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[Support] binhex - qBittorrentVPN

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38 minutes ago, WalkerJ said:


Supervisord.log is filled with just this, repeating about 100 times per second. I rolled back to the previous version of the image and it ran with no errors. 


2023-02-13 08:16:50,648 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Options error: Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s) in /config/openvpn/TorGuard.ovpn:34: ncp-disable (2.6.0)
Use --help for more information.

2023-02-13 08:16:50,649 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] Starting OpenVPN (non daemonised)...

2023-02-13 08:16:50,651 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Options error: Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s) in /config/openvpn/TorGuard.ovpn:34: ncp-disable (2.6.0)
Use --help for more information.

2023-02-13 08:16:50,651 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] Starting OpenVPN (non daemonised)...


answered several times in this thread, remove the option in your openvpn config file at line 34 named ncp-disable, save the file and restart the container.

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39 minutes ago, Dasutin said:

I just updated the docker container. I can't connect to the WebUI either. The messages at the end of the log just repeats every second. I've been using my OpenVPN config file for a few months now with no issues. I tried grabbing a new one from my VPN service, but I get the same error.


Hope that helps. Let me know if you need anything else.

supervisord.log 8.59 kB · 0 downloads

similar problem, this time with this option:-

Options error: Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s) in /config/openvpn/my_expressvpn_usa_-_new_york_udp.ovpn:20: keysize (2.6.0)


delete line 20 in your openvpn config file, it should say keysize <something>, save and restart the container.

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5 minutes ago, binhex said:

similar problem, this time with this option:-

Options error: Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s) in /config/openvpn/my_expressvpn_usa_-_new_york_udp.ovpn:20: keysize (2.6.0)


delete line 20 in your openvpn config file, it should say keysize <something>, save and restart the container.

Thank you. The server came back up after removing the line. 


I've been running the docker container for almost a year now and never had to change the config file. Only after this particular update.

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Edit: i removed the ncp-disable from the config file and restarted. Everything went back to normal. Guess it would be nice if changes to the images breaks stuff that we get a headsup 🙂


Hi, after updating to latest image i get this error "Options error: Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s) in /config/openvpn/Norway.ovpn:9: ncp-disable (2.6.0)" like one pr second in the log and the docker gui is not available.


Edited by orlando500
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24 minutes ago, orlando500 said:

Guess it would be nice if changes to the images breaks stuff that we get a headsup

i wasnt aware these options (there are quite a few not just this one!) were removed from openvpn config until the update dropped, its impossible to test all configuration options.

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Oh I’m an idiot. I’m a refugee now from rtorrentvpn, didn’t even realize these alternatives existed :) Are you aware of any issues with rtorrentvpn which are really problematic? I’ve never really had any issues running the image from docker hub, everything works great and stable. 


Thanks for all the work! Might be time to migrate rtorrent to one of these. Just gotta make sure my trackers accept the client. 

Edited by doubleopinter
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6 minutes ago, doubleopinter said:

Are you aware of any issues with rtorrentvpn which are really problematic?

instability with rtorrent, try adding more than about 10 torrents at once and it falls flat on its face, its a bit of a pig to maintain too, tons of moving parts!.

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So suddenly Sonnarr is reporting "Download warning: qBittorrent is reporting an error" for lots of my queued downloads (through qBT), but there's no info about what error qBT might be reporting, or where. Whatever it is, it's preventing the files from downloading, so it's fairly serious. I feel like this has to be related to a recent Sonarr or maybe qBT update, since everything was working smoothly up until recently.

I've looked in qBT options, and it's set for downloads to go to "/mnt/user/downloads".
For some reason, the error seems to be indicating that it's looking /config/qBittorrent/downloads/.

However, files are actually being downloading into /user/appdata/binhex-qbittorrentvpn/qBittorrent/downloads.

I have no idea where that path came from, or why it's ignoring my selected save path now. It worked perfectly for many months, but it seems that a recent update to either Sonarr or qBT (more likely, I think) has broken something, but I can't figure out what, or even where to start looking, since the errors are so vague.

I've tried to dial up the logging in Sonarr to 'Trace' to see if it will give me more info, but that's not working for some reason.

Any ideas where to start looking? Please keep in mind that I'm fairly new to all this, so I'm going to require a bit of handholding if it's not a real obvious solution. :)

screenshots for context:



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1 minute ago, Elmojo said:

I've looked in qBT options, and it's set for downloads to go to "/mnt/user/downloads".

this is incorrect, you should be saving to /data (assuming you are using the default name) /mnt/user/<anything> is not visible inside of the container and will result at best in downloads stopping and at worst filling your docker image causing all docker containers to stop responding.

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2 minutes ago, Elmojo said:

I've looked in qBT options, and it's set for downloads to go to "/mnt/user/downloads".
For some reason, the error seems to be indicating that it's looking /config/qBittorrent/downloads/.

In the past a few people have reported that qbit will revert to default settings after an update. Usually you can just reset your download locations to the correct /data locations you were using before the update.

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Oh wow. So I don't recall ever using any pathing except for what's shown in these screenshots.  So these are wrong?

What should they be? Please help me get this sorted out. Maybe I've been doing it wrong all along. lol

No idea why it's been working until recently, but regardless, I'd like to get it fixed. :)

I had to use the remote mapping in Sonarr for... some reason.  I can't recall why off hand, but I know it flat didn't work until I added that line, then it worked perfectly.


qBT docker (Large).jpg

qBT webUI (Large).jpg

Sonarr Remotemapping.jpg

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1 hour ago, binhex said:

instability with rtorrent, try adding more than about 10 torrents at once and it falls flat on its face, its a bit of a pig to maintain too, tons of moving parts!.


Makes sense, and again, thanks for all the work. I understand the frustration when something is flaky and just won't cooperate. I guess I don't use it that way cause I've had it running for 2 years now and it rarely ever crashes on me. It's been really good to me. Going to move over to one of these other projects :)

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48 minutes ago, Elmojo said:

What should they be?

You have the path /data set in your docker config. You need to use this in the docker settings. Example downloads would be /data/downloads. /mnt/user/downloads does not exist inside the container and is being created in the docker image (ram). Sonarr/Radarr you’ll need to remove the path mapping. They will look for the files in /data.

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46 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

You have the path /data set in your docker config

I do?  The screenshot I posted before shows /mnt/user/downloads, or are we talking about 2 different locations?

For some reason my brain refuses to wrap around the concepts of dockers and how they interact with the other elements that make all this work. I've read countless tutorials and watched as many videos, and it just never clicks. 🤦‍♂️


Okay, so I've deleted the remote path mapping from Sonarr.

If I wipe out the Host Path 2 field in the qBT docker settings, then click on it to browse for a new folder, my options are as shown below.  The previously selected "/mnt/user/downloads" location seems like the obvious choice.  That's where Sonarr and Radarr are looking, and they seem to be working.  I don't know where else to point it.

Did I mention I'm confused...?  lol


EDIT:  What should I have my download location set to in the qBT webUI?



qBT new settings.jpg

Edited by Elmojo
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22 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

Host path 2 has a container path of /data. This is the path seen by the container and the one you use. You don’t need to change host path 2, just use that container path in your app settings. All locations in the app settings should start with /data.

You're assuming I'm way smarter than I really am... lol

If I leave the Host 2 field blank (using the default), it says I must fill out that field.

I'm not sure what you mean by "use that container path"... what container path?  Does this mean that I need to set up a new share called /data/downloads or something?  This isn't at all how my system is set up.  All my other dockers and shares are working perfectly, even Radarr, which uses the same mnt/user/downloads folder.  I totally realize that I've probably borked something in the initial setup of my system due to now understanding the fundamentals, but I'd really like to not have to rebuild the structure from scratch if I can help it.


EDIT: Do these screenshots help any?  They just show what I see when I go looking for the "physical" location of that downloads folder in my file browser.  i really only have one option, and it's mnt/user/downloads




Edited by Elmojo
added screenshots
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8 minutes ago, Elmojo said:

I leave the Host 2 field blank (using the default), it says I must fill out that field.

Set it just like it was in your original screenshot. You have to realize that docker containers are like a bubble. The app inside the bubble can’t see anything except what you enter in the container path (in this case /data). It can’t see the host path (/mnt/user/downloads) so you can’t use that in the app settings.

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14 minutes ago, Elmojo said:

I'm not sure what you mean by "use that container path"... what container path?  Does this mean that I need to set up a new share called /data/downloads or something?

Container paths, ports and variables are only used inside the container by the app. The host paths, ports, and variables are the part of the configuration that is used by the host system. Hope I’m making sense to you.

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4 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

Set it just like it was in your original screenshot.

My first SS showed mnt/user/downloads!  You're killin' me Smalls!  😆 

I have no idea what it should be set to.  Check the screenshots I edited into the post a couple back.  They show that my mnt/user/downloads location is directly available to the container.  I think I'm misunderstanding how this all works, since by your description I didn't think I should be able to see that location.   I still have no idea how or what the /data/ path is, since I didn't create it, and can't find any such path anywhere on my system.

Your last reply about how container and host paths are separate does help some, thanks.


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Just now, Elmojo said:

 I still have no idea how or what the /data/ path is, since I didn't create it, and can't find any such path anywhere on my system.

The /data path is internal to your container. You access it within the application, it doesn't exist on the host (your Unraid system).


That container path /data is mapped to the host path /mnt/user/downloads.


The container path is just an alias to the host path. The container can't access anything on the host directly since it is a container.

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