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Unraid hang. No WebUi, shares unavailable. SSH available though.


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17 hours ago, publicENEMY said:

My unraid suddenly hang. Dont know why. I managed to capture the syslog though.

I already force reboot though.


What is the problem?


You should also upload the last diagnostics that FCP generated during the troubleshooting scan (logs folder on the flash drive)


Not sure what CPU you have, but your sysload is extremely high (44), so if you only have say a quad core with no hyperthreading, then the system may not have been actually crashed, but could be just very, very laggie

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6 hours ago, daigurenmarkx said:

Going through similar reverse issue. I cannot access SSH but I can transfer files over SAMBA shares. Cannot get WebUI access. Planning to reinstall unRAID and setup all the settings again. 

Please start your own thread.  The situation you are describing is no way related to that of the OP.

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All your disks are reiserfs, this is known to be a cause of hanging v6 servers, you can start by converting your cache to xfs, disable the mover and run the server for a few days with writes limited to the cache disk, if it help convert all array disks to xfs.

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21 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

All your disks are reiserfs, this is known to be a cause of hanging v6 servers, you can start by converting your cache to xfs, disable the mover and run the server for a few days with writes limited to the cache disk, if it help convert all array disks to xfs.

Hmm. Converting file system takes HUGE amount of effort. Not to mention patience. Is this the only way to do it? Can't I just downgrade unraid or something simpler? All I want is my server to be up. No need new unraid functionality.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I downgraded my unraid to 6.2.4. But the server still hang. Which version should I downgrade so the server doesnt hang?


Migrating filesystem took a long time and the server keep hanging which prevent me from migrating.


The only logical way for me to migrate is through downgrade unraid then migrate.

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7 hours ago, MrCrispy said:

Was unRaid unstable when it was using ReiserFS by default (before v6), I'm sure it wasn't. So why is it an issue in 6? Just curious.

Linux has moved on, ReiserFS is stuck in the past. The author of the file system is in jail for murder, and the linux community left ReiserFS to rot. The few updates that have been made to it have been problematic.


Better to move on to a file system that is maintained.

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On 5/17/2017 at 9:15 AM, jonathanm said:

Typically reading from ReiserFS disks doesn't cause a hang, only writing. Is that not what you are seeing?

I'm not sure why it hang. From what people told me, the hang is caused(or most probably caused) by reiserfs. I dont know if its hang because of reading or writing or else.


Its random and I cant reproduce.


Anyway, which unraid version doesnt hang reiserfs? Tried the lowest version from the web 6.2.4 and it still crash.

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In my experience, it only hangs on read, which means you should be able to successfully copy everything over from your ReiserFS disks to XFS on your current version of unraid. As soon as you no longer have any ReiserFS disks left, you should be fine on the latest version. Just don't write to the ReiserFS disks, only the XFS converted disks.


I do not know of any version of unraid that is capable of reading XFS that doesn't hang sometimes with ReiserFS. You will need to migrate.

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1 hour ago, jonathanm said:

In my experience, it only hangs on read, which means you should be able to successfully copy everything over from your ReiserFS disks to XFS on your current version of unraid. As soon as you no longer have any ReiserFS disks left, you should be fine on the latest version. Just don't write to the ReiserFS disks, only the XFS converted disks.


I do not know of any version of unraid that is capable of reading XFS that doesn't hang sometimes with ReiserFS. You will need to migrate.

I use unraid 5 for years and not a single hang(iirc). Latest unraid hang every 2 or 3 days.

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5 minutes ago, phbigred said:

Yup again it's related to the version 6 and known issues. If it is too much work revert back  to 5 but understand that the 5.x branch is no longer actively supported. 


My Unraid just hang. I am sick of it.


What version 5 should I downgrade to? Where can I find one?



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7 hours ago, publicENEMY said:


My Unraid just hang. I am sick of it.


What version 5 should I downgrade to? Where can I find one?




Please use latest 6.3.4 unRAID OS release.


What do you mean by "hang"?  Meaning webGui?  If so can you still log into console?  Can you still access shares over the network?

When you are in this "hang" condition, and can access console, type:




This will place time-stamped diagnostic file on your usb flash in the 'logs' directory.  Please upload that.


You should be able to high power button on your server or from console you should also be able to type 'reboot' or 'powerdown' - that might take 60 sec to finish if indeed webgui is in "hanging" state, but it should work.

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2 minutes ago, limetech said:

Why do you say that?


Because several users had this problem and converting to xfs solved it, though obviously won't be the reason for every hanging server, but from what I see in the forums it's the #1 reason when a v6 server hangs after a few days.

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1 minute ago, johnnie.black said:

Because several users had this problem and converting to xfs solved it, though obviously won't be the reason for every hanging server, but from what I see in the forums it's the #1 reason when a v6 server hangs after a few days.


We still have plenty of reiserfs disks in various servers, never see any "hangs".


If you see this you definitely should start array in Maintenance mode and run File System Check.

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1 hour ago, limetech said:


We still have plenty of reiserfs disks in various servers, never see any "hangs".


If you see this you definitely should start array in Maintenance mode and run File System Check.


I don't use reiser for over 2 years, converted because of the terrible performance when disks are full, never had any hangs, and I know that many users are still using it without problems, but there are several users that have unRAID become non responsive because of it, just an example I could find quickly, many more on the forums:



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