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Libvirt Service failed to start


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  • 4 months later...

I've rebooted multiple times. The VMs will start and then two of them will pause. These diags posted are after a restart. If I disable VMs they won't re-enable unless I reboot and again some of them will pause and not start properly.  

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1 hour ago, kal-el681 said:

some of the VMs pause themselves.

If the VMs are pausing you need to fix this first, after that you won't need to restart the libvirt service


AFAIK there are only two reasons for VMs pausing, sleep is enabled in the VM, or they are running out of space, assuming it's not the former, where are the vdisks for the affected VMs being stored?

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14 hours ago, kal-el681 said:

Here's a couple screenshots that should show what you need:


According to the diags, domains share exists on disks 1, 2 and 3, and disk1 is completely full:

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1p1      5.5T  5.5T   16K 100% /mnt/disk1


So any vdisks stored there will have issues.

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I've figured it out. It seems that my vdisk1.img files were corrupt. I rebuilt the VM and it worked without issue. I did also notice through all of this that I had to manually assign the port for VNC on them to avoid them all trying to use the same one and crashing. 

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