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[SUPPORT] pihole for unRaid - Spants repo

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Question, when trying to access a blocked site, why instead of the actual site domain do I get "dockerpi.hole" in the domain?


Edit: Decided to give my RasPi a try at running pi-hole, it works but its slow, so it set my router to use my servers pi-hole as a secondary DNS



Edited by MowMdown
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/26/2017 at 8:29 PM, compout said:

Hi, I just wanted to share that I was able to get this working very easily after some messing around.  I discovered this post that made it simple:



This way PiHole runs on it's own ip and network adapter so the ports don't interfere with any other docker containers or Unraids host.

I'm getting the " /usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint pihole (42f32c9786fc656aabe26b61759f5b280f7d22e45c1ff65f373ceb5050eacb47): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use." error when I try to install like several others in this thread. To add to my frustration (and fury) when I try to view the "solution" in the post referenced I get what you are seeing above. This is becoming a vicious dead end circle. It would be nice to be able to utilize Pi-hole running on my Unraid server with my router, that's really all I'd like to do right now. Sure would be nice.

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1 hour ago, gee said:

I'm getting the " /usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint pihole (42f32c9786fc656aabe26b61759f5b280f7d22e45c1ff65f373ceb5050eacb47): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use." error when I try to install like several others in this thread. To add to my frustration (and fury) when I try to view the "solution" in the post referenced I get what you are seeing above. This is becoming a vicious dead end circle. It would be nice to be able to utilize Pi-hole running on my Unraid server with my router, that's really all I'd like to do right now. Sure would be nice.


Stop the KVM Hyper-Visor (Virtual Machine Manager) in unraids settings, install pi-hole, then restart the KVM. Should work.


If you then get an issue with port 80 you need to edit the ~/boot/config/go file from 80 to 81 (look this up because I forget the proper syntax)

Edited by MowMdown
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3 hours ago, MowMdown said:


Stop the KVM Hyper-Visor (Virtual Machine Manager) in unraids settings, install pi-hole, then restart the KVM. Should work.


If you then get an issue with port 80 you need to edit the ~/boot/config/go file from 80 to 81 (look this up because I forget the proper syntax)

THANKS ! This fixed the install for me.


When I try to fire up the webUI for the Pi-hole docker i get the following line in the called webpage: 


Failed Host Check: vs, , dockerpi.hole, pi.hole, localhost,


.105 is my unraid server ip if that isn't apparent - not sure what's next but I'll fish around


I'm feeling my way along with this. I'm not sure what's with the server ip setting (I left everything as it was in the app template so it's currently set to and I haven't yet installed on my router, but at least I have a successful install - so thank you again.

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2 minutes ago, gee said:

THANKS ! This fixed the install for me.


When I try to fire up the webUI for the Pi-hole docker i get the following line in the called webpage: 


Failed Host Check: vs, , dockerpi.hole, pi.hole, localhost,


.105 is my unraid server ip if that isn't apparent - not sure what's next but I'll fish around


I'm feeling my way along with this. I'm not sure what's with the server ip setting (I left everything as it was in the app template so it's currently set to and I haven't yet installed on my router, but at least I have a successful install - so thank you again.


You need to change the container template to your server ip (the one in the template is just an example.)

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1 minute ago, MowMdown said:


You need to change the container template to your server ip (the one in the template is just an example.)

Again, thanks.


That makes perfect sense but since I saw absolutely ZERO mention of this in the template notes I did not want to assume anything. I added the txtfiles like it says, I altered the port 80 setting on my unraid-like it says , but I saw no mention of changing the server IP setting !

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1 minute ago, gee said:

Again, thanks.


That makes perfect sense but since I saw absolutely ZERO mention of this in the template notes I did not want to assume anything. I added the txtfiles like it says, I altered the port 80 setting on my unraid-like it says , but I saw no mention of changing the server IP setting !


You'll also need to change the default password. Once you get to the pihole webGUI page.


you need to ssh into the server and run:

docker exec -it pihole pihole -a -p <YOURSECUREPASSWORD>

Replace <YOURSECUREPASSWORD> with whatever password you want.

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2 hours ago, gee said:

Again, thanks.


That makes perfect sense but since I saw absolutely ZERO mention of this in the template notes I did not want to assume anything. I added the txtfiles like it says, I altered the port 80 setting on my unraid-like it says , but I saw no mention of changing the server IP setting !


Glad you are getting it working. Perhaps I should rename ServerIP in the template to PiHoleServerIP?


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2 minutes ago, spants said:


Glad you are getting it working. Perhaps I should rename ServerIP in the template to PiHoleServerIP?


I might have figured this out eventually on my own. It makes perfect sense now to put my IP in place, but with only a loose understanding of everything that's going on and seeing a specific IP address in the template with no mention in the notes about changing it, I just "ran with it".  " PiHoleServerIP" along with a mention in the notes would be helpful for some of us imho.


I have it running now ! I have the password set (Thanks MowMdown).  Next I need to set it in my router (I'm sort of familiar with this so I don't expect any problem there) and finally I'll need to do something with the cron clean up task.


I hope this will all work, It's nice to not have to add addtional hardware to my network and be able to utilize Pihole. Thanks.

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I have this up and running and setup thru my router as well now. Much thanks !


I see on the WebUI that a Pihole update is available.  The update is not showing up as a clickable link within my Unraid webUI (on via the Pi-hole webUI) and I had tried to SSH into my Unraid and typing the update command "Pihole -up" but SSH responds with '-bash: pihole: command not found' .


Could someone point me to instructions (or suggestions) on how I could apply this update ?


In the comments section at the pihole website one suggestion was to try running the following command but I was not sure if this applies to the docker unraid app  or not ?

" curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash " .....(I believe that suggestion equates to a complete re-install on a Linux device ???)


Any suggestions appreciated. I new and I'm lazy and while having some technical knowledge this UNRAID has joyously been mostly no-brainer point and click which is usually my preference :-)

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Guest spants01

I think I posted elsewhere. The docker will be ready to update when shown on the unraid gui. Don't update manually is it may break.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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1 minute ago, spants01 said:

I think I posted elsewhere. The docker will be ready to update when shown on the unraid gui. Don't update manually is it may break.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Ok, didn't see previous post or forgot. Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having three issues, wondering if anyone else is?


1. I just updated the docker. When I opened the dashboard, all the block lists I added last night were gone and i was back to a smaller list I've had the past few months.


2. I cannot remove any lists on the block list. When I click on the trash can, it puts a line through the URL. I hit save or save and apply and nothing happens, it remains there. I can probably remove it from /etc/pihole/adlists.list  but I want to be able to do this through the GUI.


3. When i change the password and restart the docker, it forgets what i set the password and goes back to default.


edit: added a third issue

Edited by Kewjoe
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4 hours ago, spants said:

looks like a permissions problem on the appdata directory for the docker.... (maybe try doing a newperms on that directory (only)).

Have you changed the appdata directory to where you need it to be?


Just tried it on mine and it is still working well


My appdata is in the standard location. Everything is User:Nobody, Group:Users. the pihole directory has 777. I've added whitelist and blacklist ltems and those stick. But anything done via GUI, nothing sticks.


Once things are running, does anything else get copied to the appdata folder? or it's the same 3 files when you set it up?

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Guest spants01
I also installed this on my backup server (running 6.4 RC9f) and I have the same problem there. For both I'm using separate IP's, but that shouldn't matter.
Are both on 6.4 rc9f? I'm on an earlier rc.. 7, I think.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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I'm currently having an issue with this booting up - Had a couple of issues getting to this point but all covered by what others have got.


Currently I am having it crash after Pi-hole blocking is enabled:

nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
::: Testing DNSmasq config: ::: Testing PHP-FPM config: ::: Testing NGINX config: ::: All config checks passed, starting ...
::: Docker start setup complete - beginning s6 services
::: Neutrino emissions detected...
::: Pulling source lists into range... done!
::: Getting raw.githubusercontent.com list... done
::: Status: Success (OK)
::: List updated, transport successful!
::: Getting mirror1.malwaredomains.com list... done
::: Status: Not modified
::: No changes detected, transport skipped!
::: Getting sysctl.org list... done
::: Status: Not modified
::: No changes detected, transport skipped!
::: Getting zeustracker.abuse.ch list... done
::: Status: Success (OK)
::: List updated, transport successful!
::: Getting mirror1.malwaredomains.com list... done
::: Status: Not modified
::: No changes detected, transport skipped!
::: Getting sysctl.org list... done
::: Status: Not modified
::: No changes detected, transport skipped!
::: Getting zeustracker.abuse.ch list... done
::: Status: Success (OK)
::: List updated, transport successful!
::: Getting s3.amazonaws.com list... done
::: Status: Not modified
::: No changes detected, transport skipped!
::: Getting s3.amazonaws.com list... done
::: Status: Not modified
::: No changes detected, transport skipped!
::: Getting hosts-file.net list... done
::: Status: Not modified
::: No changes detected, transport skipped!
::: Aggregating list of domains... done!
::: Formatting list of domains to remove comments.... done!
::: 136851 domains being pulled in by gravity...
::: Removing duplicate domains.... done!
::: 113087 unique domains trapped in the event horizon.
::: Adding adlist sources to the whitelist... done!
::: Whitelisting 6 domains... done!
::: Exact blocked domains: 0
::: No wildcards used!
::: Formatting domains into a HOSTS file... done!
::: Cleaning up un-needed files... done!
::: Refresh lists in dnsmasq...s6 service not found for dnsmasq, exiting...
netstat: /proc/net/tcp6: No such file or directory
::: DNS service is running
::: Pi-hole blocking is Enabled
killall: dnsmasq: no process killed

[cont-init.d] 20-start.sh: exited 1.
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] syncing disks.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.



Any pointers / ideas what could be going wrong would be appreciated .

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On 18/10/2017 at 6:53 PM, MrBaz said:

I'm currently having an issue with this booting up - Had a couple of issues getting to this point but all covered by what others have got.


Currently I am having it crash after Pi-hole blocking is enabled:

nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
::: Testing DNSmasq config: ::: Testing PHP-FPM config: ::: Testing NGINX config: ::: All config checks passed, starting ...
::: Docker start setup complete - beginning s6 services
::: Neutrino emissions detected...
::: Pulling source lists into range... done!
::: Getting raw.githubusercontent.com list... done
::: Status: Success (OK)
::: List updated, transport successful!
::: Getting mirror1.malwaredomains.com list... done
::: Status: Not modified
::: No changes detected, transport skipped!
::: Getting sysctl.org list... done
::: Status: Not modified
::: No changes detected, transport skipped!
::: Getting zeustracker.abuse.ch list... done
::: Status: Success (OK)
::: List updated, transport successful!
::: Getting mirror1.malwaredomains.com list... done
::: Status: Not modified
::: No changes detected, transport skipped!
::: Getting sysctl.org list... done
::: Status: Not modified
::: No changes detected, transport skipped!
::: Getting zeustracker.abuse.ch list... done
::: Status: Success (OK)
::: List updated, transport successful!
::: Getting s3.amazonaws.com list... done
::: Status: Not modified
::: No changes detected, transport skipped!
::: Getting s3.amazonaws.com list... done
::: Status: Not modified
::: No changes detected, transport skipped!
::: Getting hosts-file.net list... done
::: Status: Not modified
::: No changes detected, transport skipped!
::: Aggregating list of domains... done!
::: Formatting list of domains to remove comments.... done!
::: 136851 domains being pulled in by gravity...
::: Removing duplicate domains.... done!
::: 113087 unique domains trapped in the event horizon.
::: Adding adlist sources to the whitelist... done!
::: Whitelisting 6 domains... done!
::: Exact blocked domains: 0
::: No wildcards used!
::: Formatting domains into a HOSTS file... done!
::: Cleaning up un-needed files... done!
::: Refresh lists in dnsmasq...s6 service not found for dnsmasq, exiting...
netstat: /proc/net/tcp6: No such file or directory
::: DNS service is running
::: Pi-hole blocking is Enabled
killall: dnsmasq: no process killed

[cont-init.d] 20-start.sh: exited 1.
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] syncing disks.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.



Any pointers / ideas what could be going wrong would be appreciated .



wondering if this is related to the permissions problem a couple of others have noted  .... Will have a look at solutions.

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17 hours ago, spants said:

New version 2 template added. No need to create files anymore. 

Easier to define listening NET interface

Okay just want to make sure I understand this. ^^^


The directories have changed so that you will need to recreate your blacklist/whitelist

and this is old^^^ don't see a date on this.


also is there a cornjob still needed for log?


im on 6.4rc10 and change the port to 84 under Identification settings  and still can't start in bridge and no other docker is using port 80.

Change to br0 and gave it an ip works but Fix Common Problems is bugging my OCD

Edited by H2O_King89
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9 hours ago, H2O_King89 said:

Okay just want to make sure I understand this. ^^^

and this is old^^^ don't see a date on this.


also is there a cornjob still needed for log?


im on 6.4rc10 and change the port to 84 under Identification settings  and still can't start in bridge and no other docker is using port 80.

Change to br0 and gave it an ip works but Fix Common Problems is bugging my OCD


  • On the old version, you had to create a couple of empty files before it would start
  • You can now set an interface to listen to (Dual nic setup maybe?)
  • It now creates 2 new directories in the appdata folder that you have assigned. If you used the same appdata folder, it will have your existing files in the root of that folder which include your whitelist and blacklist files. Print them out or copy each entry into the new pihole by the web interface.
  • Re port change, was it an error that 80 was in use or 53 DNS?. I didnt have the problem but some people have said previously that they turn off the VMs and then installed pihole and it works. Otherwise give it a new IP (and can you tell FixCommon to ignore?)
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