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[SUPPORT] Thraxis' Docker Repo

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OK. Found a problem with the docker and it looks like it has something to do with the way it's built.


I opened an issue with the developer:-. https://github.com/DobyTang/LazyLibrarian/issues/1174


Found out that when clicking on the 'manual' link under an eBook, the docker causes segfaults in unraid similar to this:

Jan 13 00:23:59 Moose kernel: python[3758]: segfault at 2acc7d79fff8 ip 00002acc762b46c7 sp 00002acc7d7a0000 error 6 in libpython2.7.so.1.0[2acc76246000+342000]


Found a number of links that talk about how dockers are constructed and the various reasons they can cause this problem. As a test I installed the linxuserver version of the docker and the problem doesn't occur.


Both versions of the docker were running the same commit level of lazy librarian, were configured identically and had the same number of ebooks and audiobooks ie: the only difference was the  container


Happy to help with any further information.

Edited by PeteB
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  • 3 weeks later...



You need  calibredb if you want to keep you use calibre and want to keep your calibre library updated.


If you point lazy librarian at your calibre directory it will move the books into that directory. There are two cases here:

1. If you DON'T use calibredb then calibre will have no idea that the book exists in it's directory. There will be no record of it in calibre.

2. If you DO use calibredb, then lazy librarian will move the book into the calibre directory. It will signal to calibre that there is a new book. Calibre will rename the book directory to it's standards (ie: the directory has a number in brackets after it). Lazy librarian will then be signalled to update it's database with the new directory name.


To be able to use calibredb the lazy librarian docker needs to include a copy of calibre in its build. This is NOT the calibre you normally run. It is purely there to support the calibredb program. The Thraxis docker has calibredb support, but the linuxserver version doesn't. I found issues with the Thraxis docker which I reported above, hence I am now running the linuxserver version.


My workflow is as follows:

1. When Lazylibrarian downloads the book and places it into the calibre directory, I move it out into another folder

2. I then run calibre and import the book into calibre

3. I then run a library scan on Lazy librarian so it updates itself.


This could all be automated if the Thraxis docker worked correctly but for me it doesn't. You may have more luck.



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The issue you had has been fixed and it wasn't an issue that would have impacted normal usage as the manual link you were having issues with was to manually edit a book entry.


Regardless the issue was fixed and the docker updated within the weekly update schedule that I follow

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7 hours ago, PeteB said:



You need  calibredb if you want to keep you use calibre and want to keep your calibre library updated.


If you point lazy librarian at your calibre directory it will move the books into that directory. There are two cases here:

1. If you DON'T use calibredb then calibre will have no idea that the book exists in it's directory. There will be no record of it in calibre.

2. If you DO use calibredb, then lazy librarian will move the book into the calibre directory. It will signal to calibre that there is a new book. Calibre will rename the book directory to it's standards (ie: the directory has a number in brackets after it). Lazy librarian will then be signalled to update it's database with the new directory name.


To be able to use calibredb the lazy librarian docker needs to include a copy of calibre in its build. This is NOT the calibre you normally run. It is purely there to support the calibredb program. The Thraxis docker has calibredb support, but the linuxserver version doesn't. I found issues with the Thraxis docker which I reported above, hence I am now running the linuxserver version.


My workflow is as follows:

1. When Lazylibrarian downloads the book and places it into the calibre directory, I move it out into another folder

2. I then run calibre and import the book into calibre

3. I then run a library scan on Lazy librarian so it updates itself.


This could all be automated if the Thraxis docker worked correctly but for me it doesn't. You may have more luck.




So what you are saying is that I still need a separate instance of Calibre and that this docker isn't really running Calibre at all...just updating the database?

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/25/2017 at 12:38 AM, thraxis said:

I mostly use the linuxserver.io dockers,  and both of these are use the linuxserver.io base images..  And I liked the color scheme for the look  :D


Honestly if there's a problem with it I'd have no problem changing it.


Ah using the same base image is a plus for this docker in my book... 

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  • 3 months later...
On 2/1/2018 at 11:57 AM, SauRoN said:


So what you are saying is that I still need a separate instance of Calibre and that this docker isn't really running Calibre at all...just updating the database?


I have the exact same question.  I've got the docker up and running and I can see it's creating a calibredb file and is automatically adding files.  Do other people still run the calibre docker on top to edit files?  And do edits made in Calibre get automatically picked up/synchronised by the LL docker?



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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
On 8/17/2018 at 3:14 PM, DZMM said:

ok, I'm running calibre at the same time to improve metadata and it's going ok, except for I have to restart it to get it to see new files. How are others getting around this?




I'm having another go at getting this working.  I have LL adding books to my calibre library folder and each book gets a title (#) entry so it looks like all is correct.  However, Calibre doesn't see the new books until I restart it - is Calibre supposed to be in sync with LL?  



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  • 1 month later...
On 8/17/2018 at 10:14 PM, DZMM said:

ok, I'm running calibre at the same time to improve metadata and it's going ok, except for I have to restart it to get it to see new files. How are others getting around this?



@DZMM, who's calibre did you install?  Did you make any modifications in- /opt/calibre/calibredb of LL?

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The issue you have described is expected behavior.


Calibre (ie RDP-Calibre) loads calibre library database when it starts and does NOT monitor for changes made by other Calibre instances (LL-Calibre) that directly access the Calibre Library.


To do what you would like you would need to setup Calibre as a Content Server and use the remote server options to add books.   This is not something I have tried to setup and use yet as my workflow does not rely on RDP-Calibre, I do all my metadata updates using a desktop client that I only run at the time I wish to do metadata updates.



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To use the Content Server with RDP-Calibre goto preferences -> Sharing overt the net.


enable "Requre username and password" and "Run server automatically" then "Start Server"





Create a user and make sure they have write access




Check your Docker Settings to see what IP and port you used for the :8081 port mapping.




Goto Lazy Librarian and setup the Calibre Settings to use the Content Server.




Now when Lazy Librarian processes a book it will use the RDP-Calibre to do so, which will automatically update the book list to include the new book.


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Can someone help me out configuring this with Calibre?   Much like a few others in this post im lost about how this actually works.  Ive been setting up Sonarr/Radarr/CP/Sickbeard/Sabnzbd stuff for years but this shit just makes zero sense and the documentation for what directory goes where is pretty crap.


I want the books from LL to download, be imported into Calibre and have some way to convert/push the books to a kindle for my wife easily.  All automated, ideally she add's a book to LL, it will notify her when its done, she will go to Calibre, and push it to her kindle.  Seems pretty simple but I for the life of me cant figure it out.


I have two folders  both visible from my LL+Calibre docker





In LL i have my download Dir set t o /books/LazyLibrarian, this is where Sabnzbd drops books

I also have my ebook Library folder set to /books/Calibre


When a book is downloaded, after i force LL to post-process i end up with a folder in my /books/Calibre folder with the authors name, with the book subfolder, cover, metadata etc as expected.


But when i launch something like Calibre-Web  and point it at my calibre folder, or the calibre windows app nothing shows up.  If i check the library in the windows app it says that there are extra folders in my library not in the database showing my books in /books/Calibre/<AuthorName>/<BookName>


If i manually go into the my dockers terminal instance and run something like /opt/calibre/calibredb add /books/Calibre/* --library_path  books/Calibre/ -r it imports the books into my database and the client shows them.   


Why do i need this manual step?  Whats the point of giving my calibredb path inside LL if it doesnt seem to be actually doing anything with it to get books into the database?

I feel like im missing something fundamental here and this shouldnt be so complicated.


Thanks in advance.

Edited by fuzzewuzze
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LL operates in two modes.  


1. LL creates and manages the library

2. LL works in conjunction with Calibre and looks at a Calibre library


This docker presumes the second case.


To solve your issue.


1. Empty your /books/Calibre directory completely

2. Use the windows app to Switch / Create library select that folder and create a new library so it will generate a metadata.db file for calibredb in the docker to access


As you evidently did create a metadata.db using the terminal with "/opt/calibre/calibredb add /books/Calibre/* --library_path  books/Calibre/ -r " any books downloaded after that point should import using calibredb correctly in the future.  IF you have your LL config set to use "/opt/calibre/calibredb" as the calibre import program.




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I do have LL config path for calibre still set the same, what path is it passing to calibredb to add?  The download dir?  The Ebooks dir(is this also supposed to point to root calibre dir?)


Nothing gets imported into the db by default once a download is completed, calibre renames/moves it/adds metadata stuff., or maybe im too impatient?

Edited by fuzzewuzze
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@fuzzewuzze Can you briefly write up how you got this finally working. It’s hard for those of us who follow the thread to only see “I think I have it working now” without any details on *how* you got it working. I’m just now setting up LL and want to use Calibre as well.


Question for anyone: I have an existing Calibre book library on my local Mac. I would like to move all of this to my Unraid server. I already have other media automation dockers running so am familiar with that process. Want to add LL/Calibre automation. Do I just copy my existing Calibre book library (which contains Calibre .db) over to a /books share on my Unraid server and then point this docker at that? What would be my Calibre client at that point? Do I mount my /books share on my Mac and continue to use the Mac Calibre client for any metadata updates, or do I need to switch to using something like the Calibre-Web docker as a replacement?


I’ve done a lot of googling to try to find a single guide for setting this up and all I find are bits and pieces without the full story.



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  • 3 months later...

Edit: It seems that rdp-calibre docker was not on the latest version of calibre.

I changes "Set Container Variable: EDGE" to 1 and that download the newest version of calibre now they are both on 3.4.2.


My books are importing no problems now.


Can somebody help please.

I am unable to import books via LL calibredb using the content server.


I have LL docker and the rdp-calibre docker installed.

I have enabled the content server with a username and password.

I have read / write access to the db

calibredb ok, version 3.42 Database READ ok Database WRITE ok

I have the same paths mapped for the books library and download paths and a import path.


When I try to import for example I get this error

11-May-2019 12:53:42 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : librarysync.py:find_book_in_db:171 : Searching database for [The Girl In The Clockwork Collar] by [Kady Cross]
11-May-2019 12:53:42 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : librarysync.py:find_book_in_db:215 : Exact match [The Girl In The Clockwork Collar]
11-May-2019 12:53:42 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : postprocess.py:processDestination:1889 : Importing Steampunk Chronicles - The Girl in the Clockwork Collar - Book #2 - - Kady Cross into calibre library
11-May-2019 12:53:42 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : common.py:runScript:1313 : [u'/opt/calibre/calibredb', 'add', '--username', u'calibre', '--password', u'calibre', '-1', '--with-library', u'', u'/import']
11-May-2019 12:53:43 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : calibre.py:calibredb:434 : calibredb rc 1
11-May-2019 12:53:43 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : calibre.py:calibredb:438 : calibredb res 218[Traceback (most recent call last): File "site-packages/calibre/srv/cdb.py", line 48, in cdb_run File "site-packages/calibre/db/cli/cmd_add.py", line 64, in implementation KeyError: u'format_group' u'format_group' ]
11-May-2019 12:53:43 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : calibre.py:calibredb:439 : calibredb err 0[]
11-May-2019 12:53:43 - ERROR :: IMPORTALT : postprocess.py:process_book:1741 : Postprocessing for u'Steampunk Chronicles - The Girl in the Clockwork Collar - Book #2 - - Kady Cross' has failed: u'calibredb rc 1 from /opt/calibre/calibredb'

If I use the rdp-calibre gui I can import the same book with out issues from the same dir.


Not sure what I am missing?


Edited by Selmak
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  • 6 months later...
On 2/2/2019 at 10:15 AM, misterwiggles said:

@fuzzewuzze Can you briefly write up how you got this finally working. It’s hard for those of us who follow the thread to only see “I think I have it working now” without any details on *how* you got it working. I’m just now setting up LL and want to use Calibre as well.


Question for anyone: I have an existing Calibre book library on my local Mac. I would like to move all of this to my Unraid server. I already have other media automation dockers running so am familiar with that process. Want to add LL/Calibre automation. Do I just copy my existing Calibre book library (which contains Calibre .db) over to a /books share on my Unraid server and then point this docker at that? What would be my Calibre client at that point? Do I mount my /books share on my Mac and continue to use the Mac Calibre client for any metadata updates, or do I need to switch to using something like the Calibre-Web docker as a replacement?


I’ve done a lot of googling to try to find a single guide for setting this up and all I find are bits and pieces without the full story.




On 2/2/2019 at 5:50 PM, fuzzewuzze said:

You can probably use either.  I use calibre-web so my wife can easily push books to her kindle anywhere in the house.

But i had the calibre windows client and just point it at the same SMB share on my unraid box where the calibre db file is and it loads up fine.




Hi. It's been awhile for me on the unraid forums. I use to manually find a book, download it and then update Calibre. I use to have a calibre server I ran from my windows machine but it has been years so no problem with starting fresh. 

I want to automate this and it seems I need to run the following; lazylibrarian-calibre, Calibre server, and calibreweb or cops.  Is that correct? Is there a certain order I should run/install the dockers?



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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
On 1/14/2020 at 6:53 PM, EC28 said:

Is there any chance of getting this container update?  I noticed it's somewhere over 100 commits behind I think.  Best working version we have anyway, thanks!

I second this. I’m so happy this set up is working perfectly. However we are now over 200+ commits behind on lazylibrarian. 

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