and I can't access the WebGUI, I think it is related to the network side of things.

Docker log


Docker settings:

Host Port 1: 9091
Host Port 2: 8118
Host Path 2: /mnt/user/Downloads
Key 1: yes (VPN_ENABLED)
Key 2: $username (VPN_USER)
Key 3: $password (VPN_PASS)
Key 4: $serveraddress (VPN_REMOTE)
Key 5: 1195 (VPN_PORT)
Key 7: custom (VPN_PROV)
Key 10: 192.168.*.* (WHITELIST)
Key 11: false (DEBUG)
Key 12: 99 (PUID)
Key 13: 100 (PGID)
unRAID Share Path: /mnt/user
AppData Config Path: /mnt/user/appdata/activ-transmissionvpn



None of the ports stated are portforwared. And yes, the VPN_PORT was changed to 1195 from 1194, because I use OpenVPN-as from LinuxServer.io already, and have 1194 therfore portforwarded.

VPN info has been tested through PTTP on my Windows, and works.

My router IP is set to (was initially, if that matters)

Edited by Arndroid
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3 hours ago, Arndroid said:

And yes, the VPN_PORT was changed to 1195 from 1194, because I use OpenVPN-as from LinuxServer.io already, and have 1194 therfore portforwarded.

That entry is for the port specified by your VPN provider, not something you control. Normally you would extract all the necessary info from your providers .ovpn file.


However... @binhex has recently changed the VPN connection methods in his dockers, I don't know if @activ has migrated this container to the new method or not.

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33 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

That entry is for the port specified by your VPN provider, not something you control. Normally you would extract all the necessary info from your providers .ovpn file.


However... @binhex has recently changed the VPN connection methods in his dockers, I don't know if @activ has migrated this container to the new method or not.

Ah I see, my VPN provider does deliver multiple ways to apply an VPN server. Including OpenVPN .ovpn files, in which the port seems to be 1194, changing it to 1194 however does not seem to work. :(


BinHex's DelugeVPN docker seems to work fine, quite smoothly. Maybe I should look into Docker stuff myself then.



Changing the VPN Protocol from PPTP to udp, including the port change from 1195 to 1194 has done the trick. :)

Thanks for the help!

Edited by Arndroid
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To add, I also had to place my openvpn.ovpn file in the openvpn folder, as I discovered from the DelugeVPN docker from BinHex.


But, downloading works, it just seems to download to a different then specified location:



Settings.json shows this for both the complete and incomplete locations:



Changing those locations to "/mnt/user/Downloads/complete" and "/mnt/user/Downloads/incomplete" result in "Permission denied" errors, likely because it cannot find the (relative) path?


I on the otherhand cannot find "/home/nobody/Downloads" :P


This is my only Docker Host Path parameter:



Any tips on changing the locations? (And finding the "/home/nobody/Downloads" location, to remove the files that are now there)

Edited by Arndroid
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