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[Support] jj9987 - Portainer


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Application: Portainer @ https://portainer.io/
GitHub: https://github.com/juusujanar/unraid-templates/blob/master/Portainer.xml


This template uses the official Portainer Docker image to quickly set up a Portainer instance. It is used for graphical Docker management and gives more information than unRAID itself.


If you have any issues/questions/suggestions regarding this Docker or the template, feel free to contact here.

Edited by jj9987
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On 26/02/2018 at 2:21 AM, ucliker said:

I really like this setup but I have a question. Under volumes, it says I have 170 unused volumes? Is there a way to tell what these volumes contain?

It shows all the Docker volumes, that you can usually see with "docker volume list". By default these get mounted to /var/lib/docker/volumes/[volume id]/_data and are used by the container internally. More on Docker volumes.

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 5 months later...

As of July 4th this is still an issue.


Without the ''--no-auth" flag (in post-arguments not additional) it asks for username and password (of which no sane default combination seems to work; with this argument it asks you to set one but fails, as auth is disabled, but goes no further. I have deleted the entire `/mnt/user/appdata/portainer` folder and still no joy for either method.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 6 months later...

The version 1.24 with the repo is deprecated. The new version of portainer 2.0 is published in portainer/portainer-ce. Can you change the template ?

Can i update the container when i change the "Repository" from portainer/portainer to portainer/portainer-ce ? 


Here the note from Docker Hub / Portainer:

NOTE, This repo, portainer/portainer is the home of Portainer v1.24.x, and is now deprecated; all new releases for Portainer 2.0 will be published in portainer/portainer-ce

Edited by Thorsten
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/30/2020 at 4:58 AM, Thorsten said:

The version 1.24 with the repo is deprecated. The new version of portainer 2.0 is published in portainer/portainer-ce. Can you change the template ?

Can i update the container when i change the "Repository" from portainer/portainer to portainer/portainer-ce ? 


Here the note from Docker Hub / Portainer:

NOTE, This repo, portainer/portainer is the home of Portainer v1.24.x, and is now deprecated; all new releases for Portainer 2.0 will be published in portainer/portainer-ce

I just edited the repo to be portainer-ce and it upgraded just fine.

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  • 3 months later...

This template's docker-compose is limited to versions below 3 because it actually uses libcompose to interpret the docker-compose.yml scripts which is limited:




I got it to work using a recent Beta that supports version 3 of docker-compose scripts because it uses the actual docker-compose binary:




I just had to change:


Repository -> portainerci/portainer:2.1

Docker Hub URL -> https://registry.hub.docker.com/r/portainerci/portainer/




Now I can use modern deployment stacks for stuff like discourse and artifactory.








Edited by frakman1
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On 1/17/2019 at 3:41 PM, SFyffe said:

What is the default user account and password for Portainer?   I tried passing in --no-auth as an additional argument but I can not get past the login page for the WebUI.


Thank You.


There is no default password. You get to set it when you first log in. The username is still admin.


If you still can't get it to work (you already set it to something but forgot it), you can reset it like this:

1- Stop the Portainer Container

2- Run:


$ docker run --rm -v portainer_data:/data portainer/helper-reset-password
Unable to find image 'portainer/helper-reset-password:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from portainer/helper-reset-password
79916c70cb9e: Pull complete
93e26fa95550: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:735a809b1bfe14b5fae340d4b350bae97c2016371c47fb6e34d71a45e4512f79
Status: Downloaded newer image for portainer/helper-reset-password:latest
2021/01/31 23:53:17 Password succesfully updated for user: admin
2021/01/31 23:53:17 Use the following password to login: 825GwA.n~i(he*dF1)7BkXg3}0Z+Vj9{


3- Start the Portainer Container and login with the above credentials


Edited by frakman1
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12 hours ago, frakman1 said:

This template's docker-compose is limited to versions below 3 because it actually uses libcompose to interpret the docker-compose.yml scripts which is limited:




I got it to work using a recent Beta that supports version 3 of docker-compose scripts because it uses the actual docker-compose binary:




I just had to change:


Repository -> portainerci/portainer:2.1

Docker Hub URL -> https://registry.hub.docker.com/r/portainerci/portainer/




Now I can use modern deployment stacks for stuff like discourse and artifactory.








How do you use docker compose with this? I have the beta installed like you instructed in this post.

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17 hours ago, ffhelllskjdje said:

How do you use docker compose with this? I have the beta installed like you instructed in this post.


Click on Stacks in left frame.




Then click on Add Stack




Give it a name and use the default Web Editor to paste your docker-compose.yml file



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