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[Plugin] CA Fix Common Problems

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If you think your boss is stupid, just remember that you wouldn't have a job if he was any smarter


Added in Extended Tests (you have to manually run it as it probably will take awhile, especially if you have plex installed)


- Checks for Permission issues on every file / folder (skipped on appdata / CA backup folders)

- Checks for Duplicate Files (confuses user & unRaid)

- Checks for invalid characters on files

- Checks for folder names only differing by "case" (confuses SMB / Windows)


And before you complain RobJ, user shares must be enabled (if only because dupe checks only make sense with user shares enabled)

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The plugin shows this line above the "Errors Found" section. Not sure if it's anything to worry about.

Warning: Illegal string offset 'Port' in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/fix.common.problems/include/tests.php on line 871

If you're not running the latest version, update it.


If that doesn't fix it, what docker apps are you running?

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Updated to latest version but still have same error.

My dockers are:

Running: Crashplan, Get_iPlayer, Plex, Syncthing

Not running: jDownloader2, Krusader

It was still running the checks appropriately.  Just a little PHP warning that popped up on the rare apps that run in bridge mode, but with no ports defined (get_iPlayer)



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Updated to latest version but still have same error.

My dockers are:

Running: Crashplan, Get_iPlayer, Plex, Syncthing

Not running: jDownloader2, Krusader

It was still running the checks appropriately.  Just a little PHP warning that popped up on the rare apps that run in bridge mode, but with no ports defined (get_iPlayer)



Awesome thanks!

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What a terrific utility. Thank you. I cleared 7 out of 8 warnings/errors.


Still have one warning I can't seem to fix:


Share futbol has non-standard permissions set

The permission on the share is currently set to 2777 (standard permissions are 0777). You may have trouble accessing this share locally and/or over the network due to this issue. You should run the New Permissions tool to fix this issue. (Don't know what these numbers mean? Look HERE NOTE that if this is your appdata share then you will need to manually run the command to fix this. Ask for assistance on the forums.


The share is not the appdata share. Running the "New Permissions" tool did not fix the warning. Running "chmod 0777 /mnt/user/futbol" in terminal did not fix the warning.


Should I just click "Ignore Warning", or is this somethng fixable?

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Great utility.  Thanks for this.  I was able to clean up a lot of issues I did not know I had on my array. 


I am left with three permissions warnings:


appdata is set to 0755 (should be 0777)

TV is set to 0770 (should be 0777)

Movies is set to 0770 (should be 0777)


All other shares seem to be OK as no warnings appeared.


All shares, including those not flagged, were created through the unRAID WebGUI.  Is there a reason why some were created with the "correct" permissions and others were not?  I have noticed no access problems, but, for now, I access everything as user root and have not yet created other user accounts.  Should I run the plugin new permissions to fix TV and Movies? If I don't fix appdata (done through a different method if I read correctly), is that a potential problem waiting to happen?


Thanks again, this is an incredibly useful utility.

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Great utility.  Thanks for this.  I was able to clean up a lot of issues I did not know I had on my array. 


I am left with three permissions warnings:


appdata is set to 0755 (should be 0777)

TV is set to 0770 (should be 0777)

Movies is set to 0770 (0777)


All other shares seem to be OK as no warnings appeared.


All shares, including those not flagged, were created through the unRAID WebGUI.  Is there a reason why some were created with the "correct" permissions and others were not?  I have noticed no access problems, but, for now, I access everything as user root and have not yet created other user accounts.  Should I run the plugin new permissions to fix TV and Movies? If I don't fix appdata (done through a different method if I read correctly), is that a potential problem waiting to happen?


Thanks again, this is an incredibly useful utility.

All warnings are just that: warnings.  They don't necessarily mean that you're going to have problems (but the extended test on the latest version is more comprehensive and a better judge of if problems will happen)


Lately I've been bouncing back and forth between plg updates, and FCP is next on the list, and the permissions check is what I need to address.  Nonstandard permission by and them self aren't an issue, but is also dependant upon the ownership of the share, and I need to account for that.


The dockersafe new permissions will set everything to the "standard" permissions (except for the appdata folder that it finds)

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On the time machine backup share, I get a lot of permissions errors.


I think macOS sets it's own permissions on files and folders it create, can anyone confirm this?

If that is the case, maybe you could skip permission check on a time machine share?

Can't hit every use case... Just ignore it if there's no problems
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On the time machine backup share, I get a lot of permissions errors.


I think macOS sets it's own permissions on files and folders it create, can anyone confirm this?

If that is the case, maybe you could skip permission check on a time machine share?

Can't hit every use case... Just ignore it if there's no problems

The problem is that there are so many files, I can't see if there are any other errors (extended test).


Can't you just skip shares that is exported as time machine?


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On the time machine backup share, I get a lot of permissions errors.


I think macOS sets it's own permissions on files and folders it create, can anyone confirm this?

If that is the case, maybe you could skip permission check on a time machine share?

Can't hit every use case... Just ignore it if there's no problems

The problem is that there are so many files, I can't see if there are any other errors (extended test).


Can't you just skip shares that is exported as time machine?

All the errors generated are grouped by type.  So just scroll down to the end.


The order of the errors displayed are:


Same directory, different case

Duplicate Files


Illegal Characters

White space starting or ending the filename


So if you don't see anything after the perm problems, there's no other issues


I'll look at adding other folders to exclude from perm tests


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On the time machine backup share, I get a lot of permissions errors.


I think macOS sets it's own permissions on files and folders it create, can anyone confirm this?

If that is the case, maybe you could skip permission check on a time machine share?

Can't hit every use case... Just ignore it if there's no problems

The problem is that there are so many files, I can't see if there are any other errors (extended test).


Can't you just skip shares that is exported as time machine?

All the errors generated are grouped by type.  So just scroll down to the end.


The order of the errors displayed are:


Same directory, different case

Duplicate Files


Illegal Characters

White space starting or ending the filename


So if you don't see anything after the perm problems, there's no other issues


I'll look at adding other folders to exclude from perm tests

Ah, did not know they where grouped up.

Makes it a bit easier, except that it takes forever to load all the files to the output/results (over 10 minutes) , since there are so many (6500 files in total)  :o



Suggestion: Don't change permissions on time machine folders with new perms tool also.

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On the time machine backup share, I get a lot of permissions errors.


I think macOS sets it's own permissions on files and folders it create, can anyone confirm this?

If that is the case, maybe you could skip permission check on a time machine share?

Can't hit every use case... Just ignore it if there's no problems

The problem is that there are so many files, I can't see if there are any other errors (extended test).


Can't you just skip shares that is exported as time machine?

All the errors generated are grouped by type.  So just scroll down to the end.


The order of the errors displayed are:


Same directory, different case

Duplicate Files


Illegal Characters

White space starting or ending the filename


So if you don't see anything after the perm problems, there's no other issues


I'll look at adding other folders to exclude from perm tests

Ah, did not know they where grouped up.

Makes it a bit easier, except that it takes forever to load all the files to the output/results (over 10 minutes) , since there are so many (6500 files in total)  :o



Suggestion: Don't change permissions on time machine folders with new perms tool also.

I've actually been dreading this would happen, although I figured it would be Crashplan that would trigger it.  Gimme a day  (although if its all a dire emergency, there is a workaround to force the system to ignore it)
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Ah, did not know they where grouped up.

Makes it a bit easier, except that it takes forever to load all the files to the output/results (over 10 minutes) , since there are so many (6500 files in total)  :o



Suggestion: Don't change permissions on time machine folders with new perms tool also.

I've actually been dreading this would happen, although I figured it would be Crashplan that would trigger it.  Gimme a day  (although if its all a dire emergency, there is a workaround to force the system to ignore it)

No hurry  ;)

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On my time machine backup share, I get a lot of permissions errors.


I think macOS sets it's own permissions on files and folders it create, can anyone confirm this?

If that is the case, maybe you could skip permission check on a time machine share?

I haven't seen this on any of my TM shares. I have 4 currently.

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On my time machine backup share, I get a lot of permissions errors.


I think macOS sets it's own permissions on files and folders it create, can anyone confirm this?

If that is the case, maybe you could skip permission check on a time machine share?

I haven't seen this on any of my TM shares. I have 4 currently.

He's running the extended tests. 
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On my time machine backup share, I get a lot of permissions errors.


I think macOS sets it's own permissions on files and folders it create, can anyone confirm this?

If that is the case, maybe you could skip permission check on a time machine share?

I haven't seen this on any of my TM shares. I have 4 currently.

He's running the extended tests. 

Well in that case I can confirm I'm seeing the same thing.:D

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hey guys, can someone here give me a quick direction on how to resolve this problem:


Im having some issues with my 2 cache drives after a power outage, keep saying unmountable (suspect file system problem). I came across this plugin and installed it, and it said the following:

cache (OCZ-ARC100_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) has file system errors (No file system (no btrfs UUID))

If the disk if XFS / REISERFS, stop the array, restart the Array in Maintenance mode, and run the file system checks. If the disk is BTRFS, then just run the file system checks (unRaid Main <-- Button) If the disk is listed as being unmountable, and it has data on it, whatever you do do not hit the format button. Seek assistance HERE

Although that is helpful, the "Unraid Main" button just brings me to the main page. Im not very clear on how to run these "file system checks". Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Here is the link to a more indepth explanation of my problem if anyone cares to read: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=50147


TY in advance :D

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Added excluded folders for permission tests and new permissions script (set via the main FCP page)



Is there a way to remove the previous "Extended Test Results"?

Maybe add a button for this? Just a nice touch.

You don't want it save for posterity safe in perpetuity?


rm /tmp/fix.common.problems/extendedLog


Never thought about deleting old logs

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