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Guide: How To Use Rclone To Mount Cloud Drives And Play Files


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I have an issue when running rclone_mount script. It can't create gdrive_media_vfs inside mount_rclone folder. I check mount_rclone from krusade. It has ghost gdrive_media_vfs existed. What should I do?


Script location: /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/rclone_mount/script
Note that closing this window will abort the execution of this script
21.01.2021 10:12:03 INFO: Creating local folders.
mkdir: cannot stat '/mnt/user/mount_rclone/gdrive_media_vfs': Transport endpoint is not connected
21.01.2021 10:12:03 INFO: Creating MergerFS folders.
21.01.2021 10:12:03 INFO: *** Starting mount of remote gdrive_media_vfs
21.01.2021 10:12:03 INFO: Checking if this script is already running.
21.01.2021 10:12:03 INFO: Script not running - proceeding.
21.01.2021 10:12:03 INFO: *** Checking if online
21.01.2021 10:12:04 PASSED: *** Internet online
21.01.2021 10:12:04 INFO: Mount not running. Will now mount gdrive_media_vfs remote.
21.01.2021 10:12:04 INFO: Recreating mountcheck file for gdrive_media_vfs remote.
2021/01/21 10:12:04 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.53.4" starting with parameters ["rcloneorig" "--config" "/boot/config/plugins/rclone/.rclone.conf" "copy" "mountcheck" "gdrive_media_vfs:" "-vv" "--no-traverse"]
2021/01/21 10:12:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "mountcheck"
2021/01/21 10:12:04 DEBUG : Using config file from "/boot/config/plugins/rclone/.rclone.conf"
2021/01/21 10:12:04 DEBUG : fs cache: adding new entry for parent of "mountcheck", "/"
2021/01/21 10:12:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive_media_vfs:"
2021/01/21 10:12:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive:crypt"
2021/01/21 10:12:05 DEBUG : mountcheck: Modification times differ by -5m13.245271688s: 2021-01-21 10:12:04.210271688 -0800 PST, 2021-01-21 18:06:50.965 +0000 UTC
2021/01/21 10:12:06 INFO : mountcheck: Copied (replaced existing)
2021/01/21 10:12:06 INFO :
Transferred: 32 / 32 Bytes, 100%, 23 Bytes/s, ETA 0s
Transferred: 1 / 1, 100%
Elapsed time: 2.4s

2021/01/21 10:12:06 DEBUG : 4 go routines active
21.01.2021 10:12:06 INFO: *** Creating mount for remote gdrive_media_vfs
21.01.2021 10:12:06 INFO: sleeping for 5 seconds
2021/01/21 10:12:06 NOTICE: Serving remote control on
2021/01/21 10:12:07 Fatal error: Can not open: /mnt/user/mount_rclone/gdrive_media_vfs: open /mnt/user/mount_rclone/gdrive_media_vfs: transport endpoint is not connected
21.01.2021 10:12:11 INFO: continuing...
21.01.2021 10:12:11 CRITICAL: gdrive_media_vfs mount failed - please check for problems. Stopping dockers


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I'm trying to use this script to mount multiple shared drives. From everything I've read here I should just be able to run multiple version of this script. But when I do I get the following error:

Failed to start remote control: start server failed: listen tcp bind: address already in use


I have rebooted. I'm only mounting the mergerfs in one of the versions of the script. Whichever script I run first will work but I can't get a second to work due to the above error. 

Any clues?

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3 hours ago, bnevets27 said:

I'm trying to use this script to mount multiple shared drives. From everything I've read here I should just be able to run multiple version of this script. But when I do I get the following error:

Failed to start remote control: start server failed: listen tcp bind: address already in use


I have rebooted. I'm only mounting the mergerfs in one of the versions of the script. Whichever script I run first will work but I can't get a second to work due to the above error. 

Any clues?

You can only use the --rc command once.  I think you've got it in each mount instance

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On 1/21/2021 at 6:16 PM, tamito said:

I have an issue when running rclone_mount script. It can't create gdrive_media_vfs inside mount_rclone folder. I check mount_rclone from krusade. It has ghost gdrive_media_vfs existed. What should I do?


Script location: /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/rclone_mount/script
Note that closing this window will abort the execution of this script
21.01.2021 10:12:03 INFO: Creating local folders.
mkdir: cannot stat '/mnt/user/mount_rclone/gdrive_media_vfs': Transport endpoint is not connected
21.01.2021 10:12:03 INFO: Creating MergerFS folders.
21.01.2021 10:12:03 INFO: *** Starting mount of remote gdrive_media_vfs
21.01.2021 10:12:03 INFO: Checking if this script is already running.
21.01.2021 10:12:03 INFO: Script not running - proceeding.
21.01.2021 10:12:03 INFO: *** Checking if online
21.01.2021 10:12:04 PASSED: *** Internet online
21.01.2021 10:12:04 INFO: Mount not running. Will now mount gdrive_media_vfs remote.
21.01.2021 10:12:04 INFO: Recreating mountcheck file for gdrive_media_vfs remote.
2021/01/21 10:12:04 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.53.4" starting with parameters ["rcloneorig" "--config" "/boot/config/plugins/rclone/.rclone.conf" "copy" "mountcheck" "gdrive_media_vfs:" "-vv" "--no-traverse"]
2021/01/21 10:12:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "mountcheck"
2021/01/21 10:12:04 DEBUG : Using config file from "/boot/config/plugins/rclone/.rclone.conf"
2021/01/21 10:12:04 DEBUG : fs cache: adding new entry for parent of "mountcheck", "/"
2021/01/21 10:12:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive_media_vfs:"
2021/01/21 10:12:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive:crypt"
2021/01/21 10:12:05 DEBUG : mountcheck: Modification times differ by -5m13.245271688s: 2021-01-21 10:12:04.210271688 -0800 PST, 2021-01-21 18:06:50.965 +0000 UTC
2021/01/21 10:12:06 INFO : mountcheck: Copied (replaced existing)
2021/01/21 10:12:06 INFO :
Transferred: 32 / 32 Bytes, 100%, 23 Bytes/s, ETA 0s
Transferred: 1 / 1, 100%
Elapsed time: 2.4s

2021/01/21 10:12:06 DEBUG : 4 go routines active
21.01.2021 10:12:06 INFO: *** Creating mount for remote gdrive_media_vfs
21.01.2021 10:12:06 INFO: sleeping for 5 seconds
2021/01/21 10:12:06 NOTICE: Serving remote control on
2021/01/21 10:12:07 Fatal error: Can not open: /mnt/user/mount_rclone/gdrive_media_vfs: open /mnt/user/mount_rclone/gdrive_media_vfs: transport endpoint is not connected
21.01.2021 10:12:11 INFO: continuing...
21.01.2021 10:12:11 CRITICAL: gdrive_media_vfs mount failed - please check for problems. Stopping dockers


Post your script and rclone config without passwords

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3 hours ago, axeman said:

Same here. I even tried adjusting the sleep time to 120 seconds. Didn't seem to help. 

With the introduction of the cache, rclone does a bit of extra checking before the mount is fully live and accessible.  Just keep repeating the script and it gets there.  It takes me a while to complete my mount (about 5-10 mins) with 7 tdrvies each with a 300GB cache.  I've found that bigger caches take even longer.


One option I'm considering adding is to choose whether or not to flush the cache on unmount.

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On 1/26/2021 at 1:20 AM, DZMM said:

With the introduction of the cache, rclone does a bit of extra checking before the mount is fully live and accessible.  Just keep repeating the script and it gets there.  It takes me a while to complete my mount (about 5-10 mins) with 7 tdrvies each with a 300GB cache.  I've found that bigger caches take even longer.


One option I'm considering adding is to choose whether or not to flush the cache on unmount.


Yeah it works on the second one. I adjusted the cache size as well. Not a problem for me, but when I see something like that I want to make sure I know why it's happening or that I'm not the only one!


EDIT: Deleted question about API calls - I set up something wrong a long time ago

Edited by privateer
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12 minutes ago, Neo_x said:


i saw a post yesterday saying that mergerfs did not install after a reboot (have me quite scared lol since we have regular power problems.)


assume it resolved itself?

I deleted it as it was a false alarm to try and not scare anyone - sorry!

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Quick question. Could mergerfs be used to combine a 4k movies folder and 1080p movies folder for Plex, but keep the two folders separate for my 2 instances of Radarr to address?


Example: I use @DZMM's script to mount my 4k movies folder and 1080p movies folder, I have a Radarr 1080p docker that maps to the 1080p Folder and Radarr 4k docker that maps to the 4k movies folder. I then add another line to DZMM's script that also creates a mergerfs folder that combines those two locations for Plex to address. Since plex now has the ability to choose a 1080p file over a 4k file if the client can't natively stream 4k, this would eliminate the need to have 2 separate libraries of movies. I believe the 2 Radarr instances would keep the movie folder's naming convention the same inside each of their parent folders, so only the movie files themselves would be different since I have radarr add the quality to the filename. 


If anyone could give me a sanity check on if this would work and also the mergerfs syntax, that would be huge. 

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1 hour ago, veritas2884 said:

Quick question. Could mergerfs be used to combine a 4k movies folder and 1080p movies folder for Plex, but keep the two folders separate for my 2 instances of Radarr to address?


Example: I use @DZMM's script to mount my 4k movies folder and 1080p movies folder, I have a Radarr 1080p docker that maps to the 1080p Folder and Radarr 4k docker that maps to the 4k movies folder. I then add another line to DZMM's script that also creates a mergerfs folder that combines those two locations for Plex to address. Since plex now has the ability to choose a 1080p file over a 4k file if the client can't natively stream 4k, this would eliminate the need to have 2 separate libraries of movies. I believe the 2 Radarr instances would keep the movie folder's naming convention the same inside each of their parent folders, so only the movie files themselves would be different since I have radarr add the quality to the filename. 


If anyone could give me a sanity check on if this would work and also the mergerfs syntax, that would be huge. 

I am certainly no expert in this - but I believe you can accomplish this by running another instance of the script that points at your 4K collection - and set the option to NOT create merger FS mount for that script. MergerfsMountShare="ignore" at the top variables. 


Then on other script that you have the MergerFS, you update LocalFilesShare2 or whatever to include the path you create above. 


I have something similar with my TV shows. I have TV shows that are in-progress and TV shows that are completed separated out. The completed ones are on the cloud mount, the in-progress ones are local. The scenario is different because the libraries meant to show up separately. However, I'd imagine it'd work for your purpose as well. 

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20 minutes ago, axeman said:

I am certainly no expert in this - but I believe you can accomplish this by running another instance of the script that points at your 4K collection - and set the option to NOT create merger FS mount for that script. MergerfsMountShare="ignore" at the top variables. 

RcloneRemoteName="secure" # Name of rclone remote mount WITHOUT ':'. NOTE: Choose your encrypted remote for sensitive data
RcloneMountShare="/mnt/disks/" # where your rclone remote will be located without trailing slash  e.g. /mnt/user/mount_rclone
RcloneMountDirCacheTime="720h" # rclone dir cache time
LocalFilesShare="/mnt/user/mediacloud" # location of the local files and MountFolders you want to upload without trailing slash to rclone e.g. /mnt/user/local. Enter 'ignore' to disable
RcloneCacheShare="/mnt/cache/rcloneshare" # location of rclone cache files without trailing slash e.g. /mnt/user0/mount_rclone
RcloneCacheMaxSize="400G" # Maximum size of rclone cache
RcloneCacheMaxAge="336h" # Maximum age of cache files
MergerfsMountShare="/mnt/disks/merge" # location without trailing slash  e.g. /mnt/user/mount_mergerfs. Enter 'ignore' to disable


# Add extra paths to mergerfs mount in addition to LocalFilesShare
LocalFilesShare2="ignore" # without trailing slash e.g. /mnt/user/other__remote_mount/or_other_local_folder.  Enter 'ignore' to disable


Thank you for your reply. I am not quite sure I follow though. So above is my current setup. 


This creates/mounts these folders: 




What I'd like to do is create another mergerfs mount that combines them into here:




Would you be able to help me with the solution you provided based on those variables? 



FYI I tried to run a one-off mergerfs command

mergerfs /mnt/disks/merge/secure/Movies-UHD:/mnt/disks/merge/secure/Movies /mnt/user/mediacloud/secure/movie_merge -o ro,async_read=false,use_ino,allow_other,func.getattr=newest,category.action=all,category.create=ff,cache.files=partial,dropcacheonclose=true


But I get this error:

mount: /mnt/user/mediacloud/secure/movie_merge: can't find UUID="HD:".


Edited by veritas2884
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2 hours ago, veritas2884 said:

Quick question. Could mergerfs be used to combine a 4k movies folder and 1080p movies folder for Plex, but keep the two folders separate for my 2 instances of Radarr to address?


Example: I use @DZMM's script to mount my 4k movies folder and 1080p movies folder, I have a Radarr 1080p docker that maps to the 1080p Folder and Radarr 4k docker that maps to the 4k movies folder. I then add another line to DZMM's script that also creates a mergerfs folder that combines those two locations for Plex to address. Since plex now has the ability to choose a 1080p file over a 4k file if the client can't natively stream 4k, this would eliminate the need to have 2 separate libraries of movies. I believe the 2 Radarr instances would keep the movie folder's naming convention the same inside each of their parent folders, so only the movie files themselves would be different since I have radarr add the quality to the filename. 


If anyone could give me a sanity check on if this would work and also the mergerfs syntax, that would be huge. 

I think what you are proposing to do isn't the best way to solve your problem as Radarr won't like it and will end up deleting files e.g. Radarr_4K will delete and upgade the 1080p file. 


This is what I do - short version as in a rush - but you should be able to follow the logic:


  1. Radarr 1080p (R1080) docker looking at HD folder
  2. Radarr 4k docker (R4K) looking at 4K folder
  3. Radarr sync script so R1080P movies with profile UHD get synced to R4K
  4. R1080P UHD set to not upgrade beyond 1080p remux
  5. Files get added to seperate folders
  6. Both those folders added to my Movies library in Plex that manages which version to play
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9 hours ago, DZMM said:

I think what you are proposing to do isn't the best way to solve your problem as Radarr won't like it and will end up deleting files e.g. Radarr_4K will delete and upgade the 1080p file. 


This is what I do - short version as in a rush - but you should be able to follow the logic:


  1. Radarr 1080p (R1080) docker looking at HD folder
  2. Radarr 4k docker (R4K) looking at 4K folder
  3. Radarr sync script so R1080P movies with profile UHD get synced to R4K
  4. R1080P UHD set to not upgrade beyond 1080p remux
  5. Files get added to seperate folders
  6. Both those folders added to my Movies library in Plex that manages which version to play

Thank you for the reply. I will look into the radar sync script. One thing, I thought since the RadarrHD and Radarr4K dockers would be addressing different root

movie folders and only Plex would be reading the mergerfs folder of the two of them , that they wouldn’t be able to see or delete each other’s files. 

Edited by veritas2884
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