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[Plugin] controlrd

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15 hours ago, ljm42 said:

don't think that is fully enabled yet, right? Hopefully it will use all the same IPMI settings that the plugin does?


Right, it isn't fully enabled yet. It's programmed to read the plugin settings.


15 hours ago, ljm42 said:

One small corner case for the app... when there is no parity drive installed there shouldn't be a 'check parity' option.


Thanks for the heads up ! I'll look into it

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Can’t get the plugin to start after updating.



I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 app.go:89: Received signal: (terminated) ... shutting down the app now ...I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 api.go:105: stopped service Api ...I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 server.go:156: stopped service Server ...I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 core.go:137: stopped service Core ...I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 app.go:57: controlr v2.7.6-336-cb247a3-v2018.01.30 starting ...I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 app.go:65: No config file specified. Using app defaults ...I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 app.go:214: debug:cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem)I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 app.go:150: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 app.go:166: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 app.go:186: debug:host( 2018/01/30 12:56:09 core.go:73: starting service Core ...I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 core.go:82: debug:getting mac/prefs/featuresI: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 core.go:88: debug:creating pluginsI: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 core.go:267: debug:created ipmi sensorI: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 core.go:294: debug:no ups detectedI: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 core.go:93: debug:getting samplesI: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data --always-prefix -h "" -u "wgstarks" -p "*******" --session-timeout=5000 --retransmission-timeout=1000])I: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 app.go:57: controlr v2.7.6-336-cb247a3-v2018.01.30 starting ...I: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 app.go:65: No config file specified. Using app defaults ...I: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 app.go:214: debug:cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem)I: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 app.go:150: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 app.go:166: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 app.go:186: debug:host( 2018/01/30 12:58:18 core.go:73: starting service Core ...I: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 core.go:82: debug:getting mac/prefs/featuresI: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 core.go:88: debug:creating pluginsI: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 core.go:267: debug:created ipmi sensorI: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 core.go:285: debug:created apc upsI: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 core.go:93: debug:getting samplesI: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data --always-prefix -h "" -u "wgstarks" -p "*******" --session-timeout=5000 --retransmission-timeout=1000])I: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 app.go:57: controlr v2.7.6-336-cb247a3-v2018.01.30 starting ...I: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 app.go:65: No config file specified. Using app defaults ...I: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 app.go:214: debug:cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem)I: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 app.go:150: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 app.go:166: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 app.go:186: debug:host( 2018/01/30 12:59:54 core.go:73: starting service Core ...I: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 core.go:82: debug:getting mac/prefs/featuresI: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 core.go:88: debug:creating pluginsI: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 core.go:267: debug:created ipmi sensorI: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 core.go:285: debug:created apc upsI: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 core.go:93: debug:getting samplesI: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data --always-prefix -h "" -u "wgstarks" -p "*******" --session-timeout=5000 --retransmission-timeout=1000])I: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 app.go:57: controlr v2.7.6-336-cb247a3-v2018.01.30 starting ...I: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 app.go:65: No config file specified. Using app defaults ...I: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 app.go:214: debug:cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem)I: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 app.go:150: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 app.go:166: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 app.go:186: debug:host( 2018/01/30 13:01:02 core.go:73: starting service Core ...I: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 core.go:82: debug:getting mac/prefs/featuresI: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 core.go:88: debug:creating pluginsI: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 core.go:267: debug:created ipmi sensorI: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 core.go:285: debug:created apc upsI: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 core.go:93: debug:getting samplesI: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data --always-prefix -h "" -u "wgstarks" -p "*******" --session-timeout=5000 --retransmission-timeout=1000])

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44 minutes ago, jbrodriguez said:

I've enabled ipmi sampling in v2018.01.30 (2.7.6).


Thanks for this, it is really cool :)


It works on my bare metal system, but not my VM.


Based on the debug log, it looks like you are calling:

/usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors --comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data

The plugin creates a shell script that knows how to connect to the ipmi host via the network, would you please call this instead?

/usr/sbin/ipmisensors --comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data

That would allow controlr running in a VM to read the IPMI data from the IPMI host.


The output from either is the same on bare metal:

16,M/B Temperature,Temperature,Nominal,36.00,C,'OK'
18,CPU Temperature,Temperature,Nominal,37.00,C,'OK'

In case it helps, here is my bare metal ipmi.cfg:


and here is the VM's ipmi.cfg:





Also, I'm curious about the data. In the plugin settings I have chosen four sensors:

DISP_SENSOR1="18"   <--- CPU temp
DISP_SENSOR2="16"   <--- MB temp
DISP_SENSOR3="15"   <--- front fan
DISP_SENSOR4="13"   <--- rear fan

Is the app using those settings or figuring out on its own what to display? I ask because the app is showing three fans and the CPU temp, instead of two fans and two temps:

I: 2018/01/30 09:52:30 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data])
I: 2018/01/30 09:52:31 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/sbin/apcaccess):([])
I: 2018/01/30 09:52:31 api.go:142: info({Version:2 Wake:{Mac:<snip> Broadcast:} Prefs:{Number:., Unit:C} Samples:[{Key:FAN Value:1100 Unit:rpm Condition:neutral} {Key:FAN Value:500 Unit:rpm Condition:neutral} {Key:FAN Value:500 Unit:rpm Condition:neutral} {Key:CPU Value:37 Unit:C Condition:neutral} {Key:UPS STATUS Value:Online Unit: Condition:green} {Key:UPS LOAD Value:17.0 Unit:% Condition:green} {Key:UPS CHARGE Value:100.0 Unit:% Condition:green} {Key:UPS LEFT Value:54.5 Unit:m Condition:green} {Key:UPS POWER Value:86.7 Unit:w Condition:green}] Features:map[sleep:false]})


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Mine started. IPMI readings seem to be rather random. I get a cpu temp, board temp (not sure what that is?) and a speed for an unidentified fan.



I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 app.go:57: controlr v2.7.8-344-f851f42-v2018.01.30b starting ...I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 app.go:65: No config file specified. Using app defaults ...I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 app.go:214: debug:cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem)I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 app.go:150: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 app.go:166: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 app.go:186: debug:host( 2018/01/30 14:39:19 core.go:73: starting service Core ...I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 core.go:82: debug:getting mac/prefs/featuresI: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 core.go:88: debug:creating pluginsI: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 core.go:267: debug:created ipmi sensorI: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 core.go:294: debug:no ups detectedI: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 core.go:93: debug:getting samplesI: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmisensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data])I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 core.go:96: debug:sensor samples:([{CPU 39 C neutral} {BOARD 28 C neutral} {FAN 900 rpm neutral}])I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 core.go:99: debug:ups samples:([])I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 server.go:70: Starting service Server ...I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 server.go:89: Serving files from /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/controlrI: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 server.go:139: Server started listening https on :2378I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 api.go:46: Starting service Api ...I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 api.go:90: Api started listening https on :2382I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 app.go:85: Press Ctrl+C to stop ...I: 2018/01/30 14:39:32 api.go:134: received /infoI: 2018/01/30 14:39:32 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmisensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data])I: 2018/01/30 14:39:32 api.go:142: info({Version:2 Wake:{Mac:00:25:90:44:11:e6 Broadcast:} Prefs:{Number:., Unit:C} Samples:[{Key:CPU Value:37 Unit:C Condition:neutral} {Key:BOARD Value:28 Unit:C Condition:neutral} {Key:FAN Value:900 Unit:rpm Condition:neutral}] Features:map[sleep:false]})I: 2018/01/30 14:40:02 api.go:134: received /infoI: 2018/01/30 14:40:02 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmisensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data])I: 2018/01/30 14:40:02 api.go:142: info({Version:2 Wake:{Mac:00:25:90:44:11:e6 Broadcast:} Prefs:{Number:., Unit:C} Samples:[{Key:CPU Value:35 Unit:C Condition:neutral} {Key:BOARD Value:28 Unit:C Condition:neutral} {Key:FAN Value:900 Unit:rpm Condition:neutral}] Features:map[sleep:false]})I: 2018/01/30 14:40:32 api.go:134: received /infoI: 2018/01/30 14:40:32 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmisensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data])I: 2018/01/30 14:40:32 api.go:142: info({Version:2 Wake:{Mac:00:25:90:44:11:e6 Broadcast:} Prefs:{Number:., Unit:C} Samples:[{Key:CPU Value:37 Unit:C Condition:neutral} {Key:BOARD Value:28 Unit:C Condition:neutral} {Key:FAN Value:900 Unit:rpm Condition:neutral}] Features:map[sleep:false]})I: 2018/01/30 14:41:02 api.go:134: received /infoI: 2018/01/30 14:41:02 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmisensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data])I: 2018/01/30 14:41:02 api.go:142: info({Version:2 Wake:{Mac:00:25:90:44:11:e6 Broadcast:} Prefs:{Number:., Unit:C} Samples:[{Key:CPU Value:35 Unit:C Condition:neutral} {Key:BOARD Value:28 Unit:C Condition:neutral} {Key:FAN Value:900 Unit:rpm Condition:neutral}] Features:map[sleep:false]})

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Cool, so v2018.01.30b solves the connection problem for @wgstarks, now it is just a matter of reading the DISP_SENSOR1-4 values to display the right things.

I'm still having trouble with my VM though.  Maybe this will help...  


There are four "states" that IPMI operates in:

  1. local IPMI available, accessed locally (ljm42's bare metal system)
  2. local IPMI available, accessed via network (wgstarks)
  3. local IPMI not available, accessed via network (ljm42's VM)
  4. local IPMI not available, not accessed via network (everyone without IPMI)

So the rough logic would be:

if ( (local IPMI available) or (network IPMI access enabled) ) {
  run /usr/sbin/ipmisensors

where "local IPMI available" is based on the existence of various files as discussed here:
and "network IPMI access enabled" is based on whether /boot/config/plugins/ipmi/ipmi.cfg contains NETWORK="enable"


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Currently, figuring it out on its own.
I see what those DISP_SENSOR mean, I'll see how to make them work.
I don't know if you figured it but the networked DISP_SENSOR is long/decimal of the ip and sensor id. Also it is possible to monitor more than one server with the plugin so you might need to take that into account. I doubt many are doing that though.
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12 hours ago, ljm42 said:

local IPMI not available, accessed via network (ljm42's VM)


Ok, this is the issue. I check for ipmi drivers presence and if not available, whether network is enabled or not, I declare no ipmi available. I'll fix it.


1 hour ago, dmacias said:

networked DISP_SENSOR is long/decimal of the ip and sensor id


Thanks, so that prefix is not fixed. Will take that into account.


With regards to more than one server, I hope not many are doing it, but will eventually use the first entry :) 

Edited by jbrodriguez
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14 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

It’s actually a very cool effect in the right ummm frame of mind.




1 minute ago, wgstarks said:

Restarted the ControlR app on my phone and everything is good now




It should reconfigure the scrolling ticker with the new readings, but it doesn't work :D


The restart gives it a fresh view on the matter.


In any case, it's great news !! 

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7 hours ago, jbrodriguez said:

I've published v2018.01.31 (2.7.9).


This works great on both my bare metal system and my VM! 


One thing to note - if you change the ipmi sensors you have to stop/restart the controlr plugin for it to pick up the change. Normally this is a set it and forget it type of thing anyway, so it isn't really a problem, just something to be aware of.

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15 hours ago, ljm42 said:

stop/restart the controlr plugin for it to pick up the change


Yes, it collects the settings at startup time.


I could monitor the config file and if written to, update accordingly.


But the app would show the display bugs mentioned by wgstarks.


I'll eventually look into it.


It's great news that it works in all the scenarios you mentioned before.


I'll push a minor release.

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v2018.02.02 (2.8.0) is out !


- Correct handling of ipmi data/config

- Fixes apc ups handling

- Remove debug logging


Thanks a lot to ljm42 and dmacias for helping me make sense of ipmi as well as to all the users that helped 'test': wgstarks, Marv, since85, Freeman !


These issues were a bit more difficult to troubleshoot :)

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On 2/2/2018 at 4:20 AM, jbrodriguez said:

v2018.02.02 (2.8.0) is out !


Thanks a lot to ljm42 and dmacias for helping me make sense of ipmi as well as to all the users that helped 'test': wgstarks, Marv, since85, Freeman !


A) This latest version is now showing logs for me!

B) Not really sure what I did, but I'm glad I could help.


Thanks for your continuing hard work on this! Between this and OpenVPN-AS, I can keep an eye on my server where ever I am.

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On 2.2.2018 at 10:20 AM, jbrodriguez said:

v2018.02.02 (2.8.0) is out !


- Correct handling of ipmi data/config

- Fixes apc ups handling

- Remove debug logging


Thanks a lot to ljm42 and dmacias for helping me make sense of ipmi as well as to all the users that helped 'test': wgstarks, Marv, since85, Freeman !


These issues were a bit more difficult to troubleshoot :)


Many thanks for your work. Everything working again for me except I don't get my fan speeds and temperatures shown anymore in the app.

This worked before unraid 6.4.0. Not sure if I need to change something now in my system temp plugin or where is the data for your plugin comming from?

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On 8.2.2018 at 1:35 PM, jbrodriguez said:

Hi Marv,


The plugin checks for ipmi first then for dynamix system temp. If neither is available, no data is shown.


What does you log show ?


here it is:


system temp plugin running fine and  ups status is also working with your app

I: 2018/02/09 11:56:20 app.go:57: controlr v2.8.0-355-acff82c-v2018.02.02 starting ...
I: 2018/02/09 11:56:20 app.go:65: No config file specified. Using app defaults ...
I: 2018/02/09 11:56:20 core.go:73: starting service Core ...
W: 2018/02/09 11:56:20 core.go:251: Error identifying sensor: open /boot/config/plugins/ipmi/ipmi.cfg: no such file or directory
I: 2018/02/09 11:56:20 core.go:263: No sensor detected ...
I: 2018/02/09 11:56:20 core.go:276: Created apc ups ...
I: 2018/02/09 11:56:20 server.go:70: Starting service Server ...
I: 2018/02/09 11:56:20 server.go:89: Serving files from /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/controlr
I: 2018/02/09 11:56:20 server.go:139: Server started listening https on :2378
I: 2018/02/09 11:56:20 api.go:46: Starting service Api ...
I: 2018/02/09 11:56:20 api.go:90: Api started listening https on :2382
I: 2018/02/09 11:56:20 app.go:85: Press Ctrl+C to stop ...
I: 2018/02/09 14:05:59 app.go:89: Received signal: (terminated) ... shutting down the app now ...
I: 2018/02/09 14:05:59 api.go:105: stopped service Api ...
I: 2018/02/09 14:05:59 server.go:156: stopped service Server ...
I: 2018/02/09 14:05:59 core.go:141: stopped service Core ...
I: 2018/02/09 14:56:20 app.go:57: controlr v2.8.0-355-acff82c-v2018.02.02 starting ...
I: 2018/02/09 14:56:20 app.go:65: No config file specified. Using app defaults ...
I: 2018/02/09 14:56:20 core.go:73: starting service Core ...
W: 2018/02/09 14:56:20 core.go:251: Error identifying sensor: open /boot/config/plugins/ipmi/ipmi.cfg: no such file or directory
I: 2018/02/09 14:56:20 core.go:263: No sensor detected ...
I: 2018/02/09 14:56:20 core.go:276: Created apc ups ...
I: 2018/02/09 14:56:20 server.go:70: Starting service Server ...
I: 2018/02/09 14:56:20 server.go:89: Serving files from /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/controlr
I: 2018/02/09 14:56:20 server.go:139: Server started listening https on :2378
I: 2018/02/09 14:56:20 api.go:46: Starting service Api ...
I: 2018/02/09 14:56:20 api.go:90: Api started listening https on :2382
I: 2018/02/09 14:56:20 app.go:85: Press Ctrl+C to stop ...
I: 2018/02/09 17:24:56 api.go:134: received /info
I: 2018/02/09 17:24:56 api.go:142: info({Version:2 Wake:{Mac:78:24:af:3b:1f:a9 Broadcast:} Prefs:{Number:., Unit:C} Samples:[{Key:UPS STATUS Value:Online Unit: Condition:green} {Key:UPS LOAD Value:26.0 Unit:% Condition:green} {Key:UPS CHARGE Value:100.0 Unit:% Condition:green} {Key:UPS LEFT Value:17.0 Unit:m Condition:green} {Key:UPS POWER Value:140.4 Unit:w Condition:green}] Features:map[sleep:true]})
I: 2018/02/09 17:24:57 api.go:110: log (system) requested


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Ok, the bottom line is this ...


The plugin is detecting the presence of /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmi, but /boot/config/plugins/ipmi/ipmi.cfg is missing.


It determines that the ipmi plugin is present, but then tries to read the config file and it's not available. 


So even if ipmi is (supposedly) installed, the plugin can't use it.


Not being an ipmi plugin expert, I'd guess you probably installed it, but never tinkered with it ? So no settings (ipmi.cfg) were saved ?


The short term solution would be to uninstall ipmi (if my assumption is correct), since you're using dynamix system temp.


I should probably detect ipmi by checking the presence of ipmi.cfg, based on your scenario.


Let me know your thoughts.

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